ASCII and EBCDIC character sets

XL Fortran uses the ASCII character set as its collating sequence.

This table lists the standard ASCII characters in numerical order with the corresponding decimal and hexadecimal values. For convenience in working with programs that use EBCDIC character values, the corresponding information for EBCDIC characters is also included. The table indicates the control characters with "Ctrl-" notation. For example, the horizontal tab (HT) appears as "Ctrl-I", which you enter by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl key and I key.

Table 1. Equivalent characters in the ASCII and EBCDIC character sets
Decimal Value Hex Value Control Character ASCII Symbol Meaning EBCDIC Symbol Meaning
0 00 Ctrl-@ NUL null NUL null
1 01 Ctrl-A SOH start of heading SOH start of heading
2 02 Ctrl-B STX start of text STX start of text
3 03 Ctrl-C ETX end of text ETX end of text
4 04 Ctrl-D EOT end of transmission SEL select
5 05 Ctrl-E ENQ enquiry HT horizontal tab
6 06 Ctrl-F ACK acknowledge RNL required new-line
7 07 Ctrl-G BEL bell DEL delete
8 08 Ctrl-H BS backspace GE graphic escape
9 09 Ctrl-I HT horizontal tab SPS superscript
10 0A Ctrl-J LF line feed RPT repeat
11 0B Ctrl-K VT vertical tab VT vertical tab
12 0C Ctrl-L FF form feed FF form feed
13 0D Ctrl-M CR carriage return CR carriage return
14 0E Ctrl-N SO shift out SO shift out
15 0F Ctrl-O SI shift in SI shift in
16 10 Ctrl-P DLE data link escape DLE data link escape
17 11 Ctrl-Q DC1 device control 1 DC1 device control 1
18 12 Ctrl-R DC2 device control 2 DC2 device control 2
19 13 Ctrl-S DC3 device control 3 DC3 device control 3
20 14 Ctrl-T DC4 device control 4 RES/ENP restore/enable presentation
21 15 Ctrl-U NAK negative acknowledge NL new-line
22 16 Ctrl-V SYN synchronous idle BS backspace
23 17 Ctrl-W ETB end of transmission block POC program-operator communications
24 18 Ctrl-X CAN cancel CAN cancel
25 19 Ctrl-Y EM end of medium EM end of medium
26 1A Ctrl-Z SUB substitute UBS unit backspace
27 1B Ctrl-[ ESC escape CU1 customer use 1
28 1C Ctrl-\ FS file separator IFS interchange file separator
29 1D Ctrl-] GS group separator IGS interchange group separator
30 1E Ctrl-∧ RS record separator IRS interchange record separator
31 1F Ctrl-_ US unit separator IUS/ITB interchange unit separator / intermediate transmission block
32 20   SP space DS digit select
33 21   ! exclamation mark SOS start of significance
34 22   " straight double quotation mark FS field separator
35 23   # number sign WUS word underscore
36 24   $ dollar sign BYP/INP bypass/inhibit presentation
37 25   % percent sign LF line feed
38 26   & ampersand ETB end of transmission block
39 27   ' apostrophe ESC escape
40 28   ( left parenthesis SA set attribute
41 29   ) right parenthesis    
42 2A   * asterisk SM/SW set model switch
43 2B   + addition sign CSP control sequence prefix
44 2C   , comma MFA modify field attribute
45 2D   - subtraction sign ENQ enquiry
46 2E   . period ACK acknowledge
47 2F   / right slash BEL bell
48 30   0      
49 31   1      
50 32   2   SYN synchronous idle
51 33   3   IR index return
52 34   4   PP presentation position
53 35   5   TRN  
54 36   6   NBS numeric backspace
55 37   7   EOT end of transmission
56 38   8   SBS subscript
57 39   9   IT indent tab
58 3A   : colon RFF required form feed
59 3B   ; semicolon CU3 customer use 3
60 3C   < less than DC4 device control 4
61 3D   = equal NAK negative acknowledge
62 3E   > greater than    
63 3F   ? question mark SUB substitute
64 40   @ at symbol SP space
65 41   A      
66 42   B      
67 43   C      
68 44   D      
69 45   E      
70 46   F      
71 47   G      
72 48   H      
73 49   I      
74 4A   J   ¢ cent
75 4B   K   . period
76 4C   L   < less than
77 4D   M   ( left parenthesis
78 4E   N   + addition sign
79 4F   O   | logical or
80 50   P   & ampersand
81 51   Q      
82 52   R      
83 53   S      
84 54   T      
85 55   U      
86 56   V      
87 57   W      
88 58   X      
89 59   Y      
90 5A   Z   ! exclamation mark
91 5B   [ left bracket $ dollar sign
92 5C   \ left slash * asterisk
93 5D   ] right bracket ) right parenthesis
94 5E   ^ hat, circumflex ; semicolon
95 5F   _ underscore ¬ logical not
96 60   ˋ grave - subtraction sign
97 61   a   / right slash
98 62   b      
99 63   c      
100 64   d      
101 65   e      
102 66   f      
103 67   g      
104 68   h      
105 69   i      
106 6A   j   | split vertical bar
107 6B   k   , comma
108 6C   l   % percent sign
109 6D   m   _ underscore
110 6E   n   > greater than
111 6F   o   ? question mark
112 70   p      
113 71   q      
114 72   r      
115 73   s      
116 74   t      
117 75   u      
118 76   v      
119 77   w      
120 78   x      
121 79   y   ˋ grave
122 7A   z   : colon
123 7B   { left brace # numbersign
124 7C   | logical or @ at symbol
125 7D   } right brace ' apostrophe
126 7E   ~ similar, tilde = equal
127 7F   DEL delete " straight double quotation mark
128 80          
129 81       a  
130 82       b  
131 83       c  
132 84       d  
133 85       e  
134 86       f  
135 87       g  
136 88       h  
137 89       i  
138 8A          
139 8B          
140 8C          
141 8D          
142 8E          
143 8F          
144 90          
145 91       j  
146 92       k  
147 93       l  
148 94       m  
149 95       n  
150 96       o  
151 97       p  
152 98       q  
153 99       r  
154 9A          
155 9B          
156 9C          
157 9D          
158 9E          
159 9F          
160 A0          
161 A1       ~ similar, tilde
162 A2       s  
163 A3       t  
164 A4       u  
165 A5       v  
166 A6       w  
167 A7       x  
168 A8       y  
169 A9       z  
170 AA          
171 AB          
172 AC          
173 AD          
174 AE          
175 AF          
176 B0          
177 B1          
178 B2          
179 B3          
180 B4          
181 B5          
182 B6          
183 B7          
184 B8          
185 B9          
186 BA          
187 BB          
188 BC          
189 BD          
190 BE          
191 BF          
192 C0       { left brace
193 C1       A  
194 C2       B  
195 C3       C  
196 C4       D  
197 C5       E  
198 C6       F  
199 C7       G  
200 C8       H  
201 C9       I  
202 CA          
203 CB          
204 CC          
205 CD          
206 CE          
207 CF          
208 D0       } right brace
209 D1       J  
210 D2       K  
211 D3       L  
212 D4       M  
213 D5       N  
214 D6       O  
215 D7       P  
216 D8       Q  
217 D9       R  
218 DA          
219 DB          
220 DC          
221 DD          
222 DE          
223 DF          
224 E0       \ left slash
225 E1          
226 E2       S  
227 E3       T  
228 E4       U  
229 E5       V  
230 E6       W  
231 E7       X  
232 E8       Y  
233 E9       Z  
234 EA          
235 EB          
236 EC          
237 ED          
238 EE          
239 EF          
240 F0       0  
241 F1       1  
242 F2       2  
243 F3       3  
244 F4       4  
245 F5       5  
246 F6       6  
247 F7       7  
248 F8       8  
249 F9       9  
250 FA       | vertical line
251 FB          
252 FC          
253 FD          
254 FE          
255 FF       EO eight ones

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