Configuring and managing clients with the IMSMO protocol
Installing the IBM mail support for Microsoft Outlook (IMSMO) add-in registers the IMSMO protocol. This application protocol provides a way to configure and manage IMSMO clients outside of the standard Outlook user interface.
To call the protocol, use URLs prefaced with the imsmo: protocol prefix. Add
the command to be run after the prefix followed by URL-encoded key and value pairs. The following
example calls the add_account command to create an Outlook profile that
enables the user Samantha to connect to the mail server:
Users can run a command by clicking a URL from a web browser. They can also run a command from
Windows explorer if explorer calls the URL, for example:
explorer "imsmo:add_account?"
Parameter format
Parameters are passed as the query string of the URL and parameter values must be URL-encoded.
Parameters are case-sensitive.
Note: Spaces must be encoded as %20 and not
Calling the IMSMO protocol creates a log in the %temp%\IBM_Mail_Sync folder that starts with rundll32. Logging follows the same fidelity as general IMSMO logging.