SQL1000N alias is not a valid database alias name.


The alias specified in the command or api is not valid. The alias must contain 1 to 8 characters (bytes in MBCS countries) and all the characters must be from the database manager base character set.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with the correct alias.

SQL1001N name is not a valid database name.


The syntax of the database name specified in the command is not valid. The database name must contain 1 to 8 characters and all the characters must be from the database manager base character set.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with the correct database name.

sqlcode: -1001

sqlstate: 2E000

SQL1002N drive is not a valid drive.


The drive specified in the command is not valid. The drive is a single character (A to Z) indicating the diskette drive or fixed-disk partition where the database or database directory is located.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with the correct drive.

SQL1003N The password is not valid because the syntax is not correct or the password does not match the password of the specified database.


The length of the password is expected to be 18 characters or less. However, if the password is to be verified for an APPC conversation, it must be 8 characters or less.

User response

Ensure that the password is not longer than the limit allowed.

sqlcode: -1003

sqlstate: 28000

SQL1004C There is not enough storage on the file system to process the command.


There is not enough storage on the specified file system to process the command.

In a partitioned database environment on Windows environments, each node in the partitioned database group must have the exact same physical hard drive specification (letter) available and useable (must contain useable space) for the CREATE DATABASE command to succeed. The physical hard drive letter is specified in the database manager configuration. If DFTDBPATH is left blank the default will be the hard drive where the database product is installed on the instance-owning machine (installation path).

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Choose a different file system or erase some non-database files from the specified file system to make space for the database manager functions.

In a partitioned database environment on Windows environments, follow the following steps:

  • Determine which hard drive specification (letter) is required. The drive letter is specified in the error message.
  • Determine which node/s of the database partition are experiencing the problem. You can usually find this information in the db2diag log file of the instance-owning node.
  • Correct the drive problem on the individual node that is experiencing the problem or change the drive specification in the database manager configuration so that the same drive is available (and has sufficient space) on each and every node of the partitioned database group.
  • re-issue the command.

SQL1005N The database alias name already exists in either the local database directory or system database directory.


The alias name specified has already been used. If no alias is specified in the catalog database command, the database name is used as the alias. When a database is created, the alias name is the same as the database name.

This error may occur on the catalog database command when the alias already exists in the system database directory.

On the create database command this error may occur in one of the following situations:

  • The alias already exists in the system database directory and local database directory.
  • The alias already exists in the system database directory but not in the local database directory.
  • The alias already exists in the local database directory but not in the system database directory.

User response

For the catalog database command, uncatalog the alias from the system database directory and resubmit your original command or catalog the database with a different alias name.

For the create database command, do the following operations corresponding to the three situations listed previously:

  • Drop the database using the alias name. Resubmit your original command.
  • Uncatalog the alias. Resubmit your original command.
  • Catalog the alias into the system database directory. Drop the database using the same alias. Resubmit your original command.

SQL1006N The code page code-page of the application does not match the code page code-page of the database.


The application could not connect to the database because the active codepage is different from the one that was active when the database was created.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Exit the current application program and return to the operating system. Change the code page for the process and restart the application program.

SQL1007N Error in finding pages for an object in a table space.


There are corrupted internal database pages or internal logic error for a table space.

User response

Discontinue use of the object or table space. Contact IBM service to inspect the object and the table space.

sqlcode: -1007

sqlstate: 58034

SQL1008C Invalid storage group or table space ID.


The storage group or table space ID specified does not exist. It is either larger than the current maximum storage group or table space ID, or the storage group or table space has been dropped.

User response

Discontinue use of the database. Save the diagnostic information in the error log and contact IBM Software Support.

sqlcode: -1008

sqlstate: 58036

SQL1009N The command is not valid.


The command is not supported when issued on a client-only workstation or against remote databases. An example of such a command is cataloging a local database.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Possible solutions include:
  • Issue the specified command from a non client-only workstation or from the workstation where the database resides.
  • Verify that the database is cataloged correctly.
  • Issue a different command.

SQL1010N type is not a valid type parameter.


The type specified in the Database Environment command is not valid. It must be '0' for an indirect database or '1' for a remote database.

In addition, on the Unix platforms, the type can be '3' for a database that has a DCE global name.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with a valid type.

SQL1011N No drive was specified in the CATALOG DATABASE command for an indirect entry.


A CATALOG DATABASE command was issued for an indirect entry but no path was specified. Indirect entries must specify the path where the database resides.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with the required path or change the type.

SQL1012N No node name was specified in the CATALOG DATABASE command for a remote entry.


There was no nodename parameter specified in the CATALOG DATABASE command for a remote entry. Remote entries must specify the node name of the database.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with the nodename parameter or a different type.

SQL1013N The database alias name or database name name could not be found.


The database name or alias specified in the command is not an existing database or the database could not be found in the (client or server) database directories or the db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file.

User response

Ensure that the specified database name exists in the system database directory. If the database name does not exist in the system database directory, then the database either does not exist or the database name has not been cataloged.

If the database name appears in the system database directory and the entry type is INDIRECT, ensure that the database exists in the specified local database directory. If the entry type is REMOTE, then ensure that the database exists and is cataloged on the database directories for the server.

For CREATE DATABASE with the AT DBPARTITIONNUM clause, ensure that the database name is in the system database directory with an entry type of INDIRECT and with a catalog database partition number that does not equal -1.

Federated system users: in addition to the previous responses, verify that the database names specified in SYSCAT.SERVERS are all valid. Correct any SYSCAT.SERVERS entry for which the database specified in that entry does not exist.

sqlcode: -1013

sqlstate: 42705

SQL1014W There are no more entries in the directory, file, or list being scanned.


The scan of the directory, file, or list is finished.

User response

No action is required.

SQL1015N The database is in an inconsistent state.


The possible causes of the inconsistent state include:

  • The database is offline as a result of an abnormal termination of the previous session (for example, a power failure).
  • If the error was encountered when issuing the db2ckupgrade command:
    • The database is online and SQL has been issued which modified data in the database.
    • The database is online and HADR has been enabled.

In DB2 pureScale environments only, possible causes also include:

  • The database on this DB2 member is offline as a result of an abnormal termination of the previous session.
  • The database is offline across the entire DB2 pureScale instance as a result of an abnormal termination of the previous session.
  • An attempt was made to perform an add operation or a drop operation while the database is in an inconsistent state such as: backup pending, rollforward pending, or restore pending. Also, if performing a drop operation, all tablespaces must be in a consistent state.
  • The database cannot be configured for HADR.
  • An add operation was attempted following one or more drop operations without taking an offline backup.
  • If the error was encountered when issuing a command after one of these topology changes:
    1. The source member topology includes some members that are not in the target member topology.
    2. The source database was ESE and the target instance is a DB2 pureScale instance.
    3. The source database was a DB2 pureScale instance and the target instance is ESE.

User response

  • If the database is offline as a result of an abnormal termination of the previous session, respond with the following actions:
    1. Restart the database using the RESTART DATABASE command. In a partitioned database server environment, the command must be issued on all database partitions.
  • If this error was encountered when issuing the db2ckupgrade command, respond with the following actions:
    1. Perform a clean shutdown of the database.
    2. After shutdown, if HADR is enabled on the database, issue the STOP HADR command on the database.
    3. Re-issue the db2ckupgrade command.

In a DB2 pureScale environment only:

  • If the database on this DB2 member is offline as a result of an abnormal termination of the previous session, respond with the following actions:

    By default, member crash recovery is automatically initiated in a DB2 pureScale environment, so no user action is required. If member crash recovery is not automatically enabled, perform member crash recovery on this DB2 member by issuing the RESTART DATABASE command.

    Some database operations can still complete on other, consistent members even if one member is inconsistent. To access the database during member crash recovery, connect to an active DB2 member. To access this specific member, wait for member crash recovery to complete.

  • If the database is offline across the entire DB2 pureScale instance as a result of an abnormal termination of the previous session, warn users that the database will not be available until recovery completes. The next step depends on whether group crash recovery is automatically enabled. If it is enabled (the default) then no user action is required. If automatic group crash recovery is not enabled, respond with the following actions:
    1. Perform group crash recovery by issuing the RESTART DATABASE command.
    2. After the recovery completes, perform member crash recovery on any other members that have indoubt transactions.
  • Back up databases or table spaces that are in backup pending state, and resubmit add or drop operation.
  • If using circular logging connect to the database to materialize any existing drop operation, and then proceed to reissue the add.
  • This is not a supported operation, the databases must be consistent. If this is a copy of the database, make the database consistent on the source, then move it to the target instance.

sqlcode: -1015

sqlstate: 55025

SQL1016N The local_lu alias name specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not valid.


The local logical unit ( local_lu) alias specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not permitted. The local logical unit alias is the local SNA logical unit alias and must be 1 to 8 characters and cannot contain blank characters.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the alias is a permitted logical unit name. Verify the characters used in the name. Resubmit the command with a valid logical unit name.

SQL1017N The mode parameter mode specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not valid.


The mode specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not permitted.

The mode parameter identifies the communications profile the Communications Manager uses to set up a session. The mode must be 1 to 8 characters. Valid characters are uppercase or lowercase A through Z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic. The system changes lowercase characters to uppercase.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the name is a permitted mode name. Verify the characters used in the name. Resubmit the command with a correct mode.

SQL1018N The node name name specified in the CATALOG NODE command already exists.


The node name specified in the nodename parameter of the CATALOG NODE command is already cataloged in the node directory on this file system.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

If the nodename parameter is typed correctly, continue processing.

Uncatalog the cataloged node in the node directory if the node cataloged information is no longer valid and resubmit the command. If the node cataloged information is valid, define a new node name and resubmit the command using the new node name.

SQL1019N The node name name specified in the command is not valid.


The node name specified in the command is not valid. The node name may be 1 to 8 characters and all of the characters must be from the database manager base character set. The specified node name cannot be the same as the local instance name.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure the node name is not the same as the local instance name by displaying the value of the DB2INSTANCE environment variable. On UNIX operating systems, display the DB2INSTANCE environment variable by entering the following command:
On Windows operating systems, display the DB2INSTANCE environment variable by entering the following command:

Resubmit the command with the correct node name.

SQL1020C The node directory is full.


The node directory cannot hold any more entries.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Uncatalog any unnecessary entries in the node directory.

SQL1021N The node name name specified in the UNCATALOG NODE command was not found.


The nodename specified in the command could not be found in the node directory.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

If the nodename parameter is correct, the node may already have been uncataloged, and processing can continue. Otherwise, resubmit the command with the correct node name.

SQL1022C There is not enough memory available to process the command.


Not enough random access memory (RAM) is available to process the command.

If a remote procedure was invoked, the remote procedure may use a local variable space that is larger than the allowable maximum (4K).

If the statement involves a user-defined function (UDF), the memory set controlled by the ASLHEAPSZ database manager configuration parameter may be larger than the memory available.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Stop the application. Possible solutions include:
  • Change the MEMMAN NO SWAP, NO MOVE option in the CONFIG.SYS file to SWAP, MOVE.
  • Remove background processes.
  • Decrease the values of the configuration parameters that define allocation of memory, including ASLHEAPSZ if UDFs are involved in the failing statement.
  • Install more random access memory (RAM).
  • If a remote procedure was invoked, ensure that the remote procedure uses a local variable space that is less than or equal to 4K.
  • If you are using Remote Data Services, increase the Remote Data Services heap size (rsheapsz) in the server and client configuration because at least one block is used per application.

sqlcode: -1022

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1023C The communications conversation failed.


An error occurred in the communications conversation.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Retry the original command. If the error persists, contact your communications administrator.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

sqlcode: -1023

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1024N A database connection does not exist.


There is no connection to a database. Other SQL statements cannot be processed unless an SQL CONNECT was previously executed.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

If the error occurred when disconnecting from the database, continue processing. If the error occurred on another SQL statement, issue an SQL CONNECT statement and resubmit the command or statement.

sqlcode: -1024

sqlstate: 08003

SQL1025N The database manager was not stopped because databases are still active.


The stop database manager command cannot be processed if there are any applications connected to databases under control of the database manager, or if any databases have been activated, or if there are any active HADR primary or standby database under control of this database manager.

No action is taken.

User response

Usually no action is required. To stop the database manager, all active applications must disconnect from all the databases they are using. Alternatively, the user can use the FORCE command to force applications to disconnect, and the DEACTIVATE command to deactivate the database, including any HADR primary or standby databases.

SQL1026N The database manager is already active.


This message is returned when the db2start command is issued when the database manager is already started. The db2start command did not encounter any errors, this message is for your information only.

User response

No response is required.

SQL1027N The node directory cannot be found.


The list node directory command cannot be processed because the node directory could not be found.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Issue a CATALOG NODE command with the appropriate parameters and resubmit the current command.

SQL1029N The partner_lu alias name specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not valid.


The partner_lu alias specified in the CATALOG NODE command was not specified or contains characters that are not valid. The partner_lu alias is the partner SNA logical unit alias and must be 1 to 8 characters and must not contain blank characters.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Examine the partner_lu for a typing error. Verify that the alias is a permitted logical unit name. Verify the characters used in the alias. Resubmit the command with a correct partner_lu.

SQL1030C The database directory is full.


Either the system database directory or the local database directory cannot hold any more entries.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Uncatalog any unnecessary entries in the directory. Create new databases on another file system if the local database directory is full.

SQL1031N The database directory cannot be found on the indicated file system.


The system database directory or local database directory could not be found. A database has not been created or it was not cataloged correctly.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the database is created with the correct path specification. The Catalog Database command has a path parameter which specifies the directory where the database resides.

sqlcode: -1031

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued.


The start database manager command has not been processed. It must be processed before a stop database manager, any SQL statement, or utility can be issued.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Issue a start database manager command and resubmit the current command.

If using multiple logical nodes, ensure the DB2NODE environment variable is set correctly. The DB2NODE environment variable indicates the node the application will attempt to connect to. DB2NODE must be set to the node number of one of the nodes defined on the same host as the application.

In a DB2 pureScale environment, respond to this message in one of the following ways:

  • Set the DB2NODE environment variable to a DB2 member that is active.
  • Rerun the command on a computer that is not configured to run only a cluster caching facility (CF).

sqlcode: -1032

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1033N The database directory cannot be accessed because it is being used.


The database directory cannot be accessed if it is currently being updated. Also, the directory cannot be accessed for update if it is already being accessed for any reason. This situation could exist with either the system database directory or the local database directory.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Wait until the access has completed, then resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1033

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1034C The database was damaged, so all applications processing the database were stopped.


Damage has occurred to the database. The database cannot be used until it is recovered. All applications connected to the database have been disconnected and all processes running applications on the database have been stopped.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

In general, respond to this error by performing the following steps:

  1. Recover the database by issuing the RESTART DATABASE command.
  2. If the RESTART DATABASE command consistently fails, you may want to restore the database from a backup.

In a partitioned database environment, respond to this error by performing the following steps:

  1. Before restoring the database from a backup, refer to the syslog to determine if the RESTART DATABASE command is failing because of database partition or communication failures
  2. If the RESTART DATABASE command is failing because of database partition or communication failures, ensure that the following conditions are true:
    • the database manager is up and running
    • communication is available among all the database partitions
  3. Resubmit the RESTART DATABASE command, with the db2_all command:
    db2_all db2 restart database <database_name>
  4. If there are indoubt transactions that remain unresolved after the RESTART DATABASE command is completed, run the RESTART DATABASE command multiple times to ensure that all indoubt transactions have been resolved.

In a DB2 pureScale environment, respond to this error by performing the following steps:

  1. Refer to the administration log to determine if the RESTART DATABASE command is failing because the member being restarted is unable to access a shared storage device.
  2. If the RESTART DATABASE command is failing because the member being restarted is unable to access a shared storage device, correct the access problem and retry the RESTART DATABASE command.
  3. If the member being restarted is able to access the shared storage device, issue the RESTART DATABASE command from a different member.
  4. If none of these actions work, restore the database and then perform a rollforward operation.

If you encountered this error during roll-forward processing, respond to this error by performing the following steps:

  1. Restore the database from a backup.
  2. Perform a roll-forward operation again.

If you are installing the sample database, respond to this error by performing the following steps:

  1. Drop the sample database
  2. Install the sample database again

sqlcode: -1034

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1035N The operation failed because the specified database cannot be connected to in the mode requested.


When a user connects to a database, the connection is in shared mode by default. If another user is already connected to the same database in exclusive mode, then the shared connection attempt will fail with this message. Similarly, if a user attempts to access a database in exclusive mode but the database is already being accessed in shared mode then the connect attempt will fail with this message.

This message can also be returned in the following types of scenarios:

  • The maximum number of connections to the database has been reached.
  • Exclusive use was requested but the database is already in use in exclusive mode by a different user.
  • The database has been activated explicitly (shared access), preventing the operation from establishing an exclusive connection to it.
  • An attempt was made to drop a database partition while the database is quiesced.

In a pureScale environment, this message can be returned when the following series of events occur:

  1. An offline operation, such as backup, restore, or rollforward, was initiated for the database and the operation acquired an exclusive connection to the database.
  2. The member on which that offline operation was initiated failed (because of a hardware or software failure, for example) and the exclusive connection that was held by the offline operation was not released.
  3. The member on which that offline operation was initiated failed to restart automatically.

User response

Perform the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Identify which user applications or system applications have open connections to the database by using the LIST APPLICATIONS command with the SHOW DETAIL parameter and the GLOBAL parameter.
  2. Wait for those applications that have open connections to close their connections to the database.
  3. Terminate any remaining connections to the database using the following commands or statements:
    • QUIESCE DATABASE command
    • CONNECT RESET statement
  4. In a DB2 pureScale environment restart any member that was shut down while an offline operation was taking place.
  5. If the database is quiesced, unquiesce the database.
  6. Connect again.

sqlcode: -1035

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1036C An I/O error occurred while accessing the database.


The problem may have occurred in one of the following situations:

  • The system cannot open, read from, or write to a database file.
  • The system cannot create the database because an error occurred while the system was creating a database file or a directory for the database.
  • The system cannot drop the database because an error occurred while the system was deleting a database file or a directory for the database.
  • The system cannot create the database because an interrupt was received while the system was creating or deleting a database file or a directory for the database.
  • The system cannot locate the database subdirectory or database configuration file during connect.

Problem causes are ordered in terms of their frequency of occurrence:

  • A log file cannot be found in the active log path directory.
  • There may be a problem with the database directory the operation is being attempted on.
  • There may be inadequate disk space to complete the operation.

The database cannot be used.

User response

Appropriate responses for the problem causes described in the Explanation are:

  • To verify if a log file is missing, check the db2diag log file for the presence of a logging error (return code contains SQLO_FNEX). If present, this error will contain the name of the missing log file. Ensure that the file is located in the active log path directory. If the file cannot be located, restore and roll-forward the database to an earlier point in time referenced in a log file preceding the missing log file (use a timestamp that is earlier than that of the missing file).
  • There may be a problem with the database directory. Check the integrity of the directory. Examples of potential problems include: permissions issues, mount point problems, corruption.
  • Increase filesystem size.

NOTE: If the error occurred during CREATE DATABASE or DROP DATABASE, a subsequent CREATE DATABASE or DROP DATABASE command attempts to erase files and directories left from the unsuccessful CREATE DATABASE or DROP DATABASE command.

sqlcode: -1036

sqlstate: 58030

SQL1037W The node directory is empty.


An attempt was made to read the contents of the node directory, but no entries existed.

User response

No action is required.

sqlcode: +1037

sqlstate: 01606

SQL1038C An I/O error occurred while accessing the node directory.


The node directory could not be accessed because of an I/O error.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command. If the error continues, remove the node directory (sqlnodir under the sqllib directory) and recatalog the node names on the network.

sqlcode: -1038

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1039C An I/O error occurred while accessing the database directory.


Either the system database directory or the local database directory cannot be accessed. This error may occur not only when the system is cataloging or uncataloging a database but also when the system is accessing a database that is cataloged in the directory.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Possible solutions include:
  • If the error occurred on a diskette system, verify that the correct diskette is in the drive and ready to use. Verify that it is not write-protected.
  • If the database directory is damaged, restore the databases that were cataloged there from backup versions and catalog them.

If installing the sample database, drop it and install the sample database again.

sqlcode: -1039

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1040N The statement failed because the maximum number of applications are already connected to the database.


Each application that attaches to a database causes some private memory to be allocated. To manage memory use, you can configure the maximum number of concurrent applications that can be connected (both local and remote) to a database by setting the maxappls configuration parameter.

This message is returned when the number of applications connected to the database is equal to the maximum value defined in the configuration file for the database.

User response

Respond to this message in one of the following ways:

  • Wait for other applications to disconnect from the database, and then resubmit the statement.
  • If more applications are required to run concurrently, increase the value of the maxappls database configuration parameter or set maxappls to "AUTOMATIC".

sqlcode: -1040

sqlstate: 57030

SQL1041N The maximum number of concurrent databases have already been started.


The application attempted to start an inactive database but the number of active databases already equals the maximum value defined in the system configuration file.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Wait for one of the databases to become inactive. If more databases are required to be active at the same time, increase the value for numdb. The new value takes effect after the next successful database manager start.

sqlcode: -1041

sqlstate: 57032

SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred.


A system error occurred. Some possible reasons for this error are:

  • The database manager is not installed correctly or the environment is not set up correctly.
  • On UNIX-based systems, db2iupdt may need to be run in order to update the database manager instance to enable acquisition of a new system configuration or access to function associated with the installation or removal of certain product options, FixPaks, or modification levels.
  • You might get this message if you are not using the correct DB2 Administration Server password.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

  • To update the instance to acquire a configuration or access to function run DB2IUPDT <InstName>.
  • If the error occurred while trying to connect to a database, get a trace (instructions below) and call IBM support.

If the problem falls outside of these suggestions, ensure that the system time and date is correctly set, and make sure your system has enough memory and swapping/paging space available.

Resubmit the current command.

If the error continues, stop the database manager and restart it.

If the error still continues, reinstall the database manager.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Contact your technical service representative with the following information:

Required information:

  • Problem description
  • SQLCODE or message number
  • SQLCA contents if possible
  • Trace file if possible.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request. If the problem is with a data source follow the problem determination procedures for that data source.

sqlcode: -1042

sqlstate: 58004

SQL1043C Database Services could not initialize the system catalogs. Error error was returned.


The CREATE DATABASE command failed while initializing the system catalogs.

User response

Record the message number (SQLCODE) and error in this message.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Then contact your technical service representative with the following information:
  • Environment: Application
  • Required information:
    • Problem description
    • SQLCODE or message number and error identifier
    • SQLCA contents if possible
    • Trace file if possible.

SQL1044N Processing was cancelled due to an interrupt.


The user may have pressed the interrupt key sequence.

Processing is stopped.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User response

Continue processing to handle the interrupt.

If installing the sample database, drop it and install the sample database again.

If starting the database manager, issue a db2stop before issuing any db2 commands.

sqlcode: -1044

sqlstate: 57014

SQL1045N The database was not found because it was not cataloged correctly.


An indirect entry in the database directory points to another non-HOME entry.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the entries in all the associated database directories with the directory scan commands.

sqlcode: -1045

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1046N The authorization ID is not valid.


The authorization specified at logon is not valid for either the data source or the database manager. One of the following occurred:

  • The authorization contains more than 30 characters for Windows platforms or 128 characters for other platforms.
  • The authorization contains characters not valid for an authorization. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @ and $.
  • The authorization is PUBLIC or public.
  • The authorization begins with SYS, sys, IBM, ibm, SQL or sql.
  • The authorization violates some data source-specific naming convention.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Log on with a valid authorization ID.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request and use an authorization ID valid for that data source.

sqlcode: -1046

sqlstate: 28000

SQL1047N The application is already connected to another database.


An application cannot create a database while connected to another database.

Binding a bind file to one database while already connected to another database is not permitted.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Disconnect from the active database and resubmit the command.

SQL1048N The use parameter parameter in the START USING DATABASE or CONNECT TO command is not valid. It must be an S for shared access, an X for exclusive use or an N for exclusive use at single node. For DB2 Connect connections, only S is supported. N is only supported in MPP configuration.


The use parameter in the START USING DATABASE or CONNECT TO command must be either an S for shared or an X for exclusive use. If connecting to a database usingDB2 Connect , only shared access is allowed. Mnemonic equates for these values are provided in the SQLENV.H file.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with a valid use parameter (preferably from the mnemonic equates).

SQL1049C The application state is in error. The database connection has been lost.


The connection to the database has been lost.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Issue a CONNECT RESET statement.

SQL1050N The database cannot be uncataloged because it is a home database.


The database specified in the UNCATALOG DATABASE command is a home database. Home databases cannot be uncataloged because their directory entries are deleted when the database is dropped.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Continue processing if the database name was specified correctly.

SQL1051N The path path does not exist or is not valid.


One of the following conditions is true:

  • The value specified for the database directory or storage path does not exist or is inaccessible.
  • The value specified for the database directory or storage path contains characters that are incompatible with the code page of the database.
  • Storage paths must have an absolute path name and cannot be relative.
  • An attempt is being made to activate or connect to a database but a storage path cannot be found or it is inaccessible.
  • An attempt is being made to restore an automatic storage database while maintaining the storage paths defined in the backup image. However, a storage path cannot be found or it is inaccessible.
  • A rollforward is attempting to replay a log record related to adding storage paths but a storage path cannot be found or it is inaccessible.
  • An attempt is being made to drop a storage path that is not associated with the database.

If you are using a cluster manager, this message can be returned if the database manager failed to add the given storage path to the cluster manager configuration. Error messages from the cluster manager will be recorded in the db2diag log file.

The statement or command cannot be processed.

User response

Depending on the condition:

  • Create the path if it does not exist, or change the permissions of the path if it is inaccessible. Resubmit the statement or command.
  • Use characters that conform to naming rules for database directory and storage paths.
  • If specifying a relative storage path name then specify its absolute path name instead. Resubmit the statement or command.
  • Resolve the issue with the storage path and resubmit the command. If the storage path is no longer available then the database must be restored from a backup image.
  • Create the storage path if it does not exist, or change the permissions of the path if it is inaccessible. Alternately, the storage paths can be redefined using the ON parameter of the RESTORE DATABASE command or by using the SET STOGROUP PATHS command.
  • Create the storage path if it does not exist, or change the permissions of the path if it is inaccessible. Alternately, restore the database again and redefine the storage paths associated with the database. When storage paths are redefined during a restore, all subsequent add storage path log records are ignored.
  • If trying to drop a storage path, ensure that it exists and is associated with the database. Then try the request again.

If you are using a cluster manager, correct the problem and resubmit the command:

  1. Review the db2diag log file for error messages from the cluster manager.
  2. Respond to the cluster manager error messages in the db2diag log file to correct the underlying problem that prevented the database manager from adding the path to the cluster manager configuration.
  3. Resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1051

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1052N The database path path does not exist.


The path specified in the path parameter of the command is not valid. Either there is no path with that name, or a path has been specified when the DB2_CREATE_DB_ON_PATH registry variable is disabled (Windows only).

In a partitioned database environment on Windows or UNIX environments, each node in the partitioned database group must have the same hard drive specification (path) available with usable space for the CREATE DATABASE command to succeed. The hard drive path is specified in the database manager configuration. If DFTDBPATH is left blank the default will be the hard drive path where the database product is installed on the instance-owning machine (installation path).

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with the correct database path.

In a partitioned database environment on Windows or UNIX environments, follow the following steps:

  • Determine which hard drive specification (path) is required. The path is specified in the error message.
  • Determine which node/s of the database partition are experiencing the problem. You can usually find this information in the db2diag log file of the instance-owning node.
  • Correct the drive problem on the node that is experiencing the problem, or change the drive specification in the database manager configuration so that the same drive is available and has sufficient space on each node of the partitioned database group.
  • Re-issue the command.
  • On Windows if all applications that will access the database are built on at least Version 9 external APIs then the DB2_CREATE_DB_ON_PATH registry variable can be enabled to support a path as the database path.

SQL1053N An interrupt is already being processed.


The system is currently processing an interrupt so another interrupt is not honored.

The interrupt request is ignored.

User response

Wait until the current interrupt processing finishes and resubmit the command.

SQL1054N A COMMIT is in progress and cannot be interrupted.


The system is currently processing a COMMIT. The user entered an interrupt key sequence.

The interrupt request is ignored.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User response

Wait until COMMIT is finished and resubmit the request.

SQL1055N A ROLLBACK is in progress and cannot be interrupted.


The system is currently processing a ROLLBACK. The user entered an interrupt key sequence.

The interrupt request is ignored.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User response

Wait until ROLLBACK is finished and resubmit the request.

SQL1056N There are already eight database directory scans open.


Eight database directory scans in this process are already open. No more than eight open scans are allowed.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Issue one or more CLOSE DIRECTORY SCAN commands and resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1056

sqlstate: 54029

SQL1057W The system database directory is empty.


An attempt was made to read the contents of the system database directory, but no entries existed.

User response

No action is required.

sqlcode: +1057

sqlstate: 01606

SQL1058N The handle parameter in the Directory Scan command is not valid.


The handle parameter specified in the Directory Scan command is not valid. The handle must be the one returned from the OPEN DIRECTORY SCAN or the OPEN NODE DIRECTORY SCAN command.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with a valid handle parameter.

SQL1059N A Get Next command cannot be processed because no Open Scan command was issued.


A directory scan command was issued before the scan was opened.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Issue an OPEN DIRECTORY SCAN or OPEN NODE DIRECTORY SCAN command and resubmit the current command.

SQL1060N User authorization-ID does not have the CONNECT privilege.


The specified authorization ID does not have the CONNECT privilege to access the database. The CONNECT privilege must be granted before the user can connect to a database. This error is also returned when a switch user request is made with a user ID allowed on the trusted connection but that user ID does not hold CONNECT privilege on the database. The connection is put in an unconnected state.

Federated system users: This situation can also be detected by the data source

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Contact the system administrator or database administrator for the database and request a GRANT CONNECT for the authorization ID. Resubmit the command.

If this error is returned as a result of a switch user request, then until a switch user request with a valid user ID is made (the user ID that established the trusted connection or a user ID allowed on the trusted connection), if any SQL statement is issued, an error is returned (SQLSTATE 08003). The connection remains trusted when it is taken out of the unconnected state.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source that rejected the request and ensure that correct privileges have been granted for that data source. Some data sources might use a different name than the CONNECT privilege for the privilege required to connect to a database.

sqlcode: -1060

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1061W The RESTART DATABASE command completed successfully, but indoubt transactions exist against the database.


Although the restart database operation was successful, existing indoubt transactions still need to be resolved. The database is usable, but if the indoubt transactions are not resolved before the last connection to the database is dropped, then the database will again require a restart before it can be used.

In a DB2 pureScale environment, the effect of the indoubt transactions depends on which DB2 member they are associated with, and the type of recovery operation that just completed. If the indoubt transactions are associated with the DB2 member from which the restart operation was issued, the database will be usable but any data associated with the indoubt transactions will not accessible. If the restart command initiated a group crash recovery and the indoubt transactions are associated with a different DB2 member, that DB2 member will remain inconsistent until it undergoes member crash recovery and the indoubt transactions will not be available for resolution until that member crash recovery completes.

User response

Either resolve the indoubt transactions, or be prepared to restart the database whenever you wish to use it. If the transaction manager (TM) that was using the database (in an XA/DTP environment) is available, then the administrator should instruct the TM to resolve the indoubt transactions. Alternatively, with great caution, the administrator can use the CLP to heuristically complete the transactions.

  • In a partitioned database server environment, the RESTART DATABASE command is run on a per-partition basis. In order to ensure that the database is restarted on all partitions, use the following command:
    db2_all db2 restart database

    Issuing this command will resolve any indoubt transactions if all database partitions are operational.

    This command may have to be run several times to ensure that all indoubt transactions have been resolved.

  • In a DB2 pureScale environment, the user response depends on whether automatic recovery is enabled (the default). If automatic recovery is enabled, the member crash recovery will occur automatically when the database manager process model is started on any member (i.e., through a db2start command or by DB2 cluster services). If automatic recovery is not enabled, a manual member crash recovery must be initiated using the RESTART DATABASE command. In both cases, the indoubt transactions are available for resolution after member crash recovery completes.

SQL1062N The database path path was not found.


The database path parameter specified in the command does not exist. If the path is not specified, the default path defined in the system configuration file is used, and it does not exist.

In a partitioned database environment on Windows environments, each node in the partitioned database group must have the exact same physical hard drive specification (letter) available and useable (must contain useable space) for the CREATE DATABASE command to succeed. The physical hard drive letter is specified in the database manager configuration. If DFTDB is left blank the default will be the hard drive where the database product is installed on the instance-owning machine (installation path).

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the path or the default path and make sure they exist in the system. Resubmit the command.

In a partitioned database environment on Windows environments, follow the following steps:

  • Determine which hard drive specification (letter) is required. The drive letter is specified in the error message.
  • Determine which node/s of the database partition are experiencing the problem. You can usually find this information in the db2diag log file of the instance owning node.
  • Correct the drive problem on the individual node that is experiencing the problem or change the drive specification in the database manager configuration so that the same drive is available (and has sufficient space) on each and every node of the partitioned database group.
  • re-issue the command.

SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.


The command to start the database manager completed successfully.

SQL1064N DB2STOP processing was successful.


The command to stop the database manager completed successfully.

SQL1065W The database was created or upgraded successfully, but an error occurred binding one or more bind files in list list-name. The file(s) in the following position(s) in the bind list file were not bound: list.


One or more utilities were not bound to the database. The list file list-name contains a list of the bind files. The numbers in list indicate the relative positions of the unbound files in the list file.

The listed utility bind files are not bound to the created or upgraded database.

User response

Bind the indicated utilities to the database using the list of bind files list-name. Do not use the format option on the binder call.

SQL1066N DB2START processing was successful. IPX/SPX protocol support was not successfully started.


The IPX/SPX protocol support was not successfully started. Remote clients cannot use IPX/SPX to connect to the server. Possible causes are:
  • The workstation is not logged in to the NetWare file server.
  • The workstation does not have authority to create an object in the NetWare file server bindery.
  • Another database manager on the network is using the same object name specified in the database manager configuration file.

User response

Ensure that the workstation is logged in to the NetWare file server, and has sufficient authority to create an object in the bindery at the file server. The user must be logged in as SUPERVISOR or equivalent. Also ensure that the object name specified in the database manager configuration file is unique for all database managers in the network. Make any corrections, run DB2STOP, and then run DB2START again.

If the problem continues, at the operating system command prompt type DB2TRC ON -L 0X100000. Run DB2START again, then at the command prompt, type DB2TRC DUMP filename to save the trace information. To turn trace off, type DB2TRC OFF. Contact your service coordinator with the trace information.

SQL1067N DB2STOP processing was not successful. IPX/SPX protocol support was not successfully stopped.


The IPX/SPX protocol support was not successfully stopped. Possible causes are:
  • The workstation is not logged in to the NetWare file server.
  • The workstation does not have authority to delete an object in the NetWare file server bindery.

User response

Ensure that the workstation is logged in to the NetWare file server, and has sufficient authority to delete an object in the bindery at the file server. The user must be logged in as SUPERVISOR or equivalent. Make any corrections, and run DB2STOP again.

If the problem continues, at the operating system command prompt type DB2TRC ON -L 0X100000. Run DB2STOP again, then at the command prompt, type DB2TRC DUMP filename to save the trace information. To turn trace off, type DB2TRC OFF. Contact your service coordinator with the trace information.

SQL1068N The domain that owns the user ID user-ID for the CONNECT or ATTACH statement is not defined in the DB2DOMAINLIST environment variable.


A user ID in a CONNECT TO or ATTACH TO statement does not belong to a domain defined in the DB2DOMAINLIST environment variable.

User response

Specify the name of the domain which owns the user ID in the DB2DOMAINLIST environment variable by using the DB2SET command.

sqlcode: -1068

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1069N The database name is not a home database.


The database is not a local database. A local database is cataloged as indirect in the system database directory and this entry references a home entry in the local database directory on the same node. Remote databases cannot be dropped.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

If the specified database name was incorrect, resubmit the command with the correct database name. If the specified database name was correct and the intent is to remove the database name from the database directory, use the UNCATALOG DATABASE command.

SQL1070N The address of the database name parameter is not valid.


The application program used an address that is not valid for the database name parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Correct the application program so a correct address is used and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1071N The address of the database alias name parameter is not valid.


The application program used an address that is not valid for this parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1072C The request failed because the database manager resources are in an inconsistent state. The database manager might have been incorrectly terminated, or another application might be using system resources in a way that conflicts with the use of system resources by the database manager.


This message can be returned in multiple scenarios:

  • The database manager was incorrectly terminated. (On UNIX-based systems, for example, this situation might occur if the processes were terminated with the "kill" command, rather than the STOP DATABASE MANAGER command).
  • Another application or user might have removed the database manager resources. (On UNIX-based systems, for example, a user with sufficient privilege might have accidentally removed an Interprocess Communication (IPC) resource owned by the database manager, using the "ipcrm" command).
  • The use of system resources by another application conflicts with the use of system resources by the database manager. (On UNIX-based systems, for example, another application might be using the same keys that the database manager uses for creating IPC resources).
  • Another instance of the database manager might be using the same resources. This situation could occur on UNIX-based systems if the two instances are on different file systems and the sqllib directories happen to use conflicting IPC keys.

User response

Review the db2diag diagnostic log files for more detailed diagnostic information.

Perform one or more of the following troubleshooting and resource cleanup steps, and then resubmit the request that failed:

  • Remove all the database manager processes running under the instance ID.

    For example, on UNIX-based systems, perform the following steps:

    1. List all the database manager processes running under the instance ID by issuing the db2_ps command.
    2. Remove those processes by issuing the following command:
      kill -9 <process-ID>
  • Ensure that no other application is running under the instance ID, and then remove all resources owned by the instance ID.

    For example, on UNIX-based systems, perform the following steps:

    1. List all IPC resources owned by the instance ID by issuing the following command:
      ipcs | grep <instance-ID>
    2. Remove those resources by issuing the following command:
      ipcrm -[q|m|s] <instance-ID>
  • If you find that two instances can be started individually but cannot be active at the same time, generate new IPC keys for one of those instances by performing the following steps as the instance owner:
    For single database partition instances:
    1. Delete the sqllib/.ftok file.
    2. Run the sqllib/bin/db2ftok command to generate a new .ftok file.
    For multiple database partition instances:
    1. Create another directory at the same level as sqllib.
    2. Move everything from under sqllib to the new directory.
    3. Delete sqllib.
    4. Rename the new directory to sqllib.

SQL1073N The node directory release number is not correct.


The node directory release number does not match the product expected release number. The node directory could be from a previous release.

User response

Re-catalog all the node entries and try the command again.

SQL1074N The address of the password parameter is not valid.


The application program used an address that is not valid for this parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1075N The address of the database comment parameter is not valid.


The application program used an address that is not valid for this parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1076N The address of the count parameter is not valid.


The application program used an address that is not valid for the count parameter.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program.

SQL1077N The address of the handle parameter is not valid.


The application program used an address that is not valid for the handle parameter.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program.

SQL1078N The address of the buffer parameter is not valid.


The application program used an address that is not valid for the buffer parameter.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program.

SQL1079N The address of the nodename parameter is not valid.


The application program used a nname parameter address that is invalid. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1080N The address of the local_lu name parameter is not valid.


The application program used an address that is not valid for the local_lu name parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1081N The address of the partner_lu name parameter is not valid.


The application program has used an address that is not valid for the partner_lu parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1082N The address of the mode parameter is not valid.


The application program has used an address that is not valid for the mode parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1083N The database cannot be created because the database description block cannot be processed, reason code = reason-code.


The application issued a CREATE DATABASE command, but the database descriptor block (DBDB) could not be processed for one of the following reason codes:
The address of the DBDB is not valid.
The value of the SQLDBDID field of the DBDB is not valid. It should be set to the value SQLDBDB1.
The value of the SQLDBCSS field of the DBDB is not valid. When using the CREATE DATABASE CLP command, the value specified in the COLLATE USING option is invalid.
The collation value specified in SQLDBUDC is invalid for collation type SQL_CS_UNICODE. When using the CREATE DATABASE CLP command, the value specified in the COLLATE USING option is not valid for UTF-8 code set.
A database cannot be created with an explicit collation type, and implicit code set. You must either specify the code set desired, or leave collation as SQL_CS_SYSTEM. When using the CREATE DATABASE CLP command, you must either specify the code set desired with an explicit collation type, or use implicit collation without COLLATE USING option.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Correct the error and resubmit the command.

SQL1084C The database manager failed to allocate shared memory because an operating system kernel memory limit has been reached.


The default values for some kernel parameters on some operating systems are not sufficient for running a database. If any other software is running on the same system as the DB2 database, the other software will compete for operating system resources, which makes configuring kernel parameters more difficult. To simplify kernel parameter configuration, the database manager automatically adjusts some kernel parameter settings when an instance is started on some operating systems. Also, there is a tool called db2osconf that you can use with some operating systems to determine recommended minimum operating system kernel settings for running a database system.

This message is returned when the database manager is unable to allocate shared memory, during activities such as activating a database or rolling a database forward, because an operating system kernel memory limit, such SHMMAX on Linux, has been reached.

User response

Respond to this error by performing one or more of the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Generate database configuration recommendations by running the following command:
  • Increase the operating system kernel setting that limits the amount of operating system memory that is available for the database manager.
  • Decrease the amount of memory that the database uses by decreasing the database_memory configuration parameter.
  • On Linux operating systems only: the default value of some kernel configuration parameters, such as SHMMAX, are not large enough for DB2 LUW. Determine the current kernel configuration parameter settings and modify any kernel parameters that are not large enough.

If this error continues to happen after you have performed these troubleshooting steps, collect diagnostic information using the db2support utility and contact IBM software support.

sqlcode: -1084

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1085N The application heap cannot be allocated.


The application could not connect to the database because the database manager could not allocate the number of application heap 4K pages specified in the database configuration file. The system is out of 4K pages. The command cannot be processed.

User response

Possible solutions are:
  • Lower the size of the application heap (applheapsz) in the database configuration file.
  • Reduce the maximum number of applications in the database configuration file.
  • Remove background processes.
  • Install more memory.

sqlcode: -1085

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1086C An operating system error error occurred.


The command received an error from the operating system that prevents further processing.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Refer to the operating system user publications to determine the nature of the error.

SQL1087W The database was created or upgraded successfully, but an error occurred while opening the list file name. The DB2 utilities are not bound to the database.


The CREATE DATABASE or UPGRADE DATABASE command could not open the list file containing the list of utility bind files. The list file should be located in the bnd subdirectory of the sqllib subdirectory.

The utility bind files are not bound to the created or upgraded database.

User response

Bind the utilities to the database. Do not use the format option on the binder call.

SQL1088W The database was created or upgraded successfully but an error occurred while binding the utilities. The utilities are not bound to the database.


The CREATE DATABASE or UPGRADE DATABASE command could not bind the utility bind files to the database.

The utility bind files are not bound to the newly created or upgraded database.

User response

Perform the following actions:

  • Bind the utilities to the database. Do not use the format option on the binder call.
  • Bind the db2schema.bnd file from the database server.

SQL1089W The database was created, but the binding of the utilities was interrupted. The utilities are not bound to the database.


CREATE DATABASE was interrupted while binding the utilities to the database. The interrupt key sequence may have been pressed.

The utility bind files are not bound to the newly created database.

User response

Bind the utilities to the database. Do not use the format option on the binder call.

SQL1090C The release number of the precompiled application program or utility is not valid.


The release number of the precompiled application program or utility is not compatible with the release number of the installed version of the database manager.

The error will also occur if the application program is using down-level database manager libraries or DLLs while accessing the installed version of the database manager configuration file.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that there is no older version of the database manager libraries or DLLs that will be picked up for your application processing.

If the problem persists, repeat the precompile process with the current database manager. Use only application programs precompiled with a compatible release level of the database manager.

SQL1091C The release number of the database is unsupported.


The release number of the database is not the same release number of the instance. This release number was set when the database was created, when the database was upgraded, or the highest version, release, modification, and fix pack level defined in the system catalog.

The command cannot be processed.

If the error occurred during a database upgrade or database restore, you are attempting to upgrade or restore an incompatible release of database.

If the error occurred on the first connection after removing a fix pack, you are attempting to connect to a database which is only supported from higher fix pack level.

User response

If the error occurred during a database upgrade or database restore, you must first upgrade the database to a release supported for database upgrade in the DB2 copy to which you want to upgrade.

If the error occurred the first time you connect to a database after removing a fix pack, restore the database from a backup and then issue the update database to current level command from a DB2 copy at a fix pack level that supports the database.

sqlcode: -1091

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1092N The requested command or operation failed because the user ID does not have the authority to perform the requested command or operation. User ID: user-id.


Authentication of a user is completed using a security facility outside of the DB2 database system (part of the operating system or a separate product.) Authorization is performed using DB2 facilities (using DB2 tables and configuration files.) This message can be returned when there is a problem with either authentication or authorization.

Troubleshooting authentication and authorization problems is complicated by the fact that multiple agents are controlling access at different levels (local operating system login credentials, Windows user groups, domains, third-party security services such as Kerberos, the context in which a command is executed, DB2 authority levels, and database objects, just to name a few.)

Here are some common scenarios, listed by operating environment, in which this message can be returned:

Windows operating systems using groups

Here is a description of a scenario in which this message could be returned in a Windows environment using groups:

DB2 database configuration:

  • The database product was installed with the database manager instance user set to the Windows LocalSystem account (or set to another local Windows account.)
  • The DB2_GRP_LOOKUP environment variable is not set.

Action that fails:

  • A user attempts to connect to a database using a two-part user ID that is defined at a remote domain.

Reason for the failure:

  • Because the environment variable DB2_GRP_LOOKUP is not set, the database manager attempts to enumerate the groups at the location where the user ID is defined. However, because the database manager is running under the context of the LocalSystem account, the database manager does not have authority to access the network to enumerate the groups at the location where the user ID is defined.
Windows operating systems using Kerberos

In a Windows environment in which Kerberos authentication is being used, this message can be returned when an attempt is made to log on to a computer with an account that is not a domain account.

Windows operating systems using Extended Security

In a Windows environment with Extended Security enabled, this message can be returned if a user ID that is not a member of the local DB2USERS group or DB2ADMNS group attempts to use or modify a database resource.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) environments

In an LDAP environment, this message can be returned if the user ID or the DB2 Connect gateway does not have the authority to perform the CATALOG DATABASE, CATALOG ... NODE, or CATALOG DCS DATABASE command.

The Windows command prompt

On Windows Vista or later versions of the Windows operating system, the command prompt might have standard user privileges, even if the user has administrative privileges. This message can be returned if a command that requires administrative privileges is executed from a command prompt that has only standard privileges.

Federated database environments

In federated environments, this error could happen at the federated server or at the federated data source.

User response

In general, respond to this error by performing the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Work with a system administrator or a database administrator to collect information about the privileges and authority that the given user ID has. Here is an example of one way to collect this type of information about a give user ID:
    db2 SELECT * FROM TABLE    
  2. Identify the attempted operation that failed.
  3. Compare the privileges and authority that the given user ID has with the action that was attempted.
  4. Use a different user ID that has the required authority and privileges, or grant the user ID the required privileges by performing one or more of the following type of administrative actions:
    • Add the user ID to the necessary groups
    • Alter the authority or privileges of the group to which the user ID already belongs
    • Specifically grant the user ID the authority to perform the action using the GRANT statement

Here are some examples of ways to respond to specific scenarios:

Windows operating systems using Kerberos

In a Windows environment in which Kerberos authentication is being used, log on to the computer with a domain account.

Windows operating systems using Extended Security

In a Windows environment with Extended Security enabled, to use or modify a database resource, take on of the following actions:

  • Add the user ID to the local DB2USERS group or DB2ADMNS group.
  • Use a user ID that is a member of the local DB2USERS group or DB2ADMNS group.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) environments

In an LDAP environment, if the user ID or the DB2 Connect gateway does not have the authority to perform the CATALOG DATABASE, CATALOG ... NODE, or CATALOG DCS DATABASE command, enable users to catalog and uncatalog databases and nodes, or DCS and ODBC directories, without SYSADM authority using the catalog_noauth database manager configuration parameter.

The Windows command prompt

To run a command with full administrative privileges, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a command window that is will run with full administrative privileges using the shortcut called "Command window - Administrator" that is created during the DB2 database install process.
  2. Launch the command from the command window that is running with full administrative privileges.
Federated environments

Determine whether it is the federated server that is returning the error, or the federated data source that is returning the error, and then perform the same troubleshooting steps described in this message.

SQL1093N The user is not logged on.


A user must be logged on before any command requiring authorization can be processed. Possible causes for this error include:
  • Unable to get a user ID.
  • An unexpected operating system error occurred when attempting to log on.
  • The application is running in a background process.
  • The user cancelled an attempted logon.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Log on with a valid user ID and resubmit the command. If several concurrent processes are attempting to log on, wait a few seconds and retry the logon procedure.

sqlcode: -1093

sqlstate: 51017

SQL1094N The node directory cannot be accessed because it is being updated.


The node directory cannot be scanned or used while it is being updated. Also, the directory cannot be accessed for update if it is already being accessed for any reason.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command after the update is finished.

sqlcode: -1094

sqlstate: 57009

SQL1095N There are already eight node directory scans open.


Eight node directory scans are already open in this process and no more than eight are allowed.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Issue one or more CLOSE NODE DIRECTORY SCAN commands. Resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1095

sqlstate: 54029

SQL1096N The command is not valid for this node type.


A command was issued on a node that does not support the command, or the system environment was found to be set up incorrectly for this node type. For example, a database was cataloged as LOCAL on a client node.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the command and parameters are correct for the node type. Also verify that the environment where the command is to be processed is correct. Resubmit the command.

SQL1097N The node name was not found in the node directory.


Either the node name listed in the database directory for a remote database or the node name specified on an attach command was not cataloged in the node directory.

The command cannot be processed.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User response

Verify that the node name listed in the database directory or as the object of the attach command is cataloged in the node directory. If the node is not listed in the node directory, submit a CATALOG NODE command.

Federated system users: in addition to these actions, also verify that the node names listed in all the SYSCAT.SERVERS entries are correct. If the node is not listed in the node directory and the server is a member of the DB2 family, issue a CATALOG NODE command for that node.

sqlcode: -1097

sqlstate: 42720

SQL1098N The application is already connected to this database.


A connection to a database was requested but the application is already connected to the specified database.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

No action is necessary.

sqlcode: -1098

sqlstate: 53056

SQL1099N The diskette is write-protected.


A write operation was attempted to a database residing on a write-protected diskette.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Verify you are using the correct diskette. Remove protection from the diskette, if necessary.

SQL1100W The node name name specified in the Catalog Database command has not been cataloged in the Node Directory.


The Catalog Database command specified node name name but that is not cataloged in the node directory. The node name must be cataloged before the remote database can be used.

The CATALOG DATABASE command completed successfully.

User response

Issue a CATALOG NODE command.

SQL1101N Remote database name on node node-name could not be accessed with the specified authorization id and password.


A connection to the remote database name on node node-name was requested, and the remote node does not accept the authorization ID and password combination specified for this node (either in the remote authorization tables or at runtime).

Federated system users: This error can also occur when any of the following is true:

  • There is no user mapping and the remote authorization ID or remote password does not match the authorization ID and password that were specified when connecting to the DB2 federated database.
  • The user mapping does not specify the REMOTE_PASSWORD option, and no password was specified when connecting to the DB2 federated database.
  • The user mapping does not specify the REMOTE_PASSWORD option, and the remote password does not match the password specified when connecting to the DB2 federated database.
  • The user mapping does not specify the REMOTE_AUTHID option, and the remote authorization ID does not match the authorization ID specified when connecting to the DB2 federated database.
  • The remote authorization ID or remote password do not match those specified on the user mapping.

The request cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the request with a valid authorization ID and password combination for the remote system.

sqlcode: -1101

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1102N A database name was not specified.


No database name was provided to proceed with database upgrade.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Specify a database name for upgrade.

SQL1103W The UPGRADE DATABASE command was completed successfully.


The UPGRADE DATABASE command was completed successfully. If issued on a non-HADR standby database, you can now access this database.

Note that this message will also be returned if the database was already at the current level and was not upgraded.

If issued on an HADR standby database, the database metadata has been upgraded to the current level and the HADR replay service has begun in the background. The database is in upgrade in progress state and can not accept new connections if reads on standby is enabled until it has replayed all upgrade log records received from the primary database.

User response

If issued on a non-HADR standby database, perform post-upgrade tasks.

If issued on an HADR standby database, issue the UPGRADE DATABASE command on the primary database.

SQL1104N The address of the program name parameter is not valid.


The application program has used an address for the program name that is not valid.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Use a correct address in the application program.

SQL1105N The SQL CONNECT RESET statement is not allowed in a Remote Application Interface procedure.


The remote application procedure contains an SQL CONNECT RESET statement.

The remote procedure is not allowed to continue.

User response

Remove the SQL CONNECT RESET statement and retry the remote procedure.

sqlcode: -1105

sqlstate: 38003

SQL1106N The specified DLL name module was loaded, but the function function could not be executed.


The function within the DLL (dynamic link library) cannot be found.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the DLL module is built correctly. Reference the module in the definition file.

sqlcode: -1106

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1107N An interrupt was received while loading the specified DLL name.


When loading the DLL (dynamic link library) module, the command was interrupted, perhaps by Ctrl+Break.

Processing is stopped.

User response

Resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1107

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1108N An unexpected I/O error or operating system error was received while loading the specified DLL name.


An unexpected error occurred when trying to load the DLL (dynamic link library) module specified in the program name field.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the current command. If the error continues, reinstall the database manager.

If reinstallation does not correct the error, record the message number (SQLCODE) and all information in the SQLCA if possible.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Then contact your technical service representative.

sqlcode: -1108

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1109N The command was not processed because the database manager failed to load the following DLL: file-name.


This message is returned when the database manager fails to load a dynamic link library (DLL).

User response

Respond to this error by performing the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Identify with which product component the given library file is associated.
  2. Verify the installation of the associated product components. (For example, the path of DB2 database libraries must be included in the environment variable LIBPATH.)

sqlcode: -1109

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1110N A supplied data area was invalid and could not be used.


The data area is not initialized correctly.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the user-supplied input SQLDA or output SQLDA fields are initialized correctly.

SQL1111N The program name name specified was invalid.


The DLL (dynamic link library) module or program name syntax is not correct.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the DLL or program name is specified correctly.

sqlcode: -1111

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1112N There are not enough system resources to load the specified DLL name.


There is not enough random access memory (RAM) to load the specified DLL (dynamic link library) module.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Stop the application. Possible solutions are:
  • Change the MEMMAN NO SWAP, NO MOVE option in the CONFIG.SYS file to SWAP, MOVE.
  • Remove background processes.
  • Decrease the values of the configuration parameters that define the allocation of memory.
  • Install more random access memory (RAM).

sqlcode: -1112

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1113N The data type for sqlvar n in the output SQLDA was changed from type-1 to type-2.


The remote stored procedure changed the data type of the nth sqlvar in the output SQLDA; n is the sequence number of the first mismatched sqlvar.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

User response

Correct the remote stored procedure so the data type information in the output SQLDA is not changed.

sqlcode: -1113

sqlstate: 39502

SQL1114N The data length for sqlvar n in the output SQLDA was changed from length-1 to length-2.


The remote stored procedure changed the data length of the nth sqlvar in the output SQLDA; n is the sequence number of the first mismatched sqlvar.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

User response

Correct the remote stored procedure so the data length information in the output SQLDA is not changed.

sqlcode: -1114

sqlstate: 39502

SQL1115N The number of sqlvars in the output SQLDA was changed from count-1 to count-2.


The remote procedure changed the sqld field in the output SQLDA; sqld is the number of used sqlvars in the SQLDA.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

User response

Correct the remote stored procedure so the sqld field in the output SQLDA is not changed.

sqlcode: -1115

sqlstate: 39502

SQL1116N A connection to or activation of database name failed because the database is in BACKUP PENDING state.


The specified database requires a backup to be taken to provide a starting point for rollforward recovery.

User response

Back up the database by calling the BACKUP routine or, if roll forward recovery is not required, set the database configuration parameters LOGARCHMETH1 and LOGARCHMETH2 to OFF.

In a DB2 pureScale environment, you must perform an full offline database backup.

sqlcode: -1116

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1117N A connection to or activation of database name cannot be made because of ROLL-FORWARD PENDING.


The specified database is enabled for roll-forward recovery and it has been restored but not rolled forward.

No connection was made.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User response

Roll forward the database or indicate that you do not wish to roll forward by using the ROLLFORWARD command. Note that if you do not roll forward the database, the records written since the last backup of the database will not be applied to the database.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request and take recovery action appropriate to that data source to bring the data source to a point of consistency.

sqlcode: -1117

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1118N A connection to or activation of database name cannot be made because a previous backup is incomplete.


The database is in an inconsistent state because a system error occurred during a backup function.

No connection was made.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User response

Issue the BACKUP command and then try the command again.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request and issue the BACKUP command against that data source prior to trying the command again.

sqlcode: -1118

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1119N A connection to or activation of database name cannot be made because a previous restore is incomplete or still in progress.


The database is in an inconsistent state because a system error occurred during a restore function or a restore is still in progress.

No connection was made.

Federated system users: this situation can be detected by the data source.

User response

Ensure that the database has been successfully restored before trying to re-issue the current command.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request and issue the RESTORE command against that data source prior to trying the command again.

sqlcode: -1119

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1120N A connection to or activation of database name cannot be made because a previous backup or restore is incomplete.


The database is in an inconsistent state because a system error occurred during a backup or restore function. It cannot be determined if backup or restore was being processed.

No connection was made.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User response

Issue the BACKUP or RESTORE command, and then try the command again.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request and issue the BACKUP or RESTORE command against that data source prior to trying the command again.

sqlcode: -1120

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1121N The address of the node structure parameter is not valid.


The application used an address for the node structure parameter that is not valid. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the buffer is not large enough to contain the required input.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the program allocates the required buffer area and resubmit the command.

SQL1122N The address of the protocol structure parameter is not valid.


The application used an address for the protocol structure parameter that is not valid. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the address points to the incorrect protocol buffer.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the program allocates the required buffer area based on the protocol field in the node structure and resubmit the command.

SQL1123N The protocol type is not valid.


The protocol type specified in the node structure for the Catalog command does not represent a recognized value. The valid protocol types are defined in the sqlenv header files.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the protocol type in the node structure and resubmit the command.

SQL1124N The remote workstation name name is not valid.


The remote workstation name specified in the protocol structure for the Catalog command is not specified or contains characters that are not valid.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the characters specified in the remote workstation name. Resubmit the command with a valid workstation name.

SQL1125N The adapter number number is not valid.


The adapter number specified in the protocol structure for the Catalog command is not valid.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the adapter number is valid and resubmit the command.

SQL1126N The network ID ID is not valid.


The network ID specified in the APPN protocol structure for the Catalog command is not valid. The network ID identifies the SNA network where the remote logical unit (LU) resides. The network ID must be 1 to 8 characters. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic or a special character: #, @, or $. Lowercase characters are changed to uppercase by the system.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the characters specified in the network ID. Resubmit the command with a valid network ID.

SQL1127N The remote lu name name is not valid.


The remote logical unit (LU) name specified in the APPN protocol structure for the Catalog command is not valid. The remote LU name is the remote SNA logical unit name and must be 1 to 8 characters. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic or a special character: #, @, or $. Lowercase characters are changed to uppercase by the system.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the characters specified in the remote LU name. Resubmit the command with a remote LU name.

SQL1128W The load operation proceeded, but consistency points were not created. Reason code: reason-code.


When loading data into a table, you can cause the load utility to establish consistency points after each time a given number of rows have been processed. Consistency points allow an interrupted load operation to be restarted from the latest consistency point.

You can specify how many rows to load between consistency points by using the SAVECOUNT parameter to the load command. Some utilities, such as db2move, use the load utility and set a SAVECOUNT value by default.

There are some restrictions on using consistency points. When an attempt is made to use consistency points in an unsupported way, the load operation proceeds, but consistency points are not created. This message can be printed in two general scenarios:

  • The LOAD command is invoked directly, and the SAVECOUNT parameter is specified
  • The load utility is used by another utility, and that other utility specifies a SAVECOUNT value by default

The reason code indicates the restriction that was encountered:


Consistency points are not supported when loading data into MDC or ITC tables.


Consistency points are not supported with the specified file type.


Consistency points are not supported when loading data into partitioned tables.


Consistency points are not supported when loading data into tables containing XML columns.


Consistency points are not supported when loading data into column-organized tables.

Consistency points are not supported when loading data into row-organized tables that retain a row length exceeding its page size.

User response

No action is required. The load operation proceeded without using consistency points.

SQL1129N New stored procedure process could not be started because there are insufficient resources for a new process to be created.


New stored srocedure process could not be started because there are insufficient resources for a new process to be created.

User response

Do one of the following:

  • Reduce the number of users using DB2
  • Increase the system process limit.

sqlcode: -1129

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1130N New stored procedure process could not be started because the maximum number of processes allowed to be present on the server has been reached.


New stored procedure process could not be started because the maximum number of processes allowed to be present at the server at the same time has been reached.

User response

Increase the fenced_pool configuration parameter.

sqlcode: -1130

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1131N A stored procedure process has been terminated abnormally. Routine name: routine-name. Specific name: specific-name.


The DB2 architecture is designed so that applications run in a different address space than the database server. Running applications in a different address space prevents application programming errors from overwriting database manager internal buffers or files, and prevents application errors from crashing the database manager. The fenced mode process (db2fmp) is responsible for executing fenced stored procedures and user-defined functions in a different address space than the database server.

This message is returned when the db2fmp process terminates abnormally while running the named routine. The db2fmp process could have terminated abnormally for many reasons, including the following reasons:

  • There was a coding error, such as division by zero or an out-of-bounds pointer reference, in the implementation of the stored procedure or user-defined function that the db2fmp process was executing.
  • Another process terminated the db2fmp process using a signal, such as the termination signal SIGTERM.
  • SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR failed while installing a Java routine because the fenced user does not have permission to create or write to the necessary directories on the server.

User response

Respond to this error by performing the following steps:

  1. Ensure that there are no coding errors in the stored procedure or user-defined function that could result in abnormal termination by reviewing and unit-testing the stored procedure or user-defined function code.
  2. Ensure that other application or users will not send termination signals to the db2fmp process by reviewing the activities of all applications that are running on the system and users who are accessing the system.
  3. Run the stored procedure again.

If this message was returned because SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR fails, add the fenced ID to the instance owner's group.

sqlcode: -1131

sqlstate: 38503

SQL1132N The command is not allowed to execute within a stored procedure.


An illegal command has been made within the scope of stored procedure.

The procedure is not allowed to continue.

User response

Remove the illegal command in the procedure and retry.

sqlcode: -1132

sqlstate: 38003

SQL1133N A pointer address inside an sqlvar ( index = n ) of the output SQLDA was modified within the DARI (Stored Procedure) function.


The "sqlind" or the "sqldata" pointer within the sqlvar of the output SQLDA has been altered within the user prepared DARI function.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

User response

Correct the usage of the indicated sqlvar within the output SQLDA so that pointer addresses are not changed within the DARI (Stored Procedure) function routine.

sqlcode: -1133

sqlstate: 39502

SQL1134N For the database authentication type CLIENT, the command is not allowed within the scope of a stored procedure.


A command that requires SYSADM authorization is not allowed in a stored procedure if the database authentication type is CLIENT.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

The procedure is not allowed to continue.

User response

Remove the unauthorized command in the procedure and rerun the stored procedure.

sqlcode: -1134

sqlstate: 38003

SQL1135N An invalid value was specified for the number of segments when creating a database.


The value that was specified for the number of segments was out of range. The valid range is from 1 to 256.

User response

Respecify the number of segments and try to create the database again.

SQL1136N An invalid value was specified for the default table space extent size (dft_extentsize) when creating a database.


The value that was specified for the default table space extent size (dft_extentsize) is out of range. The valid range is from 2 to 256.

User response

Correct the table space extent size and try again.

SQL1137W The database manager was unable to remove the database path or some of the containers when dropping database dbalias. Cleanup is required.


Either the list of containers could not be accessed or some failure occurred while attempting to remove them or the database directory.

If you are using a cluster manager, this error can be returned if the database manager failed to remove the container paths for the given database alias from the cluster manager configuration. Error messages from the cluster manager will be recorded in the db2diag log file.

User response

System managed containers (directories) and database managed file containers may be manually removed using operating system commands. To release device containers, please call your IBM service representative for assistance.

If the log directory has been changed via the New Log Path configuration parameter, then manually unmount the log directory file system and remove the log and database directories.

If you are using a cluster manager, correct the problem and remove the path from the cluster manager configuration:

  • Review the db2diag log file for error messages from the cluster manager.
  • Respond to the cluster manager error messages in the db2diag log file to correct the underlying problem that prevented the cluster manager from removing the path from its configuration.
  • Remove the container paths for this database from the cluster manager configuration using the cluster manager's tools and utilities.

SQL1138W The unique index name was migrated to support deferred uniqueness checking. A new index was not created.


A CREATE INDEX operation was attempted on an existing index. Since the index had not yet been migrated to support deferred uniqueness checking, this migration was performed.

The migrated format of the unique index will allow multiple row updates to check the uniqueness of the columns of the index at the end of the update statement instead of when each row is updated.

User response

No action is required.

sqlcode: +1138

sqlstate: 01550

SQL1139N The total size of the table space is too big.


The size of the current table space is too big. The size of a REGULAR table space is limited to 0x0100 0000 (16777216) pages while the size of LARGE and TEMPORARY table spaces are limited to 0x7FFF FEFF (2147483391) pages.

User response

Check the administration notification log for details. Reduce the size of the table space and correct the SQL statement.

sqlcode: -1139

sqlstate: 54047

SQL1140W Estimated processor cost of estimate-amount1 processor seconds (estimate-amount2 service units) in cost category cost-category exceeds a resource limit warning threshold of limit-amount service units.


The prepare of a dynamic INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT SQL statement resulted in a cost estimate that exceeded the warning threshold value specified in the resource limit specification table (RLST).

This warning is also issued if DB2's cost category value was "B", and the default action specified in the RLF_CATEGORY_B column in the RLST is to issue a warning.
The cost estimate (in processor seconds) if the prepared INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or SELECT statement were to be executed.
The cost estimate (in service units) if the prepared INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or SELECT statement were to be executed.
DB2's cost-category for this SQL statement. The possible values are A or B.
The warning threshold (in service units) specified in the RLFASUWARN column of the RLST.

The prepare of the dynamic INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT statement was successful. An SQLCODE -905 might be issued if the execution of the prepared statement exceeds the ASUTIME value specified in the RLST.

User response

Ensure that there is application logic to handle the warning to either allow the statement to execute or to stop the statement from being executed. If this SQLCODE was returned because the cost category value is "B", it might be that the statement is using parameter markers or that some statistics are not available for the referenced tables and columns. Make sure the administrator has run the utility RUNSTATS on the referenced tables. It might also be that UDFs will be invoked when the statement is executed, or for INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements that triggers are defined on the changed table. Check the DSN_STATEMNT_TABLE or the IFCID 22 record for this statement to find the reasons this SQL statement has been put in cost category "B".

If the warning is caused by an SQL statement that is consuming too much processor resource, attempt to rewrite the statement to perform more efficiently. Another option is to ask the administrator to increase the warning threshold value in the RLST.

sqlcode: +1140

sqlstate: 01616

SQL1141N The operation completed with errors or warnings. The details are located in the result file file-name that needs to be formatted with the db2inspf utility.


In a partitioned database environment, the file extension corresponds to the database partition node number. The files are located in the directory specified by the DIAGPATH database manager configuration parameter.

User response

Use the db2inspf utility to format the inspection data result file file-name.

SQL1142N The operation cannot complete because the file file-name is already in use.


There is an existing file using the file name specified in the INSPECT command.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command using a different file name that is not already in use. Or remove the existing file file-name and resubmit the command.

In a partitioned database environment, the file extension corresponds to the database partition node number. The files are located in the directory specified by the DIAGPATH database manager configuration parameter.

SQL1143N The operation cannot complete because a file error occurred for the file file-name.


The file could not be accessed because of an I/O error. The system cannot open, read from, or write to the file. The file may be incomplete or the disk may be full.

The utility stops processing.

User response

If possible, record all error information from the SQLCA. Look in the diagnostics log file for additional information.

In a database partitioned environment, the file extension corresponds to the database partition node number. The files are located in the directory specified by the DIAGPATH database manager configuration parameter.

sqlcode: -1143

sqlstate: 5UA0A, 5UA0B

SQL1144N The current transaction was rolled back because creating an index failed. Underlying sqlcode: sqlcode.


In the same transaction, the last remaining index on a table was dropped and then a new index was created on the same table. The index creation either failed with an error, sqlcode, or was rolled back by a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement (sqlcode=0). A rollback of the index creation cannot be successfully completed when a drop index of the last remaining index on a table has not yet been committed. The entire transaction is rolled back for either of these cases. Note that indexes are also created or dropped by adding or dropping unique or primary key constraints in an ALTER TABLE statement.

The runtime token, sqlcode, indicates the underlying sqlcode that was returned.

User response

Where possible, commit the drop of an index before creating a new index on the same table in order to avoid rolling back the entire transaction.

If the sqlcode is not 0, then refer to the message for the sqlcode for corrective action. All statements in the rolled back transaction need to be issued again. If the sqlcode is zero and the index is dropped within the savepoint scope, the statements may need to be re-ordered to create the new index before dropping the old index on the same table. If the drop and add unique or primary key constraints are in the same ALTER TABLE statement, this may need to be done in two statements, performing the ADD in the first statement and the drop in the second statement.

sqlcode: -1144

sqlstate: 40507

SQL1145N PREPARE statement is not supported when using a gateway concentrator. Reason code: reason-code.


The statement failed for one of the following reasons, based on reason-code.
When gateway concentrator feature is ON, dynamically prepared statements from embedded SQL are not supported. In this configuration, dynamically prepared statements are only supported if the client is a CLI application.
When the gateway concentrator feature is ON, dynamically prepared SET statements are not supported.

User response

Based on the reason code, perform the following actions:
Change the application to use CLI for dynamic SQL statements, or change the application to use static SQL.
Use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE for SET statements.

sqlcode: -1145

sqlstate: 560AF

SQL1146N There are no indexes on table table-name.


The table-name specified for index reorganization has no indexes.

User response

Resubmit the command with a valid table name.

SQL1147W TOTALFREESPACE is ignored for MDC and ITC tables.


Because the table free space is well managed for MDC and ITC tables, the TOTALFREESPACE file type modifier is unnecessary and will be ignored.

User response

No action required.

SQL1148N The index needs to be refreshed. However, the index resides in a table space which is currently in backup pending state and it cannot be refreshed.


The index needs to be refreshed, however, the index resides in a table space which is currently in backup pending state and it cannot be refreshed.

User response

Complete a database or table space backup and resubmit the query or command.

SQL1149N CLP error clp-msg-id with short text clp-msg-short-text returned. Refer to CLP message documentation for details.


A CLP error was encountered. Use the clp-msg-id information to look up the appropriate message details for the indicated CLP message.

User response

See the CLP message information for details on what action to take.

sqlcode: -1149

sqlstate: 5U007

SQL1150N The address of the user id parameter is not valid.


The application program used an address that is not valid for this parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1151N Load REMOTEFETCH media options are invalid. Reason Code: reason-code.


The Load utility was invoked using the REMOTEFETCH media type, but one or more specified arguments is incompatible or invalid. This is due to one of the following reasons:
The server does not support the REMOTEFETCH media type.
The source database name was not specified.
The password field was specified without the user-id field.
One of the source table-name or schema fields was specified without the other.
Both the source table-name and source statement fields were specified.
Neither the source table-name nor source statement fields were specified.
The isolation-level specified is invalid.
One of the specified arguments exceeds the maximum applicable size for that argument.
The SQLU_REMOTEFETCH_ENTRY API structure was not setup correctly.

User response

The responses corresponding to each reason code are:
Ensure that the server level is version 9 or greater.
Ensure that the source database-name is specified. This field is mandatory.
Do not specify the password field without specifying the user-id field.
If providing a source table-name instead of a source query, ensure that you specify both the source table-name and schema.
Specify either the source table-name and schema, or the source statement, not both.
Specify the source table-name and schema, or the source statement.
Ensure that the isolation level specified is correct.
Ensure that the arguments provided and their length tokens (API) are all valid.
Ensure that the SQLU_REMOTEFETCH_ENTRY API structure is set-up and initialized correctly. Unused fields should be NULL. Length values should be set.

SQL1152N Invalid utility priority.


The specified priority is not within the legal range of 0 - 100.

User response

Reissue the command with a valid priority.

SQL1153N The utility ID utility-ID does not exist.


The specified utility ID could not be found. Either an invalid ID has been specified or the utility has already completed.

User response

Verify that the utility exists and resubmit the command. To determine if the utility has completed, review the database manager snapshot data.

SQL1154N Unable to set the priority for a utility that does not support throttling.


There has been an attempt to throttle a utility that does not support throttling.

User response

The utility will continue to run unthrottled.

SQL1155W A numeric value that is out of range for the data type has been replaced with the maximum or minimum value, as appropriate.


The value to be assigned for a column of a result set from the ADMIN_CMD procedure either is greater than the maximum value for the data type of the column or is less than the minimum value for the data type. If the value was greater than the maximum value, then the maximum value for the data type has been assigned. If the value was less than the minimum value, then the minimum value for the data type has been assigned. For an SMALLINT data type, the value assigned for the maximum is 32767 and the mimimum is -32768. For an INTEGER data type, the value assigned for the maximum is 2147483647 and the mimimum is -2147483648. For a BIGINT data type, the value assigned for the maximum is 9223372036854775807 and the mimimum is -9223372036854775808.

User response

See the db2diag log file for the actual values returned by the ADMIN_CMD procedure.

sqlcode: +1155

sqlstate: 01608

SQL1156N The utility operation ID is not valid.


The utility operation ID provided is not valid. It cannot be null and it must be a value previously returned from the SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD procedure for a utility that was executed by it. However, once the messages have been removed from the server by the SYSPROC.ADM_REMOVE_MSGS procedure, the utility operation ID can no longer be used to refer to the messages on the server.

User response

The messages were neither retrieved nor removed from the server. Verify that the correct value was provided. The SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD procedure returns SQL statements in the MSG_RETRIEVAL and MSG_REMOVAL columns of the first result set. They contain the operation ID that corresponds to the utility being executed. Use these SQL statements for message retrieval or removal.

sqlcode: -1156

sqlstate: 5U008

SQL1157N The routine routine-name cannot be invoked in a trigger.


The routine routine-name is disallowed from being invoked in a trigger. Triggers do not support executing an API, execution of a COMMIT statement and the return of result sets.

User response

Remove the routine reference from the trigger definition.

sqlcode: -1157

sqlstate: 42987

SQL1158N The directory directory-name is restricted from access.


The directory directory-name may contain database sensitive information and so access to it is restricted. In order to maintain database integrity, applications cannot create a new file, read from a file, write to a file, or delete a file under this directory.

User response

Specify a different directory name.

sqlcode: -1158

sqlstate: 42832

SQL1159N An error occurred during initialization of the IBM Data Server Provider for .NET. Reason Code: reason-code.


You can access the IBM database system with the IBM Data Server Provider for .Net.

This message is returned when there is a problem with the database product installation. This message can also be returned when the Windows extended security feature is enabled and the ID that is used to start the Internet Information Systems (IIS) service does not belong to the DB2ADMNS group or to the DB2USERS group.

The reason code for this message is intended for IBM support personnel only.

User response

Respond to this message by performing one or more of the following actions:

  • If this is the first time that the database product was installed on this computer, review the install logs for any possible errors and then run a repair of the database product from the Add or Remove Programs control panel applet.
  • If the Windows extended security feature is enabled, ensure that the application ID and user ID that uses the database product belongs to the DB2ADMNS or DB2USERS group.
  • Uninstall the database product and then reinstall the database product again.

If the error continues, collect the following diagnostic information and contact IBM support:

  • The reason code that was returned with this message
  • Installation logs

SQL1160N The DOS network-protocol TSR has not been loaded.


The Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) network driver for the specified communications protocol has not been loaded. The TSR must be loaded before attempting to use network communications.

User response

Ensure that the TSR for the specified communications protocol has been successfully loaded, then run your application again.

SQL1161W Reconcile processing failed. DataLink column(s) not defined on DB2 DataLinks Manager(s). Check the administration notification log for details.


Metadata information about one of more DataLink columns of the table are missing on DB2 DataLinks Managers. Reconcile processing has failed. Table is placed in DataLink Reconcile Not Possible (DRNP) state.

User response

To take the table out of DataLink Reconcile Not Possible state, follow the procedure mentioned under "Removing a table from the DataLink Reconcile Not Possible state" in the Administration Guide.

SQL1162W Reconcile processing failed. DB2 DataLinks Manager(s) became unavailable during exception processing.


One of more DB2 DataLinks Managers referred to by the table data became unavailable during reconcile exception processing. Reconcile processing has failed. Table is placed in DataLink Reconcile Pending (DRP) state.

User response

Run reconcile again.

SQL1163N The table cannot be enabled for data capture as the identifier name ident-name of type ident-type is too long.


Data capture is not supported with certain identifier types exceeding specific lengths. In processing the attempted change, it was found that the identifier ident-name of type ident-type is too long. The identifier types and the maximum lengths allowed for data capture enablement are as follows:

  1. column. Column names cannot be longer than 128 bytes for data capture to be enabled.
  2. table. Table names cannot be longer than 128 bytes for data capture to be enabled.
  3. schema. Schema names cannot be longer than 128 bytes for data capture to be enabled.

User response

If data capture is to be enabled for this table than ensure that the identifiers in question do not exceed the maximum sizes indicated in the Explanation. Otherwise disable data capture for the table in order to use longer identifier names.

sqlcode: -1163

sqlstate: 42997

SQL1164N The SQLDA or host variables, of type type, used in the SQL statement are not valid. Reason code reason-code, host variable/SQLVAR number var-number.


An error occurred while processing the SQLDA or host variable(s) in the SQL statement.

The call parameter list, which is created by the precompiler, may not be correct if the application programmer has modified the output of the precompiler, used a variable name beginning with SQL in the application program, or over-written the call parameter list in another way.

Also, if an SQLDA is passed directly by the application, it may not be initialized correctly.

Host variable/SQLDA types:
input host variable(s) or SQLDA
output host variable(s) or SQLDA
In SQL statements with host variables, use the host variable number to count in from the beginning of the statement (or substatement, in the case of compound SQL) to locate the invalid host variable. For statements using an SQLDA, the SQLVAR number is used to locate the invalid SQLVAR. For an input SQLDA, count only input host variables or SQLVARs; similarly for output. Note that this number is based at 1, and may not be applicable to all reason codes. Reason codes are interpreted as follows:
SQLVAR.SQLTYPE is invalid.
The length specified in SQLVAR.SQLLEN or SQLVAR2.SQLLONGLEN is incorrect for the SQL type given in SQLVAR.SQLTYPE.
A Large Object SQLVAR is present, but the SQLDOUBLED field of SQLDA.SQLDAID is not set to '2'.
An input varchar is supplied whose current length (from the length field of the varchar itself) is greater than the maximum length. The maximum length is determined by the declaration (in the case of a host variable) or by the setting of SQLVAR.SQLLEN (in the case of a user-defined SQLDA).
An input Large Object is passed in whose current length (either in the length field of the LOB itself, or as indicated by the SQLVAR2.SQLDATALEN pointer) is greater than the maximum length. The maximum length is determined by the declaration (in the case of a host variable) or by the setting of SQLVAR2.SQLLONGLEN (in the case of a user-defined SQLDA).
A double-byte character Large Object has an odd value indicated by the SQLVAR2.SQLDATALEN pointer, which is always in terms of bytes, even for DBCLOBs.
The SQLDATA pointer is invalid or points to insufficient storage.
The SQLIND pointer is invalid or points to insufficient storage.
The SQLDATALEN pointer is invalid or points to insufficient storage.
A specific number of input host variables/SQLVARS is expected for the current SQL statement.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Examine the application program for any errors noted. Note that the programmer should not attempt to modify the precompiler output.

sqlcode: -1164

sqlstate: 07002

SQL1165W A value cannot be assigned to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the host variable's data type.


A FETCH, VALUES, or SELECT into a host variable list failed because the host variable was not large enough to hold the retrieved value.

The statement processing continued returning a null indicator of -2.

User response

Verify that table definitions are current and that the host variable has the correct data type. For the ranges of SQL data types, refer to the SQL Reference.

sqlcode: +1165

sqlstate: 01515

SQL1166W Division by zero was attempted.


The processing of an arithmetic expression resulted in division by zero. This warning may be returned with a row other than the row which caused the warning. For example, this occurs with arithmetic expressions in predicates or when the query is processed using system temporary tables. The warning may be issued again since it is also returned whenever a null indicator variable is set to -2.

The statement processing continued, using null as the result of the division expression and possibly returning a null indicator of -2.

User response

Examine the SQL statement to determine the cause of the problem. If the problem is data dependent, it is necessary to examine the data processed when the error occurred.

sqlcode: +1166

sqlstate: 01564

SQL1167W Arithmetic overflow or other arithmetic exception occurred.


The processing of an arithmetic expression has resulted in an arithmetic overflow, underflow or other arithmetic exception. This warning may be returned with a row other than the row which caused the warning. For example, this occurs with arithmetic expressions in predicates or when the query is processed using system temporary tables. The warning may be issued again since it is also returned whenever a null indicator variable is set to -2.

The statement processing continued, using null as the result of the arithmetic expression and possibly returning a null indicator of -2.

User response

Examine the SQL statement to determine the cause of the problem. If the problem is data dependent, it is necessary to examine the data processed when the error occurred. Refer to the SQL Reference to see the valid ranges for the data types.

sqlcode: +1167

sqlstate: 01519

SQL1168N Load REMOTEFETCH media error. Reason Code: reason-code.


The Load utility encountered an error associated with the REMOTEFETCH media. This is due to one of the following reasons:


A connection to the database-name specified in the REMOTEFETCH media arguments could not be made.


The source table-name specified in the REMOTEFETCH media arguments does not exist or the source table is inaccessible.


The source query specified in the REMOTEFETCH media arguments could not be PREPARED.


The result set from the source table or query is not compatible with the target table definition.


An error occurred while fetching records from the source table or query.

User response

The responses corresponding to each reason code are:


Ensure that the database-name, userid, and password arguments are all correct.


Ensure that the table-name is correct.


Ensure that the query is valid.


Ensure that the source table/query and target table have compatible column definitions.


Examine the db2diag log file to determine the source of the error.

SQL1169N An error occurred while explaining the statement. Reason code = reason-code.


The Explain facility has been invoked to explain a statement, previously compiled with REOPT ONCE, but an error occurred as described by one of the following reason codes:

  1. The specified statement could not be found in the package cache.
  2. The cached statement has not been compiled using REOPT ONCE.
  3. The cached statement has been compiled in multiple environments with REOPT ONCE, and can't be uniquely identified.
  4. No values could be found for the cached reoptimized statement.
  5. A column of an Explain table is too small. The additional-information identifies the schema name, table name and column name as well as the column size required to contain the data generated by the Explain facility, using the format schema-name.table-name.column-name (recommended-size).

    The additional-information might be truncated if the names are very long. The db2diag log file will contain more detail.

User response

The user response corresponding to the reason code is:

  1. Ensure that the statement text specified matches the statement text for the statement in the package cache.
  2. Recompile the statement using REOPT ONCE. See the Command Reference for details.
  3. Ensure that the statement has a unique environment with REOPT ONCE setting.
  4. Ensure that the statement gets explained on the database partition it was originally reoptimized on.
  5. Decide whether the required column size can be accommodated in your table and database. If it can, increase the column size using the ALTER TABLE statement.

sqlcode: -1169

sqlstate: 560C9

SQL1170N The operation cannot continue because database partition dbpartition is not available.


The database partition dbpartition is not available. This error can occur when new storage paths are being used as part of a RESTORE command, or when a BACKUP command using the ON DBPARTITIONNUM clause is being run.

User response

Resubmit the BACKUP or RESTORE command after the database partition becomes available. If the unavailable database partition cannot be made available, resubmit the RESTORE command without specifying the new storage paths, or exclude the database partition from the BACKUP command.

sqlcode: -1170

sqlstate: 5U013

SQL1171N Maximum number of storage paths has been reached.


The maximum number of storage paths for a storage group is 128 and this has been reached. The CREATE DATABASE command or ALTER STOGROUP statement issued may contain too many paths or the database may already be using the maximum number allowed.

User response

If this error occurred as part of a CREATE DATABASE command then too many storage paths were specified. Reduce the number of storage paths and re-issue the command.

If this error occurred as part of an ALTER STOGROUP statement then either there were more than the maximum allowed number of paths specified, or the number of paths specified plus the number of paths already in use by this storage group is greater than the maximum. Decrease the number of storage paths specified in the ALTER statement and resubmit it.

sqlcode: -1171

sqlstate: 5U009

SQL1172N The restore operation on a non-catalog database partition cannot specify automatic storage paths.


The restore operation specified a list of storage paths when restoring to a non-catalog partition in a partitioned database. This is not supported.

User response

Either perform the restore operation again without specifying a list of storage paths, or first restore the catalog partition using the new list of storage paths.

sqlcode: -1172

sqlstate: 5U010

SQL1173N The restore operation must specify automatic storage paths.


A previous attempt was made to restore the catalog partition specifying a list of automatic storage paths in a partitioned database, and that restore failed. Any subsequent restore operations on the catalog partition must also specify a list of automatic storage paths. This restriction is removed from the database once the database is returned to normal state via a rollforward operation.

User response

Perform the restore operation again, specifying a list of automatic storage paths.

sqlcode: -1173

sqlstate: 5U011

SQL1174N Invalid or incorrect use of database partition expression in path path. Reason code = reason-code.


A database partition expression using the $N notation was found in the specified path path but it is either not permitted or not specified correctly. The reason codes are as follows:


A database partition expression was used as part of the database path, specified either implicitly as the first storage path or explicitly using the DBPATH ON option, and this is not permitted.


A database partition expression was found within the path but it could not be evaluated due to an error in the syntax.


The database partition expression specified a number outside the permitted range. If a number is specified before the N argument ($[number]N), then the number can be from 2 to 6 inclusive.

User response

Remove the database partition expression from the database path. Alternatively, if the database path is being derived from the first storage path in the list, explicitly provide a database path using the DBPATH ON option where the given database path does not contain a database partition expression. Correct the database partition expression. Resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1174

sqlstate: 5U012

SQL1175I The number of Load Partitioning Agents was reduced to optimize REMOTEFETCH execution.


The Load utility has automatically reduced the number of Partitioning Agents in order to optimize REMOTEFETCH parallelism.

SQL1176N The values assigned to parameter parameter-1 and parameter parameter-2 are incompatible.


Incompatible values for parameters have been provided to the command or API.

User response

Modify one of the parameters and resubmit the command. See the Command or API Reference for more information on valid values.

SQL1177N Run time execution of routine routine-name (specific name specific-name) failed in the current database server environment.


OLE, OLEDB and CLR routines can only be created and run on database servers in Windows operating system environments. The current database server is not in a Windows operating system environment. The routine cannot be invoked from this server.

User response

Please create the OLE, OLEDB or CLR routine on a database server in a Windows operating system environment and try again to invoke the routine from that database server.

sqlcode: -1177

sqlstate: 42997

SQL1178N The federated object-type called object-name does not reference a federated database object.


The object of type object-type identified by object-name is defined using the keyword FEDERATED but the fullselect in the statement does not reference a federated database object.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Remove the keyword FEDERATED from the statement.

sqlcode: -1178

sqlstate: 429BA

SQL1179W The object-type called object-name may require the invoker to have necessary privileges on data source objects.


The object identified by object-name references a federated object (such as an OLE DB table function, federated routine, federated view, or a nickname), where the actual data exists at a data source. When the data source data is accessed, the user mapping and authorization checking is based on the user that initiated the operation.

If the object-type is SUMMARY TABLE, then the operation is refreshing the data for the materialized query table. The user that invoked the REFRESH TABLE or SET INTEGRITY statement that causes the refresh may be required to have the necessary privileges to access the underlying data source object at the data source.

If the object-type is VIEW, then any user of the view may be required to have the necessary privileges to access the underlying data source object at the data source.

If the object-type is PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, or METHOD then the invoker of the routine may be required to have the necessary privileges to access the underlying data source object at the data source for any SQL statements in the routine.

If the object-type is PACKAGE and this message results from precompiling or binding an application, then the invoker of the application may be required to have the necessary privileges to access the underlying data source object at the data source for any static SQL statements in the application.

If the object-type is PACKAGE and this message results from creating an SQL or XQuery procedure, then the invoker of the procedure may be required to have the necessary privileges to access the underlying data source object at the data source for any SQL statements in the procedure.

In any case, an authorization error may occur when the attempt is made to access the data source object.

User response

Granting privileges to the object may not be sufficient to support operations that access the data from the data source. User access may need to be granted at the data source for the underlying data source objects.

If the object-type is PACKAGE and this message results from precompiling or binding an application, specify option FEDERATED YES on the PRECOMPILE (PREP) or BIND command.

If the object-type is PACKAGE and this message results from creating an SQL or XQuery procedure, set the precompile and bind options for SQL and XQuery procedures to include option FEDERATED YES. You set the precompile and bind options for SQL and XQuery procedures by setting registry variable DB2_SQLROUTINE_PREPOPTS or calling procedure SYSPROC.SET_ROUTINE_OPTS. For example, to set the registry variable, issue the following command at an operating system command prompt:


sqlcode: +1179

sqlstate: 01639

SQL1180N Routine routine-name (specific name specific-name) has caused an OLE error. HRESULT=hresult. Diagnostic text: message-text.


The database manager received an OLE error code while trying to communicate with the OLE automation server of user defined function (UDF) or stored procedure routine-name (specific name specific-name). HRESULT hresult is the returned OLE error code, and message text is the retrieved error message.

The following shows a partial list of error messages, HRESULTS, and possible causes. The error message text may be changed by OLE, and new error codes may be added by OLE.
Unknown interface (0x80020001):
The specified OLE object does not support the IDispatch interface.
Type mismatch (0x80020005):
One or more of the SQL data types do not match the data types of the method arguments.
Unknown name (0x80020006):
The specified method name was not found for the specified OLE object.
Invalid number of parameters (0x8002000E):
The number of arguments passed to the method is different from the number of arguments accepted by the method.
Invalid class string (0x800401F3):
The specified ProgID or CLSID is invalid.
Class not registered (0x80040154):
CLSID is not properly registered.
Application not found (0x800401F5):
Local server EXE not found.
DLL for class not found (0x800401F8):
In-process DLL not found.
Server execution failed (0x80080005):
Creation of the OLE object failed.

User response

Consult the OLE Programmer's Reference Guide for a complete documentation, including the meaning of the special terminology.

sqlcode: -1180

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1181N Routine routine-name (specific name specific-name) has raised an exception with description message-text.


The user defined function (UDF) or stored procedure routine-name (specific name specific-name) has raised an exception. The message text shows the textual description of the exception returned by the routine.

User response

The user will need to understand the meaning of the exception. See the author of the routine.

sqlcode: -1181

sqlstate: 38501

SQL1182N User defined function function-name could not initialize data source object of specified OLE DB provider. HRESULT=hresult. Diagnostic text: message-text.


The OLE DB data source object of the specified OLE DB provider could not be instantiated or initialized. hresult is the returned OLE DB error code, and message-text is the retrieved error message.

The following shows a partial list of HRESULTS and possible causes.

Class (OLE DB provider) not registered.
The initialization string specified does not conform to specification.
Unspecified error (during initialization).

User response

Verify proper registration of the OLE DB provider and correct initialization of the parameters in the connection string. Consult Microsoft OLE DB Programmer's Reference and Data Access SDK for a complete documentation of HRESULT codes and Data Link API connection string syntax in OLE DB Core Components.

sqlcode: -1182

sqlstate: 38506

SQL1183N User defined function function-name received an OLE DB error from specified OLE DB provider. HRESULT=hresult. Diagnostic text: message-text.


The specified OLE DB provider returned an OLE DB error code. hresult is the returned OLE DB error code, and message-text is the retrieved error message.

The following shows a partial list of HRESULTS and possible causes.

The command contained one or more errors, for example, syntax error in pass-through command text.
Errors occurred, for example, the supplied columnID was invalid (DB_INVALIDCOLUMN).
The specified table does not exist.

User response

Consult Microsoft OLE DB Programmer's Reference and Data Access SDK for a complete documentation of HRESULT codes.

sqlcode: -1183

sqlstate: 38506

SQL1184N One or more EXPLAIN tables were not created using the current version of DB2.


EXPLAIN will not be able to insert into these tables until they are migrated using DB2EXMIG, or dropped and created with the EXPLAIN.DDL CLP script for the current version of DB2.

User response

Either migrate the tables using DB2EXMIG, or drop and re-create them with the EXPLAIN.DDL CLP script for the current version of DB2. Re-issue the command.

sqlcode: -1184

sqlstate: 55002

SQL1185N FEDERATED value is incorrectly used in binding the package.


If value is NO, then at least one static SQL statement in the package includes a reference to either a nickname or OLE DB table function or OLE DB procedure. In this case, you must specify FEDERATED YES to bind the package.

If value is YES, then no static SQL statement in the package includes a reference to either a nickname or OLE DB table function or OLE DB procedure. In this case, you must specify FEDERATED NO to bind the package.

The package is not created.

User response

Specify the correct FEDERATED option.

SQL1186N The object object-type named object-name is either being altered to become a federated object, or being created as a federated object, without specifying the FEDERATED clause.


The object identified by object-name references a federated object (such as an OLE DB table function, federated routine, federated view, or a nickname) where the actual data exists at a data source.

If a non-federated view is being altered and the fullselect now refers to a federated database object, either directly or indirectly, then FEDERATED must be specified.

If a federated view is being altered and the fullselect still refers to a federated database object, either directly or indirectly, then NOT FEDERATED must not be specified.

If a materialized query table is being created and the fullselect refers to a federated database object, either directly or indirectly, then NOT FEDERATED must not be specified.

If an SQL routine is being created and the routine refers to a federated database object, either directly or indirectly, then NOT FEDERATED must not be specified.

User response

To alter a non-federated view to become a federated view, specify the FEDERATED clause.

To alter a federated view that continues to be a federated view, do not specify the NOT FEDERATED clause.

To create a materialized query table in which the fullselect refers to a federated database object, either directly or indirectly, do not specify the NOT FEDERATED clause.

To create an SQL routine which refers to a federated database object, either directly or indirectly, do not specify the NOT FEDERATED clause.

sqlcode: -1186

sqlstate: 429BA

SQL1187W The database was created or upgraded successfully but an error occurred while creating the detailed deadlocks event monitor event-monitor-name. The detailed deadlocks event monitor was not created.


The CREATE DATABASE or UPGRADE DATABASE command could not create a detailed deadlocks event monitor for the created or upgraded database.

User response

Create a detailed deadlocks event monitor if desired.

SQL1188N Column src-col-num of the SELECT or VALUES statement is not compatible with table column tgt-col-num. The source column has sqltype src-sqltype, and the target column has sqltype tgt-sqltype.


The source and target columns are not compatible. This may be a result of an incorrect ordering of the columns in the SELECT or VALUES statement, or of an incorrect ordering of the METHOD P or METHOD N specification.

User response

Correct the command so that the source and target columns are compatible, and then resubmit the command.

SQL1189N The LOAD METHOD specified is invalid for the specified file type.


An invalid METHOD was specified for the specified file type.

User response

Resubmit the command with a different METHOD.

SQL1190N The LOAD utility encountered SQLCODE sqlcode, SQLSTATE sqlstate, and message tokens token-list.


The LOAD utility encountered an error with the SQLCODE sqlcode and has stopped processing.

User response

Look up the SQLCODE sqlcode in the Message Reference. Take the required corrective actions, and then resubmit the command.

SQL1191N Column col-spec specified in the METHOD parameter does not exist.


Column col-spec does not exist in the result of the query.

User response

Correct the invalid column specification and resubmit the command.

SQL1192W Too many input sources were specified for the current filetype. The maximum number allowed is max-input-sources.


The filetype specified does not allow more than max-input-sources input sources to be specified for a single load.

User response

Resubmit the command with a number of input sources that does not exceed max-input-sources.

SQL1193I The utility is beginning to load data from the SQL statement statement.


This is an informational message indicating that a load from an SQL statement has begun.

User response

No action is required.

SQL1194W The value in row row-num corresponding to target column number col-num is not valid. The row has been rejected.


Row number row-num has been rejected because the value corresponding to target column col-num is not a valid value for that column.

Possible reasons are :
  • A numeric value is not within the minimum or maximum range of its target column.
  • A character value is too long for its target column.

User response

Examine the input value. If necessary, define a new table replacing target column col-num with a more appropriately defined column and repeat the process.

SQL1195N The Tools Catalog Database database-name creation or initialization failed at server-name. SQLCODE = SQLCODE.


The Tools Catalog Database database-name creation or initialization failed at server-name. SQLCODE = SQLCODE.

User response

Refer to the user response for the SQLCODE returned from the operation.

SQL1196W Backup completed successfully. However, one or more Data Links File Managers could not be contacted. The timestamp for this backup image is backup-image-timestamp.


Backup completed successfully. One or more Data Links File Managers were not available during backup processing. Additional verification are needed from the Data Links File Managers when they are available.

User response

Bring up the Data Links File Managers that were unavailable during backup processing. Once all the Data Links File Managers can be contacted, the database manager will automatically complete the final verification for this backup image.

SQL1197N Invalid value specified for keyword keyword in command command.


The keyword value specified for the command is invalid. For numeric values, the value may be outside a defined range. For other types, the value specified is not in the defined set of valid values.

User response

Determine from reference documentation for the command what are valid values and make the appropriate change. If this error has been returned by an API, determine from the reference documentation for the command API what are valid values for the corresponding API option and make the appropriate change.

SQL1198N This command is not supported in the current downlevel client-server configuration. Reason code = reason-code.


The command you have entered is not supported in your current configuration involving either a pre-V8 client or server. The possible reason codes are as follows:


Scrollable cursors are not supported from a pre-V8 client through a V8 or later gateway to a database server.


Utility commands are not supported from a pre-V8 client through a V8 or later gateway to any database server.


Access to a pre-V8 server through a V8 or later gateway is not supported.


Utility commands are not supported to a pre-V8 server from a V8 or later client.


Pre-V8 clients may only access tables, table functions, and procedures that are created with the CCSID value whose corresponding code page is the same as the database code page.


Tablespace point-in-time rollforward commands are not supported from a pre-V9 client to a V9 or later server because some of the function of these commands runs on the client side. The pre-V9 client is NOT able to perform these operations when connected to a V9 or later server.


The back-level API is not supported in the current client-server configuration.


Operation not supported to a pre-V8 server from a V8 or later client.


Operation not supported from a pre-V8 client to a V8 or later server.

User response

The action is based on the reason code as follows:


Do not use scrollable cursors from a downlevel client through a gateway. Use a direct client-server connection or upgrade your client to a compatible release.


Do not issue utility commands from a downlevel client through a gateway. Use a direct client-server connection or upgrade your client to a compatible release.


Use a compatible level of gateway or configure a direct connection (non-gateway) to the server.


Use a compatible client level to issue V8 utility commands.


Use a V8 or later client to access tables, table functions and procedures that are created with the CCSID value whose corresponding code page is the different than the database code page.


Resubmit the rollforward to a point in time command using a V9.1 client. Alternatively, roll forward to the end of logs (instead of to a point in time).


Use a newer version of the API in order to proceed in the current client-server configuration.


Use a compatible level of client to issue this command or consider upgrading your server's level of code.


Use a compatible level of server to issue this command or consider upgrading your client's level of code.

sqlcode: -1198

sqlstate: 42997

SQL1200N The object parameter is not valid.


The value specified for the object parameter in the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call is not valid. Valid values are:
Status is to be collected for a single database.
Status is to be collected for all LOCAL databases on a single path.
Status is to be collected for all LOCAL databases.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Correct the object parameter and resubmit the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call.

SQL1201N The status parameter is not valid.


The value specified for the status parameter in the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call is not valid. Valid values are:
System status is to be collected.
System status and database status is to be collected.
System status, database status and user status is to be collected.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Correct the status parameter and resubmit the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call.

SQL1202N Status has not been collected.


The value specified for the handle parameter in the GET NEXT DATABASE STATUS BLOCK or the FREE DATABASE STATUS RESOURCES function calls is not valid. The handle must be the one returned as the positive function value from the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call.

This is the second COLLECT DATABASE STATUS call made from the process. The first COLLECT DATABASE STATUS call terminates and its handle can no longer be used.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Correct the handle parameter and resubmit the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call.

SQL1203N The database has no users connected.


A request was made for user status on a database, but the database has no users connected.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the database name and the connection status. Resubmit the command with a database currently being used.

SQL1204N The code page code-page and/or territory code territory-code is not supported by the installed version of the database manager.


This version of the database manager does not support the active code page or territory code or both.

The command cannot be processed.

Choose an active code page and territory code supported by this version of the database manager.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request and choose an active code page and territory code supported by both the federated server and the data source.

User response

Exit the current program and return to the operating system.

sqlcode: -1204

sqlstate: 22522

SQL1205N The code page code-page and/or territory code territory that has been specified is not valid.


This version of DB2 does not support the active code page or territory code or both, as specified by the Create Database command.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Refer to the Create Database command in the Command Reference for details of valid code page and territory code pairs supported by DB2/2.

SQL1206N PRUNE LOGFILE is not supported in this database configuration.


The PRUNE LOGFILE request is not supported if:
  1. the database is not in recoverable mode. A database is in recoverable mode if LOGARCHMETH1 is set to DISK, TSM, VENDOR, USEREXIT, or LOGRETAIN, or if LOGARCHMETH2 is set to DISK, TSM, or VENDOR.
  2. the active logfile path is set to a raw device.

User response

Do not issue the PRUNE LOGFILE command for this database.

SQL1207N Communication Manager configuration file name cannot be found.


The Communication Manager configuration file name specified on the CATALOG NODE command was not found either in the path specified or in the CMLIB directory on the default drive.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with the correct configuration file name and path.

SQL1208W The performance of the Load utility might be constrained by the available memory.


The Load utility is unable to allocate all requested memory. Success of the operation is unaffected, but performance might be suboptimal. The memory available to the Load utility is determined either by the value of the DATA BUFFER Load option, or by the value of the util_heap_sz database configuration parameter.

User response

If appropriate, increase the memory limits for future invocations of the Load utility.

SQL1209W The partner_lu name name specified in the CATALOG NODE function does not exist. One was created.


The logical partner unit name specified in the CATALOG NODE function does not exist in the Communications Manager configuration file located in the CMLIB directory on the default drive.

A logical unit profile of the specified name was created.

User response

No action is required.

SQL1210W Default values were returned for one or more configuration file parameters.


One or more of the DOS Requester/WINDOWS Requester configuration values returned was defaulted. The parameter may not be defined in the DOS Requester/WINDOWS Requester configuration file or the configuration file could not be opened or an error occurred reading the file.

User response

Ensure that the DOS Requester/WINDOWS Requester configuration file exists in the appropriate path and that the parameters are explicitly defined.

SQL1211N The computer name name is not valid.


The computer name specified in the NPIPE protocol structure for the Catalog command is not valid. The size of the computer name must be 15 characters or less.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the computer name is valid and resubmit the command.

SQL1212N The instance name name is not valid.


The instance name specified for the Catalog command is not valid. The size of the instance name must be 8 characters or less.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the instance name is valid and resubmit the command.

SQL1213N The change password LU name name is not valid.


The change password logical unit (LU) name specified in the APPN protocol structure for the CATALOG command is not valid.

The change password LU name is the remote SNA LU name and must be 1 to 8 characters. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic or a special character: #, @, or $. Lowercase characters are changed to uppercase by the system.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the characters specified in the change password LU name.

Resubmit the command with a valid change password LU name.

SQL1214N The transaction program name name is not valid.


The transaction program (TP) name specified in the APPN protocol structure for the CATALOG command is not valid.

The TP name is the remote SNA Application TP name and must be 1 to 64 characters. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic or a special character: #, @, or $.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the characters specified in the TP name.

Resubmit the command with a TP name.

SQL1215N The LAN adapter address address is not valid.


The LAN adapter address specified in the APPN protocol structure for the CATALOG command is not valid.

The LAN adapter address is the remote SNA LAN adapter address and must be a 12-hexadecimal number.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the LAN adapter address.

Resubmit the command with a valid LAN adapter address.

SQL1216N Graphic data and graphic functions are not supported for this database.


The code page of the database does not support graphic data. The data types GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, LONG VARGRAPHIC, and DBCLOB are not valid for this database. The GRAPHIC literal and the VARGRAPHIC scalar functions are not valid for this database.

The statement cannot be processed.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User response

Resubmit the command with valid data types.

sqlcode: -1216

sqlstate: 56031

SQL1217N The REAL data type is not supported by the target database.


An SQL operation is using a data type of REAL (single-precision floating point number) as an input or output variable. The REAL data type is not supported on the target database for this request.

The statement is not processed.

User response

Replace the declaration of any host variable that corresponds to the SQL data type of REAL with a declaration that corresponds to an SQL data type of DOUBLE in your application.

sqlcode: -1217

sqlstate: 56099

SQL1218N There are no pages currently available in bufferpool buffpool-num.


All of the pages in the bufferpool are currently being used. A request to use another page failed.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

The bufferpool is not large enough to provide pages to all database processes or threads at this time. The bufferpool is too small or there are too many active processes or threads.

The statement may be successful if executed again. If this error occurs frequently, some or all of the following actions may prevent further failures:
  1. increase the bufferpool size
  2. decrease the maximum number of database agents and/or connections
  3. decrease the maximum degree of parallelism
  4. decrease the prefetch size for table spaces that are in this bufferpool
  5. move some table spaces into other bufferpools.

sqlcode: -1218

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1219N The request failed because private virtual memory could not be allocated.


The instance was unable to allocate enough private virtual memory to process the request. This may be a result of shared memory allocations made in other (unrelated) processes.

User response

The problem may be corrected by:
  • Stopping other applications running on the machine, especially those that use large amounts of shared memory.

sqlcode: -1219

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1220N The database manager failed to allocate shared memory.


The database manager allocates and deallocates memory at various times. Memory might be allocated to a particular memory area when a specific event occurs (for example, when an application connects), or memory might be reallocated in response to a configuration change.

In general, this message is returned when the database manager cannot perform an operation because of one of the following problems:

  • There are insufficient database manager memory resources
  • There are insufficient environment memory resources

Specifically, this message can be returned when there are allocation or configuration problems with the following types of memory resources:

  • The instance memory
  • The amount of physical memory available in the system
  • The number of shared memory identifiers allocated in the system
  • The size of the shared memory segment
  • The amount of paging or swapping space available in the system

User response

Respond to this message by investigating the current memory configuration:

  • Set the instance_memory database manager configuration parameter to AUTOMATIC.
  • Validate that sufficient memory resources are available to satisfy the database manager's requirements, and those of the other programs running on the system.
  • On Linux 32-bit, increase the kernel parameter shmmax to 256 MB. On Linux 64-bit, increase the kernel parameter shmmax to 1GB.
  • Where appropriate, free system resources for the database manager to use, by stopping other programs that are using the system.

SQL1221N The Application Support Layer heap cannot be allocated.


The Application Support Layer heap could not be allocated. The cause of this error may be insufficient memory resources either for the database manager or the environment in which its operations are being attempted. Memory resources that can cause this error include:
  • The number of shared memory identifiers allocated in the system
  • The amount of paging or swapping space available in the system
  • The amount of physical memory available in the system

User response

One or more of the following:
  • Validate that sufficient memory resources are available to satisfy the database manager's requirements, and those of the other programs running on the system.
  • Reduce the aslheapsz configuration parameter.
  • Where appropriate, stop other programs using the system.

sqlcode: -1221

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1222N Not enough storage is available in the Application Support Layer heap to process the request.


All available memory in the Application Support Layer heap has been used.

User response

Increase the aslheapsz configuration parameter.

sqlcode: -1222

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1224N The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has terminated all requests in progress, or has terminated the specified request because of an error or a forced interrupt.


There are many reasons for which this message can be returned, including the following reasons:

Client/server configuration problems
  • In client/server environments using the TCP/IP protocol: The port number assigned to the TCP/IP service name on the client is not the same as the port number on the server. The error condition can be detected by the federated server or by the data source.
A database manager agent was unavailable
  • The database manager was stopped or had not been started on the database server.
  • An administrator forced a database agent off the system.
  • A database manager process terminated abnormally.
The user ID had insufficient authority
  • The user ID was forced off of the system when another user with SYSADM authority issued a FORCE QUIESCE command. The FORCE QUIESCE command forces off of the system all users who do not have CONNECT QUIESCE authority for the database or instance or who do not belong to a group that has CONNECT QUIESCE authority.
  • In Windows operating system environments: Extended Security was enabled, and the user ID was not a member of the DB2USERS or DBADMINS group.
Database directory conflicts
  • There were two databases, one local and one remote, with the same database name and same database alias.
  • A local database was cataloged as a remote database.
  • After a change was made to the way that one or more databases were cataloged, the changes did not take effect because the database manager is still using a cached copy of the database cataloging information.
A configured database limit or a system resource limit was reached
  • The application was using more transaction log space than allowed by the max_log database configuration parameter or the num_log_span database configuration parameter.
  • There were insufficient coordinator agents to process the application requests. Applications that hold locks in WITH HOLD cursors and are queued for execution in concentrator mode might cause active agents to be held up waiting for those locks.
  • The connection was idle for longer than the time specified in the CONNECTIONIDLETIME threshold.
  • A unit of work on the connection lasted longer than the time specified in the UOWTOTALTIME threshold and the connection was terminated because the threshold action specified FORCE APPLICATION.
  • A query took longer than the time specified in the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT statement attribute.
The requested function is not supported
  • An attempt was made to connect to a member that was in restart light mode.
Database activation on a newly added member
  • If the first activation of a database on a newly added member is in progress, a subsequent database connection attempt on the newly added member will fail until the first activation is complete.

User response

Reconnect to the database.

If the connection continues to fail, perform the following troubleshooting steps with the assistance of a database administrator:

  1. Federated environments only: Determine whether it is a federated data source that is returning the error or the federated database server that is returning the error.
  2. Ensure that client/server configuration is correct:
    1. Confirm whether the communication subsystem (including network cables, network cards, and communication protocols such as TCP/IP) is up and running.
    2. In client/server environments using the TCP/IP protocol: Assign the same port number to the TCP/IP service name on the client as the port number on the server.
  3. Ensure the database manager is up and running:
    1. Determine whether the database manager is up and running.
    2. Review the db2diag log files for evidence that a database manager process was interrupted or terminated abnormally.
    3. If the database manager is stopped, or if there is evidence in the diagnostic logs of any database manager agents being interrupted or terminating abnormally, restart the database manager.
  4. Ensure that the user ID has authority:
    • If the database or instance was quiesced, take one of the following actions:
      • Unquiesce the database or instance.
      • Add the user ID to the group that has CONNECT QUIESCE authority.
    • In Windows operating system environments: If Extended Security is enabled, add the appropriate user ID to the local Windows security group DB2USERS or DB2ADMNS.
  5. Remove any database directory conflicts:
    1. Compare the contents of the local database directory and the system catalog to the database configuration. In particular, look for the following problems:
      • Ensure that no two databases have the same name or alias as each other.
      • Ensure that local database are cataloged as local, and that any remote databases are cataloged as remote.
    2. After making any changes to the ways databases have been cataloged, stop and restart the database manager instance.
  6. Make necessary configuration and application changes to avoid exceeding database or operating system limits:

    Determine which limit was exceeded by reviewing db2diag log files, and then make one or more of the following changes:

    • Reduce the chance of applications being forced off for using too much transaction log space by make one or more of the following changes:
      • Alter the application to issue more frequent commit statements.
      • Increase the max_log database configuration parameter or the num_log_span database configuration parameter.
    • Reduce the chance of applications being forced off because there are insufficient coordinator agents by make one or more of the following changes:
      • Increase the value of max_coordagents relative to the value of max_connections.
      • Reduce the use of WITH HOLD cursors.
    • Reduce the chance of connections being closed for being idle for too long by increasing the CONNECTIONIDLETIME threshold.
    • Reduce the chance of connections being closed because a unit of work is taking too long to execute by increasing the UOWTOTALTIME threshold.
    • Reduce the chance of queries timing out by increasing the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT statement attribute or using the QueryTimeoutInterval CLI/ODBC configuration keyword.
    • In AIX, 32-bit environments: reduce the chance of running out of AIX shared memory by making one or more of the following changes:
      • Catalog the database as a loopback data source using TCP/IP.
      • If the application is using multiple contexts with local protocol, then either reduce the number of connections in the application, or switch to another protocol, such as TCP/IP.
      • Set the EXTSHM parameter if the application supports the EXTSHM parameter and if there are sufficient memory resources to use the parameter.
  7. Alter the application as needed to avoid unsupported usage scenarios:
    • To avoid connecting to a DB2 member that is in restart light mode, either specify a member that is not in restart light mode, or do not specify any specific member and allow the database manager to route the connection to an appropriate member.
  8. For DB2 for z/OS servers: collect server diagnostics, such as a z/OS SVC dump, for the application identifier that is reported as the connection correlation token (CRRTKN) and the logical unit of work ID (LUWID) in the z/OS diagnostic messages.

In a DB2 pureScale environment, if a new member has been added you must wait for the activation operation to complete until you open subsequent connections to the database from the new member. Otherwise, connect from another existing member.

sqlcode: -1224

sqlstate: 55032

SQL1225N The request failed because an operating system process, thread, or swap space limit was reached.


An operating system process, thread, or swap space limit was reached. You can find more information about the problem in the administration notification log.

User response

Check the administration notification log to determine which limit was reached and increase that limit.

sqlcode: -1225

sqlstate: 57049

SQL1226N The maximum number of client connections are already started.


The number of client connections is already equal to the maximum value defined for the instance in the system configuration file.

This error might be reported for system-driven connections used for maintenance operations. Such connections are capped at a percentage of the active user workload. When no more connections are allowed, these operations will be retried at a later time automatically.

The operation cannot be processed.

User response

Wait for other applications to disconnect from the database. If one or more applications are required to run concurrently, increase the value for max_connections. If the error was returned from a client connection attempt, you might also want to consider setting max_connections to AUTOMATIC to allow any number of connections so long as there is enough memory to support them. If the value for max_connections is larger than the value for max_coordagents, the concentrator feature is turned on.

sqlcode: -1226

sqlstate: 57030

SQL1227N The catalog statistic value for column column is out of range for its target column, has an invalid format, or is inconsistent in relation to some other statistic. Reason Code = code.


The value or format of a statistic provided for an updatable catalog is either invalid, out of range, or inconsistent. The most common checks for value, range and format are (corresponding to code):


Numeric statistics must be -1 or >= 0.


Numeric statistics representing percentages (eg. CLUSTERRATIO) must be between 0 and 100.


This message is returned with reason code 3 when an attempt is made to update HIGH2KEY or LOW2KEY (or both) in a way that violates the rules for updating column statistics manually.


PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS related rules:

  • Individual values in the PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS statistic must be separated by a series of blank delimiters.
  • There must be exactly 11 pairs in a single PAGE_FETCH_PAIR statistic.
  • There must always be a valid PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS value if the CLUSTERFACTOR is > 0.
  • Individual values in PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS statistics must not be longer than 19 digits and must be less than the maximum integer value (MAXINT = 9223372036854775807).
  • Buffer size entries of PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS must be ascending in value. Also, any buffer size value in a PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS entry cannot be greater than MIN(NPAGES, 1048576) for 32-bit platforms and MIN(NPAGES, 2147483647) for 64-bit platforms where NPAGES is the number of pages in the corresponding table.
  • "fetches" entries of AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS must be descending in value, with no individual fetches entry being less than NPAGES. Also, any "fetch" size value in a AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS entry must not be greater than CARD (cardinality) statistic of the corresponding table.
  • If buffer size value is the same in two consecutive pairs, then page fetch value must also be the same in both the pairs.


  • Valid values for CLUSTERRATIO are -1 or between 0 and 100
  • Valid values for CLUSTERFACTOR are -1 or between 0 and 1
  • Either CLUSTERRATIO or CLUSTERFACTOR must be -1 at all times.
  • If CLUSTERFACTOR is a positive value, it must be accompanied by a valid PAGE_FETCH_PAIR statistic.

The cardinality of a column (COLCARD statistic in SYSCOLUMNS) or column group (COLGROUPCARD in SYSCOLGROUPS) cannot be greater than the cardinality of its corresponding table (CARD statistic in SYSTABLES).


No statistics are supported for user-defined structured types. For columns with the following data types, statistics support is limited to AVGCOLLEN and NUMNULLS: LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, BLOB, CLOB, and DBCLOB.


A statistic is inconsistent with other related statistics for this entity or is invalid in this context.


For tables that are not partitioned, the following table partitioning statistics in SYSSTAT.INDEXES cannot be updated: AVGPARTITION_CLUSTERRATIO, AVGPARTITION_CLUSTERFACTOR, AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS, DATAPARTITION_CLUSTERFACTOR



  • Individual values in the AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS statistic must be separated by a series of blank delimiters.
  • There must be exactly 11 pairs in a single AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIR statistic.
  • There must always be a valid AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS value if the AVGPARTITION_CLUSTERFACTOR is > 0.
  • Individual values in AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS statistics must not be longer than 19 digits and must be less than the maximum integer value (MAXINT = 9223372036854775807).
  • Buffer size entries of AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS must be ascending in value. Also, any buffer size value in a AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS entry cannot be greater than MIN(NPAGES, 1048576) for 32-bit platforms and MIN(NPAGES, 2147483647) for 64-bit platforms where NPAGES is the number of pages in the corresponding table.
  • "fetches" entries of AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS must be descending in value, with no individual fetches entry being less than NPAGES. Also, any "fetch" size value in a AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS entry must not be greater than CARD (cardinality) statistic of the corresponding table.
  • If buffer size value is the same in two consecutive pairs, then page fetch value must also be the same in both the pairs.


  • Valid values for AVGPARTITION_CLUSTERRATIO are -1 or between 0 and 100.
  • Valid values for AVGPARTITION_CLUSTERFACTOR are -1 or between 0 and 1.
  • If AVGPARTITION_CLUSTERFACTOR is a positive value, it must be accompanied by a valid AVGPARTITION_PAGE_FETCH_PAIR statistic.


  • Valid values for DATAPARTITION_CLUSTERFACTOR are -1 or between 0 and 1.


  • Valid values for AVGCOMPRESSEDROWSIZE are -1, or between 0 and AVGROWSIZE.


  • Valid values for AVGROWCOMPRESSIONRATIO are -1, or greater than 1.


  • Valid values for PCTROWSCOMPRESSED are -1, or between 0 and 100, inclusive.

User response

Make sure the new catalog statistic satisfies the indicated range, length and format checks.

Make sure that any updates to statistics are consistent in their inter-relationships (eg. cardinality).

For tables that are not partitioned, do not attempt to update statistics columns that are specific to partitioned tables.

sqlcode: -1227

sqlstate: 23521

SQL1228W DROP DATABASE has completed but the database alias name or database name name could not be found on num nodes.


The drop database command has completed successfully, however, there are some nodes where the database alias or database name was not found. It is possible that DROP DATABASE AT NODE was already performed on these nodes.

User response

This is a warning message only. No response is necessary.

SQL1229N The current transaction has been rolled back because of a system error.


One of the following has occurred:

  1. A system error, such as member failure or connection failure, has occurred. The application is rolled back to the previous COMMIT.

    Note that in the case of DB2 utility functions, the behavior is described as follows:


    The application is rolled back. If the COMMITCOUNT parameter was used, the operation is rolled back to a previous committed point.


    The operation is aborted and must be resubmitted.


    The operation is aborted, however, some of the operation might have been successful. Issuing the request again with the "continue" option will restart the operation from the point of failure.


    The operation is aborted and the database is still in rollforward pending state. The command must be resubmitted.


    The operation is aborted and must be resubmitted.

  2. The service port numbers assigned for FCM (Fast Communication Manager) communications are not the same on all the members in the database manager instance. Check the services file being used on all members to ensure that the ports are the same. The ports are defined using the format:
       DB2_<instance>       xxxx/tcp
       DB2_<instance>_END   xxxx/tcp

    where <instance> is the instance name and xxxx is the port number. Ensure that these port numbers are not being used for DB2 remote client support.

User response

  1. Try the request again. If the error persists, you can find more information about the problem in the administration notification log. It might be necessary to contact the system administrator for assistance since the most common reason for this error is that a member has failed.

    In an environment where the netname and the hostname that are defined in the db2nodes.cfg file are different, this error can be a symptom of a failure in the netname interface. This applies to both multi-partition database environments and DB2 pureScale environments.

  2. Update the service ports to be the same on all the members and try the request again.

The sixth sqlerrd field of the SQLCA will indicate the member number that detected the member failure. On the member that detected the failure, a message will be placed in the db2diag log file that identifies the member that failed.

sqlcode: -1229

sqlstate: 40504

SQL1230W At least one agent id specified could not be forced.


At least one agent id specified on the Force command could not be forced. Causes of this warning may be:
  • A nonexistent or invalid agent id was specified.
  • The agent disconnected from the database manager between the time that the agent ids were collected and the Force command was issued.
  • The agent id specified was for a parallel agent which cannot be forced.

User response

If a nonexistent or invalid agent id was specified, retry the command using the valid agent id.

SQL1231N Invalid Force count specified.


The value specified for the count parameter of the Force command is not valid. The value specified must either be a positive integer or SQL_ALL_USERS. A value of 0 will result in an error.

User response

Correct the value of count and resubmit the command.

SQL1232N Invalid Force mode specified.


The value specified for the mode parameter of the Force command is not valid. Only asynchronous mode is supported for the Force command. The parameter must be set to the value SQL_ASYNCH.

User response

Set the mode to SQL_ASYNCH and resubmit the command.

SQL1233N The statement failed because the statement includes the use of functionality that is supported only in Unicode databases or Unicode databases with specific database collations, but the current database is not a Unicode database or is a Unicode database with unsupported database collations.


The following functionality is supported only for Unicode databases:

  • The NCHAR, NVARCHAR, and NCLOB data types.
  • Specifying a UCS-2 hexadecimal constant using the format UX'hex-digits'.
  • A graphic expression as the first argument of the VARCHAR scalar function.
  • A graphic expression as the first argument of the VARGRAPHIC scalar function when a second argument is specified.
  • Specifying CODEUNITS32 when defining a character string data type.
  • Specifying CODEUNITS16 or CODEUNITS32 when defining a graphic string data type.
The following functionality is supported only for Unicode databases with IDENTITY or IDENTITY_16BIT collation:
  • Column-organized tables.

User response

Respond to the following message by performing one of the following actions:

  • Re-issue the statement without the functionality that is only supported in Unicode databases or Unicode databases with specific collations.
  • Re-create the database as a Unicode database or Unicode databases with a supported collation and then re-issue the statement.

sqlcode: -1233

sqlstate: 560AA

SQL1234N The table space tablespace-name cannot be converted to a LARGE table space.


Only REGULAR DMS table spaces can be converted to a LARGE DMS table space. The system catalog table space, SMS table spaces, and temporary table spaces cannot be converted to be a LARGE table space.

User response

Verify the attributes of the table space by issuing SELECT TBSPACE, TBSPACETYPE, DATATYPE FROM SYSCAT.TABLESPACES WHERE TBSPACE = 'tablespace-name'. The table space cannot be the system catalog table space (TBSPACE cannot be 'SYSCATSPACE'), must be a DMS table space (TBSPACETYPE must be 'D'), and also must be a REGULAR table space (DATATYPE must be 'A').

sqlcode: -1234

sqlstate: 560CF

SQL1235N The table space tablespace-name is restricted by table table-name from being converted to be a LARGE table space.


The partitioned table has data partitions in multiple regular DMS table spaces. The table space must contain all of the data partitions of a partitioned table in order to be converted to be a LARGE table space.

User response

To successfully convert the table spaces of the partitioned table:
  1. For each table space containing data partitions of the partitioned table (except for one of the table spaces), detach the data partitions in these table spaces from the partitioned table. Commit the detach actions.
  2. Convert each of these table spaces using the COVERT TO LARGE option of the ALTER TABLESPACE statement. Commit each statement.
  3. Convert the table space containing the remaining data partitions of the partitioned table. Commit this action.
  4. Rebuild the indexes on the partitioned table using REORG INDEXES ALL FOR TABLE table-name ALLOW NO ACCESS, or by reorganizing the partitioned table.
  5. Reorganize each new table resulting from the detach of data partitions.
  6. Re-attach each table to the partitioned table.

sqlcode: -1235

sqlstate: 560CF

SQL1236N The REORG command failed. Table table-name cannot allocate a new page because the index with identifier index-id does not yet support large RIDs.


The table space in which this table resides was converted to a LARGE table space via the CONVERT TO LARGE clause of the ALTER TABLESPACE statement. The table itself cannot support large RIDs until all previously existing indexes on the table have been reorganized or rebuilt to support large RIDs. The index(es) must be reorganized or rebuilt to support future growth of this table.

User response

The indexes can be reorganized using the rebuild option of the REORG INDEXES ALL FOR TABLE table-name command. For partitioned tables, ALLOW NO ACCESS must be specified. Alternatively, the table can be reorganized (REORG TABLE without the INPLACE clause) which will not only rebuild all indexes, but will enable the table to support greater than 255 rows per page.

sqlcode: -1236

sqlstate: 55066

SQL1237W Table space tbspace-name is being converted from REGULAR to LARGE. Indexes on tables in this table space must be reorganized or rebuilt to support large RIDs.


The table space being converted can, following COMMIT, support a storage capacity larger than that of a regular table space. The maximum page number for a data page in a regular table space is 0x00FFFFFF. For a table to support a page number above 0x00FFFFFF, the indexes on the table must be reorganized or rebuilt.

User response

The documentation for the ALTER TABLESPACE statement in the SQL Reference specifies the best practices when using the CONVERT TO LARGE option. Please follow these recommendations to be pro-active in reorganizing or rebuilding all indexes on all tables in this table space to prevent possible future failures when a page number above 0x00FFFFFF is allocated to a table.

sqlcode: +1237

sqlstate: 01686

SQL1238N The result set specified to be returned to the client is invalid. Reason code = reason-code.


The result set specified by the WITH RETURN TO CLIENT clause in the CREATE PROCEDURE (Sourced) statement is not valid. Possible reason codes are:
If the data source is Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, or Informix, the result set specified by the position number in the returned set of result sets in the WITH RETURN TO CLIENT clause in the CREATE PROCEDURE (Sourced) statement is not equal to 1.
If the data source is Oracle, the largest position number in the returned set of result sets in the WITH RETURN TO CLIENT clause in the CREATE PROCEDURE (Sourced) statement is greater than the maximum number of REF CURSORS at the data source.

User response

Actions based on the reason codes are:
Remove references to any position number in the returned set of result sets other than 1.
Remove references to any position number in the returned set of result sets which is greater than the maximum number of REF CURSORS at the data source.

sqlcode: -1238

sqlstate: 560CI

SQL1239N On database servers Version 9.5 and earlier, pureXML data store features can be used only in a single-partition database.


On database servers Version 9.5 and earlier, the use of XML data store features is restricted to databases having only one database partition. Features such as defining columns of data type XML, registering XML schema repository objects, and XQuery expressions are not available within a partitioned database environment.

User response

On database servers Version 9.5 and earlier, for a database with multiple database partitions, you can input XML data to those functions that accept XML input and either store the output of the function in the database or return it to the application. In this case, to use the features of pureXML storage you need to create a new database in a separate instance in which the database partitioning feature is not used. Similarly, to use the database partitioning feature you must either use a database on which pureXML storage features have not been used, or you need to create a new database in a separate, partitioned database environment.

sqlcode: -1239

sqlstate: 42997

SQL1240N The maximum number of quiescers has been reached.


An attempt was made to acquire a quiesce state on a table space which has already been quiesced by 5 processes.

User response

Wait for one of the processes to release its quiesce state and try again.

SQL1241N An invalid value was specified for the tbs-name table space definition when creating a database. Attribute is string.


The value for a table space attribute was out of range. The identified attribute is the field name of this structure.

User response

Correct the create database request.

SQL1242N An XML feature is not supported in the context where it is used. Reason code = reason-code.


The statement cannot be processed because there was an attempt to use an XML feature in a context where it is not supported. The reason-code indicates the context:


On database servers Version 9.5 and earlier, columns of data type XML are not supported in a table that is organized by dimensions.


On database servers Version 9.5 and earlier, columns of data type XML are not supported in a partitioned table.


Columns of data type XML cannot be added to a table with existing type-1 indexes. Starting in Version 9.7, type-1 indexes are discontinued and are replaced with type-2 indexes.


A distribution key cannot be defined for a table with an XML column.


Columns of data type XML are not supported in a view that is the target of an INSTEAD OF trigger.


References to transition variables of data type XML are not supported in a trigger definition.


For a table containing columns of data type XML, an operation that drops XML columns must drop all of the XML columns in the table in a single ALTER TABLE statement.

On database servers Version 9.5 and earlier, and for a table containing columns of data type XML, a REORG-recommended operation cannot be specified in an ALTER TABLE statement.


A column of data type XML is supported by the wrapper associated with the nickname definition only if the column definition has no options. Such a column references the contents of an XML document returned from the data source.


References to XML data types or values in compound SQL (compiled) statements in functions, triggers, or compound SQL (inlined) statements are not allowed. XML is only supported in compound SQL (compiled) statements in procedures.


In a partitioned database environment, tables with XML columns are only supported in the database partition that contains the database catalog tables, the IBMCATGROUP database partition.


Prior to DB2 Version 9.7, the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM command and the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command are not supported on a database partition group that contains tables that have XML columns.


In a partitioned database environment, annotated XML schema decomposition is supported on only the database partition that contains the database catalog tables, the IBMCATGROUP database partition.


In a partitioned database environment, the following XML-related commands are only supported in the database partition that contains the database catalog tables, the IBMCATGROUP database partition:


In a partitioned database environment, for an application to process XML data, the application must be connected to the database partition that contains the database catalog tables, the IBMCATGROUP database partition.


SQL functions that have parameters or variables of type XML are not supported in a partitioned database environment.

User response

The action is based on the reason code, as follows:


On database servers Version 9.5 and earlier, do not use the XML data type for any column defined in a table that is organized by dimensions.


On database servers Version 9.5 and earlier, do not use the XML data type for any column defined in a partitioned table.


Use the REORG INDEXES ALL command with the CONVERT parameter to convert existing indexes on the table to type-2 indexes before issuing the ALTER TABLE command to add a column of type XML.


Change the table definition to avoid having both a distribution key and an XML column. In a CREATE TABLE statement, you can do this by removing the DISTRIBUTE BY clause (or PARTITIONING KEY clause) or by removing all columns of data type XML. In an ALTER TABLE statement, either drop the distribution key before adding a column of type XML or drop all XML columns before adding a distribution key.


Do not specify a view with columns of data type XML as the target of an INSTEAD OF trigger.


Do not use transition variables that are of data type XML in a trigger definition.


For a table containing multiple columns of data type XML, either do not drop any XML columns or drop all of the XML columns in the table using a single ALTER TABLE statement.

On database servers Version 9.5 and earlier, remove any REORG-recommended alterations from the ALTER TABLE statement.


In the nickname definition, check for columns of type XML that have column options. For each column definition that is not correct, change the data type, or remove all column options.


Remove the XML data type or value reference from the compound SQL (compiled) statement or include the compound SQL (compiled) statement in an SQL procedure.


To create a table with XML columns, create the table in the IBMCATGROUP database partition.


Respond to this reason code in one of the following ways:

  • If this message was returned because an attempt was made to add a new database partition to a database partition group that contains tables that have XML columns, add the new database partition to a database partition group that does not contain tables that have XML columns.
  • If this message was returned because an attempt was made to redistribute data across a database partition group that contains tables that have XML columns, no response is required. Redistributing data across a database partition group that contains tables that have XML columns is not supported.

To decompose XML documents using annotated XML schema decomposition in a partitioned database environment, perform the decomposition on the database partition that contains the database catalog tables, the IBMCATGROUP database partition.


To perform XML-related actions, run the required command on the IBMCATGROUP database partition.


To process XML data, connect the application to the catalog partition, the IBMCATGROUP database partition.


To use the SQL function in a partitioned database environment, alter the function to remove any parameters and variables of type XML.

sqlcode: -1242

sqlstate: 42997

SQL1243W Dropping SYSTOOLS.DB2LOOK_INFO db2look operation table failed.


The UPGRADE DATABASE command checks whether the database has a db2look operation table called SYSTOOLS.DB2LOOK_INFO, and drops this table if it exists. The drop table command fails if the database owns a table with the same name but a different column definition.

User response

Check the definition of the SYSTOOLS.DB2LOOK_INFO table after the database upgrade is complete. If it is a system created table, it should be dropped manually. If it is a user created table, it should be renamed. Otherwise, ALTER TABLE and COPY SCHEMA statements will fail to execute.

SQL1244W Disconnect for transaction manager database server-name will occur at next COMMIT.


A disconnect has been issued against a database which is acting as the TM database. The disconnect cannot be completed until the next COMMIT is processed.

User response

If it is necessary that the database which is acting as the TM database be disconnected immediately, issue a COMMIT statement before execution continues.

sqlcode: +1244

sqlstate: 01002

SQL1245N Connection limit has been reached. No more connections are allowed from this client.


The maximum number of concurrent database connections has been reached for an environment where the number of connections is restricted or must be predefined.

User response

Before making any connections, set the maximum number of connections by issuing the SET CLIENT command.

sqlcode: -1245

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1246N Connection settings cannot be changed while connections exist.


One of the following occurred:
  • An attempt was made to change the connection settings for an application using the SET CLIENT API. This was rejected because one or more connections exist.
  • The application contains both DB2 Call Level Interface API calls and calls to functions containing embedded SQL, and the connection management was not invoked using the CLI APIs.

User response

Possible actions:
  • Ensure that the application disconnects from all servers before attempting to issue the SET CLIENT API (sqlesetc or sqlgsetc) or CLP command.
  • Ensure that all connection management requests are issued via the DB2 Call Level Interface APIs if CLI is being used by the application.

SQL1247N Applications running in an XA transaction processing environment must use the SYNCPOINT TWOPHASE connection setting.


The application was precompiled with the option SYNCPOINT ONEPHASE or SYNCPOINT NONE, or the SYNCPOINT connection setting was changed to one of these values using the SET CLIENT API. These settings are invalid for applications which cause transaction processing syncpoint commands (for example CICS SYNCPOINT) to be executed. Note that SYNCPOINT ONEPHASE is the default precompiler option.

User response

Possible actions:
  • Re-precompile the application using the precompiler option SYNCPOINT TWOPHASE.
  • Modify the program such that the SET CLIENT API is called to set the connection option to SYNCPOINT TWOPHASE prior to any other processing.

sqlcode: -1247

sqlstate: 51025

SQL1248N Database database-alias not defined with the transaction manager.


You attempted to access a database that had not been opened by the transaction manager. A database must be defined to the transaction manager in order to participate in the two-phase commit process.

User response

Define the database as a resource manager to the transaction manager of your Distributed Transaction Processing environment. For example, in a CICS environment this requires adding the database to the XAD file and provides the database alias name in the XAOpen string of the XAD entry.

sqlcode: -1248

sqlstate: 42705

SQL1249N The DATALINK data type is not supported. db-object must be dropped or altered to avoid using the DATALINK data type.


The db2ckupgrade command has identified an occurrence of the DATALINK data type which will cause database upgrade to fail.

Database objects which use the DATALINK data type include tables, views, functions, methods, distinct types and structured data types.

User response

Remove or update the database object identified by db-object which references the DATALINK data type before attempting to upgrade the database.