Verifying the installation of the Node.js runtime

This task details the steps to verify you can run a Node.js application in CICS, and where to find useful diagnostic feedback if you see unexpected results.

Before you begin

Install IBM® SDK for Node.js -z/OS®, and grant read and execute permissions to its install directories for the CICS region userid.

Confirm the CICS bundle directory /usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts55/samples/nodejs/nodejsivp exists.


  1. Copy the CICS bundle directory and its contents to a new location of your choice.
    For example: cp -R /usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts55/samples/nodejs/nodejsivp /u/jdoe/
  2. In the copy of the CICS bundle, edit the Node.js profile profiles/ivp_sample.profile.
    Update the following environment variable:
    • PORT= Set to an available HTTP port number that the Node.js application can use to service web browser requests. The port cannot be shared with other applications.
  3. The Node.js profile in the CICS bundle contains a %INCLUDE statement that references a zFS file containing system-wide Node.js configuration data. Create this file at the following location: <USSCONFIG>/nodejsprofiles/general.profile, replacing <USSCONFIG> with the value of the USSCONFIG SIT parameter in the target CICS region.
    This file must set the following values:
    • NODE_HOME= Set to the IBM SDK for Node.js -z/OS installation directory.
    • WORK_DIR= Set to the directory where output diagnostic files are written. A value of . means the home directory of the CICS region user ID.
  4. Copy the sample resource definition DFHNJIVP from group DFH$NODJ to a group of your choice.
  5. Edit the copy of DFHNJIVP to set the BUNDLEDIR attribute to the directory of the copy of the CICS bundle from step 1.
  6. Install the copy of DFHNJIVP. The Node.js application starts and listens for HTTP requests.
  7. Use a web browser to send an HTTP request to the Node.js application.
    For example: http://hostname:port/ where hostname is the fully qualified host name of the TCP/IP stack on z/OS on which CICS is running, and port is the value that is selected at step 2.
    The web browser shows the response "Congratulations, you have successfully run Node.js IVP Application IVPSAMPLE.".

What to do next

If the web browser does not show the expected response, review the diagnostic information in Troubleshooting Node.js applications.