Rules and conventions for 31-bit addressing

It is important to distinguish the rules from the conventions when describing 31-bit addressing. There are only two rules, and they are associated with hardware:
  1. The length of address fields is controlled by the A-mode bit (bit 32) in the PSW. When bit 32=1, addresses are treated as 31-bit values. When bit 32=0, addresses are treated as 24-bit values.

    Any data passed from a 31-bit addressing mode program to a 24-bit addressing mode program must reside in virtual storage below 16 megabytes. (A 24-bit addressing mode program cannot reference data above 16 megabytes without changing addressing mode.)

  2. The A-mode bit affects the way some instructions work.
The conventions, on the other hand, are more extensive. Programs using system services must follow these conventions.