z/OS MVS IPCS Customization
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z/OS MVS IPCS Customization

If processing is successful, the return code is set to zero and the following fields are filled in:
Contains the following output flags:
A flag that indicates that the STOKEN was identified as an address space and that an ASID was returned.
A flag that indicates that the STOKEN was identified as a data space and that the data space name and owning ASID were returned.
A flag that indicates that the STOKEN was identified as a hiperspace and that the hiperspace name and owning ASID were returned.
A flag indicating that the STOKEN was identified as a common data space and that the data space name and owning ASID were returned.
When the NAMPASTE field is specified on input, NAMPSTKN is an output field that contains the STOKEN.
The address space ASID or the owning ASID if the STOKEN represents a data space.
The data space name.
A character field containing the space addressable by the STOKEN in standard IPCS display format.
The length of the contents of the NAMPOUT field.

If an error in translation occurs, IPCS issues a message and sets the return code to 12.

Figure 1, shows how a dump exit routine would invoke the name service to translate a STOKEN:

Figure 1. Example - Invoking the Name Service
TSTSNAM  TITLE 'TSTSNAM--Name Service Usage Example'
TSTSNAM  START 0                  Sample dump processing exit
         SPACE 2                  Begin standard module prolog
*======  Standard module prolog
         SPACE 1                  Begin standard module prolog
         SAVE  (14,12),T,*        Save registers
         LR    R12,R15            Base register for TSTSNAM
         USING TSTSNAM,R12        Base register for TSTSNAM
         LA    R15,SAVEAREA       Address of local save area
         ST    R13,SAVEAREA+4     Chain input save area to local
         ST    R15,8(,R13)        Chain local save area to input
         LR    R13,R15            Establish use of local save area
         LR    ABDPLPTR,R01       Base register for ABDPL
         USING ABDPL,ABDPLPTR     Base register for ABDPL
         SPACE 2                  Begin dump formatting
*======  Use the name service to see whether XL8'1234567812345678'
*======  is a valid STOKEN in this dump.
         SPACE 1                  Begin dump formatting
         MVC   NAMPMODN,=CL8'TSTSNAM' Module requesting service
         MVC   NAMPSTKN,=XL8'1234567812345678' STOKEN
         L     R15,ADPLSERV       - Services router
         CALL  (15),((ABDPLPTR),name#SERVICE,NAMP) Check the STOKEN
         SPACE 2                  Begin standard module epilogue
*======  Standard module epilogue
         SPACE 1                  Begin standard module epilogue
         L     R13,SAVEAREA+4     Resume use of input save area
         RETURN (14,12),T,RC=(15) Restore registers and return
         SPACE 2                  Begin data definitions
*======  Define data
         SPACE 1                  Begin data definitions
R00      EQU   0                  Register 0
R01      EQU   1                  Register 1
ABDPLPTR EQU   11                 ABDPL base register
R12      EQU   12                 Register 12
R13      EQU   13                 Register 13
R14      EQU   14                 Register 14
R15      EQU   15                 Register 15
NAMP     BLSRNAMP DSECT=NO        Name service parameter list
SAVEAREA DC    18F'0'             Register save area
name#SERVICE DC A(ADPLSNAM)       Name service request code
         LTORG ,                  Literal pool
         BLSABDPL ,               Common parameter list
         END   TSTSNAM            Test dump formatting exit

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