Icons in IBM MQ Explorer

IBM® MQ Explorer uses icons to represent the different objects, such as queue managers, queues, and channels.

IBM MQ Explorer alters the icons slightly to indicate the status of the objects, for example, running or stopped.

The tables on this page list the following types of icons:

Status icons in IBM MQ Explorer

The following table lists the status icons that are superimposed on to IBM MQ object icons in IBM MQ Explorer to indicate the status of the object. To investigate the cause of an object being in an Alert or Warning state, look at the status of the current object.

Icon Meaning
Running icon Up. The object is running.
Stopped icon Down. The object is not running.
Alert icon Alert. The status of the object is indeterminate; for example, the object is in the process of stopping or starting.
Warning icon Warning. The object is having problems connecting. On queue managers in the Full Repository and Partial Repository folders, this icon means that the queue manager is suspended from the cluster.

Queue managers

The following table lists the icons that are used in IBM MQ Explorer to represent queue managers.

The queue manager icon is yellow when IBM MQ Explorer is connected to a queue manager; when it is not connected, the icon is gray. Local queue managers are marked with an Up or Down icon to show whether the queue manager is running or stopped.

Remote queue managers are distinct because their icons do not indicate whether they are running or not; they indicate only whether they are connected to IBM MQ Explorer. A remote queue manager must be running for IBM MQ Explorer to connect to it; if IBM MQ Explorer is disconnected from a remote queue manager, it is not possible for IBM MQ Explorer to detect whether the remote queue manager is running.
Icon Queue manager local or remote to Explorer? Explorer connected? Queue manager status
Local, connected, started queue manager icon Local Yes Running
Local, disconnected, started, queue manager icon Local No Running
Local, disconnected, running as standby Local No Running as standby
Local, stopped queue manager icon Local No Stopped
Remote, connected queue manager icon Remote Yes Running
Remote, disconnected queue manager icon Remote No Unknown

Queue manager instances

Display queue manager instance status by selecting a remote queue manager in the navigator and clicking Connection details > Manage instances.

Icon Connection status text Explanation
Instance connected and running icon Connected The IBM MQ Explorer is connected and the queue manager is running.
Not connected icon Not connected The IBM MQ Explorer has not attempted to connect to the queue manager instance. Click Test connections to update the status of the connection.
Instance standby icon Not connection The instance is running as a standby.
Instance error icon Not available One of three reasons:
  • Unknown host name or IP address.
  • The queue manager is not listening on the port address.
  • The IBM MQ Explorer has timed out waiting for a response from the queue manager instance.
Instance error icon Different name The queue manager instance listening on the IP address configured for the connection has a different queue manager name.
Instance error icon Different UUID
The queue manager instance listening on this IP address has a different UUID.
The problem might be because the listener is connected to a different queue manager with the same name, rather than another instance of the same queue manager.
It might also be because the remote queue manager has been deleted and re-created with the same name. It is no longer the same queue manager.


The following table lists the icons that are use in IBM MQ Explorer to represent queues.

Icon Meaning
Local queue icon Local
Cluster local queue icon Local queue that is shared in a cluster
Model queue icon Model
Remote definition queue icon Remote queue definition
Cluster remote definition queue icon Remote queue definition of a queue that is shared in a cluster
Alias queue icon Alias
Cluster alias queue icon Alias queue that is shared in a cluster
Transmission queue icon Transmission


The following table lists the icons that are used in IBM MQ Explorer to represent channels.

Icon Meaning
Sender channel icon Sender
Server channel icon Server
Receiver channel icon Receiver
Requester channel icon Requester
Server-connection channel icon Server-connection
Client-connection channel icon Client-connection
Cluster-sender channel icon Cluster-sender
Cluster-receiver channel icon Cluster-receiver

Other IBM MQ objects

The following table lists the icons that are used in IBM MQ Explorer to represent other IBM MQ objects.

Custom services can be in either running, stopped, alert, or warning states.

Icon Meaning
Topic object icon Topic
Subscription object icon Subscription
Listener icon Listener
Authentication information object icon Authentication information object
Namelist icon Namelist
Process definition icon Process definition
Message icon Message
Custom service icon Custom service
Application connection icon Application connection

Queue manager clusters

The following table lists the icons that are used in IBM MQ Explorer to represent clusters.

Icon Meaning
Cluster icon Cluster
Cluster warning icon Cluster without a source provider
Full repository icon Full repository
Full suspended repository icon Full repository suspended from the cluster
Full disconnected repository icon Full repository disconnected
Partial repository icon Partial repository
Partial repository icon Partial repository suspended from the cluster
Partial repository icon Partial repository disconnected
Cluster-receiver channel icon Cluster-receiver channel
Cluster-sender channel Cluster-sender channel
Icon for a local queue that is shared in a cluster Local queue that is shared in a cluster
Icon for a remote queue definition of a queue that is shared in a cluster Remote queue definition of a queue that is shared in a cluster
Icon showing that one queue is shared in the cluster. The number indicates the number of cluster queues in the cluster.
Icon showing that the selected full repository has one sender channel. The number indicates the number of instances of cluster-sender channels between the two queue managers.
Icon showing that the selected full repository has one receiver channel. The number indicates the number of instances of cluster-receiver channels on the queue manager.

Queue-sharing groups

The following table lists the icons that are used in IBM MQ Explorer to represent queue sharing groups. The channels can be in either running, stopped, alert, or warning states.

Icon Meaning
Queue sharing group icon Queue sharing group
QSG authentication information object icon QSG authentication information object
QSG local queue icon QSG local queue
QSG model queue icon QSG model queue
QSG namelist icon QSG namelist
QSG process definition icon QSG process definition
QSG alias queue icon QSG alias queue
QSG receiver channel icon QSG receiver channel
QSG remote queue definition icon QSG remote queue definition
QSG requester channel icon QSG requester channel
QSG sender channel icon QSG sender channel
QSG server channel icon QSG server channel
QSG server-connection channel icon QSG server-connection channel
QSG transmission queue icon QSG transmission queue

API Exits

The following table lists the icons that are used in IBM MQ Explorer to represent API exits.

Icon Meaning
Common API exit icon Common
Template API exit icon Template
Local API exit icon Local

JMS objects

The following table lists the icons that are used in IBM MQ Explorer to represent JMS objects in the JNDI namespace.

Header Header
Initial context (connected) icon Initial context; connected
Initial context (disconnected) icon Initial context; disconnected
Icon for connection factories for MQ connections. Connection factory for MQ connections
Icon for connection factories for realtime connections Connection factory for realtime connections
Icon for destination objects for queues Destination object for a queue
Icon for destination objects for topics Destination object for a topic
Subcontext (connected) icon Subcontext; connected
Subcontext (disconnected) icon Subcontext; disconnected
Corrupted JNDI object icon Corrupted JNDI object