IBM Workload Automation, Version 9.4


How to upgrade IBM Workload Scheduler to the current version.


To upgrade master domain manager and the dynamic domain manager or their backups, use the Installation Manager infrastructure that uses an external and exclusive WebSphere Application Server profile. To upgrade agents, use the twsinst command.

You can upgrade a single instance of V9.1 or later, and related fix packs by following the procedure outlined in Upgrading single components. A single instance contains one IBM Workload Scheduler component installed in the directory <TWS_INST_DIR>. IBM Workload Scheduler v9.1 or later does not support multiple component instances.

Start of changeIf you are upgrading from V9.1, V9.2, or V9.3 to V9.4.0, you can upgrade directly to the latest fix pack level, if available, with just one single step (without the need to upgrade to V9.4.0 first). For more information, see the fix pack readme file.End of change

Start of changeIf you are upgrading from V9.1, V9.2, or V9.3, Fix Pack 2, to V9.4.0, CONDSUCC is a reserved keyword and is for internal use only.End of change

Important: Start of changeFor IBM Workload Scheduler V8.6 instances, the upgrade is supported for the master domain manager only using the parallel upgrade method. The direct upgrade is not supported for IBM Workload Scheduler V8.6 instances.

The only supported scenario for the upgrade of a V8.6 master domain manager, is to install a new master domain manager configured as a backup.

End of change

Choosing how to upgrade your network

Because IBM Workload Scheduler supports compatibility with earlier versions, you can decide to upgrade in either of the following ways, depending on the type of your network:

Upgrade the master domain manager and its backup, and then progressively upgrade the agents. Many of the new functions that are introduced in the current version become available for each agent as it is upgraded. The disadvantage is that the same functions are not available to all agents at the same time.
Upgrade the agents first, and then upgrade the master domain manager and its backup. The new functions that are introduced in the current version are not available until the whole network is upgraded.
Note: IBM Workload Scheduler V9.4 installs new default certificates during the upgrade process. In the network upgrade phase, if you are using dynamic scheduling or you have the SSL enabled by using the default certificates on the fault-tolerant agents, to manage the default certificates, see the Release Notes, Interoperability Tables, at