Tivoli Workload Automation, Version 8.6


The JOB_HISTORY_V view displays historical data about jobs already run.

Column name Description Type Length
JOB_STREAM_NAME_IN_RUN The name of the occurrence to which the job belonged when it run. STRING 16
JOB_NAME The name of the job. STRING 8
WORKSTATION_NAME The name of the workstation where the job was scheduled to run. STRING 4
WORKSTATION_NAME_IN_RUN The name of the workstation where the job ran. STRING 4
JOB_OPERATION_NUMBER The operation number of the job. INTEGER 10
JOB_STREAM_START_TIME The occurrence input arrival. TIMESTAMP 10
JOB_RUN_DATE_TIME The actual start date and time. TIMESTAMP 10
LATE_START_TIME The actual start time, when it is later than the latest start time calculated by the scheduler. INTEGER 12
LATE_END_TIME The actual end time, when it is later than the defined deadline. INTEGER 12
PLANNED_DURATION The estimated duration of the job. INTEGER 12
TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME The actual duration of the job. INTEGER 12
LONG_DURATION Indicates if the job duration exceeded the estimated duration, based on the long duration policy set in the DBOPT statement. CHARACTER 1
JOB_STATUS The status of the job. Possible values are:



RERUN_NUMBER The iteration number of the job. The first job run is identified by 1; the first job rerun is identified by 2, the second by 3, and so on. INTEGER 10
ERROR_CODE The error code, if the status of the job is E=Error. STRING 4
JOB_NUMBER The number of the job. INTEGER 10
SUMISSION_DEST The destination where the job was submitted. A destination marked with ******** identifies a local destination. STRING 8
EXECUTION_DEST The destination where the job was executed. A destination marked with ******** identifies a local destination. STRING 8