The render parameter plug-in

Use the RenderParam rendering plug-in to access public and private render parameters from your web content.

The syntax for this plug-in is as follows:
[Plugin:RenderParam key="" type="" defaultValue="" separator="" escape=""]
This plug-in uses the following attributes:
Use this attribute to specify the name of the render parameter that you want to access.
Use this attribute to specify the type of the parameter that you want to be to read. For the type, specify one of the following values:
Specify this type value to retrieve parameter values of type private or public. This value does not incorporate parameters of type query.
Specify this type value to retrieve the values of a private render parameter.
Specify this type value to retrieve the values of a public render parameter.
Specify this type value to retrieve the values of a query parameter that was specified in a link to web content. For more information about how to specify query parameters in links to web content, read Writing links to web content.
Use this attribute to specify the value that you want to be returned if the addressed render parameter does not exist or has a value of null.
Use this attribute to specify the separator that you want to use to separate the values of a render parameter that has more than one value.
Use this attribute to specify the escaping that you want to be used to write the URL. Specify one of the following values xml, json, javascript, or none. The default value is none.


  • To retrieve the value of a private render parameter with the name key1, use the following plug-in tag:
    [Plugin:RenderParam key="key1" type="private"]
  • To insert the value defaultValue into your content, if the render parameter with the name key1 does not exist or if the value is null, use the following plug-in tag:
    [Plugin:RenderParam key="key1" type="private" defaultValue="defaultValue"]
  • To retrieve the value of a public render parameter, use the full qualified name (QName) of the parameter in the format that is defined by javax.xml.namespace.QName.valueOf(String). Examples:
    • To access the public context render parameter of Web Content Manager, use the following plug-in tag:
      [Plugin:RenderParam key="{}context" type="public"]
    • To access the custom context render parameter of Web Content Manager, use the following plug-in tag:
      [Plugin:RenderParam key="{}custom-context" type="public"] 
  • If you know the short identifier of the public render parameter from the portlet deployment descriptor portlet.xml, you can also use that short identifier. Examples:
    • To access the public context render parameter of Web Content Manager, use the following plug-in tag:
      [Plugin:RenderParam key="PUBLIC_CONTEXT" type="public"]
    • To access the custom context render parameter of Web Content Manager, use the following plug-in tag:
      [Plugin:RenderParam key="CUSTOM_CONTEXT" type="public"]
  • To retrieve the value of a render parameter with the name key1, no matter whether it is a private or public render parameter, use the following plug-in tag:
    [Plugin:RenderParam key="key1" type="any"] 
  • To separate multiple values of a render parameter with the name key1, for example, by using a semicolon, use the following plug-in tag:
    [Plugin:RenderParam key="key1" type="any" separator=";"]
  • To retrieve the value of a query parameter that was passed to a Web Content Manager resolution URL with the name key1, use the following plug-in tag:
    [Plugin:RenderParam key="key1" type="query"]