Monitoring dashboards

From the Monitoring tab, users with the Developer role can view different dashboards to understand how the application is being used and what is the performance of the application.

The following types of dashboards are available:

  • Service Resource Utilization
  • Agent and Integration Server Performance
  • Database metrics
  • Application Server Performance
  • API Performance
  • Service Performance
  • Business Performance
  • JMS metrics
  • JVM metrics

Each dashboard has different charts. The charts display information according to predefined queries. You can view data in each chart by selecting a predefined time from the time picker, or by specifying a custom duration. You can view points on the charts by moving your mouse pointer over them.

Chart widgets limit the number of series that are displayed to 50. This limitation reduces the impact of the widgets on your browser. Then, sorting in a chart legend is from the highest to the lowest values that are based on a series.

The Monitoring dashboards are currently enabled for the preproduction and production environments. Dashboards and charts are available only in higher environments because the performance is expected to be monitored only in the higher environments.

For information about monitoring the infrastructure and applications for all environments, see Monitoring .