IPCS inventory panel

Use the 2-character command codes listed in Table 1 to manage the inventory panel.

Table 1. Command codes to manage inventory panel
Code Function performed
BR Browse storage. This activates the BROWSE option of the IPCS dialog. You immediately see the BROWSE option pointer panel, without having to go through the BROWSE option entry panel first.
CL Close the source. Resources that were obtained by dump OPEN processing are immediately released.
DD Delete the source description of the indicated source from the dump directory.
DT Delete translation records from the source description in the dump directory.
LA List the source description, with storage attributes.
LB List the source description, with record locations.
LD List the source description, with dumped storage summary.
LT List the source description, with translation results.
LZ List the source description, with all the information from the other LIST options.
OP OPEN the source for processing.
SD Establish a data set as the default source.
XP Export dump description to RECFM = VB data set (COPYDDIR subcommand with EXPORT option)