Analyzing transaction CPU time

You can analyze the CPU time for a transaction ID and display the output as a pie chart or a timeline chart. You can analyze the CPU time for multiple transaction IDs and display the output as a bar chart.

Pie chart

The User CPU time pie chart is displayed in the Transaction detail view and shows an analysis summary for a specific transaction ID over a time interval.

To display a User CPU time pie chart, see Pie charts and select the User CPU time thumbnail.

This chart shows an analysis of the CPU time and dispatch count on the CICS® Dispatcher-managed TCBs that the transaction used. User CPU time analysis, including CPU time on standard CPs, offload eligible CPU time, and CPU time on specialty processors is also shown.

Transaction detail view showing the User CPU time pie chart and details
The User CPU time analysis shows the following information:
  • A summary of the Transaction ID in the time period chosen, including the following information:
    • The number of transactions
    • The average response time
    • The average user dispatch time
    • The average CPU time per transaction
    • The number of TCB mode switches
  • A pie chart with up to four sectors; one for each of the following CPU times that has a value to show:
    • QR TCB CPU time.
    • Miscellaneous TCB CPU time. This time is broken down further into RO CPU time.
    • CICS Key 8 TCB CPU time. This time is broken down further into J8, L8, S8, T8, and X8 CPU time.
    • CICS Key 9 TCB CPU time. This time is broken down further into J9, L9, and X9 CPU time.

    If a CPU time breaks down into further detail and that time has a value to show, the pie chart shows the relevant subsection in the sector. You can click an area in the pie chart to highlight the relevant entry in the table.

    You can use the check boxes to hide irrelevant data from the table.

  • A table that shows the TCB CPU times and the following values for each one:
    • Average time
    • Average count
    • The percentage of the total CPU time
    • The percentage for each time relative to the immediate parent.
    You can click an entry in the table to highlight the relevant area in the pie chart.
  • A table that shows the average time and percentage of the total CPU time for CPU time on standard CPs, offload eligible CPU time, and CPU time on specialty processors.
Note: The values displayed in the table are the actual values from the CICS PA host database or the CSV file. Because of rounding errors when the data was captured, the sum of the detail might not match the total value. Also, the percentage figures might not total 100% because of rounding errors.

For more information about these performance class fields, see Open TCB management in the CICS TS V5.2 product documentation.

Bar chart

The User CPU time bar chart shows summary information for multiple transaction IDs. The transaction IDs are displayed in the order in which they are shown in the selection.

To display a User CPU time bar chart, see Bar charts and select the User CPU time option.

User CPU time bar chart for a number of transaction IDs.
The User CPU time bar chart displays the following information:
  • The view title shows the source of the data and the analysis type.
  • The information line shows the selection criteria for the data the records were selected from, for example, APPLID and time period.
  • Legend icon Legend icon. Click this icon to display the chart legend for the segments in the current chart.
  • A stack of bars for each selected transaction ID. Each bar in a stack has one or more segments to represent different CPU times. You can hover over a segment to show the average time value for the relevant CPU time.

To change the time scale on the vertical axis of the chart and show more detail, you can use the zoom bar.

To analyze a transaction ID further, right-click a bar, then use the menu options to select a performance summary (pie chart) or timeline analysis.

Timeline chart

A timeline chart displays all instances of a transaction ID in the selected APPLID across either all the data, or the data in a specified period.

To display a User CPU time timeline chart, see Timeline charts and select the User CPU time option.

CPU time timeline chart for all instances of transaction ID CRTP in APPLID IYCYZC20.
The User CPU time timeline chart shows the following information:
  • The view title shows the source of the data and the analysis type.
  • The information line shows the selection criteria for the data the records were selected from, for example, APPLID, transaction ID, and time period.
  • Legend icon Legend icon. Click this icon to display the chart legend for the segments in the current chart.
  • Stacked bars consist of one bar for each instance of the selected transaction ID in the APPLID. Each bar in a stack consists of one or more segments to represent different CPU times. You can hover over a segment to show the type of CPU time and its average time value.

To change the time scale on the vertical axis of the chart and show more detail, you can use the zoom bar.

To analyze an instance of a transaction further, right-click a bar, then use the menu options to select a performance summary (pie chart) or timeline analysis.