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The IBMQREP_TARGETS table contains information about target tables or stored procedures and the Q subscriptions to which they belong. This table stores details about Q subscription type and state, default error actions, and rules for handling row conflicts.

Server: Q Apply server

Default schema: ASN

Unique index: SUBNAME, RECVQ


Non-unique index: RECVQ, SUB_ID

Non-unique index: SPILLQ, STATE

Important: Do not alter this table by using SQL. Altering this table inappropriately can cause unexpected results and loss of data.

Table 1 provides a brief description of the columns in the IBMQREP_TARGETS table.

Table 1. Columns in the IBMQREP_TARGETS table
Column name Description
SUBNAME Data type: VARCHAR(132); Nullable: No

The name of the Q subscription. It must be unique for each source-target pair, and cannot contain blanks.

RECVQ Data type: VARCHAR(48); Nullable: No

The name of the receive queue used for this Q subscription.

SUB_ID Data type: INTEGER; Nullable: Yes

An integer that is generated by the Q Capture program and used to uniquely identify a Q subscription in the subscription schema message to the Q Apply program.

SOURCE_SERVER Data type: VARCHAR(18); Nullable: No

The name of the database or subsystem that contains the source table for this Q subscription. For z/OS®, this is a location name.

The value of the Data source entry in the ASNCLP configuration file for Classic replication, which is the name of the query processor on the Classic data server.

SOURCE_ALIAS Data type: VARCHAR(8); Nullable: No

The DB2® database alias that corresponds to the Q Capture server that is named in the SOURCE_SERVER column.

SOURCE_OWNER Data type: VARCHAR(128); Nullable: No

The schema name or high-level qualifier of the source table for this Q subscription.

SOURCE_NAME Data type: VARCHAR(128); Nullable: No

The name of the source table for this Q subscription.

SRC_NICKNAME_OWNER Data type: VARCHAR(128); Nullable: Yes

The schema of the nickname that is assigned to the source table for automatic loads that uses the LOAD from CURSOR utility when the Q Apply program is running on a non-z/OS platform.

SRC_NICKNAME Data type: VARCHAR(128); Nullable: Yes

The nickname that is assigned to the source table for automatic loads that uses the LOAD from CURSOR utility when the Q Apply program is running on a non-z/OS platform.

TARGET_OWNER Data type: VARCHAR(128); Nullable: No

The schema name or high-level qualifier of the target table or stored procedure for this Q subscription.

TARGET_NAME Data type: VARCHAR(128); Nullable: No

The name of the target table for this Q subscription.

TARGET_TYPE Data type: INTEGER; Nullable: No, with default

A flag that indicates the type of replication target.

1 (default)
User table
Consistent-change-data (CCD) table
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
Stored procedure
FEDERATED_TGT_SRVR Data type: VARCHAR(18); Nullable: Yes

The name of the non-DB2 relational database that contains the Q subscription target.

STATE Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: No, with default

A flag that is inserted by the Q Apply program to describe the current state of the Q subscription.

I (default)
The Q Apply is not applying changes to the target because the Q subscription is new or in error. The Q Apply program discards all transactions that it receives for the Q subscription and waits for a new subscription schema message.
The Q Capture program has begun activating the Q subscription by sending a subscription schema message, and is sending changes from the source table.
The target table is being loaded by an external application. The Q Apply program is putting change messages in a spill queue while it waits for the table to be loaded.
The target table is loaded and the Q Apply program is ready to send a load done message to the Q Capture program. This state is used for automatic loads only.
The Q Apply program is applying messages from the spill queue.
The Q Apply program is terminating because of an error. It deactivates the Q subscription, then empties and deletes the spill queue.
The Q Apply program is applying changes to the target.
The Q Apply program is resuming operations after a Q subscription was placed in the spilled state (S) by the spillsub parameter of the MODIFY or asnqacmd command. The resumesub parameter places the Q subscription in the resuming state (R) after target table maintenance is complete.

The Q Apply program is processing rows that are in the spill queue. Until the Q Apply program empties the spill queue, incoming rows continue to be spilled. When the Q Apply program empties the spill queue, the Q subscription is placed in the active (A) state and normal operations resume.

The Q Apply program is placing rows for the Q subscription in a temporary spill queue. Specifying the spillsub parameter places the Q subscription in the spilling state so that you can perform maintenance on the target table.
For peer-to-peer configurations with more than two servers and a load phase: The Q Apply program has seen a subscription schema message, is actively spilling changes to the source table, and is waiting for a confirmation (another schema message) from the Q Capture program to start loading.
An SQL error was detected while Q Apply was applying messages from a spill queue and the Q subscription was in F state. The Q Apply agent thread that was processing the spill queue stops. Future changes for the Q subscription are placed in the same spill queue until the resumesub parameter of the MODIFY or asnqacmd commands is issued.
STATE_TIME Data type: TIMESTAMP; Nullable: No, with default

The timestamp at the Q Apply server of the last change in state for this Q subscription. Default: Current® timestamp

STATE_INFO Data type: CHAR(8); Nullable: Yes

The number for the ASN message about the Q subscription state. For details, see the IBMQREP_APPLYTRACE table or the Q Apply diagnostic log.

SUBTYPE Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: No, with default

A flag that indicates the type of replication that the Q subscription is involved in.

U (default)
Unidirectional replication.
Bidirectional replication.
Peer-to-peer replication.
CONFLICT_RULE Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: No, with default

A flag that tells the Q Apply program how to look for conflicting changes to the target table. Inserts are always checked using the K (check only keys) rule because there are no before values and keys must be used to detect conflicts.

K (default)
Check only keys. The Q Apply program looks for conflicts by comparing the current value of the primary key in the target table with the old key value sent from the source table.
Check changed columns. Before updating target columns, the Q Apply program makes sure their current value matches the before values in the source columns. For deletes, the Q Apply program checks all columns.
Check all columns. Before updating or deleting a row, the Q Apply program makes sure that the current values in all columns match the old values in the source table.
Check version. In peer-to-peer replication, the Q Apply program checks the version column before applying a row.
CONFLICT_ACTION Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: No, with default

A flag that tells the Q Apply program what to do when a row change conflicts:

I (default)
The Q Apply program does not apply the conflicting row but applies other rows in the transaction.
The Q Apply program tries to force the change. This requires that the Q Capture program send all columns, so the CHANGED_COLS_ONLY value must be set to N (no) in the IBMQREP_SUBS table. This is the default value while a target table is being loaded.
The Q Apply program does not apply the conflicting row but applies other rows in the transaction. Then it disables the Q subscription, stops applying transactions to the target, and sends an error report to the Q Capture program on the administration queue.
The Q Apply program rolls back the transaction, commits, and then stops.
The Q Apply program stops reading from the queue.

All conflicting rows are inserted into the IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table.

ERROR_ACTION Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: No, with default

A flag that tells the Q Apply program what to do in case of an error such as an SQL error (other than a conflict) that prevent it from applying a row change. This flag does not affect Q Apply behavior for errors that are not related to applying a row change, for example WebSphere® MQ errors related to reading from a queue.

Q (default)
The Q Apply program stops reading from the queue.
The Q Apply program does not apply the conflicting row but applies other rows in the transaction. Then it disables the Q subscription, stops applying transactions to the target, and sends an error report to the Q Capture program on the administration queue.
The Q Apply program rolls back the transaction, commits, and then stops.

For z/OS

The Q Apply program starts putting change messages for the Q subscription in a temporary spill queue while the SQL error is being fixed. Use the resumesub parameter of the MODIFY command to prompt Q Apply to start applying messages from the spill queue to targets. To use this error action you must specify a model queue for the Q subscription when you create or change it with the replication administration tools. This error action is not supported for tables with referential integrity constraints.

All conflicting rows are inserted into the IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table.

SPILLQ Data type: VARCHAR(48); Nullable: Yes

The name of the temporary spill queue that the Q Apply program creates when it loads targets.

OKSQLSTATES Data type: VARCHAR(128); Nullable: Yes

A list of space-separated SQLSTATE values that the Q Apply program does not consider as errors. You specify these values when you define a Q subscription.

Values that are entered for OKSQLSTATES prompt the Q Apply program to bypass the error action that is specified for the Q subscription. OKSQLSTATES values do not affect conflicts such as duplicates and row-not-found errors, which are handled by the conflict action that is specified for the Q subscription.

Restriction: The OKSQLSTATES feature is not supported when all of these conditions are true:
  • The Q subscription uses expressions.
  • At least one key column is used in the expression.
  • The evaluation of the expression fails because of bad data or another reason.
SUBGROUP Data type: VARCHAR(30); Nullable: Yes

The name of the peer-to-peer replication group that includes this Q subscription.

SOURCE_NODE Data type: SMALLINT; Nullable: No, with default

An identifying number for the source server in a peer-to-peer Q subscription. Default: 0

TARGET_NODE Data type: SMALLINT; Nullable: No, with default

An identifying number for the target server in a peer-to-peer Q subscription. Default: 0

GROUP_INIT_ROLE Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: Yes

The role of this target server in the process of initializing a peer-to-peer Q subscription.

The initiator of the peer-to-peer group, where the CAPSTART signal is entered into the IBMQREP_SIGNAL table to initialize the subscription.
A server in the peer-to-peer group that is not used to initialize the subscription.
A new server that is in the process of joining the peer-to-peer group.
HAS_LOADPHASE Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: No, with default

A flag that indicates whether the target table will be loaded with data from the source.

N (default)
The target will not be loaded.
An automatic load. The Q Apply program loads the target table.
A manual load. An application other than the Q Apply program loads the target table.
LOAD_TYPE Data type: SMALLINT; Nullable: No, with default

A flag to indicate which utility is called to load the target table when HAS_LOADPHASE is I (automatic load).

0 (default)
The Q Apply program selects the load utility from among the options below.
Use the LOAD from CURSOR utility. The utility is invoked with an option to delete all data in the target table before replacing it with data from the source (this is called the replace option).
Note: A nickname that refers to the source table is required for LOAD from CURSOR when the Q Apply program is on Linux, UNIX, or Windows in the following cases:
  • Q Apply is at Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3 or older and is remote from the Q Capture server.
  • Q Apply is at Version 9.7 Fix Pack 4 or newer but the Q subscription includes XML columns.

In all other cases, when Q Apply is on Linux, UNIX, or Windows it calls the LOAD from CURSOR utility by using a DB2 alias for a cataloged database rather than a nickname. You must add the DB2 alias to a password file that is created by the asnpwd utility.

Use the LOAD from CURSOR utility. The utility is invoked with an option to append source data to the target table without deleting target table contents. This is called the resume option on z/OS targets and the insert option on Linux, UNIX, and Windows targets.
Use the EXPORT and IMPORT utilities. The utilities are invoked with an option to delete all data in the target table before replacing it with data from the source (this is called the replace option).
Linux, UNIX, and Windows targets: Use the EXPORT and IMPORT utilities. The LOAD utility is invoked with an option to append source data to the target table without deleting target table contents (this is called the insert option).
Use the EXPORT and LOAD utilities. The utilities are invoked with an option to delete all data in the target table before replacing it with data from the source (this is called the replace option).
Linux, UNIX, and Windows targets: Use the EXPORT and LOAD utilities. The LOAD utility is invoked with an option to append source data to the target table without deleting target table contents (this is called the insert option).
Select from a replication source and use the LOAD utility, or for Oracle targets use the SQL*Loader utility (unidirectional replication only). The utilities are invoked with an option to delete all data in the target table before replacing it with data from the source (replace option).
Oracle targets: To use SQL*Loader, you must create a password file by using the asnpwd command in the directory that is specified by the apply_path parameter or the directory from which Q Apply is invoked with the following values for these keywords:
  • alias: The Oracle tnsnames.ora entry that refers to the Oracle server (the same name that is used for the NODE option of the CREATE SERVER command for setting up federation).
  • id: The remote user ID for connecting to Oracle.
  • password: The password for connecting to Oracle.
The file must have the default name asnpwd.aut. Before starting the Q subscription, you should test connectivity with this command: $> sqlplus id/password@alias.
Select from a replication source and use the LOAD utility, or for Oracle targets use the SQL*Plus utility. The utilities are invoked with an option to append source data to the target table without deleting target table contents (resume or insert option). To use SQL*Plus, follow the instructions in the entry for LOAD_TYPE 4 above.
Linux, UNIX, and Windows targets: Select from a replication source and use the IMPORT utility. The utility is invoked with an option to delete all data in the target table before replacing it with data from the source (this is called the replace option).
Linux, UNIX, and Windows targets: Select from a replication source and use the IMPORT utility. The utility is invoked with an option to append source data to the target table without deleting target table contents (this is called the insert option).
DESCRIPTION Data type: VARCHAR(254); Nullable: Yes

A user-supplied description of the Q subscription.

SEARCH_CONDITION Data type: VARCHAR(2048); Nullable: Yes

The search condition that is used to filter rows for the Q subscription. This must be an annotated select WHERE clause, with a single colon directly in front of the names of the source columns.

MODELQ Data type: VARCHAR(36); Nullable: Yes, with default

The name of the model queue that the Q Apply program uses to create spill queues during the target loading process. Default: IBMQREP.SPILL.MODELQ

CCD_CONDENSED Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: Yes, with default

A flag that indicates whether a CCD target table is condensed or noncondensed.

N (default)
The CCD table is noncondensed, which means that it contains multiple rows with the same key value, one row for every change that occurs to the source table.
The CCD table is condensed, which means that it contains one row for every key value in the source table and contains only the latest value for the row.
CCD_COMPLETE Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: Yes, with default

A flag that indicates whether a CCD target table is complete or noncomplete.

N (default)
The CCD table is noncomplete, which means that it contains only changes to the source table and starts with no data.
The CCD table is complete, which means that it contains every row of interest from the source table and is initialized with a full set of source data.
SOURCE_TYPE Data type: CHAR(1); Nullable: Yes

The value of this attribute indicates the type of data source for each record.

Classic data source
DB2 data source

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Update icon Last updated: 2011-10-21