IEATDUMP — Transaction dump request


Transaction dump is a service used to request an unformatted dump of virtual storage to a data set, similar to a SYSMDUMP. It is invoked with the IEATDUMP assembler macro, which issues SVC 51. The service is available to both authorized and unauthorized callers; however, not all functions are available to unauthorized callers. If an unauthorized caller requests a transaction dump with authorized keywords, the request will be rejected and message IEA820I will be issued indicating this condition. The transaction dump can be written to one or more automatically allocated data sets by specifying a data set name pattern, similar to the pattern used for the operator DUMPDS NAME=parameter. Automatic allocation reduces the exposure that a dump is truncated because of space constraints, and is done using the generic allocation unit name of SYSALLDA. When a dump is written, messages IEA822I or IEA827I are issued indicating whether the dump is complete or partial.

When a transaction dump is written, a dump directory record describing the dump may be written. The dump directory to be used is specified on the dump request using the IDX keyword. If no dump directory is specified on the request, the directory allocated to IPCSDDIR in the current job step will be used. If no dump directory is specified and IPCSDDIR is not allocated, no record describing the dump will be written.

Dump suppression occurs using symptoms available in the current SDWA or a symptom string may be provided (via the SYMREC keyword). If a symptom string is provided and an SDWA exists, the symptom string is used for suppression purposes. Statistics for dump suppression are contained in the DAE data set and are not differentiated from SYSMDUMPs. If a dump is requested but not taken because it was suppressed, message IEA820I is issued indicating this condition.

Authorized users may specify the REMOTE keyword, on a transaction dump invocation, to request that other address spaces on the current or other MVS images (in the same sysplex) be dumped. When remote dumps are requested, automatic allocation must also be used. Transaction dump uses an incident token to associate this dump with other diagnostic information. Automatic allocation also uses this incident token for symbol substitution in the data set name pattern. An incident token may be generated using the IEAINTKN macro and provided on the dump request using the INTOKEN keyword. If an incident token is not provided, one will be generated and used internally. While an incident token may always be specified, it may be especially important when remote dumps are requested.


The requirements for the caller are:

Environmental factor Requirement
Minimum authorization: Problem state and PSW key 8-15. Use of some keywords is restricted to authorized callers (supervisor state, PSW key 0-7 or APF-authorized).
Dispatchable unit mode: Task
Cross memory mode: PASN=HASN=SASN
AMODE: 24- or 31-bit
ASC mode: Primary or access register (AR)
Interrupt status: Enabled for I/O and external interrupts
Locks: The caller must not hold any locks.
Control parameters: Control parameters must be in the primary address space or, for AR-mode callers, must be in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's dispatchable unit access list (DU-AL).

The caller-provided title, data set name, dump index name, symptom record, incident token, remote area, problem description area and storage list area all have the same requirements and restrictions as the control parameters.

Programming requirements



The caller may not have any FRRs established.

An IEATDUMP cannot succeed when another process within the task is exclusively holding the SYSZTIOT enqueue. Instead, a SVC dump would probably occur.

Input register information

Before issuing the IEATDUMP macro, the caller does not have to place any information into any general purpose register (GPR) unless using it in register notation for a particular parameter, or using it as a base register.

Before issuing the IEATDUMP macro, the caller does not have to place any information into any access register (AR) unless using it in register notation for a particular parameter, or using it as a base register.

Output register information

When control returns to the caller, the GPRs contain:
Reason code
Used as a work register by the system
Return code
When control returns to the caller, the ARs contain:
Used as work registers by the system
Used as work registers by the system

Performance implications



The parameters DCB, DCBAD, and ASYNC=YES are no longer supported.

The IEATDUMP macro is written as follows:

Syntax Description
   name name: symbol. Begin name in column 1.
One or more blanks must precede IEATDUMP.
One or more blanks must follow IEATDUMP.
DSNAD=dsnad dsnad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
DSN=dsn dsn: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
DDNAME=ddname ddname: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
,HDRAD=hdrad hdrad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
,HDR=hdr hdr: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,IDXAD=idxad idxad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,IDX=idx idx: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,SYMRECAD=symrecad symrecad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,SYMREC=symrec symrec: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,INTOKENAD=intokenad intokenad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,INTOKEN=intoken intoken: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,REMOTEAD=remotead remotead: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,REMOTE=remote remote: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,PROBDESCAD=probdescad probdescad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,PROBDESC=probdesc probdesc: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,LISTAD=listad listad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,LIST=list list: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,SUBPLSTAD=subplstad subplstad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,SUBPLST=subplst subplst: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,DSPLISTAD=dsplistad dsplistad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,DSPLIST=dsplist dsplist: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,ECBAD=ecbad ecbad: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,ECB=ecb ecb: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,RETCODE=retcode retcode: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,RSNCODE=rsncode rsncode: RS-type address or register (2) - (12).
  ,MF=S Default: MF=S
  ,MF=(L,list addr) list addr: RS-type address or register (1) - (12).
  ,MF=(L,list addr,attr)  
  ,MF=(L,list addr,0D)  
  ,MF=(E,list addr)  
  ,MF=(E,list addr,COMPLETE)  
  ,MF=(E,list addr,NOCHECK)  
  ,MF=(M,list addr)  
  ,MF=(M,list addr,COMPLETE)  
  ,MF=(M,list addr,NOCHECK)  


The parameters DCB, DCBAD, and ASYNC=YES are no longer supported, and are removed from this information.

The parameters are explained as follows:

An optional symbol, starting in column 1, that is the name on the IEATDUMP macro invocation. The name must conform to the rules for an ordinary assembler language symbol.
A required input parameter. The output dump data set should have the attributes of RECFM=FB and LRECL=4160.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of the area of the name pattern used to create the data set that is to contain the dump. The format of the area is described in the DSN field which follows.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A 2- to 101-character input area that contains the name pattern used to create the data set that is to contain the dump. The format of the area begins with a single byte specifying the length of the name pattern, which must not be greater than 100. The name pattern immediately follows that byte. The name pattern has a series of attributes: it is similar to that used by the operator DUMPDS NAME= parameter, except that &SEQ is not supported, and there is no default name pattern available; the use of system symbols is supported; and it must resolve to a valid data set name which can be allocated from the caller's task. When used with the REMOTE= parameter, the generated name must be unique for each requested address space (&JOBNAME is one recommended addition to the pattern to accomplish this).

In addition, IEATDUMP also recognizes the symbol &DS. (Dump Section) on the end of the name pattern. When present, IEATDUMP allocates the first data set for dumping, ending with “001”. If this runs out of disk space or uses up all 16 extents before the dump is completed, dumping will be continued to data sets with the same name, but ending in “002”,”003”, and so on, until the entire dump is written. Each of these data sets are allocated with a primary extent size of 500M and a secondary extent size of 500M, but it is possible to change these values by providing ACS routines that are driven by DFSMS.

Remember to combine all of the data sets into one data set by using IPCS COPYDUMP, before using IPCS to view the diagnostic data.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a 2- to 101-character field.

An 8-character input field that is the name of the DD representing the data set that is to contain the dump. The DD must be allocated when IEATDUMP is invoked. The system will open this DD.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of an 8-character field.

A required input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of a parameter of the dump title. The format of the area is a single byte specifying the length of the title followed by the title itself.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A 2- to 101-character input area that contains the dump title. The format of the area is a single byte specifying the length of the title followed by the title itself. The title has a maximum length of 100 characters.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a 2- to 101-character field.

An optional input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of a parameter of an area that contains the name of the dump index which is to contain information about the dump after the dump is written. The format of the area is a single byte specifying the length of the dump index data set name followed by the name itself. The data set must be an existing IPCS dump directory. The data set will be allocated from the caller's address space.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A 2- to 45-character input area that contains the name of the dump index which is to contain information about the dump after the dump is written. The format of the area is a single byte specifying the length of the dump index data set name followed by the name itself. The name of the dump index data set has a maximum length of 44 characters. The data set must be an existing IPCS dump directory. The data set will be allocated from the caller's address space.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a 2- to 45-character field.

An optional input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of a parameter of a valid symptom record for DAE to use for dump suppression. This area is built using SYMRBLD and mapped by ADSR. This area has a maximum length of 1900 bytes.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A parameter of a valid symptom record for DAE to use for dump suppression. This area is built using SYMRBLD and mapped by ADSR. This area has a maximum length of 1900 bytes.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a character field.

An optional input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of a parameter of a 32-byte area that contains an incident token previously built by the IEAINTKN macro.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A parameter of a 32-byte area that contains an incident token previously built by the IEAINTKN macro.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a 32-character field.

An optional input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of an area that identifies other address spaces to be dumped. This keyword is restricted to authorized callers. The format of the area is described in the REMOTE parameter which follows.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

An optional character input area that can be a maximum of 1024 bytes long, which identifies other address spaces to be dumped. This keyword is restricted to authorized callers. The address spaces can be on the current system and/or other systems in the sysplex. The area is mapped by the IHASDRMT mapping macro. Through IHASDRMT, you can identify the systems to be dumped and specify the content of the dumps on individual systems. One can also specify that the following parameters on the IEATDUMP macro be copied for the remote dumps requested: SDATA, DSPLIST, and SUBPLST. The area consists of:
  • A 4-byte header, which indicates the total length of the area. The length must include the four bytes of the header.
  • Contents entry. Each entry consists of:
    A 2-byte field, whose value identifies the content type. The values are declared by the constants with names beginning with SDRMT_IDCON in the IHASDRMT mapping.
    A 2-byte field that gives the length of the contents portion. The length must include the 2 bytes of this length field, plus the 2 bytes of the ID field.
    A variable field that gives the contents identified in the ID field. The contents you can specify are the system names, job names, XCF group and member names, data space names, address space identifiers, SDATA options, storage ranges, subpools, and keys. Within the contents, the following items also support the use of wildcards:
    • System name
    • Job name
    • XCF group name
    • XCF member name
    • Data space name and its qualifying job name

    See wildcard support under the description of the SDUMPX macro.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a character field.

An optional input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of a parameter of an area that contains information describing the problem. This area has a maximum length of 1024 bytes.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A parameter of an area that contains information describing the problem. This area has a maximum length of 1024 bytes.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a character field.

An optional input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of a parameter of a list of starting and ending addresses of areas to be dumped. The high-order bit of the last ending address is set to 1; the high-order bit of all other addresses is 0. This area has a maximum length of 240 bytes.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A parameter of a list of starting and ending addresses of areas to be dumped. The high-order bit of the last ending address is set to 1; the high-order bit of all other addresses is 0. This area has a maximum length of 240 bytes.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a character field.

An optional input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of a parameter of a list of subpool numbers to be dumped. The first halfword is the number subpools in the list and must be on a fullword boundary. Each entry is two bytes.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A parameter of a list of subpool numbers to be dumped. The first halfword is the number subpools in the list and must be on a fullword boundary. Each entry is two bytes.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a character field.

An optional input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of a parameter of a list of data space storage to be dumped. The first word is the total size of the DSPLIST. The next eight characters is the STOKEN of the data space to be dumped. A full word indicates the number of ranges to be dumped for that STOKEN. Then, 2 full words for each range, which are the starting and ending addresses of the range. More than one STOKEN may be specified per DSPLIST.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A parameter of a list of data space storage to be dumped. The first word is the total size of the DSPLIST. The next eight characters is the STOKEN of the data space to be dumped. A full word indicates the number of ranges to be dumped for that STOKEN. Then, 2 full words for each range, which are the staring and ending addresses of the range. More than one STOKEN may be specified per DSPLIST.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a character field.

An optional parameter that specifies what system data should be provided in the transaction dump. No fetch-protected storage which is inaccessible in the caller's key will be dumped. The default is SDATA=DEFS.
The following SDATA options are included in the dump: LSQA, NUC, PSA, RGN, SQA, SUM, SWA, and TRT.
All of DAT-on nucleus, including page-protected areas, and all of the DAT-off nucleus.
Common storage area Start of changeand virtual storage for 64-bit addressable memory objects created using one of the following services:End of changeStart of change
End of change
Global resource serialization (ENQ/DEQ/RESERVE) queues.
Link pack area for this job.
Local system queue area Start of changeand virtual storage for 64-bit addressable memory objects created using one of the following services:End of changeStart of change
End of change
Non-page-protected areas of the DAT-on nucleus.
Entire private area Start of changeand virtual storage for 64-bit addressable memory objects created using one of the following services:End of changeStart of change
End of change
System queue area Start of changeand virtual storage for 64-bit addressable memory objects created using one of the following services:End of changeStart of change
End of change
Requests the summary dump function.
Scheduler work area.
System trace data.
Prefixed save area.

One or more values may be specified for the SDATA parameter. If more than one value is specified, group the values within parentheses.

An optional parameter that specifies whether the transaction dump should be taken synchronously. The default is ASYNC=NO.
The transaction dump should be taken synchronously.
An optional input parameter.
A 4-byte field which contains the address of a parameter of an ECB to be posted when the entire dump has been written. This area must be on a word boundary.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a pointer field.

A parameter of an ECB to be posted when the entire dump has been written. This area must be on a word boundary.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2) - (12), of a 4-character field.

An optional output parameter into which the return code is to be copied from GPR 15.

To code: Specify the RS-type address of a fullword field, or register (2) - (12).

An optional output parameter into which the reason code is to be copied from GPR 0.

To code: Specify the RS-type address of a fullword field, or register (2) - (12).

An optional input parameter that specifies the version of the macro. PLISTVER determines which parameter list the system generates. PLISTVER is an optional input parameter on all forms of the macro, including the list form. When using PLISTVER, specify it on all macro forms used for a request and with the same value on all of the macro forms. The values are:
  • IMPLIED_VERSION, which is the lowest version that allows all parameters specified on the request to be processed. If you omit the PLISTVER parameter, IMPLIED_VERSION is the default.
  • MAX, if you want the parameter list to be the largest size currently possible. This size might grow from release to release and affect the amount of storage that your program needs.

    If you can tolerate the size change, IBM recommends that you always specify PLISTVER=MAX on the list form of the macro. Specifying MAX ensures that the list-form parameter list is always long enough to hold all the parameters you might specify on the execute form; in this way, MAX ensures that the parameter list does not overwrite nearby storage.

  • 1, if you use the currently available parameters.
To code: Specify one of the following:
  • MAX
  • A decimal value of 1
,MF=(L,list addr)
,MF=(L,list addr,attr)
,MF=(L,list addr,0D)
,MF=(E,list addr)
,MF=(E,list addr,COMPLETE)
,MF=(E,list addr,NOCHECK)
,MF=(M,list addr)
,MF=(M,list addr,COMPLETE)
,MF=(M,list addr,NOCHECK)
An optional input parameter that specifies the macro form.

Use MF=S to specify the standard form of the macro, which builds an inline parameter list and generates the macro invocation to transfer control to the service. MF=S is the default.

Use MF=L to specify the list form of the macro. Use the list form together with the execute form of the macro for applications that require reentrant code. The list form defines an area of storage that the execute form uses to store the parameters. Only the PLISTVER parameter may be coded with the list form of the macro.

Use MF=E to specify the execute form of the macro. Use the execute form together with the list form of the macro for applications that require reentrant code. The execute form of the macro stores the parameters into the storage area defined by the list form, and generates the macro invocation to transfer control to the service.

Use MF=M together with the list and execute forms of the macro for service routines that need to provide different options according to user-provided input. Use the list form to define a storage area; use the modify form to set the appropriate options; then use the execute form to call the service.

IBM recommends that you use the modify and execute forms of IEATDUMP in the following order:
  • Use IEATDUMP ...MF=(M,list-addr,COMPLETE) specifying appropriate parameters, including all required ones.
  • Use IEATDUMP ...MF=(M,list-addr,NOCHECK), specifying the parameters that you want to change.
  • Use IEATDUMP ...MF=(E,list-addr,NOCHECK), to execute the macro.
,list addr
The name of a storage area to contain the parameters. For MF=S, MF=E, and MF=M, this can be an RS-type address or an address in register (1)-(12).
An optional 1- to 60-character input string that you use to force boundary alignment of the parameter list. Use a value of 0F to force the parameter list to a word boundary, or 0D to force the parameter list to a doubleword boundary. If you do not code attr, the system provides a value of 0D.
Specifies that the system is to check for required parameters and supply defaults for omitted optional parameters.
Specifies that the system is not to check for required parameters and is not to supply defaults for omitted optional parameters.

ABEND codes


Return and reason codes

When the IEATDUMP macro returns control to your program:
  • GPR 15 (and retcode, if you coded RETCODE) contains a return code.
  • When the value in GPR 15 is not zero, GPR 0 (and rsncode, if you coded RSNCODE) contains a reason code.
A complete dump was written.
A partial dump was written.
No dump was written.
Internal processing error. No dump was written.
Unexpected return code from IEAVAD00.
Table 1. Return and Reason Codes for the IEATDUMP Macro
Return Code Reason Code Meaning and Action
00000000 00000000 Meaning: A complete dump was written.

Action: None.

00000004 00000001 Meaning: The dump was truncated because the data set was too small.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a larger data set or use the DSN|DSNAD parameter to allocate the dump data set automatically.

00000004 00000002 Meaning: Contention detected when attempting to set tasks in the address space non-dispatchable.

Action: Data in dump may be inconsistent. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000004 00000003 Meaning: Unable to add dump data set to dump index.

Action: Verify that the dump index specified on the IDX parameter is correct and reissue IEATDUMP.

00000004 00000004 Meaning: Unable to allocate transaction dump data set.

Action: See allocation failure messages. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000004 00000006 Meaning: Maximum amount of dump sections reached (999).

Action: Dump less memory, or use ACS routines to increase the size of the data sets. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000004 00000007 Meaning: The system has filled one of the range tables.

Action: Dump less memory. If the problem still exists, contact the IBM Support Center.

00000004 00000008 Meaning: The data space used for the IEATDUMP has been filled. No more then 2 gigabytes of data can be collected.
Action: Do one of the following:
  • Remove unnecessary dump options.
  • Specify smaller memory ranges.
  • Use the extended data set support by either:
    • Preallocating a large capacity data set and use the DDNAME parameter.
    • Refer to the use of the &DS symbol for the DSN parameter's data set name pattern.
00000008 00000001 Meaning: The address of the transaction dump parameter list was zero.

Action: Ensure register 1 is non-zero when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000002 Meaning: The dump was suppressed by CHNGDUMP.


00000008 00000003 Meaning: The dump was suppressed by SLIP.

Action: Delete SLIP trap with SLIP DEL command. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000004 Meaning: The ALET for the transaction dump parameter list was not valid.

Action: Ensure that access register 1 has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000005 Meaning: The transaction dump parameter list was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire transaction dump parameter list is addressable via register 1 (and access register 1 if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000006 Meaning: The transaction dump parameter list version number was not valid.

Action: Ensure the transaction dump request was built using the IEATDUMP macro for the system on which the dump was requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000007 Meaning: The length of the transaction dump parameter list did not match the parameter list version number.

Action: Ensure the transaction dump request was built using the IEATDUMP macro for the system on which the dump was requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000008 Meaning: No DDNAME, DSN(AD), or DSP_STOKEN was specified.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with the DDNAME, DSN(AD) or DSP_STOKEN keyword.

00000008 00000009 Meaning: Both DDNAME and DSN(AD) keywords were specified.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with either the DDNAME or DSN(AD) keyword.

00000008 0000000C Meaning: The ALET for the DSN(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the DSN(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000000D Meaning: The DSN(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire DSN(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000000E Meaning: No HDR(AD) keyword was specified.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with the HDR(AD) keyword.

00000008 0000000F Meaning: The ALET for the HDR(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the HDR(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000010 Meaning: The HDR(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire HDR(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000011 Meaning: The specified HDR(AD) was longer than 100 characters.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a shorter header.

00000008 00000012 Meaning: The ALET for the IDX(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the IDX(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000013 Meaning: The IDX(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire IDX(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000014 Meaning: The IDX(AD) keyword did not specify a valid data set name after symbol substitution.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with an IDX keyword that resolves to a valid dump index data set name.

00000008 00000015 Meaning: The ALET for the SYMREC(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the SYMREC(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000016 Meaning: The SYMREC(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire SYMREC(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000017 Meaning: The specified SYMREC(AD) was not valid. Either ADSRID not set to 'SR' or primary symptom string offset or length not initialized.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a valid symptom record.

00000008 00000018 Meaning: The ALET for the INTOKEN(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the INTOKEN(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000019 Meaning: The INTOKEN(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire INTOKEN(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000001A Meaning: The ALET for the REMOTE(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the REMOTE(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000001B Meaning: The REMOTE(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire REMOTE(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000001C Meaning: The specified REMOTE(AD) was not valid.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a valid remote area.

00000008 0000001D Meaning: The ALET for the LIST(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the LIST(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000001E Meaning: The LIST(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire LIST(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000001F Meaning: The specified LIST(AD) was not valid. A range in the storage list had a start address greater than its ending address.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a valid storage list.

00000008 00000020 Meaning: The dump was rejected because the caller's authorization was insufficient for requested function(s).

Action: Verify authorization and requested functions. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000021 Meaning: The DSN(AD) keyword did not specify a valid data set name after symbol substitution.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a DSN keyword that resolves to a valid dump data set name.

00000008 00000022 Meaning: The DSN(AD) keyword specified a data set name that was too long.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a DSN(AD) keyword that resolves to a shorter dump data set name.

00000008 00000023 Meaning: The DSN(AD) keyword specified a data set name that contained a bad symbol.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a DSN(AD) keyword that does not contain bad symbols.

00000008 00000024 Meaning: Unable to create data space to capture transaction dump.

Action: Remedy cause of DSPSERV CREATE failure or request transaction dump specifying DDNAME or including the &DS. symbol in the DSN template.

00000008 00000025 Meaning: Unable to add transaction dump data space to access list.

Action: Remedy cause of ALESERV ADD failure or request transaction dump specifying DDNAME. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000026 Meaning: Unable to allocate transaction dump data set.

Action: Look at allocation failure messages. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000027 Meaning: The transaction dump was suppressed by DAE.

Action: If you do not wish transaction dumps to be suppressed on an installation basis, issue the SET DAE=xx console command specifying an ADYSETxx member that does not specify SYSMDUMP(SUPPRESS).

If you do not wish transaction dumps to be suppressed on an application basis, include the VRANODAE key in the VRADATA of your recovery routine.


00000008 00000028 Meaning: An error occurred writing the first record to the data space or dump data set.

Action: Ensure the STOKEN and origin for the specified data space are correctly specified. Ensure that the specified DD is allocated when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000029 Meaning: The ALET for the PROBDESC(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the PROBDESC(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000002A Meaning: The PROBDESC(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire PROBDESC(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000002B Meaning: The specified PROBDESC(AD) was not valid.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a valid problem description area.

00000008 0000002C Meaning: The ALET for the SUBPLST(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the SUBPLST(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000002D Meaning: The SUBPLST(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire SUBPLST(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000002E Meaning: The specified SUBPLST(AD) was not valid. An invalid subpool was specified.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a valid subpool list.

00000008 0000002F Meaning: The ALET for the DSPLIST(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the DSPLIST(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000030 Meaning: The DSPLIST(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire DSPLIST(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000031 Meaning: The specified DSPLIST(AD) was not valid. An invalid data space was specified.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with a valid data space list.

00000008 00000032 Meaning: The ALET for the ECB(AD) keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the access register for the ECB(AD) has a valid ALET when the transaction dump is requested. Reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000033 Meaning: The ECB(AD) was not addressable.

Action: Ensure that the entire ECB(AD) is addressable using the specified address (and ALET if running in AR ASC mode) when the transaction dump is requested.


00000008 00000034 Meaning: The specified ECB(AD) was not valid. The ECB was not on a fullword boundary.

Action: Reissue IEATDUMP with an ECB.

00000008 00000035 Meaning: OPEN failed for the dump data set.

Action: Determine why OPEN failed and reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000036 Meaning: Dump data set has invalid block size.

Action: Correct the block size and reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000037 Meaning: The DSP_RECORDS@ field was not accessible.

Action: Correct the problem and reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000038 Meaning: The DCB parameter is not supported on IEATDUMP.

Action: Remove the DCB parameter and reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 00000039 Meaning: The ASYNC=YES is not supported on IEATDUMP.

Action: Change to ASYNC=NO and reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000003A Meaning: The &DS. symbol was found in the midst of the dump DSN name pattern.

Action: Place the &DS symbol at the end of the DSN name pattern and reissue IEATDUMP.

00000008 0000003B Meaning: This IEATDUMP was not taken because another dump was already running in the address space.

Action: None.

0000000C 00000001 Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 230 below the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 00000002 Meaning: Unable to establish recovery environment for transaction dump.

Action: Determine why ESTAEX failed and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 00000003 Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 239 above the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 00000004 Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 231 above the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 00000005 Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 239 above the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 00000006 Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 239 above the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 00000007 Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 239 above the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 00000008 Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 250 above the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 00000009 Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 230 above the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 0000000A Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 230 below the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 0000000B Meaning: Unable to obtain storage for transaction dump from subpool 253 above the line.

Action: Determine why storage is not available and reissue IEATDUMP.

0000000C 000000FF Meaning: IEAVTDMP's recovery received control. One possible reason is that the SYSZTIOT enqueue is being held exclusively by another process running under this task. It is not possible for the IEATDUMP to successfully complete.

Action: The assistance of a system programmer is needed for associated SVC dumps. In the case of a SYSZTIOT enqueue, the problem is not in IEATDUMP processing. The diagnosis of any issues requires data collection using SLIP and/or SDUMPX, and not IEATDUMP.

00000010 xxxxxxxx Meaning: Unexpected return code from IEAVAD00. Return code from IEAVAD00 returned as reason code.

Action: Inform the system programmer.


An example using DSN:
E2       EQU   *
E3       EQU   *