What to do if MFT does not read keystore properties from the keystore configuration file in AMS

The keystore configuration file location, if not present in the default location, must be specified by the MQS_KEYSTORE_CONF variable in order for the Java AMS to run in client mode. If the location is not specified, the Managed File Transfer Agent logs will show the error message: "Failed to read keystore properties from the keystore configuration file."

The default location for the keystore configuration file is home_directory/.mqs/keystore.conf. If the location of the keystore configuration file is not the default location, complete the following steps:
  1. Start the FTE agent in client mode.
  2. Apply AMS security to SYSTEM.FTE.DATA.<agent name> queue. If the keystore configuration file is not in this location, all transfers will fail with no acknowledgment.
  3. Set the system variable BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES to BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES=-DMQS_KEYSTORE_CONF=path to keystore_config file for the fteStartAgent command.
  4. Set the system variable MQS_KEYSTORE_CONF to MQS_KEYSTORE_CONF=path to keystore_config file for the fteStartAgent command. This must be set to ensure all agents run, regardless of the mode they are running in.
Note: If the Java AMS is running in bindings mode, error AMQ9062 will be shown in the queue manager's error log if the keystore configuration file is not in the default location.