Reserves the number of entries available for SCOPE=COMMON data spaces on all primary address space access lists (PASN-ALs) in the system. For a description of data spaces, see z/OS MVS Programming: Extended Addressability Guide.

A SCOPE=COMMON data space can be used by all programs in the system. It provides a commonly addressable area similar to the common storage area (CSA). SCOPE=COMMON data spaces are used by MVS™ and can also be used by subsystems and applications that need common storage.

Each SCOPE=COMMON data space uses one entry on all PASN-ALs in the system. Because the maximum number of entries in a PASN-AL is 510, each SCOPE=COMMON data space your program creates and adds to the PASN-AL, reduces the number of SCOPE=SINGLE and SCOPE=ALL data spaces that a program can address through its PASN-AL.

Note that when you select a value for MAXCAD, you must take into account the number of SCOPE=COMMON data spaces that subsystems, applications and MVS use.

If you code an incorrect number (less than 10 or greater than 250) the system uses the default number of 50 and issues an informational message.

Value Range: 10-250

Default Value: 50

Associated Parmlib Member: None