z/OS MVS IPCS Customization
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z/OS MVS IPCS Customization

Figure 1 illustrates the subroutine FORMAT using the IPCS-supplied control block formatter service to format the PSA using the IBM-supplied format model.

Figure 1. Example - Invoking the Control Block Formatter Service
*The FORMAT subroutine calls the control block formatter service
*to format the PSA using the IBM-supplied formatter model.
*ABDPLPTR is a pointer to the DSECT created by the second invocation
*of BLSABDPL.  ABDPLPTR is stored in register 11 to preserve the pointer
*across the call to the control block formatter service.
*ADPLPFMT refers to the DS set up by the first invocation of BLSABDPL.
         MVC   ADPLPCHA,=CL8'PSA' Name of control block to format
         L     R15,ADPLSERV       Load address of exit services router
         CALL  (15),((ABDPLPTR),CODECBF,ADPLPFMT)  Invoke service
         LTR   R15,R15            Was the PSA displayed?
         BNZ   EXIT               No.  End processing
CODECBF  DC    A(ADPLSCBF)        Control block formatter code
ABDPLPTR EQU   11                 General register 11
*        Reserve space for an initialized control block formatter
*        service parameter list.
*        The view control field is set to X'0300'.
         BLSABDPL DSECT=NO,AMDEXIT=NO,AMDOSEL=NO,                   *
*        Define the format of the ABDPL addressed by R1 on input
         BLSABDPL DSECT=YES,AMDEXIT=YES,AMDOSEL=NO,                   *

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