z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN
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ATTACHX - Create a subtask

z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN

The ATTACHX macro creates a subtask for callers in AR mode or primary mode. It indicates the entry point in the program to be given control when the subtask becomes active.

The format of the PARAM parameter list for callers in AR mode differs from the format for callers in primary mode.

At entry to the attached task, if the caller specifies a user parameter list on the PARAM parameter or by issuing the execute form of the macro with MF=E:
  • GPR 1 contains the address of the user parameter list
  • If the caller of the ATTACHX macro is in AR mode, AR 1 contains an ALET of 0.


The standard form of the ATTACHX macro is written as follows:

Syntax Description
   name name: Symbol. Begin name in column 1.
One or more blanks must precede ATTACH or ATTACHX.
One or more blanks must follow ATTACH or ATTACHX.
EP=entry name entry name: Symbol.
EPLOC=entry name addr entry name addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12).
DE=list entry addr list entry addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12).
   ,DCB=dcb addr dcb addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12).
   ,LPMOD=limit prior nmbr limit prior nmbr: Symbol, decimal digit, or register (2) - (12).
   ,DPMOD=disp prior nmbr disp prior nmbr: Symbol, decimal digit, or register (2 - (12).
   ,PARAM=(addr) addr: A-type address
   ,PARAM=(addr),VL=1 Note: addr is one or more addresses, separated by commas. For example, PARAM=(addr,addr,addr)
   ,PLIST4=YES Default: None.
   ,PLIST8=YES Default: None.
   ,ECB=ecb addr ecb addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12).
   ,ETXR=exit rtn addr exit rtn addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12).
   ,GSPV=subpool nmbr subpool nmbr: Symbol, decimal digit, or register (2) - (12).
   ,GSPL=subpool list addr subpool list addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12).
   ,SHSPV=subpool nmbr subpool nmbr: Symbol, decimal digit, or register (2) - (12).
   ,SHSPL=subpool list addr subpool list addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12).
   ,TASKLIB=dcb addr dcb addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12).
   ,STAI=(exit addr) exit addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12)
   ,STAI=(exit addr,parm addr) parm addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12)
   ,ESTAI=(exit addr) Note: AR mode callers and 31-bit callers must not use STAI.
   ,ESTAI=(exit addr,parm addr)  
    SDWALOC31=NO Note: SDWALOC31 may be specified only when ESTAI is specified.
   ,PURGE=QUIESCE Note: Specify PURGE only if you specify ESTAI.
   ,ASYNCH=NO Note: Specify SYNCH only if you specify ESTAI.
   ,TERM=NO Note: TERM may be specified only if ESTAI is specified.
   ,TERM=YES Default: TERM=NO
   ,JSTCB=NO Default: JSTCB=NO
   ,SM=PROB Default: SM=PROB
   ,KEY=PROP Default: KEY=PROP
   ,DISP=YES Default: DISP=YES
   ,DISP=RESET,TCB=tcb addr tcb addr: RX-type address or address in register (2) - (12)
   ,TID=task id task id: Decimal digits 0-255, or register (2) - (12).
  Default: TID=0
  Note: IBM® recommends that you specify a value less than 200.
   ,NSHSPV=subpool nmbr subpool nmbr: Symbol, decimal digit, or register (2) - (12).
   ,NSHSPL=subpool list addr subpool list addr: A-type address, or register (2) - (12).
   ,RSAPF=NO Default: RSAPF=NO
   ,RELATED=value value: Any valid macro keyword specification.




The parameters are as explained under ATTACH, with the following exception:

Specifies an address or addresses to be passed to the attached task. ATTACHX expands each address inline to a fullword boundary and builds a parameter list with the addresses in the order specified. When the attached task receives control, register 1 contains the address of the parameter list. When PARAM is not specified, ATTACHX passes GPR1 and AR1 unchanged to the attached routine.
When an AR mode caller uses either:
  • a parameter list with 4 bytes per entry; or
  • a parameter list with 8 bytes per entry and specifies PLIST8ARALETS=YES,
the addresses passed to the subtask are in the first part of the parameter list and their associated ALETs are in the second part. For a non-AR mode caller, or for an AR mode caller using a parameter list with 8 bytes per entry without PLIST8ARALETS=YES, ALETs are not passed in the parameter list. When ALETs are passed in the parameter list, the ALETs occupy consecutive 4-byte fields, whether the parameter list is 4 or 8 bytes per entry. See the description of the PLIST4 and PLIST8 keywords below for more information about controlling the bytes-per-entry in the parameter list. See the description of the PLIST8ARALETS keyword below for more information about ALETs and 8-bytes-per-entry parameter lists.
When using a 4-bytes-per-entry parameter list, specify VL=1 when you pass a variable number of parameters. VL=1 results in setting the high-order bit of the last address to 1. The 1 in the high-order bit identifies the last address parameter (which is not the last word in the list when the ALETs are also saved). When using an 8-bytes-per-entry parameter list, VL=1 is not valid.
Note: If you specify only one address for PARAM= and you are not using register notation, you do not need to enter the parentheses.
Defines the size of the parameter list entries for a parameter list to be built by ATTACHX based on the PARAM keyword.
PLIST4 and PLIST8 cannot be specified together. If neither is specified, the default is:
  • If running AMODE 64, PLIST8=YES
  • If not running AMODE 64, PLIST4=YES

If running AMODE 64 and PLIST4=YES is specified, the system builds a 4-bytes-per-entry parameter list just as it would if the program were running AMODE 24 or AMODE 31 and did not specify PLIST4 or PLIST8.

If running AMODE 24 or AMODE 31 and PLIST8 is specified, the system builds an 8-bytes-per-entry parameter list just as it would if the program were running AMODE 64 and did not specify PLIST4 or PLIST8.

If there is to be an 8-byte-per-entry parameter list and the invoker is in AR mode, indicates if the parameter list is also to contain the ALETs associated with the addresses. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored.
Indicates that the 8-byte-per-entry parameter list is to consist of just the 8-byte addresses.
Indicates that the 8-byte-per-entry parameter list is to consist of the following two parts:
  • All the 8-byte addresses,
  • All the associated ALETs in consecutive 4-byte fields.
Specifies the location of the ESTAI's SDWA.

If using ESTAI and SDWALOC31=YES, then the SDWA is in 31–bit storage.

If using ESTAI and SDWALOC31=NO, then the SDWA is in 24–bit storage.

ZERO specifies that the protection key of the newly created task should be zero. PROP specifies that the protection key of the newly created task should be propagated from the task using ATTACH. NINE specifies that the protection key of the newly created task should be nine.

You can use KEY=NINE to help to prevent the attached task from inadvertently modifying storage owned by the attaching task, since a program running in with PSW key 9 cannot modify storage in any other PSW key. The following parameters are not valid when KEY=NINE is specified: GSPL, GSPV, SHSPL, SHSPV. In addition, if you specify KEY=NINE, you must specify SZERO=NO.

Within a task that was attached with the KEY=NINE parameter:
  • the system-provided save area is above 16M (for a non-KEY=NINE task, the save area is below 16M)
  • the CEL anchor pointer is above 16M. For a task that is not KEY=NINE, the CEL anchor pointer is below 16M.
  • a re-entrant program, whether from an APF-authorized concatenation or not, is placed into key 0 storage (for a non-KEY=NINE task, only re-entrant programs from an APF-authorized concatenation are placed into key 0 storage).
SYSTEM_RULES specifies that the system should determine the appropriate PSW key mask using the following rules:
  • If KEY=ZERO, the PSW key mask represents key 0 plus key 9.
  • If KEY=PROP, but the mother task's initial key does not match the mother task's current key, the PSW key mask represents the PSW key of the daughter task plus key 9.
  • If KEY=PROP and the mother task's initial key matches the mother task's current key, or if KEY=NINE, the PSW key mask represents the mother task's initial key plus the mother task's initial PSW key mask plus the PSW key of the daughter task plus key 9.
REPLACE specifies that the PSW key mask is to be replaced with a value representing the PSW key of the daughter task plus key 9.

The default is PKM=SYSTEM_RULES.

Identifies processing related to the subspace environment for the new task. In general, the program is responsible for keeping track of whether it is a subspace task or whether it is subspace active.

A subspace task is a task that was attached either by ATTACHX with ADDRENV=SUBSP or by a task that itself was a subspace task that was subspace active at the time of the ATTACH or ATTACHX.

Note: It is up to the program that issues BSG to keep track of whether it is subspace active.
If the current task is a subspace task and is active to the same active subspace that was in effect when the current task was attached, make the new task a subspace task that is active to that subspace. If the current task is not a subspace task, take no action. Do not use this option if the current task is a subspace task that either is not subspace active or is subspace active but for a different subspace than was in effect when the current task was attached.
If the current task is a subspace task and is subspace active, make the new task a subspace task and active to that subspace. Do not specify this option if the current task is not subspace active.

Example 1

With the caller in AR ASC mode, cause PROGRAM1 to be attached and share subpool zero. The subtask is to receive control:
  • With the same extended authorization index EAX as the caller
  • With a copy of the caller's DU-AL
  • Executing in AR ASC mode.
          END  TESTCASE

Example 2

Attach a nondispatchable subtask called SUBTASK1, then reset SUBTASK1 to be dispatchable.
         PRINT NOGEN
*  The following code performs these functions:                     *
*      1.  Creates a nondispatchable subtask by issuing the         *
*          ATTACHX macro with the DISP=NO parameter.                *
*      2.  Restarts the task by making it dispatchable with the     *
           ATTACHX macro and the DISP=RESET parameter.              *
*                                                                   *
         SPACE 3
* Entry linkage                       *
         STM   R14,R12,12(R13)
         BALR  R12,0
         USING BEGN,R12
BEGN     DS    0H
         LA    R12,0(,R12)         CLEAN HI-BYTE OF ENTRY REGISTERS
         LA    R13,0(,R13)
         SPACE 3
         ST    R13,SAVE+4
         LA    R15,SAVE
         ST    R15,8(0,R13)
         LR    R13,R15
* Attach a subtask.   The subtask is in problem state and is          *
* nondispatchable.                                                    *
         SPACE 3
         ATTACHX EP=SUBTASK1,                                          X
               ECB=AMYECB,                                             X
         SPACE 3
         .                         PROCESSING CONTINUES
*                                                      *
* Start the subtask by resetting it to be dispatchable.*
*                                                      *
         SPACE 3
         L     2,TCBADDR         GET TARGET TCB ADDRESS
         SPACE 3
         SPACE 3
* Wait until subtask completes, then detach subtask.*
         SPACE 3
         WAIT  1,ECB=AMYECB
         SPACE 3
* End of program                      *
         SPACE 3
FINI     DS    0H
         L     R13,SAVE+4
         DROP  R12
         LM    R14,R12,12(R13)
         XR    R15,R15
         BR    R14
*   Define constants              *
SAVE     DC    18F'0'
         SPACE 3
*   Register equates                          *
         SPACE 3
R12      EQU   12
R13      EQU   13
R14      EQU   14
R15      EQU   15

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