SMP/E for z/OS Commands
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SMP/E for z/OS Commands

You can specify one of these options:
  • FMID
  1. ACCEPTCHECK can also be specified as ACCCHK.
  2. APPLYCHECK can also be specified as APPCHK.
  3. BYPASS(ACCEPTCHECK APPLYCHECK) is mutually exclusive with ZONEGROUP.
  4. BYPASS(FMID) is mutually exclusive with FORFMID.
indicates that selected SYSMODs should be received, even if they have been accepted.
indicates that selected SYSMODs should be received, even if they have been applied.
indicates that all SYSMODs and HOLDDATA should be received, even if the associated FMID is not yet defined in the global zone.
specifies that following a successful completion of a RECEIVE FROMNETWORK, FROMNTS, or ORDER the package id subdirectory in the SMPNTS directory that was created or used as input for the command should be deleted.
  1. A "successful RECEIVE" is defined as a processing return code of zero up to the point where the subdirectory is to be deleted.
  2. This operand is ignored when FROMNETWORK, FROMNTS, or ORDER is not specified on the RECEIVE command.
  3. DELETEPKG is mutually exclusive with the TRANSFERONLY option of FROMNETWORK and ORDER.
specifies one or more SYSMOD IDs that should not be received.
Note: EXCLUDE can also be specified as E.
indicates that only SYSMODs, FEATUREs, and HOLDDATA for the specified FMIDs or FMIDSETs should be received. Any FMIDSETs specified must already be defined in the global zone.
  1. FORFMID is mutually exclusive with BYPASS(FMID).
  2. You cannot use the FORFMID operand as a substitute for UCLIN to add an FMID or FMIDSET to the global zone.
  3. You can use FORFMID to receive a given function SYSMOD, along with other SYSMODs that are applicable to that function. For example, if function HXY1100 has not yet been received, you can use FORFMID(HXY1100) to receive that function plus the applicable SYSMODs.
    SMP/E adds the FMID of the function to the global zone when it receives the function. As a result:
    • Any SYSMODs that are applicable to the function and come before the function in the SMPPTFIN input stream will not be received, because the FMID of the function is not yet in the global zone.
    • Any SYSMODs that are applicable to the function and come after the function in the SMPPTFIN input stream can be received, because the FMID of the function is now in the global zone.
  4. FORFMID does not affect SYSMODs specified on the SELECT operand.
Start of changespecifies the input for this RECEIVE command is a GIMZIP package on a TCP/IP connected server that supports downloads using FTP or HTTP(S). FROMNETWORK can also be specified as FROMNET.
specifies the 1- to 8-character DD or DDDEF name that points to the data set that provides information about the server that contains input for this RECEIVE command. SERVER is required if FROMNETWORK is specified. See Defining data sets and files for RECEIVE FROMNETWORK and RECEIVE ORDER processing for a description of the SERVER data set and its contents.
specifies the 1- to 8-character DD or DDDEF name that points to the data set where RECEIVE can get information about the FTP or Start of changeHTTP(S)End of change client environment on the local machine, such as how to navigate a local firewall when using FTP. See Defining data sets and files for RECEIVE FROMNETWORK and RECEIVE ORDER processing for a description of the CLIENT data set and its contents.
specifies that RECEIVE FROMNETWORK processing should stop after the network package has been transferred into the SMPNTS file structure of a UNIX file system.
  1. TRANSFERONLY is mutually exclusive with DELETEPKG.
  2. When TRANSFERONLY is specified, the BYPASS, EXCLUDE, FORFMID, HOLDDATA, LIST, SELECT, SOURCEID, SYSMODs, and ZONEGROUP operands do not apply and are not processed if specified.
  3. When TRANSFERONLY is not specified, RECEIVE FROMNETWORK processing performs the more typical function of RECEIVE (in addition to transferring the network package) by processing SYSMODs and HOLDDATA from the just transferred network package into the global zone, the SMPPTS, and temporary data sets (SMPTLIBs) for later SMP/E processing.
  1. FROMNETWORK is mutually exclusive with FROMNTS and ORDER.
  2. When FROMNETWORK is specified:
    • a DD or DDDEF for SMPNTS is required.
    • DDs or DDDEFs for SMPPTFIN and SMPHOLD are not required and are ignored if supplied.
    • RFPREFIX is ignored, if specified.
    • RECEIVE FROMNETWORK processing requires either the Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF) or JAVA 2 Version 1 Release 4 in order to compute a SHA-1 hash value.
  3. The FTP or Start of changeHTTP(S)End of change conversation generated by the RECEIVE FROMNETWORK command is recorded in the print data set for the HFSCOPY utility (the default is SYSPRINT). This output may be useful for diagnosing problems with RECEIVE FROMNETWORK.
End of change
specifies that the input for this RECEIVE command is a package in the SMPNTS directory. The package is identified by either:
  • a package-id value which is the subdirectory for the package in the SMPNTS, or
  • an ORDER entry name. The subdirectory for the package is the value of the PKGID subentry in the ORDER entry specified on the FROMNTS operand.
The RECEIVE FROMNTS command looks for input in the following subdirectories of the package identifier directory within the SMPNTS directory:
Modification control statements that define SYSMODs and ++ASSIGN, ++FEATURE and ++PRODUCT statements.
Exception SYSMOD data (++HOLD and ++RELEASE statements)
RELFILE data sets

Valid characters for the package id value include X'41' through X'FE' excluding '/' (X'61'), '<' (X'4C'), '>' (X'6E'), '"' (X'7F') and '&' (X'50'). However, if the package id value contains any characters other than uppercase alphabetic (A-Z), numeric (0-9), or national (@,#,$), it must be enclosed in single apostrophes. Any apostrophes specified as part of the package id value itself, not the delimiting apostrophes, must be doubled. Double apostrophes count as two characters in the 50 character limit. The single apostrophes used to delimit the package id value do not count as part of the 50 character limit.

  1. FROMNTS is mutually exclusive with FROMNETWORK and ORDER.
  2. When FROMNTS is specified:
    • a DD or DDDEF for SMPNTS is required.
    • DDs or DDDEFs for SMPPTFIN and SMPHOLD are not required and are ignored if supplied.
    • RFPREFIX is ignored, if specified.
indicates that SMP/E order HOLDDATA or PTF SYSMODs directly from an IBM® server and download the resulting package when the IBM server fulfills the order. HOLDDATA packages contain the last 2 years of Enhanced HOLDDATA for the entire z/OS® platform. PTF packages contain the PTFs ordered based on the specified content criteria and are tailored to the specific SMP/E environment. In addition, the last 2–years of Enhanced HOLDDATA is included in the PTF packages.
specifies the 1- to 8-character ddname that points to the data set where RECEIVE can get the necessary information about the IBM order server that fulfills the order requests from SMP/E. See Defining data sets and files for RECEIVE FROMNETWORK and RECEIVE ORDER processing for a description of the ORDERSERVER data set and its contents.
specifies the 1- to 8-character ddname that points to the data set where RECEIVE can get the necessary information about the local z/OS client, such as information about navigating an FTP firewall and an HTTP proxy server. See Defining data sets and files for RECEIVE FROMNETWORK and RECEIVE ORDER processing for a description of the CLIENT data set and its contents.
indicates the desired PTF and/or HOLDDATA content for the order. You can specify one of the following options:
include all available PTFs that are applicable to the SMP/E environment in the resulting PTF package.
include the resolving PTF SYSMODs for one or more specified APARS. The resulting PTF package is tailored to the SMP/E environment and will contain the requested PTFs, plus any requisite PTFs that are not already present in the SMP/E environment.

The specified values must be 7-alphanumeric character SYSMOD-ids.

include all available PTFs that resolve a critical problem and are applicable to the SMP/E environment in the resulting PTF package. A critical problem is a HIPER (high impact pervasive) or a PE (PTF in error).
include only HOLDDATA in the resulting package. The package will contain the last 2-years of Enhanced HOLDDATA for the entire z/OS platform. For more information on Enhanced HOLDDATA, go to
include one or more specified PTF SYSMODs in the resulting package. The resulting PTF package is tailored to the SMP/E environment and will contain the requested PTFs, plus any requisite PTFs that are not already present in the SMP/E environment.

The specified values must be 7-alphanumeric character SYSMOD-ids.

include all available recommended PTFs that are applicable to the SMP/E environment in the resulting PTF package. A recommended PTF is identified with a Recommended Service Update SOURCEID (RSUyymm) or resolves a critical problem (HIPER or PE). The resulting PTF package includes PTFs through and including the most current RSU level.
identifies the specific target zones SMP/E should use to create the software inventory on which the resulting PTF package will be tailored. The software inventory is used to determine:
  • which PTFs are applicable to the SMP/E environment, and
  • which PTFs are already present in the SMP/E environment and, therefore, do not need to be included in the resulting package.
Note: PTFs requested on the CONTENT PTFS operand are included in the resulting package whether they are already present in the SMP/E environment or not.

Using the FORTGTZONES operand, you can specify target zone names, ZONESET names, or both. If FORTGTZONES is not specified, SMP/E uses all target zones (defined by a ZONEINDEX subentry in the current global zone), plus the global zone to create the software inventory.

The specified values must be 1- to 8-alphanumeric characters.

specifies the name of an ORDER entry whose package has not yet been downloaded. The PENDING operand indicates that SMP/E should attempt to download the package for the specified order. Such an order request is described by an ORDER entry in the global zone that has a status of PENDING.
WAIT(minutes | NOLIMIT)
where minutes is a decimal number between 0 and 1440. The WAIT operand indicates how long in minutes SMP/E is to wait until an order is ready for download. This includes the time associated with connecting to the order server and preparing the order package for download. If the order is not ready within the specified time limit, then RECEIVE command processing stops.

If WAIT(NOLIMIT) is specified, SMP/E waits for an unlimited time until the order is ready for downloading. If WAIT(0) is specified for a new ORDER, SMP/E sends the order request to the IBM server and completes RECEIVE command processing without waiting and without downloading the resulting package. If WAIT(0) is specified for a pending order, SMP/E processes the order only if it is ready for downloading immediately.

This operand is optional. If the WAIT operand is not specified, SMP/E waits 120 minutes by default for orders to be ready for downloading.

indicates that RECEIVE ORDER processing should stop after the package has been downloaded into the SMPNTS directory. SMP/E does not read the PTFs and HOLDDATA from the package and does not store it in either the global zone or the SMPPTS data set.

To receive the PTFs and HOLDDATA from a TRANSFERONLY package, use the RECEIVE FROMNTS command subsequently to process the package stored in the SMPNTS directory. Specify the ORDER entry name with the ORDER suboperand on the FROMNTS operand.

indicates that applicable data from SMPHOLD should be received.
  • If you specify SELECT or FORFMID, HOLDDATA is received only for the SYSMODs included by those operands. For details, see Example 4: Receiving selected SYSMODs and HOLDDATA.
  • If you specify neither SELECT nor FORFMID, HOLDDATA is received for all FMIDs defined in the global zone.
indicates that SMP/E should list the message control statements for each applicable SYSMOD.
changes the maximum return codes allowed for the specified commands. These return codes determine whether SMP/E can process the RECEIVE command.
Before SMP/E processes the RECEIVE command, it checks whether the return codes for the specified commands are less than or equal to the values specified on the RC operand. If so, SMP/E can process the RECEIVE command. Otherwise, the RECEIVE command fails. For more information about the RC operand, see Processing the SMP/E RC operand.
  1. The RC operand must be the last operand specified on the command.
  2. If you do specify the RC operand, return codes for commands not specified do not affect processing for the RECEIVE command. Therefore, if you use the RC operand, you must specify every command whose return code you want SMP/E to check.
specifies the data set prefix used to construct the full data set name for RELFILE data sets when a SYSMOD packaged in RELFILE format is being processed by the RECEIVE command. This operand should be used when the name of the RELFILE data set starts with a prefix not identified by the RFDSNPFX operand on the header MCS of the associated SYSMOD. (For example, you may need to use RFPREFIX if you have loaded RELFILEs into DASD data sets and have specified your own high-level qualifier for those data sets.)
Unless SMP/E is informed otherwise, it assumes that the name of a RELFILE data set is sysmod_id.Fn, where sysmod_id is the ID of the associated SYSMOD and n is the file number of the relative file.
Note: The RFPREFIX can contain from 1 to 26 alphanumeric (uppercase A–Z, 0–9), national ($, #, @), dash (-), or period (.) characters.
After constructing the RELFILE data set name, SMP/E calculates the length of the full data set name (including both the RFPREFIX and RFDSNPFX values). If the length of the full data set name exceeds 44 characters, processing stops for the RECEIVE command.
  1. The RFPREFIX operand is ignored unless the FILES operand is specified on the header MCS statement for the SYSMOD being processed (++APAR, ++FUNCTION, ++PTF, or ++USERMOD MCS).
  2. If the RFDSNPFX operand is specified on the header MCS, the RFPREFIX value specified on the RECEIVE command precedes the value from the RFDSNPFX operand when the name of the RELFILE data set is constructed.
  3. If the RELFILE data sets are on DASD or are on tape and cataloged, the RELFILE data set name must not match the name to be used for the SMPTLIB data sets. If these data sets have the same name, the SMPTLIB data sets cannot be allocated. The DSPREFIX value in the OPTIONS entry is used to specify the high-level qualifier for the SMPTLIB data set names. For a description of the OPTIONS entry, see SMP/E for z/OS Reference.
specifies one or more SYSMOD IDs that should be received. Any FEATUREs associated with these SYSMODs may also be received.

You may specify any combination of individual SYSMOD IDs and FMIDSET names, provided that there are no duplicate SYSMOD IDs nor any duplicate FMIDSET names. For each FMIDSET specified, all FMIDs defined in the FMIDSET are processed as if they were explicitly specified in the SELECT list.

Each SYSMOD must be in the SMPPTFIN data set, and the associated FMID must be either defined in the global zone or received concurrently.
  1. SELECT can also be specified as S.
  2. SMP/E does not do APPLYCHECK and ACCEPTCHECK processing for SYSMODs explicitly specified in the SELECT list.
  3. If both SYSMODs and HOLDDATA are being processed and a selected SYSMOD is not received, the associated HOLDDATA can be received.
  4. If you specify HOLDDATA and do not specify SYSMODs, only the HOLDDATA for the selected SYSMODs is received. The SYSMODs themselves are not received, nor are any associated ++FEATURE or ++PRODUCT MCS.
  5. When using FMIDSETs on the SELECT operand, remember that:
    • A value specified in the SELECT list is processed as an FMIDSET if the GLOBAL zone contains an FMIDSET entry by that name.
    • A value specified in the SELECT list is processed as a SYSMOD ID if it is not defined as an FMIDSET in the GLOBAL zone and it is a valid SYSMOD ID.
    • If the value in the SELECT list is valid both as a SYSMOD ID and as an FMIDSET name, it is processed (for SELECT) as an FMIDSET. If you want to select a SYSMOD that has the same name as an FMIDSET, you must define that SYSMOD in an FMIDSET and then include that FMIDSET name in the SELECT list.

      If this same value is specified on the EXCLUDE operand, it will be processed as a SYSMOD ID (because only SYSMOD IDs are valid on EXCLUDE) and will not be rejected as a duplication of the identical FMIDSET name in the SELECT list.

    • Any given value (whether it represents a SYSMOD ID, an FMIDSET, or both) may not appear more than once in the SELECT list.
    • Any given SYSMOD ID may not simultaneously appear in both the SELECT and EXCLUDE lists, unless it is also a valid FMIDSET name.
    • A SYSMOD ID may be explicitly specified in the SELECT list and also included in an FMIDSET that is also specified in the SELECT list, provided the SYSMOD ID does not have the same name as the FMIDSET. The duplicate SYSMOD ID is ignored.
specifies a 1- to 64-character source identifier to be assigned to the SYSMODs being received. The SOURCEID value can consist of any nonblank character (X'41' through X'FE') except single quotation marks, asterisks, percent character, comma, left parenthesis and right parenthesis. SMP/E assigns this the source ID to all the SYSMODs that are processed by this RECEIVE command. SMP/E also assigns the source ID to any SYSMODs that would have been received, but were not received because they had already been received.
  1. SMP/E does not check whether the source ID is unique. If the same value is specified on multiple RECEIVE commands, all SYSMODs processed by both commands have the same source ID.
  2. If a source ID was specified for a particular SYSMOD on an ++ASSIGN statement in the input stream, that inline source ID is added to the source ID assigned to the SYSMOD by the RECEIVE command.
  3. A source ID value is case-sensitive and is stored in the CSI in the form in which it was entered on the SOURCEID operand.
indicates that data from SMPPTFIN should be received.
Note: SYSMODs can also be specified as SYSMOD.
identifies a list of zones to be interrogated during APPLYCHECK and ACCEPTCHECK processing for this RECEIVE command. This list can include zone names, ZONESET names, or both. Each value in the list must be 1 to 8 alphanumeric or national (@, #, and $) characters. You can specify target zones, distribution zones, or any combination of the two.

Values specified on the ZONEGROUP operand override any values specified in the RECZGRP and RECEXZGRP subentries of the OPTIONS entry.

Specifying ZONEGROUP(ALLZONES) indicates that all zones defined by a ZONEINDEX subentry in the GLOBALZONE entry are eligible. When ALLZONES is specified, any other values specified on ZONEGROUP are ignored.

Note that the ZONEGROUP operand (and the RECZGRP and RECEXZGRP subentries) have no effect on SYSMODs specified on the SELECT list, because SMP/E does not do APPLYCHECK and ACCEPTCHECK processing for SYSMODs explicitly specified in the SELECT list.

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