ITTWRITE - List form


The list form of the ITTWRITE macro is written as follows:

Syntax Description
   name name: Symbol. Begin name in column 1.
One or more blanks must precede ITTWRITE.
One or more blanks must follow ITTWRITE.
,MF=(L,cntl) cntl: Symbol.
,MF=(L,cntl,attr) attr: 1- to 60-character input string.
,MF=(L,cntl,0D) Default: 0D


The parameters are explained as follows:

Specifies the list form of the macro.

cntl is the name of a storage area for the parameter list.

attr is an optional 1- to 60-character input string, which can contain any value that is valid on an assembler DS pseudo-op. You can use this parameter to force boundary alignment of the parameter list. If you do not code attr, the system provides a value of 0D, which forces the parameter list to a doubleword boundary.