31- and 64-bit compatibility

The length and offset fields outlined in the metadata records above are all 64-bit values, with associated 31-bit versions to provide 31- and 64-bit compatibility. Assembler callers in 64-bit mode can pass in buffer lengths greater than 2 GB to GXL4PRS. As a result, the z/OS XML parser may have values in length and offset fields that are much greater than 2 GB. 31-bit assembler callers are limited to 2 GB, and should reference the XEH_*31 fields in order to use the proper value. The XEH_*31 fields are in GXLYXEH . These fields can also be found in gxlhxeh.h for C/C++ callers.
Note: The offset of the error from the start of the document, when the input document is segmented and the sum of the segment sizes is greater than 2 GB, may be a 64-bit value even though the caller may only be 31-bit.