Configuring IBM Data Risk Manager Server

After IBM Data Risk Manager virtual appliance is deployed in the VMware environment, you must complete a few configuration tasks.

Before you begin

Ensure that the IBM Data Risk Manager virtual image is successfully deployed in a VMware environment. For information about how to deploy the virtual image, see Deploying IBM Data Risk Manager virtual image.

About this task

After IBM Data Risk Manager appliance is deployed on a virtual network, you must complete the initial configuration by using the command-line interface of the server.


  1. Log on to the IBM Data Risk Manager virtual machine by using the default user name and password.
    idrm-server: a3user
    Password: idrm
  2. You must change the default password when prompted.
  3. After the first login, the a3user can run the passwd command to change the default password.
  4. Assign the IP address to Server.
    IBM Data Risk Manager
    1. Run the following command to view active network (Ethernet) interfaces in the virtual machine, which is in the format ifcfg-XX.
      # ip a
      Sample output for the command ip a
      [a3user@idrm-server ~]$ ip a
      1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1000
          link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
          inet scope host lo
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
          inet6 ::1/128 scope host
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      2: ens33: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
          link/ether 00:0c:29:0f:47:46 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
      In this sample, ens33 represents the value of XX in the ifcfg-XX format.
    2. In the output of the command, value of XX in the ifcfg-XX format is other than ens33, for example, ens66 or eth0, run the following step.
      Go to the following directory and check whether the ifcfg-XX file exists.
      cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

      If the ifcfg-XX file exists, go to step c. Else, run the following command.

      # sudo mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-33 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-XX
      # sudo rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-33
    3. Run the following command to locate and open the interface configuration file for editing.
      # # sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-XX 
    4. Edit following properties in the interface configuration file. Keep the default values for the remaining properties.
      BOOTPROTO dhcp Or static
      NAME XX, for example ens33
      DEVICE XX, for example ens33
      IPADDR IP address that is assigned to IBM Data Risk Manager, for example,
      PREFIX The subnet mask, for example, 23.
      NETMASK Default network subnet mask address, for example,
      GATEWAY Default network gateway IP address, for example
      DNS1 Address of the Domain Name Server (DNS), for example,
      DNS2 DNS address, for example,
      The following example shows file contents.
      [a3user@idrm-server network-scripts]$ cat ifcfg-ens33
    5. (Optional) Configure the DNS server.
      # sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
      name server <your_server_ip>
    6. Restart the network service.
      # sudo service network restart
    7. For VHD format, you must run the following command.
      sudo ifdown etho
              sudo ifup eth0
    8. To get the actual IP address for OVA and VHD formats, run the following command.
      ip a
  5. Assign the host name or add in the network DHCP list.
    # sudo sysctl kernel.hostname=<hostname>
    	  # sudo service network restart
    	  # sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network
    	  # sudo reboot
  6. Assign date, time, and time zone to the IBM Data Risk Manager Server.
    1. Set the date and time for IBM Data Risk Manager Server.
      # sudo service ntpd stop
      	  # sudo ntpdate -q <ntp_server_dns_name_or_ip_address>
      	  # sudo service ntpd start
      Ensure that time zone of the NTP server is correct.
    2. Run the following command to verify the date and time.
      # date
    3. Run the following command to ensure that the hardware clock is in sync with the system date and time.
      sudo hwclock --systohc
    4. Run the following command to verify whether the hardware clock date and time is updated.
      sudo hwclock
    5. Update the time zone.
      1. # sudo mv /etc/localtime /root/localtime.old
        	  # sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/<Zone>/<Location> /etc/localtime
      2. Run the following command to verify whether the time zone is correctly updated.
       # date
    6. If the time zone is updated, delete the old file and restart the server.
      # sudo rm -f /root/localtime.old
      	  # reboot

What to do next

Verify whether you can access IBM Data Risk Manager Application Suite.
  1. Open IBM Data Risk Manager Application Suite by using the following URL.
  2. Specify the following user name and password.
    User name: admin
    Password: a3!BM!DNA
  3. Change the password when prompted.
  4. Accept the license agreement.
  5. Register the IP address in IBM Data Risk Manager Admin Console.
    1. Log on to IBM Data Risk Manager Admin Console (https://<IDRM-Server-IP-Address>:8443/albatross/index) as admin user.
    2. Click Central Management.
    3. Click Register.
    4. Specify localhost in Host IP Address.
    5. Specify the SSH password of a3user in Host SSH Password.
    6. Click Register.
    7. Click Update Password.
    8. Specify the SSH password in Update Password.
    9. Click Update.