z/OS MVS Program Management: Advanced Facilities
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Examples for fast data access API

z/OS MVS Program Management: Advanced Facilities

Programming example for fast data access API:

*                                                                     *         
* LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF IBM                                *         
*                                                                     *         
* 5650-ZOS                                                            *         
*                                                                     *         
* COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1977, 2013                                      *         
*                                                                     *         
* STATUS = HPM7770                                                    *         
*                                                                     *         
*                                                                     *         
*                    z/OS BINDER FAST DATA ACCESS DEMO                *         
*                                                                     *         
* This program shows how to use fast data access calls                *         
*                                                                     *         
* It expects three DD names:                                          *         
* SYSIN    - contains commands that guide processing                  *         
* SYSLIB   - PDSE or z/OS UNIX path that contains inspected program   *         
*            objects                                                  *         
* SYSPRINT - application puts all output there                        *         
*                                                                     *         
* All SYSIN commands except XX represent a single fast data access    *         
* call.                                                               *         
*                                                                     *         
* SB [MEMBER] - Starts a new session using given member name          *         
* SJ [MEMBER] - Starts a new session using given member name          *         
*               Unlike SB, if SYSLIB specifies z/OS UNIX path, member *         
*               name is appended to it                                *         
* SQ [ENTRY]  - Starts a new session using given entry point name of  *         
*               an already loaded program object.                     *         
* GC          - Prints all compile units                              *         
* GD          - Prints size of B_TEXT data in the entire module       *         
* GE          - Prints all ESD entries of currently opened PO         *         
* GN SECTIONS - Prints names of all sections                          *         
*    CLASSES    or classes of currently opened PO                     *         
* RC          - Prints last return and reason codes                   *         
* EN          - Ends current session                                  *         
* XX          - Stops processing. Mandatory at the very end of SYSIN  *         
*                                                                     *         
* Pretty names for registers                                          *         
R0       EQU 0                                                                  
R1       EQU 1                                                                  
R2       EQU 2                                                                  
R3       EQU 3                                                                  
R4       EQU 4                                                                  
R5       EQU 5                                                                  
R6       EQU 6                                                                  
R7       EQU 7                                                                  
R8       EQU 8                                                                  
R9       EQU 9                                                                  
R10      EQU 10                                                                 
R11      EQU 11                                                                 
R12      EQU 12                                                                 
R13      EQU 13                                                                 
R14      EQU 14                                                                 
R15      EQU 15                                                                 
* Macro that fills the first string with blanks and then copies the   *         
* second string into it                                               *         
&NAME    STRCPY &DST,&SRC                                                       
         DS 0H                                                                  
         MVI &DST,C' '                                                          
         MVC &DST+1(L'&DST-1),&DST                                              
         MVC &DST+0(L'&SRC),&SRC                                                
* Entry poing linkage                                                 *         
FDEMO    CSECT                                                                  
FDEMO    AMODE 31                      Required to use fast data access         
FDEMO    RMODE ANY                                                              
         SAVE (14,12)                  Save registers.                          
         BALR R12,0                    Establish addressability to              
         USING *,R12                   code through register 12.                
         LHI R0,DATASIZE               Get above-the-line data area             
         GETMAIN RU,LV=(R0),LOC=31     and establish addressability             
         LR R11,R1                     to it through                            
         USING DATA,R11                general purpose register 11.             
         LHI R0,DCBSSIZE               Get below-the-line data area             
         GETMAIN RU,LV=(R0),LOC=24     and establish addressability             
         LR R10,R1                     to it through                            
         USING DCBS,R10                general purpose register 10.             
         LM R15,R1,16(R13)             Restore registers 0, 1 and 15.           
         ST R13,4(R11)                 Link our save area with                  
         ST R11,8(R13)                 caller's save area.                      
         LR R13,R11                    Put address of our save area    *        
                                       into register 13.                        
* Clean resource acquisition status. It is represented as array of    *         
* bytes each of which shows whether resource is currently obtained.   *         
         XC STATUS_START(STATUS_LEN),STATUS_START                               
* Open SYSPRINT                                                       *         
                                               Copy DCB below the line.         
                                               Copy parameter list.             
         OPEN (SYSPRINT),MF=(E,PARMLIST),                              *        
               MODE=31                         Issue open.                      
         TM SYSPRINT+(DCBOFLGS-IHADCB),DCBOFOPN  Check whether DCB was *        
                                                 opened successfully.           
         BNZ SYSPRINT_OK                                                        
SYSPRINT_XX DS 0H                       If open fails                           
         LHI R9,12                      set return code to 12,                  
         B CLEANUP                      free resources and exit.                
SYSPRINT_OK DS 0H                                                               
         MVC STATUS_SYSPRINT,=XL1'1'    Mark SYSPRINT as opened.                
* Print startup message                                               *         
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_STARTUP   Copy message to 125-byte buffer.         
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF         Issue PUT.                               
* Open SYSIN                                                          *         
         MVC SYSIN(SYSIN_TEMPLATE_LEN),SYSIN_TEMPLATE                  *        
                                               Copy DCB below the line.         
         MVC PARMLIST(OPEN_INPUT_LIST_LEN),OPEN_INPUT_LIST             *        
                                               Copy parameter list.             
         OPEN (SYSIN),MF=(E,PARMLIST),                                 *        
               MODE=31                         Issue open.                      
         TM SYSIN+(DCBOFLGS-IHADCB),DCBOFOPN   Check whether DCB was   *        
                                               opened successfully.             
         BNZ SYSIN_OK                                                           
SYSIN_XX DS 0H                            If open fails                         
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_SYSIN_FAILED print error message,                  
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF                                                  
         LHI R9,12                        set return code to 12,                
         B CLEANUP                        free resources and exit.              
SYSIN_OK DS 0H                                                                  
         MVC STATUS_SYSIN,=XL1'1'         Mark SYSIN as opened.                 
* Open SYSLIB                                                         *         
         MVC SYSLIB(SYSLIB_TEMPLATE_LEN),SYSLIB_TEMPLATE               *        
                                               Copy DCB below the line.         
         MVC PARMLIST(OPEN_INPUT_LIST_LEN),OPEN_INPUT_LIST             *        
                                               Copy parameter list.             
         OPEN (SYSLIB),MF=(E,PARMLIST),                                *        
               MODE=31                         Issue open.                      
         TM SYSLIB+(DCBOFLGS-IHADCB),DCBOFOPN  Check whether DCB was   *        
                                               opened successfully.             
         BNZ SYSLIB_OK                                                          
SYSLIB_XX DS 0H                            If open fails                        
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_SYSLIB_FAILED print error message,                 
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF                                                  
         LHI R9,12                         set return code to 12,               
         B CLEANUP                         free resources and exit.             
SYSLIB_OK DS 0H                                                                 
         MVC STATUS_SYSLIB,=XL1'1'         Mark SYSLIB as opened.               
* Load IEWBFDAT                                                       *         
         LOAD EP=IEWBFDAT                    Issue LOAD.                        
         ST R0,IEWBFDAT                      Save entry point address.          
         MVC STATUS_IEWBFDAT,=XL1'1'         Mark IEWBFDAT as loaded.           
* Read from SYSLIN until XX command is encountered                    *         
READLOOP DS 0H                                                                  
         GET SYSIN,INPUTBUF                  Read next command.                 
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_ECHO_PREFIX     Append prefix to it                
         MVC PRINTBUF+L'MSG_ECHO_PREFIX(80),INPUTBUF                            
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF               and echo it to SYSPRINT.           
* Dispatch command procesing to an appropriate routine                *         
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'SB '                                                
         BE DO_SB                                                               
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'SJ '                                                
         BE DO_SJ                                                               
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'SQ '                                                
         BE DO_SQ                                                               
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'GC '                                                
         BE DO_GC                                                               
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'GD '                                                
         BE DO_GD                                                               
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'GE '                                                
         BE DO_GE                                                               
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'GN '                                                
         BE DO_GN                                                               
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'RC '                                                
         BE DO_RC                                                               
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'EN '                                                
         BE DO_EN                                                               
         CLC INPUTBUF(3),=C'XX '                                                
         BE READLOOP_END                                                        
DO_INVLD DS 0H                               If it's an invalid command         
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_INVALID_COMMAND                                    
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF               put error message                  
         B READLOOP                          and read the next one.             
* Process SB - Start session with a BLDL identifier                   *         
DO_SB    DS 0H                                                                  
         MVC PGMNAME(8),INPUTBUF+3            Get member name                   
         XC MTOKEN,MTOKEN                     Zero out MTOKEN                   
         L R15,IEWBFDAT                                                         
         CALL (15),(SB,MTOKEN,SYSLIB,PGMNAME),VL,                      *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)                Call fast data                    
         B READLOOP                           Process the next command.         
* Process SJ - Start session with a DDNAME or PATH                    *         
DO_SJ    DS 0H                                                                  
         XR R0,R0                    Find length of a member:                   
         IC R0,=C' '                 we are searching for space                 
         LA R1,INPUTBUF+80           until the end of string                    
         LA R2,INPUTBUF+3            starting from the 4th character.           
         SRST R1,R2                  Go.                                        
         SR R1,R2                    Put length into register 1.                
         STH 1,PGMNAME               Build vstring corresponding to a           
         BCTR 1,0                    member name by copying its length          
         EX 1,SJ_MVC                 and characters into PGMNAME.               
         XC MTOKEN,MTOKEN            Zero out MTOKEN                            
         L R15,IEWBFDAT                                                         
         CALL (15),(SJ,MTOKEN,SYSLIB_DD_VSTRING,PGMNAME),VL,           *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)       Call fast data                             
         B READLOOP                  Process the next command.                  
SJ_MVC   DS 0H                       Out-of-control-flow                        
         MVC PGMNAME+2(0),INPUTBUF+3 MVC template.                              
* Process SQ - Start session with a CSVQUERY token                    *         
DO_SQ    DS 0H                                                                  
         MVC PGMNAME(8),INPUTBUF+3           Get entry point name.              
         CSVQUERY INEPNAME=PGMNAME,                                    *        
               OUTEPTKN=EPTOKEN              Issue CSVQUERY.                    
         LTR R15,R15                         Check whether                      
         BZ CSVQUERY_OK                      CSVQUERY succeeded.                
CSVQUERY_XX DS 0H                            If CSVQURY fails                   
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_CSVQUERY_FAILED                                    
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF               print error message and            
         B READLOOP                          process the next command.          
CSVQUERY_OK DS 0H                                                               
         L R15,IEWBFDAT                                                         
         CALL (15),(SQ,MTOKEN,EPTOKEN),VL,                             *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)               Call fast data.                    
         B READLOOP                          Process the next command.          
* Process GC - Get compile unit data                                  *         
DO_GC    DS 0H                                                                  
IEWBCUI_BASE EQU R2                    Base register for CUI buffer.            
CUI_BASE     EQU R3                    Base register for CUI entry.             
         IEWBUFF FUNC=GETBUF,TYPE=CUI  Get memory for CUI buffer.               
         IEWBUFF FUNC=INITBUF,TYPE=CUI Init CUI buffer.                         
* Keep calling fast data while there are more CUI entries             *         
         XC CURSOR,CURSOR              Zero out cursor.                         
GC_LOOP  DS 0H                                                                  
         L R15,IEWBFDAT                                                         
         CALL (15),(GC,MTOKEN,0,(IEWBCUI_BASE),CURSOR,COUNT),VL,       *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)         Call fast data.                          
         ST R15,RETCODE                Save return                              
         ST R0,RSNCODE                 and reason codes.                        
         CLC RETCODE,=F'4'                                                      
         BNE GC_BADRC                  We want only RETCODE=4                   
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800001'    and RSNCODE='10800001'X                  
         BE GC_OK                      (more data)                              
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800002'    or RSNCODE='10800002'X                   
         BE GC_OK                      (no more data).                          
GC_BADRC DS 0H                            Other codes are invalid.              
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_RC           Build error message,                  
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+4,RETCODE),                               *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)            format return                         
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+17,RSNCODE),                              *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)            and reason codes.                     
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF            Print error message.                  
         B FREE_CUI                       Free buffer and              *        
                                          read the next command.                
GC_OK    DS 0H                                                                  
* Format and print entries obtained                                   *         
         L R4,COUNT             Load register 4 with size of entries.           
         LR R5,CUI_BASE         Save address of the first entry.                
         LTR R4,R4                                                              
         BZ GC_LOOP2_END        If there are no entries, skip the loop.         
GC_LOOP2 DS 0H                                                                  
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_GC     Build CUI message.                          
         L R6,CUI_MEMBER_PTR                                                    
         LLH R7,CUI_MEMBER_LEN                                                  
         CL R7,=F'0'                                                            
         BE GC_NO_MEMBER                                                        
         BCTR R7,0                                                              
GC_LEN_OK DS 0H                                                                 
         EX R7,GC_MVC               Copy name.                                  
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF      Print CUI message.                          
GC_NO_MEMBER DS 0H                                                              
         A CUI_BASE,CUIH_ENTRY_LENG Move on to the next entry.                  
         BCT R4,GC_LOOP2            Repeat.                                     
GC_LOOP2_END DS 0H                                                              
         LR CUI_BASE,R5             Restore address of the first entry.         
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800001'                                             
         BE GC_LOOP                 If there are more entries, call    *        
                                    fast data again.                            
FREE_CUI DS 0H                                                                  
         IEWBUFF FUNC=FREEBUF,TYPE=CUI    Free CUI buffer.                      
         B READLOOP                       Read the next command.                
GC_MVC   DS 0H                      Out-of-control-flow                         
         MVC PRINTBUF+7(0),0(R6)    MVC template.                               
* Process GD - Get data from any class                                *         
DO_GD    DS 0H                                                                  
IEWBTXT_BASE EQU R2                      Base register for TEXT buffer.         
TXT_BASE     EQU R3                      Base register for TEXT entry.          
         IEWBUFF FUNC=GETBUF,TYPE=TEXT   Get memory for TEXT buffer.            
         IEWBUFF FUNC=INITBUF,TYPE=TEXT  Init TXT buffer.                       
* Keep calling fast data while there are more data                    *         
         XC CURSOR,CURSOR                  Zero out cursor.                     
         XR R5,R5                          Accumulate full size in R5.          
GD_LOOP  DS 0H                                                                  
         L R15,IEWBFDAT                                                         
               COUNT,0),VL,MF=(E,PARMLIST) Call fast data.                      
         ST R15,RETCODE                    Save return                          
         ST R0,RSNCODE                     and reason codes.                    
         CLC RETCODE,=F'4'                                                      
         BNE GD_BADRC                      We want only RETCODE=4               
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800001'        and RSNCODE='10800001'X              
         BE GD_OK                          (more data)                          
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800002'        or RSNCODE='10800002'X               
         BE GD_OK                          (no more data).                      
GD_BADRC DS 0H                             Other codes are invalid.             
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_RC            Build error message,                 
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+4,RETCODE),                               *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)             format return                        
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+17,RSNCODE),                              *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)             and reason codes.                    
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF             Print error message.                 
         B FREE_TEXT                       Free buffer and             *        
                                           read the next command.               
GD_OK    DS 0H                                                                  
         A R5,COUNT                        Add size of data obtained.           
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800001'                                             
         BE GD_LOOP                 If there are more entries, call    *        
                                    fast data again.                            
         ST R5,COUNT                Store full size.                            
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_GD     Build GD message,                           
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+17,COUNT),                                *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)      format full size.                           
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF      Print GD message.                           
FREE_TEXT DS 0H                                                                 
         IEWBUFF FUNC=FREEBUF,TYPE=TEXT   Free TXT buffer.                      
         B READLOOP                       Read the next command.                
* Process GE - Get ESD data                                           *         
DO_GE    DS 0H                                                                  
IEWBESD_BASE EQU R2                    Base register for ESD buffer.            
ESD_BASE     EQU R3                    Base register for ESD entry.             
         IEWBUFF FUNC=GETBUF,TYPE=ESD  Get memory for ESD buffer.               
         IEWBUFF FUNC=INITBUF,TYPE=ESD Init ESD buffer.                         
* Keep calling fast data while there are more ESD entries             *         
         XC CURSOR,CURSOR              Zero out cursor.                         
GE_LOOP  DS 0H                                                                  
         L R15,IEWBFDAT                                                         
         CALL (15),(GE,MTOKEN,0,0,(IEWBESD_BASE),CURSOR,COUNT),VL,     *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)         Call fast data.                          
         ST R15,RETCODE                Save return                              
         ST R0,RSNCODE                 and reason codes.                        
         CLC RETCODE,=F'4'                                                      
         BNE GE_BADRC                  We want only RETCODE=4                   
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800001'    and RSNCODE='10800001'X                  
         BE GE_OK                      (more data)                              
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800002'    or RSNCODE='10800002'X                   
         BE GE_OK                      (no more data).                          
GE_BADRC DS 0H                            Other codes are invalid.              
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_RC           Build error message,                  
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+4,RETCODE),                               *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)            format return                         
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+17,RSNCODE),                              *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)            and reason codes.                     
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF            Print error message.                  
         B FREE_ESD                       Free buffer and              *        
                                          read the next command.                
GE_OK    DS 0H                                                                  
* Format and print entries obtained                                   *         
         L R4,COUNT             Load register 4 with number of entries.         
         LR R5,ESD_BASE         Save address of the first entry.                
         LTR R4,R4                                                              
         BZ GE_LOOP2_END        If there are no entries, skip the loop.         
GE_LOOP2 DS 0H                                                                  
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_GE     Build ESD message,                          
         MVC PRINTBUF+9(2),ESD_TYPE insert entry type                           
         L R6,ESD_NAME_PTR                                                      
         LH R7,ESD_NAME_CHARS                                                   
         BCTR R7,0                                                              
         EX R7,GE_MVC               and name.                                   
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF      Print ESD message.                          
         A ESD_BASE,ESDH_ENTRY_LENG Move on to the next entry.                  
         BCT R4,GE_LOOP2            Repeat.                                     
GE_LOOP2_END DS 0H                                                              
         LR ESD_BASE,R5             Restore address of the first entry.         
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800001'                                             
         BE GE_LOOP                 If there are more entries, call    *        
                                    fast data again.                            
FREE_ESD DS 0H                                                                  
         IEWBUFF FUNC=FREEBUF,TYPE=ESD    Free ESD buffer.                      
         B READLOOP                       Read the next command.                
GE_MVC   DS 0H                      Out-of-control-flow                         
         MVC PRINTBUF+17(0),0(R6)   MVC template.                               
* Process GN - Get names of sections or classes                       *         
DO_GN    DS 0H                                                                  
         CLC INPUTBUF+3(9),=C'SECTIONS ' Determine whether we want              
         BE DO_GN_S                      sections                               
         CLC INPUTBUF+3(8),=C'CLASSES '  or                                     
         BE DO_GN_C                      classes.                               
         B READLOOP                      Otherwise read the next one.           
DO_GN_S  DS 0H                                                                  
         LA R8,NTYPE_SECTIONS            Request type is 'S'.                   
         B RESUME_GN                                                            
DO_GN_C  DS 0H                                                                  
         LA R8,NTYPE_CLASSES             Request type is 'N'.                   
RESUME_GN DS 0H                                                                 
IEWBBNL_BASE EQU R2                      Base register for BNL buffer.          
BNL_BASE     EQU R3                      Base register for BNL entry.           
         IEWBUFF FUNC=GETBUF,TYPE=NAME   Get memory for buffer.                 
         IEWBUFF FUNC=INITBUF,TYPE=NAME  Initialize buffer.                     
* Keep calling fast data while there are more ESD entries             *         
         XC CURSOR,CURSOR                Zero out cursor.                       
GN_LOOP  DS 0H                                                                  
         L R15,IEWBFDAT                                                         
         CALL (15),(GN,MTOKEN,(R8),(IEWBBNL_BASE),CURSOR,COUNT),VL,    *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)           Call fast data.                        
         ST R15,RETCODE                  Save return                            
         ST R0,RSNCODE                   and reason codes.                      
         CLC RETCODE,=F'4'                                                      
         BNE GN_BADRC                    We want only RETCODE=4                 
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800001'      and RSNCODE='10800001'X                
         BE GN_OK                        (more data)                            
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800002'      or RSNCODE='10800002'X                 
         BE GN_OK                        (no data)                              
GN_BADRC DS 0H                           Other codes are invalid.               
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_RC          Build error message,                   
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+4,RETCODE),                               *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)           format return and                      
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+17,RSNCODE),                              *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)           reason codes.                          
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF           Print error message.                   
         B FREE_NAME                     Free buffer and process the   *        
                                         next command.                          
GN_OK    DS 0H                                                                  
* Format and print entries obtained                                   *         
         L R4,COUNT                 Get number of entries.                      
         LR R5,BNL_BASE             Save address of the first entry.            
         LTR R4,R4                  If there are no entries,                    
         BZ GN_LOOP2_END            skip the loop body.                         
GN_LOOP2 DS 0H                                                                  
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_GN     Build the message                           
         L R6,BNL_NAME_PTR                                                      
         LH R7,BNL_NAME_CHARS                                                   
         BCTR R7,0                                                              
         EX R7,GN_MVC               and insert the name into it.                
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF      Print the message.                          
         A BNL_BASE,BNLH_ENTRY_LENG Move on to the next entry.                  
         BCT R4,GN_LOOP2            Repeat.                                     
GN_LOOP2_END DS 0H                                                              
         LR BNL_BASE,R5             Restore address of the first entry.         
         CLC RSNCODE,=XL4'10800001' If there are more entries                   
         BE GN_LOOP                 then call fast data again.                  
FREE_NAME DS 0H                                                                 
         IEWBUFF FUNC=FREEBUF,TYPE=NAME  Free buffer.                           
         B READLOOP                      Read the next command.                 
GN_MVC   DS 0H                      Out-of-control-flow                         
         MVC PRINTBUF+5(0),0(R6)    template MVC.                               
* Process RC - Get return code information                            *         
DO_RC    DS 0H                                                                  
         L R15,IEWBFDAT                                                         
         CALL (15),(RC,MTOKEN,RETCODE,RSNCODE),VL,                     *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)             Call fast data.                      
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_RC            Build RC message,                    
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+4,RETCODE),                               *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)             format return                        
         LA R15,FORMAT_HEX                                                      
         CALL (15),(PRINTBUF+17,RSNCODE),                              *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)             and reason codes.                    
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF             Print the message.                   
         B READLOOP                        Read the next command.               
* Process EN - End session                                            *         
DO_EN    DS 0H                                                                  
         L R15,IEWBFDAT                                                         
         CALL (15),(EN,MTOKEN),VL,                                     *        
               MF=(E,PARMLIST)             Call fast data.                      
         B READLOOP                        Read the next command.               
* Successful end of processing                                        *         
READLOOP_END DS 0H                                                              
         STRCPY PRINTBUF,MSG_ALL_OK                                             
         PUT SYSPRINT,PRINTBUF             Print the final message.             
         XR R9,R9                          Zero out return code.                
* Inspect resource acquisition status and free resources              *         
CLEANUP  DS 0H                                                                  
         CLC STATUS_IEWBFDAT,=XL1'0'       If IEWBFDAT is loaded                
         BE SKIP_IEWBFDAT                                                       
         DELETE EP=IEWBFDAT                then unload it.                      
SKIP_IEWBFDAT DS 0H                                                             
         CLC STATUS_SYSLIB,=XL1'0'               If SYSLIB is opened            
         BE SKIP_SYSLIB                                                         
         MVC PARMLIST(CLOSE_LIST_LEN),CLOSE_LIST                                
         CLOSE (SYSLIB),MF=(E,PARMLIST),MODE=31  then close it.                 
SKIP_SYSLIB DS 0H                                                               
         CLC STATUS_SYSIN,=XL1'0'                If SYSIN is opened             
         BE SKIP_SYSIN                                                          
         MVC PARMLIST(CLOSE_LIST_LEN),CLOSE_LIST                                
         CLOSE (SYSIN),MF=(E,PARMLIST),MODE=31   then close it.                 
SKIP_SYSIN DS 0H                                                                
         CLC STATUS_SYSPRINT,=XL1'0'             If SYSPRINT is opened          
         BE SKIP_SYSPRINT                                                       
         MVC PARMLIST(CLOSE_LIST_LEN),CLOSE_LIST                                
         CLOSE (SYSPRINT),MF=(E,PARMLIST),                             *        
               MODE=31                           then close it.                 
SKIP_SYSPRINT DS 0H                                                             
* Exit linkage                                                        *         
         L R13,SAVEAREA+4           Restore caller's save area.                 
         LHI R0,DCBSSIZE                                                        
         LR R1,R10                                                              
         FREEMAIN RU,LV=(R0),A=(R1) Free below-the-line data area.              
         DROP R10                                                               
         LHI R0,DATASIZE                                                        
         LR R1,R11                                                              
         FREEMAIN RU,LV=(R0),A=(R1) Free above-the-line data area.              
         DROP R11                                                               
         LR R15,R9                  Put return code into register 15            
         RETURN (14,12),RC=(15)     and return to caller.                       
* FORMAT_HEX: Format hexadecimal number                               *         
* Parameter 1: pointer to 8-byte area to be filled with EBCDIC        *         
*              hexadecimal representation of a number                 *         
* Parameter 2: pointer to a fullword number to convert                *         
FORMAT_HEX DS 0H                                                                
         SAVE (14,12)           Save registers.                                 
         L R2,0(R1)             Put buffer address into register 2.             
         L R3,4(R1)                                                             
         L R3,0(R3)             Put a number into register 3.                   
         A R2,=F'7'             Start filling buffer from the end.              
         LHI R4,8               Repeat 8 times (for each digit).                
HEXLOOP  DS 0H                                                                  
         LR R5,R3               Copy number info register 5.                    
         N R5,=XL4'0000000F'    Get the last digit.                             
         IC R5,HEXCHARS(R5)     Get its EBCDIC counterpart.                     
         STC R5,0(R2)           Put it into buffer.                             
         SRL R3,4               Remove the last digit.                          
         S R2,=F'1'             Move text buffer pointer.                       
         BCT R4,HEXLOOP         Repeat.                                         
         XR R15,R15             Zero out return code.                           
         RETURN (14,12),RC=(15) Restore registers and return to caller.         
* End of code                                                         *         
         DROP 12                                                                
* Read-only initialized data                                          *         
* Parameter list templates                                            *         
OPEN_OUTPUT_LIST      OPEN (,(OUTPUT)),MF=L                                     
OPEN_OUTPUT_LIST_LEN  EQU *-OPEN_OUTPUT_LIST                                    
OPEN_INPUT_LIST       OPEN (,(INPUT)),MF=L                                      
OPEN_INPUT_LIST_LEN   EQU *-OPEN_INPUT_LIST                                     
CLOSE_LIST            CLOSE (),MF=L                                             
CLOSE_LIST_LEN        EQU *-CLOSE_LIST                                          
* DCB templates                                                       *         
SYSPRINT_TEMPLATE_LEN EQU *-SYSPRINT_TEMPLATE                                   
SYSIN_TEMPLATE_LEN    EQU *-SYSIN_TEMPLATE                                      
SYSLIB_TEMPLATE       DCB DSORG=PO,RECFM=U,MACRF=R,                    *        
SYSLIB_TEMPLATE_LEN   EQU *-SYSLIB_TEMPLATE                                     
* Messages                                                            *         
MSG_STARTUP           DC C'Z/OS BINDER FAST DATA API DEMO'                      
MSG_SYSIN_FAILED      DC C'COULD NOT OPEN SYSIN'                                
MSG_SYSLIB_FAILED     DC C'COULD NOT OPEN SYSLIB'                               
MSG_INVALID_COMMAND   DC C'INVALID COMMAND'                                     
MSG_RC                DC C'RET=12345678 RSN=12345678'                           
MSG_ALL_OK            DC C'ALL OK'                                              
MSG_MTOKEN            DC C'MTOKEN=12345678'                                     
MSG_GE                DC C'ESD TYPE=12 NAME='                                   
MSG_ECHO_PREFIX       DC C'* '                                                  
MSG_CSVQUERY_FAILED   DC C'CSVQUERY FAILED'                                     
MSG_GN                DC C'NAME='                                               
MSG_GC                DC C'MEMBER='                                             
MSG_GD                DC C'B_TEXT DATA SIZE='                                   
* Fast data access request codes                                      *         
SB       DC C'SB',X'0001'                                                       
SJ       DC C'SJ',X'0001'                                                       
SQ       DC C'SQ',X'0001'                                                       
GC       DC C'GC',X'0001'                                                       
GD       DC C'GD',X'0001'                                                       
GE       DC C'GE',X'0001'                                                       
GN       DC C'GN',X'0001'                                                       
RC       DC C'RC',X'0001'                                                       
EN       DC C'EN',X'0001'                                                       
* GN call types                                                       *         
NTYPE_SECTIONS        DC C'S'                                                   
NTYPE_CLASSES         DC C'C'                                                   
* Fast data mappings and buffer templates                             *         
* SYSLIB DDNAME represented as vstring                                *         
SYSLIB_DD_VSTRING     DC H'6',C'SYSLIB'                                         
* B_TEXT class name represented as vstring                            *         
B_TEXT_VSTRING        DC H'6',C'B_TEXT'                                         
* Hexadecimal characters                                              *         
HEXCHARS              DC C'0123456789ABCDEF'                                    
* Literals                                                            *         
* Read-write uninitialized above-the-line data                        *         
DATA     DSECT                                                                  
* Save area                                                           *         
SAVEAREA DS 18F                                                                 
* Resource acquisition status                                         *         
STATUS_START    EQU *                                                           
STATUS_SYSPRINT DS XL1                                                          
STATUS_SYSIN    DS XL1                                                          
STATUS_SYSLIB   DS XL1                                                          
STATUS_IEWBFDAT DS XL1                                                          
STATUS_LEN      EQU *-STATUS_START                                              
* Other variables                                                     *         
PARMLIST DS 32F     Common area for passing parameters.                         
PRINTBUF DS CL125   Output buffer.                                              
INPUTBUF DS CL80    Input buffer.                                               
IEWBFDAT DS F       Fast data entry point.                                      
MTOKEN   DS F       Current session identifier.                                 
CURSOR   DS F       Fast data cursor position.                                  
COUNT    DS F       Number of entries obtained.                                 
PGMNAME  DS CL100   Member, path or entry point name.                           
EPTOKEN  DS CL8     CSVQUERY token.                                             
RETCODE  DS F       Return code.                                                
RSNCODE  DS F       Reason code.                                                
DATASIZE EQU *-DATA                                                             
* Read-write uninitialized data segment (located below the line)      *         
DCBS     DSECT                                                                  
SYSPRINT DS 0D                                                                  
         ORG SYSPRINT+SYSPRINT_TEMPLATE_LEN                                     
SYSIN    DS 0D                                                                  
         ORG SYSIN+SYSIN_TEMPLATE_LEN                                           
SYSLIB   DS 0D                                                                  
         ORG SYSLIB+SYSLIB_TEMPLATE_LEN                                         
DCBSSIZE EQU *-DCBS                                                             
* DCB mapping                                                         *         
         END FDEMO                                                              

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