DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

SQL data type handling in C and C++ routines

This section identifies the valid types for routine parameters and results, and it specifies how the corresponding argument should be defined in your C or C++ language routine. All arguments in the routine must be passed as pointers to the appropriate data type. Note that if you use the sqludf.h include file and the types defined there, you can automatically generate language variables and structures that are correct for the different data types and compilers. For example, for BIGINT you can use the SQLUDF_BIGINT data type to hide differences in the type required for BIGINT representation between different compilers.

It is the data type for each parameter defined in the routine's CREATE statement that governs the format for argument values. Promotions from the argument's data type might be needed to get the value in the appropriate format. Such promotions are performed automatically by DB2® on argument values. However, if incorrect data types are specified in the routine code, then unpredictable behavior, such as loss of data or abends, will occur.

For the result of a scalar function or method, it is the data type specified in the CAST FROM clause of the CREATE FUNCTION statement that defines the format. If no CAST FROM clause is present, then the data type specified in the RETURNS clause defines the format.

In the following example, the presence of the CAST FROM clause means that the routine body returns a SMALLINT and that DB2 casts the value to INTEGER before passing it along to the statement where the function reference occurs:

In this case, the routine must be written to generate a SMALLINT, as defined later in this section. Note that the CAST FROM data type must be castable to the RETURNS data type, therefore, it is not possible to arbitrarily choose another data type.

The following is a list of the SQL types and their C/C++ language representations. It includes information on whether each type is valid as a parameter or a result. Also included are examples of how the types could appear as an argument definition in your C or C++ language routine: