sdcp tool

sdcp is the Service Data Collection and Packaging tool.

sdcp is an OSS shell script that can be used to collect and package important data from IBM® MQ for HPE NonStop V8.1. The primary purpose of sdcp is to reduce the time and effort required from users and IBM Support in gathering the most critical and commonly required data in support of the technical analysis of a PMR.

sdcp gathers data about the IBM MQ installation and the queue managers running in that installation. Data is also collected about the general operating environment on the HPE NonStop Server. Queue managers do not need to be stopped when running sdcp.

No customer application message data is collected to avoid inadvertently collecting sensitive information. Use of IBM MQ utilities to collect queue, channel, and authority information can be excluded if necessary. sdcp requires no interactive input from the user and makes no modifications to the system, IBM MQ installation, or the queue managers.


sdcp runs from the OSS shell and requires a logged-in user ID that is an administrator of the IBM MQ installation.

The command line interface is as follows:

sdcp [-d] [-e] [-f] [-w workdir] [-m queuemgr] [-p pmrNumber] [-x]



Enables OSS shell debug output for the script


Excludes the use of IBM MQ utility programs to collect configuration and status information about running queue managers. If not specified, IBM MQ command line utilities are used to collect this data for running queue managers.


Enables the fully detailed collection of certain items, including the WHOHAS utility. The full level of detailed data collection can take over an hour on some systems and is usually not necessary. Only use this parameter if directed to by IBM Support. If not specified, a normal level of detail is collected.


Is the name of an OSS directory where sdcp stores temporary files that it uses while running, and where the final output is created. If not specified, the current working directory is used.


queuemgr is the name of the queue manager to collect data for. If not specified, sdcp collects data for all queue managers in the installation.


pmrNumber defines the final archive and intermediate file name prefix, and must be formatted as an IBM Support PMR number, branch and country code; with each item being separated by a dot (.) or comma (,). For example, 11111.222.333.

Note: The use of the -p flag is recommended when collecting data for submission to IBM Support. Proper use of this flag will ensure that the file gets uploaded to the appropriate storage location.
Enables the use of amqxdbg during gathering of SDCP data. This can lead to the creation of FFSTs in the global error directory.

For simple usage, just typing sdcp causes the collection of data from the installation, plus all queue managers in that installation (whether running or not).

To reduce the volume of data and the time taken to collect the data, you can run sdcp to collect data for a specific queue manager:

sdcp -m qmgr
In the event that one of the queue managers you are collecting information on appears to be unresponsive, specify the -e parameter to exclude the use of IBM MQ utilities to collect data for running queue managers:
sdcp -m qmgr -e
The following example illustrates collecting data with typical parameters specified:
sdcp -w /home/fred -m QM1 -p 99999,888,777