WASPostUpgrade command

The WASPostUpgrade command for WebSphere® Application Server retrieves the saved configuration that was created by the WASPreUpgrade command from the backupDirectory that you specified. The WASPostUpgrade script for WebSphere Application Server reads the configuration from this directory to migrate to WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0 and adds all migrated applications into the app_server_root/installedApps directory for the Version 9.0 installation.

Supported configurations:

This topic is about profile configuration migration. To migrate your applications to the latest version, use the WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit.


The command file is located in and must be run from the app_server_root/bin directory.


To run this command script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


WASPostUpgrade backupDirectory
                     [-properties properties_file_name]
                     [-username userID]
                     [-password password]
                     [-oldProfile profile_name]
                     [-profileName profile_name]
                     [-setPorts useOld | generateNew | port_starting_number]
                     [-resolvePortConflicts incrementCurrent | port_starting_number]
                     [-backupConfig true | false]
                     [-includeApps true | false | script]
                     [-requestTimeout seconds]
                     [-javaoption -Xms...m -javaoption -Xmx...m]
                     [[-appInstallDirectory user_specified_directory] | 
                     [-keepAppDirectory true | false]]
                     [-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name]]
Use these parameters when migrating a registered application server with security enabled for both the target and source administrative agent:
WASPostUpgrade backupDirectory
[-oldAdminAgentProfilePath path to old admin agent]
[-oldAdminAgentSoapPort soap port of old admin agent]
[-oldAdminAgentHostname hostname of old admin agent, defaults to localhost ]
[-oldAdminAgentUsername login username for old admin agent, if admin security is enabled ]
[-oldAdminAgentPassword login password for old admin agent, if admin security is enabled ]
[-newAdminAgentProfilePath path to new admin agent ]
[-newAdminAgentSoapPort soap port of new admin agent ]
[-newAdminAgentHostname hostname of new admin agent, defaults to localhost ]
[-newAdminAgentUsername login username for new admin agent, if admin security is enabled ]
[-newAdminAgentPassword login password for new admin agent, if admin security is enabled ]


The command has the following parameters:

This is a required parameter. The value backupDirectory specifies the name of the directory in which the WASPreUpgrade tool stores the saved configuration and files and from which the WASPostUpgrade tool reads the configuration and files.
This is an optional parameter. The value properties_file_name specifies the path to a properties file containing parameter properties that define how migration tools such as WASPostUpgrade operate.

You can define parameter properties in the migration properties file rather than specifying most optional parameters on the command line. If parameters are both defined in the properties file and specified on the command line, the parameters specified on the command line take precedence.

Note: Certain parameters cannot be specified in the properties file, such as the -properties parameter itself and -username and -password. For a list of parameters that cannot be defined as a property, see the template migration.properties file in the app_server_root/bin directory.
This is an optional parameter. The value userID specifies the administrative user name of the current WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later installation.
This is an optional parameter. The value password specifies the password for the administrative user name of the current WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later installation.
This is an optional parameter for migrating instances or profiles from previous WebSphere Application Server versions. The instance or profile must already exist in the migration backup directory before running this command.
If the -oldProfile parameter is not specified, the default profile is used. If no default profile is found, the system reports an error.
Avoid trouble: If you do not specify the specific profile name on -oldProfile, then whatever is the designated "default" profile will be migrated. You might have to migrate each profile in the backup taken on pre-migration, using the WASPostUpgrade post-migration command specifying the -oldProfile and -profileName parameters for each and every profile that the client wants in the new Version 9.0 environment. If the old profile contains installed applications (installedApps) in addition to the sample application and system applications, then the migration process automatically migrates those applications.
This is an optional parameter for migrating to specific profiles in WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0. The value profile_name specifies the name of the Version 9.0 profile to which the script migrates your configuration. You must have already created this profile before calling the WASPostUpgrade command.
If the -profileName parameter is not specified, the default profile is used. If no default profile is found, the system reports an error.
Avoid trouble: If you do not specify the specific profile name on -profileName, then whatever is the designated "default" profile will be migrated. You might have to migrate each profile in the backup taken on pre-migration, using the WASPostUpgrade post-migration command specifying the -oldProfile and -profileName parameters for each and every profile that the client wants in the new environment. If the old profile contains installed applications (installedApps) in addition to the sample application and system applications, then the migration process automatically migrates those applications.
Note: When migrating a stand-alone application server from Version 9.0, you can choose a stand-alone application server node that has already been registered with an administrative agent as the target of the migration.
This is an optional parameter used to specify whether the existing WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0 configuration is saved before any changes are made by the WASPostUpgrade tool. The default is true-that is, to use the backupConfig command to save a copy of the current configuration into the profile_name/temp directory.

Use the restoreConfig command to restore that configuration as required. For more information, see restoreConfig command .

This is an optional parameter that specifies how to set the ports for the new profile. The parameter takes the following values:
  • useOld (default): Use the same ports that the old profile used.
  • generateNew: Generate new ports based on the default port assignments.
  • port_starting_number: Generate new ports, incrementing from the specified value.

If a value is specified for this parameter, any new ports that are assigned are set based on this value. Every time a new port value is required, the port is created based on this value and the seed value is incremented for the next usage. No duplicate ports are assigned.

This optional parameter is used to specify how to map port values. When a port cannot be used, its value is incremented from a starting value until an available port is found.
  • incrementCurrent (default): Increment from the conflicted port value.
  • port_starting_number: Increment from the specified common starting port value.
You can include business level applications, assets, and composition units as part of the migration. You can optionally migrate these items using the -IncludeApps parameter on the WASPostUpgrade command. This is an optional parameter that can be specified in the following ways:
  • True

    Include user enterprise applications, business level applications, assets, and composition units as part of the migration.

    This value is the default.

  • False

    Do nothing with user enterprise applications, business level applications, assets, and composition units during WASPostUpgrade processing.

  • Script
    • Enterprise applications

      Prepare user enterprise applications for installation in the WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0 installableApps directory without installing them during WASPostUpgrade processing.

      Scripts that can be used to install these applications are generated and saved in the backupDirectory directory. You can then run these files at any point and in any combination after the WASPostUpgrade command has completed. You can also reorganize and combine these files to enhance the efficiency of application installation.

    • Business level applications, assets, and composition units

      The install_all_BLAs.jy script is generated and placed in the backup directory. This script can migrate all business level applications, assets, and composition units located in the backup directory to your target profile. The WASPostUpgradeBLAHelper.bat/.sh script, located in the <WAS_PROFILE_ROOT>/bin directory, is used to migrate the business level applications, assets and composition units in the install_all_BLAs.txt file.

      Avoid trouble: To migrate business level applications, assets, and composition units, you must first create their dependencies.

WebSphere Application Server system applications migrate regardless of the value set by this parameter.

This is an optional parameter used to specify whether to install all applications to the same directories in which they are currently located. The default is false.

If this parameter is specified as true, each individual application retains its location.

If you specify this parameter, you cannot specify the -appInstallDirectory parameter.

Restrictions: If this parameter is specified as true, the location is shared by the existing WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later installation and the Version 9.0 installation. If you keep the migrated applications in the same locations as those of the previous version, the following restrictions apply:
  • The WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0 mixed-node support limitations must be followed. This means that the following support cannot be used when evoking the wsadmin command:
    • Precompile JSP
    • Use Binary Configuration
    • Deploy EJB
  • You risk losing the migrated applications unintentionally if you later delete applications from these locations when administering your Version 7.0 or later installation.
This is an optional parameter that is used to pass the directory name to use when installing all applications during migration. The default of profile_name\installedApps is used if this parameter is not specified.

If you specify this parameter, you cannot specify the -keepAppDirectory parameter.

Quotes must be used around the directory name if one or more spaces are in the name.

If you use this parameter, the migration tools investigate the node-level variables for the node being migrated both in the backup directory (variables for the old release) and in the destination profile (variables from the new release). If the path is part of any of the following variables in either of these releases, the tools contract the path information to use the related variable:
When the contraction takes place, you receive the following warning message that tells you that the tools changed your specified value and what that contracted value is:
MIGR0341W: Application install directory has been updated to {0}.
For example:
MIGR0341W: Application install directory has been updated to ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}\customAppDirectory.
MIGR0341W: Application install directory has been updated to ${APP_INSTALL_ROOT}\
This is an optional parameter. The value trace_spec specifies the trace information that you want to collect.

To gather all trace information, specify "*=all=enabled" (with quotation marks).

If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.

This is an optional parameter. The value file_name specifies the name of the output file for trace information.

If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.

This is an optional parameter. The value seconds refers to the number of seconds that migration will wait before failing attempted wsadmin connections.

This value is also used as the timeout parameter during application migration.

This is an optional parameter. The value path to old admin agent refers to the file system path of the profile directory for the original administrative agent.

This parameter is only required if the application server being migrated is managed by an administrative agent.

This is an optional parameter. The value soap port of old admin agent refers to the SOAP port used by the original administrative agent for administrative connections.

This parameter is required only if the application server being migrated is managed by an administrative agent.

This is an optional parameter. The value hostname of old admin agent refers to the hostname location of the original administrative agent. If the parameter is not specified, the value is set by default to "localhost".

This parameter is required only if the application server being migrated is managed by an administrative agent.

This is an optional parameter. The value login username for old admin agent refers to the username for the original administrative agent.

This parameter is required only if the application server being migrated is managed by an administrative agent that has administrative security enabled.

This is an optional parameter. The value path to new admin agent refers to the file system path of the profile directory for the newly migrated Administrative Agent.

This parameter is required only if the application server being migrated is managed by an administrative agent.

This is an optional parameter. The value soap port of old admin agent refers to the SOAP port used by the newly migrated Administrative Agent for administrative connections.

This parameter is required only if the application server being migrated is managed by an administrative agent.

This is an optional parameter. The value hostname of old admin agent refers to the hostname location of the new Administrative Agent. If the parameter is not specified, the value is set by default to "localhost".

This parameter is required only if the application server being migrated is managed by an administrative agent.

This is an optional parameter. The value login username for old admin agent refers to the username for the new Administrative Agent.

This parameter is required only if the application server being migrated is managed by an administrative agent that has administrative security enabled.

This is an optional parameter. The value login password for old admin agent refers to the username for the new Administrative Agent.

This parameter is required only if the application server being migrated is managed by an administrative agent that has administrative security enabled.

-javaoption < -Xms...m > -javaoption < -Xmx...m >
This is an optional parameter. Use this parameter to specify memory sizes for the Java heap used by WASPostUpgrade.

The value "-Xms...m" specifies the starting heap size. Replace the "..." with the size in Megabytes that you need. For example, if the starting heap size is to be 128 MB, specify the parameter as: -javaoption -Xms128m

The value "-Xmx...m" specifies the maximum heap size. Replace the "..." with the size in Megabytes that you need. For example, if the maximum heap size is to be 1024 MB, specify the parameter as: -javaoption -Xmx1024m

Security considerations

The target system must have security disabled before migration. If you migrate from a source configuration that has security enabled, the WASPostUpgrade command automatically enables security for the Version 9.0 target configuration during the migration.