SQL6000N DB2 Conversion of QMF Data.


This is the normal termination message.

User response

No action is required.

SQL6001N The abend is not in Database Manager.


The user executed a module of the SQLQMF facility directly rather than using the SQLQMF facility command.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Use the provided SQLQMF facility command.

SQL6002N Both the program name and CS:IP parameters must be specified.


Communications Manager encountered an error during the download of the host file.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Review the Communications Manager message log.

SQL6003N The CS:IP parameter is not valid.


The computed row size (the sum of the computed column sizes) exceeds the maximum of 7000 bytes.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Return to your QMF host session and run a query with fewer data columns selected. EXPORT the data again and then try the SQLQMF facility command again.

SQL6004N function returned the unexpected return code code.


An unexpected error occurred during processing. The Communications Manager or DB2 may not be installed or configured correctly.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that Communications Manager has been installed and the appropriate host communications session is active. Retry the command after checking for other errors. If the problem persists, contact your Communications Manager system administrator.

SQL6005N An error occurred while reading the downloaded QMF file.


One of the following conditions was encountered:
  • The file could not be opened.
  • The end of file was encountered prematurely.
  • There was an I/O error while reading the file.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Review the Communications Manager message log. Retry the command. If the error continues, contact your Communications Manager system administrator.

SQL6006N An error occurred while writing to an output file.


One of the following conditions was encountered:
  • Not enough space exists on the C: drive to write the data.
  • An output file could not be opened.
  • An I/O error occurred while writing the file.
  • An I/O error occurred while closing the file.

Federated system users: there isn't enough space to hold the db2djlink output. Additional space is required for the temporary files that db2djlink creates and uses.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Check for sufficient disk space on the C: drive. Retry the command.

Federated system users: increase the size of the file system where the federated server is installed. To estimate the amount of free space db2djlink needs on an AIX operating system, enter:
ls -e /

This command returns the number of bytes used by the listed file. Multiply that number by 3. The result is an estimate of how much free space is needed on the file system. Increase the size of the file system as necessary and retry the command.

SQL6007N The decimal number in row row, column column cannot be converted to ASCII.


The indicated decimal field could not be converted.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the host column data type is DECIMAL. Retry the QMF EXPORT and then try the SQLQMF facility command again. If the error continues, rerun the QMF query without the named column.

SQL6008N The file specified in the command is not in QMF data format.


The file specified by the filename parameter is not in the expected QMF format.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that you have typed the name correctly. If correct, return to your QMF host session and issue the command EXPORT DATA TO filename again. Be sure to export using the QMF data format.

SQL6009N The file exported from QMF contains Column name with a width width that is too long. The maximum column width is 4000 bytes.


The downloaded QMF file has a column width greater than 4000 bytes.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Return to your QMF host session, rerun the QMF query without the named column, and export the data again. Then run the SQLQMF facility command again.

SQL6010N The downloaded QMF file has more than 255 data columns.


The file being processed has more than 255 data columns.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Return to your QMF host session and rerun a query, selecting 255 or fewer data columns. EXPORT the data again and then run the SQLQMF facility command again.

SQL6011N The data type number (type-text) of column name (positioned at column number) cannot be processed.


The QMF file contains a column with data type that is not supported.

The SQLQMF facility does NOT support the following data types:

Only the SQLQMF facility SQLQMFDB supports graphic data types.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Return to your QMF host session and rerun the query without selecting the named column. Then run the SQLQMF facility command again.

SQL6012N Too many parameters were specified for the command.


Too many parameters were specified with the command.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Retry the command with the correct number of parameters.

SQL6013N Host filename host-filename is either too long or does not begin with an alphabetic character.


The host filename does not begin with an alphabetic character; or, if the host is a VM System, the host filename, filetype, or filemode are too long.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Retry the command with a correct host filename syntax.

SQL6014N Invalid command syntax, colon (':') should follow a keyword.


Keyword parameters with operands require the keyword to be immediately followed by a ":" character and then the operand.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Verify the command syntax and retry the command.

SQL6015N The keyword is not recognized.


The keyword parameter indicator ("/") was followed by a value that is not a keyword.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Retry the command using a different keyword value.

SQL6016N Too many operands for the System/370 filename name.


If the host is a VM System, the host file name contains more than three space-separate tokens. If the host is an MVS System, the host filename contains embedded blanks.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Retry the command using a different keyword value.

SQL6017N More information may be contained in the Import message log name.


The database IMPORT operation terminated with warning or error messages.

The command has left its work files allocated.

User response

Use the message preceding this message and the IMPORT message log, if it exists, to decide if the IMPORT was successful and to determine corrective action. If the import was successful, erase the DEL, CRE, COL, and IML files.

SQL6018N No S/370 filename was specified.


The S/370 filename is a required parameter.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Retry the command with a host filename.

SQL6019N Communications short session ID ID is either too long or is invalid.


The value provided for the communications short session ID is either longer than one byte or is not alphabetic.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Retry the command with a valid value.

SQL6020N An import option was specified without also providing a database name.


No database name was provided and an import option was specified.

The command has terminated.

User response

Retry the command and include a database name.

SQL6021N Data was successfully imported.


This is a normal ending message when the SQLQMF facility imports data to a database.

User response

No action is required.

SQL6022N System database directory is not shared by all nodes.


All nodes should be accessing one physical copy of the system database directory.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that all nodes are accessing the system database directory that resides in the sqllib directory, then try the request again.

SQL6023N The user does not have the authority to run the Get Table Partitioning Information utility on table name.


The user attempted to retrieve partitioning information on the specified table without the appropriate authorization (either the DBADM authority or the CONTROL or SELECT privilege on the table).

The utility stops processing.

User response

Do not attempt to run the Get Table Partitioning Information utility without appropriate authorization. Contact your security administrator for assistance with authorization.

SQL6024C Table or index name is not defined on node node-number.


The application is connected to node node-number, and the table or index name is not defined.

The cause is one of the following:

  • The node to which the application is connected is not a member of the nodegroup in which the table or index was created.
  • The node is not in use by that nodegroup.

The utility stops processing.

User response

Connect the application to a node on which the table or index is defined. Determine the nodegroup in which the table was created and obtain the list of nodes in the nodegroup by selecting the appropriate rows from the NODEGROUPDEF catalog view. The nodes whose IN_USE value is set to Y are the ones on which the table or index is defined.

SQL6025N Database backed up on node node1 cannot be restored to node node2.


The backup image used for the restore is a backup of the database on a different node.

User response

Ensure that you have the correct backup image for the node, then try the request again.

SQL6026N Database with catalog node node1 cannot be restored to a database with catalog node node2.


In an environment that is not a DB2 pureScale environment, the catalog node can exist on only one node and there is a discrepancy between the backup image and the node being restored to. This can occur in the following cases:

  • The backup image specified catalog node node1 and the restore was attempted on an existing database whose catalog node is node node2.
  • The restore was attempted to a new database and the catalog node has not been restored first. (Restore the catalog node first to create the database on all nodes).

User response

Verify that the correct backup image is being restored.

If you are restoring to an existing database and want to change the catalog node to node2, the existing database must be dropped first.

If you are restoring to a new database, restore the catalog node node1 first.

SQL6027N The path path for the database directory is not valid.


The path path specified for either the CREATE DATABASE or the CATALOG DATABASE command starts with the character '.' or contains the character string '/.'.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the specified path is a fully qualified path, does not start with the character '.', and does not contain the character string '/.'. Then try the request again.

SQL6028N Catalog database failed because database dbname was not found in the local database directory.


When cataloguing a local database into the system database directory, the command/API has to be issued from a node on the server where the database resides.

User response

Reissue the command/API from a node where the database resides.

SQL6030N START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER failed. Reason code reason-code.


The reason code indicates the error. The statement cannot be processed.


Cannot access the sqllib directory of the instance.


The full path name added to the profile filename is too long.


Cannot open the profile file.


This message is returned with reason code 4 for the following reasons:

  • The specified value for DBPARTITIONNUM is not defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.
  • The specified value for DBPARTITIONNUM or MEMBER is outside of the valid range. The valid range is: 0 - 999.
  • The specified value for the db2iupdt command parameter -mid is outside of the valid range. The valid range is: 0 - 127.

The nodenum parameter must be specified when a command option is specified.


The port parameter value is not valid.


The new couple hostname/port is not unique.


The FORCE option cannot be specified when the QUIESCE option is specified.


The hostname and port parameters must be specified when using the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM option.


Cannot update the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory for the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM or RESTART option.


The hostname parameter value is not valid.


The pointer to the sqledbstrtopt or sqledbstopopt structure is not valid.


No port value is defined for your database manager instance id (/etc/services file on UNIX-based systems).


The port value is not in the valid port range defined for your database manager instance id (/etc/services file on UNIX-based systems).


A hostname value has no corresponding port 0 defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.


The value specified for the command or option parameter is not valid.


The DROP option cannot be specified when the NODENUM option is not specified.


The value specified for the callerac parameter is not valid.


Unable to create the UNIX socket directory /tmp/db2_<ver>_<rel> /$DB2INSTANCE.


This message is returned with reason code 20 for the following reasons:

  • The number specified with the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM option already exists in the db2nodes.cfg file or has been already been added since the last stop database manager command was issued.
  • The member number specified with the db2iupdt command -mid parameter already exists in the db2nodes.cfg file

The tablespace type specified with the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM option is not valid.


The tablespace specified with the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM option is out of range.


The computer name parameter must be specified for the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM option.


The user name parameter must be specified for the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM option.


The computer name is not valid.


The user name is not valid.


The password is not valid.


The password is expired.


The user account specified is either disabled, expired, or restricted.


The cluster interconnect netname parameter is not valid.


A database manager call to the cluster manager failed.


The identifier does not match the type that is defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.


The value specified for the QUIESCE option is not valid.


The member parameter must be specified when the QUIESCE option is used.


You can recover from a failed ADD or DROP operation in the Db2 pureScale environment using the db2iupdt command with the -fixtopology parameter. This reason code is returned when the db2iupdt command is called with the -fixtopology parameter but the cluster caching facility does not detect any failed ADD or DROP operations. Because there are no topology fixes required, when the db2iupdt utility tried to stop the database, the stop command failed.


The transport type of the new member or CF specified does not match the transport type used by existing members and CFs, as defined in the netname field in the db2nodes.cfg file.


Starting a Db2 member failed because of RDMA configuration problems or RDMA runtime errors.


The setting of CF_NUM_CONNS is not valid for the number of members in the cluster. This can happen if CF_NUM_CONNS is set to a fixed value that is too high.


Add member cannot be issued from a host that is not in the Db2 pureScale cluster.


An online add member operation cannot be performed on a host machine where a CF is currently running or where a CF is in the process of restarting.


A Db2 member or CF was not started because the /proc file system directory is not mounted on the host machine where the member or CF resides.


An online add CF operation cannot be performed on a host machine where a member is currently running or where a member is in the process of restarting.

There was an error configuring the Db2 and/or Spectrum Scale port range for communication in a firewall-enabled environment using the value specified in the DB2_FIREWALL_PORT_RANGE registry variable.

User response

The action corresponding to the reason code is:


Ensure that the $DB2INSTANCE userid has the required permissions to access the sqllib directory of the instance.


Change the profile name to a shorter name so that the total length of the fully qualified path added to the profile name length is smaller than the SQL_PROFILE_SZ defined in the file sqlenv.h.


Ensure that the profile file exists.

  • Call the command again, specifying a value for DBPARTITIONNUM or MEMBER that is in the valid range of 0 - 999. To specify an existing database partition, specify a value for DBPARTITIONNUM that corresponds to a database partition number that is defined in db2nodes.cfg.
  • For the db2iupdt command, specify a value for the -mid parameter in the valid range of 0 - 127.

Resubmit the command with the nodenum parameter specified.


Ensure that the port value is between 0 and 999. If a value is not specified, the port value defaults to 0.


Ensure that the new couple hostname/port is not already defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.


Do not specify the FORCE option when you specify the QUIESCE option.


Ensure that the hostname and the port values are specified when you specify the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM option.


Ensure that the $DB2INSTANCE username has write access to the sqllib directory of the instance, that there is sufficient disk space, and the file exists.


Ensure that the specified hostname is defined on the system.


Ensure that the pointer is not NULL and points to the sqledbstrtopt for the sqlepstr() API, or to the sqledbstopopt structure for the sqlepstp() API.


Ensure that the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems) contains an entry for your database manager instance id.


Ensure that you only use port values that are specified in the services file (/etc/services file on UNIX-based systems) for your instance.


Ensure that all the hostname values have a port 0 defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory including the restart option parameters.


Ensure that the value specified for the option parameter is within the valid range.


Specify the ADD DBPARTITIONNUM option when you specify the DROP option.


Ensure that the value specified for the callerac parameter is within the valid range.


Check the permission of the /tmp filesystem to make sure all intermediate directories of /tmp/db2_<ver>_<rel>/ $DB2INSTANCE can be created.


Ensure that the correct database partition or member number is being specified. You must stop the database manager to update the db2nodes.cfg file with nodes that have been added to the system since the previous stop database manager command.


Ensure that the value specified for the tablespace type is within the valid range.


Ensure that the tablespace value specified is defined in the db2nodes.cfg and is between 0 and 999.


Specify the computer name of the system on which the new member is created using the COMPUTER option.


Specify a valid domain account user name and password for the new member using the USER and PASSWORD options.


Resubmit the command with a valid computer name.


Resubmit the command with a valid user name.


Resubmit the command with a valid password.


Change/update the account password and resubmit the command.


Resubmit the command with a valid user account.


Ensure that the length of the cluster interconnect netname is not longer than SQL_HOSTNAME_SZ.


Correct the problem that caused the cluster manager call to fail and resubmit the command:

  • Review the db2diag log file for error messages from the cluster manager.
  • Respond to the cluster manager error messages in the db2diag log file to correct the underlying problem that prevented the cluster manager from removing the path from its configuration.
  • Resubmit the START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER command.

Ensure that the identifier matches the type defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory when issuing this command with either the MEMBER or CF option.


Ensure that the value specified for the QUIESCE option is within the valid range.


Resubmit the command with the member parameter specified.


No action is necessary in order to fix the topology. To view the current topology of the Db2 pureScale instance, perform the following steps:

  1. Query the topology of the instance using the following command:
    db2instance -list
  2. If db2iupdt -fixtopology was issued after an add or drop operation, start the instance using the db2start command.

Resubmit the command, specifying a different netname. Ensure that the transport type for the netname specified, as defined in the db2nodes.cfg file, matches the transport type used by existing members and CFs.


Respond to reason code 38 by performing the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Identify the RDMA problems that are preventing the start operation from succeeding, using available diagnostic information in Db2 database logs (such as the db2diag diagnostic log files) and system logs.
  2. Troubleshoot and resolve the source of the RDMA errors.
  3. Perform the start operation again.

Ensure the value of CF_NUM_CONNS is valid for the number of members in the cluster and resubmit the command. If CF_NUM_CONNS is set to a fixed value, it might need to be reduced in order for all members to be able to connect to the CF.


Run the add member command on a host that is part of the Db2 pureScale cluster.


Respond to reason code 41 in one of the following ways:

  • To perform an online add member operation, stop the CF on the target host machine before performing the add member operation.
  • If all CFs are on the target host machine, stop the database manager instance and then add the member to that host machine.

Determine which Db2 member or CF failed to start, and then correct the /proc file system directory on the host machine on which that member or CF is located.


Stop member(s) on the target host machine and retry the add CF operation.

Ensure that the port range specified for DB2_FIREWALL_PORT_RANGE is greater than 2000 ports and is a valid range (between 1024-65535). In environments using a Spectrum Scale file system, ensure that the range specified for DB2_FIREWALL_PORT_RANGE does not collide with the tscCmdPortRange for the Spectrum Scale cluster. Refer to db2diag.log for further details regarding the error.

SQL6031N Error in the db2nodes.cfg file at line number line. Reason code reason-code.


The statement cannot be processed because of a problem with the db2nodes.cfg file, as indicated by the following reason codes:


Cannot access the sqllib directory of the instance.


The full path name added to the db2nodes.cfg filename is too long.


Cannot open the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.


A syntax error exists at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory.


The dbpartitionnum value at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.


The dbpartitionnum value at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is out of sequence.


The dbpartitionnum value at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not unique.


The port value at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.


The hostname/port couple at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not unique.


The hostname at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.


The port value at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not defined for your database manager instance id in the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems).


The port value at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not in the valid port range defined for your database manager instance id in the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems).


The hostname value at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory has no corresponding port 0.


A db2nodes.cfg file with more than one entry exists, but the database manager configuration is not MPP.


The computer name at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.


The hostname at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory conflicts with the value of DB2FCMCOMM registry variable.


The type value at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.


The instance defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not a valid DB2 pureScale instance.


The cluster interconnect netname at line line of the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory is not valid.


The nodenum value at line X of the db2nodes.cfg exceeds the maximum member number specified by the FCM_MAX_MEMBERS_OVERRIDE setting on the DB2_FCM_SETTINGS registry variable.


The outbound port range is not defined for your database manager instance id in the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems).


The nodenum value at line X of the db2nodes.cfg maps to a port outside the outbound port range defined for your database manager instance id in the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems).

User response

The action corresponding to the reason code is:


Ensure that the $DB2INSTANCE userid has the required permissions to access the sqllib directory of the instance.


Make the instance home directory path name shorter.


Ensure that the db2nodes.cfg file exists in the sqllib directory and is not empty.


Ensure that at least 2 values are defined per line in the db2nodes.cfg file and that the file does not contain blank lines.


Ensure that the dbpartitionnum value defined in the db2nodes.cfg file is between 0 and 999.


Ensure that all the dbpartitionnum values defined in the db2nodes.cfg file are in ascending order.


Ensure that each dbpartitionnum value defined in the db2nodes.cfg file is unique.


Ensure that the port value is between 0 and 999.


Ensure that the new couple hostname/port is not already defined in the db2nodes.cfg file.


Ensure the hostname value defined in db2nodes.cfg at line line is both defined on the system and operational.


Ensure that the services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems) contains an entry for your database manager instance id.


Ensure that you only use port values that are specified in the services file (/etc/services file on UNIX-based systems) for your instance.


Ensure that the port value 0 has been defined for the corresponding hostname in the db2nodes.cfg file.


Perform one of the following actions:

  • Remove the db2nodes.cfg file.
  • Alter the db2nodes.cfg file to contain exactly one entry.
  • Install Enterprise Server Edition.

Ensure the computer name defined in db2nodes.cfg at line line is both defined on the system and operational.


Ensure that the hostname value and the DB2FCMCOMM registry variable are set correctly.


Ensure the value is either MEMBER or CF for a DB2 pureScale instance.


Ensure that both MEMBER lines and CF lines are defined in the db2nodes.cfg file.


Ensure the cluster interconnect netname value defined in db2nodes.cfg at line line is both defined on the system and operational.


Ensure that the nodenum value in the db2nodes.cfg is less than or equal to the maximum member number specified by the specified by the FCM_MAX_MEMBERS_OVERRIDE setting on the DB2_FCM_SETTINGS registry variable.


Ensure outbound port entries DB2_SND_(INSTANCE_NAME) and DB2_SND_(INSTANCE_NAME)_END are defined for your database manager instance id in your services file (/etc/services on UNIX-based systems).


Increase the outbound port range, decrease the FCM_PARALLELISM dbm configuration parameter, or reduce the number of members in the db2nodes.cfg file.

SQL6032W Start command processing was attempted on total-number node(s). number-started node(s) were successfully started. number-already-started node(s) were already started. number-not-started node(s) could not be started.


The database manager did not start successfully on all the nodes. Not all of the data in the database may be accessible. Data on the nodes that started successfully or were already running is accessible.

User response

Check the log file created in the log directory of the sqllib directory for the instance to see which nodes did not start.

SQL6033W Stop command processing was attempted on total-number node(s). number-stopped node(s) were successfully stopped. number-already-stopped node(s) were already stopped. number-not-stopped node(s) could not be stopped.


The database manager did not stop successfully on all the nodes. The database manager is still active on the nodes that could not be stopped.

User response

Check the log file created in the log directory of the sqllib directory for the instance to see which nodes did not stop.

SQL6034W Database partition database-partition is not being used by any databases.


During DROP DBPARTITIONNUM VERIFY processing, all databases are scanned to verify that this node does not exist in the database partition groups of any database, and that no event monitor is defined on this node.

User response

This node can now be removed from the system by issuing the 'db2stop drop dbpartitionnum <db-partition-number>' command.

SQL6035W Database partition partition-name is being used by database database.


During DROP DBPARTITIONNUM VERIFY processing, databases are scanned to verify that this database partition does not exist in the database partition groups of any database, and that no event monitor is defined on this database partition. Database partition partition-name is being used by database database and cannot be dropped.

User response

You must do the following before dropping the database partition:

  1. Redistribute the data to remove it from the database partition using the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command. Use the DROP DBPARTITIONNUM option of the ALTER DATABASE PARTITION GROUP statement to drop the database partition from the database partition group. This must be done for all database partition groups in which the database partition to be dropped is a member.
  2. Determine if there are any bufferpool size exceptions defined for the database partition by querying SYSCAT.BUFFERPOOLDBPARTITIONS. If rows exist, they can be removed by using the ALTER BUFFERPOOL statement to change the size of the bufferpool on the database partition to match NPAGES for the bufferpool in SYSCAT.BUFFERPOOLS.
  3. Drop any event monitors that are defined on the database partition.
  4. Either remove this member from all member subsets using the WLM_ALTER_MEMBER_SUBSET statement, or drop the member subset using the WLM_DROP_MEMBER_SUBSET statement.
  5. Issue the 'db2stop drop dbpartitionnum <partition-number>' command to drop the database partition.

SQL6036N START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER command is already in progress.


A START DATABASE MANAGER or a STOP DATABASE MANAGER command is already in progress on the system.

User response

Wait for the command in progress to complete, then try the request again.

SQL6037N START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER timeout value was reached.


The start_stop_time value defined in the database manager configuration was reached at the node. This value specifies the time, in minutes, in which a node must respond to a Start Database Manager, Stop Database Manager or Add Node command.

User response

Do the following:
  • Check the administration notification log to see if an error message has been logged for the node which timed out. If an error has not been logged, and timeouts persist, you may need to increase the start_stop_time value specified in the database manager configuration file.
  • If the timeout occurred during a Start Database Manager command, you should issue a Stop Database Manager command for all nodes which timed out.
  • If the timeout occurred during a Stop Database Manager command, you should issue a Stop Database Manager command for all nodes which timed out or for all nodes. Any node which is already stopped will return with a message stating that the node is stopped.

SQL6038N No partitioning key is defined.


The user attempted to use the Get Row Partitioning Information utility without specifying a partitioning key.

The utility stops processing.

User response

Ensure that you specify a partitioning key, then try the request again.

SQL6039N Partitioning column column-number is currently defined as not nullable.


An attempt was made to assign a null value to partitioning column column-number, which is not nullable.

The utility stops processing.

User response

Assign a non-null value or change the type of the partitioning column to be nullable.

SQL6040C No FCM buffers are available.


No FCM buffer is available.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Try the request again.

If the error persists, increase the number of FCM buffers (fcm_num_buffers) specified in the database manager configuration file, then try the request again.

If FCM_NUM_BUFFER is already set to automatic, you should also check the overall memory consumption on your system to determine if other applications are using inappropriate amounts of memory, and preventing the allocation of FCM buffers.

sqlcode: -6040

sqlstate: 57011

SQL6041C No FCM connection entries are available.


No FCM connection entry is available. FCM is unable to increase the number of connection entries automatically because the maximum value has been reached.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Try the request again after other processes have freed up some of this resource.

sqlcode: -6041

sqlstate: 57011

SQL6042C No FCM message anchors are available.


No FCM message anchor is available. FCM is unable to increase the number of message anchors automatically because the maximum value has been reached.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Try the request again after other processes have freed up some of this resource.

sqlcode: -6042

sqlstate: 57011

SQL6043C No FCM request blocks are available.


No FCM request block is available. FCM is unable to increase the number of request blocks automatically because the maximum value has been reached.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Try the request again after other processes have freed up some of this resource.

sqlcode: -6043

sqlstate: 57011

SQL6044N The syntax of the string representation string with value of datatype datatype-value and length length is not correct.


The specified string cannot be recognized as the target data type. (The Application Development Guide contains information on data types.) Either the syntax is not valid or the value is out of range.

The utility stops processing.

User response

Ensure that the string representation or the data type is correct, then try the request again.

SQL6045N The datatype datatype-value of length datatype-length is not supported.


The data type and data length are not supported for a partitioning key.

The utility stops processing.

User response

See the Administration Guide for information about data types. See the API Reference for information about the Get Row Partitioning Information API.

SQL6046N The sqledrpn API call failed because an invalid value was specified for the Action parameter.


You can verify whether a database partition server is being used by a database by calling the sqledrpn API.

The only supported value for the Action parameter of the sqledrpn API is "SQL_DROPNODE_VERIFY".

This message is returned when the sqledrpn API is called and a value other than "SQL_DROPNODE_VERIFY" is specified for the Action parameter.

User response

Call the sqledrpn API again, specifying the value "SQL_DROPNODE_VERIFY" for the Action parameter.

SQL6047N Database partition group cannot be redistributed because table name does not have a partitioning key.


At least one table in the single-partition database partition does not have a partitioning key. All tables in the single-partition database must have a partitioning key before the database partition group can be redistributed to a multiple-partition database partition group.

The operation was not performed.

User response

Use the ALTER TABLE statement to specify partitioning keys for tables that do not have one. Then try the request again.

Alternatively, omit the tables that do not have partitioning keys by specifying the EXCLUDE parameter in the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command.

SQL6048N A communication error occurred during START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER processing.


A TCP/IP communication error occurred while the START or STOP DATABASE MANAGER command was trying to establish connection with all the nodes defined in the sqllib/db2nodes.cfg file including the new node you attempted to add.

This message can also be returned when a password has expired.

User response

Do the following:

  • Ensure that the node has the proper authorization defined in the .rhosts or the host.equiv files.
  • Ensure that the application is not using more than (500 + (1995 - 2 * total_number_of_nodes)) file descriptors at the same time.
  • Ensure all the Enterprise Server Edition environment variables are defined in the profile file.
  • Ensure the profile file is written in the Korn Shell script format.
  • Ensure that all the host names defined in the db2nodes.cfg file in the sqllib directory are defined on the network and are running.
  • Ensure that the DB2FCMCOMM registry variable is set correctly.
  • Review the db2diag log files for more information.

SQL6049N The log control file for database database-name could not be found on the following database partitions: database-partition-list.


There are two log control files:

  • Primary log control file SQLOGCTL1.LFH
  • Secondary log control file SQLOGCTL2.LFH

    The secondary log control file is a mirror copy of the primary log control file for use in the event that there is a problem with the primary log control file.

The database manager could find neither the primary log control file nor the secondary log control file for the specified database in the database directory on the specified database partitions.

The database was not started.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the database partition list, see the syslog file for the complete list of database partitions.

User response

Either restore the database from a backup on the specified database partitions or re-create the database.

SQL6050N An I/O error occurred while accessing the log control file for database database-name on the following database partitions: database-partition-list.


There are two log control files:

  • Primary log control file SQLOGCTL1.LFH
  • Secondary log control file SQLOGCTL2.LFH

    The secondary log control file is a mirror copy of the primary log control file for use in the event that there is a problem with the primary log control file.

This error was returned because the database manager could access neither the primary log control file nor the secondary log control file for the specified database on the specified database parititions.

If the database manager can access neither of the log control files, you cannot use the database.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the database partition list, see the syslog file for the complete list of database partitions.

User response

Either restore the database from a backup on the specified database partitions, or re-create the database.

SQL6051N Database name is not configured for roll-forward recovery on node(s) node-list.


The specified database is not configured for roll-forward recovery on the specified node(s).

The database is not rolled forward on all nodes.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User response

Ensure that recovery is required on the specified node(s), then restore the most recent backup version of the database on these nodes.

SQL6052N Cannot roll forward database name because it is not in roll-forward pending state on node(s) node-list.


The specified database is not in the roll-forward pending state on the specified node(s). This may be because the database has not been restored, or was restored with the WITHOUT ROLLING FORWARD option, or roll-forward recovery is complete on these nodes.

The database is not rolled forward.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User response

Do the following:
  1. Ensure that recovery is required on the specified node(s).
  2. Restore a backup version of the database on these nodes.
  3. Issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command.

SQL6053N Error exists in file file. Reason code = reason-code.


There is an error in the specified file as indicated by the reason code:


The number of values in the partitioning map file is not 1 or 32 768.


The number of values in the distribution file is not 32 768.


The data in the distribution file is not in a valid format.


The database partition number in the partitioning map is not between 0 and 999.


The sum of all the values in the distribution file is greater than 4 294 967 295.


The specified target partition map contains a database partition number that is not defined in SYSCAT.DBPARTITIONGROUPDEF for the specified database partition group.


The specified target partition map is not valid.

User response

Perform the action that corresponds to the reason code:


Ensure that the partitioning map file contains only a single value (if the resultant database partition group is a single-partition database partition group) or exactly 32 768 values (if the resultant database partition group is a multipartition database partition group).


Ensure that the distribution file contains exactly 32 768 values, one per hash partition.


Ensure that the values in the distribution file are integers greater than or equal to 0, and that the sum of all the distribution values is less than or equal to 4 294 967 295.


Ensure that the database partition numbers are in the range of greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 999.


Ensure that the sum of all the distribution values for the 32 768 partitions is less than or equal to 4 294 967 295.


Either issue ALTER DATABASE PARTITION GROUP to add the missing partitions or change the partitioning map file to exclude the partitions not defined in SYSCAT.DBPARTITIONGROUPDEF.


If the database was created or migrated with the DB2_PMAP_COMPATIBILITY registry variable set to "ON", the target partition map needs to contain eight identical segments of 4096 values.

SQL6054N The archive file name is not a valid log file for the database name on node node-number.


An archive log file exists in the log directory on the specified node, but it is not valid.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User response

To determine the correct archive log file, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option. Move the correct archive log file to the database log directory or, if the database is in a consistent state, change the log path to point to the correct archive file and issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again.

SQL6055N The archive file name does not belong to database name on node node-number.


An archive log file in the log directory on the specified node does not belong to the specified database.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User response

To determine the correct archive log file, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option. Move the correct archive log file to the database log directory or, if the database is in a consistent state, change the log path to point to the correct archive file and issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again.

SQL6056N The redistribution operation was not performed. Reason code: reason-code.


The operation cannot be executed. The reason code indicates the error.


The database partition group specification is not legal. The resulting database partition group after redistribution would not contain any database partitions.


A previous redistribution operation did not complete successfully.


A redistribution operation is already in progress.


There is no previously aborted redistribution command to CONTINUE or ABORT.


No data redistribution is performed because the data in the database partition group is already distributed as specified.


The REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command was not submitted from the catalog database partition.


The REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command is not available nor applicable in this non-partitioned version of the product.


Redistribution is not allowed if there are user temporary table spaces in the database partition group with existing created temporary tables or declared temporary tables.


The REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command is not allowed if there are table spaces in the database partition group with tables not in FULL access mode (ACCESS_MODE='F' in SYSCAT.TABLES).


The REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command is not allowed if there are table spaces in the database partition group with tables having attached partition (SYSCAT.DATAPARTITIONS.STATUS = 'A').


The REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command is not allowed if there are table spaces in the database partition group with tables having detached partitions and there are dependent tables that need to be incrementally maintained with respect to these detached partitions (SYSCAT.DATAPARTITIONS.STATUS = 'D').


The REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command is not allowed if there are table spaces in the database partition group with tables having detached partitions pending index cleanup (SYSCAT.DATAPARTITIONS.STATUS = 'I').


The REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command is not allowed if there are table spaces in the database partition group with tables in the set integrity pending state (SYSCAT.TABLES.STATUS='C').


The REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command is not allowed if there are MDC tables in the database partition group which contain rolled out blocks that are pending cleanup.




The REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command is not allowed if there are table spaces in the database partition group with tables having logically detached partitions (SYSCAT.DATAPARTITIONS.STATUS = 'L').

This reason code is returned when the ALTER TABLE statement was previously executed, specifying the DETACH PARTITION clause, against one or more of the tables in this database partition group and that asynchronous detach operation is not complete.


A restriction was encountered during an attempt to resolve a previously failed data redistribution operation:

  • If you begin or continue a data redistribution operation and the operation fails, you may not subsequently abort the redistribute operation while any tables are in redistribute-pending state.
  • If you abort a data redistribution operation and the operation fails during the abort, you may not subsequently continue the redistribute operation while any tables are in redistribute-pending state.

The operation could not be performed on the table because a dictionary for the table is currently being created in a background process.

User response

Respond according to the reason code:


Do not drop all the database partitions of the database partition group during redistribution.


Identify why the previous redistribution failed and take the required corrective action. Submit the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command using either the CONTINUE or ABORT option. CONTINUE will complete the previously aborted redistribution operation and ABORT will undo the effects of the previously aborted operation.


Issue the next REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command after the current one completes.


You cannot invoke the CONTINUE or ABORT option on a database partition group that is not associated with a failed redistribution operation.


Try using a different target partitioning map or distribution file. Otherwise, redistribution is not necessary.


Issue the command again from the catalog database partition.


Do not issue the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command using this version of the product.


Request redistribution again when there are no created temporary tables or declared temporary tables using the user temporary table spaces in the database partition group.


Execute the SET INTEGRITY statement with the IMMEDIATE CHECKED option on the dependent immediate materialized query and staging tables of the tables mode not in FULL access mode, and then issue the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command again.


Execute the SET INTEGRITY statement with the IMMEDIATE CHECKED or IMMEDIATE UNCHECKED option on the tables with attached partitions and then issue the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command again.


Execute the SET INTEGRITY statement with the IMMEDIATE CHECKED option on the dependent immediate materialized query and staging tables of the tables that still need to be incrementally maintained with respect to the detached partitions. Query the SYSCAT.TABDETACHEDDEP catalog view to locate these detached dependent tables. Then issue the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command again.


Issue the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command again once the index cleanup for the detached partition is completed.


Execute the SET INTEGRITY statement with the IMMEDIATE CHECKED option on the tables in the set integrity pending state and then issue the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command again.


Issue the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command again once the index cleanup of the rolled out blocks is complete.




Perform the following steps:

  1. Wait for the asynchronous partition detach task to complete.

    You can monitor the progress of the detach task in the following ways:

    • Monitor the progress of the detach task by using the LIST UTILITIES command and look for the description where the name of the source table matches the name of a table in the database partition group.
    • Confirm that there are no data partitions in the logically detached state by using the SYSCAT.DATAPARTITIONS catalog view. Any data partitions that are still logically detached will have an 'L' in the column named STATUS.

Handle any tables that are in the redistribute-pending state:

  1. Identify which tables were involved in the failed data redistribution operation by reviewing which tables and table spaces were specified with the REDISTRIBUTE command.
  2. Of those tables that were involved in the failed data redistribution operation, identify which ones are now in redistribute-pending state by looking at the STATUS column of the SYSCAT.TABLES catalog view.
  3. For just those tables that were involved in the failed data redistribution operation and are in redistribute-pending state, resolve the failed data redistribution operation:
    • If the data redistribution operation that failed was the start of a new data redistribution operation or the continuation of an on-going data redistribution operation, continue that operation until no tables are in redistribute-pending state.
    • If the data redistribution operation that failed was the abort of an on-going data redistribution operation, abort that operation again until no tables are in redistribute-pending state.

Wait for the background process that is creating the dictionary for the table to complete, and then reissue the command.

SQL6057N Archive file name is not associated with the database name that was restored, or with the log file previously processed on node node-number.


An archive log file is found in the log directory on the specified node, but does not belong to the specified database.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User response

To determine the correct archive log file, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option. Move the correct archive log file to the database log directory or, if the database is in a consistent state, change the log path to point to the correct archive file and issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again.

SQL6058N Roll-forward recovery stopped because of error error while retrieving log file name for database name on node node-number.


Roll-forward processing invokes the db2uexit to retrieve the log file for the database on the specified node. The error may have occurred in the db2uexit.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User response

See the user exit documentation in the Administration Guide for a description of the error, and either resume or terminate the roll-forward recovery.

SQL6059N The point-in-time passed to the Rollforward utility must be greater than or equal to timestamp, because database name on node(s) node-list contains information later than the specified time.


An advanced virtual timestamp is in the database backup.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User response

Do one of the following:
  • Issue the command again with a point-in-time that is greater than or equal to timestamp.
  • Restore an earlier backup on node(s), then issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again.

SQL6061N Roll-forward recovery on database name cannot reach the specified stop point (end-of-log or point-in-time) because of missing log file(s) on node(s) node-list.


The Rollforward Database utility cannot find the necessary log file(s) in the logpath.

User response

Do one of the following:
  • Use the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option to determine which log files are missing. When you find the log files, put them in the log path and resume forward recovery.
  • If you cannot find the missing log files, restore the database on all nodes, then do point-in-time recovery using a timestamp that is earlier than that of the earliest missing log file.

SQL6062N Roll-forward recovery on database name cannot complete because the log information on node(s) node-list does not match the corresponding record(s) on the catalog node.


The Rollforward utility processed all the log files found on each node, but the stop points on the specified nodes do not match the corresponding records on the catalog node. This can be caused by missing log files on either the catalog node or on the specified nodes, or the catalog node must be included in the list of nodes to be rolled forward.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User response

Do one of the following:
  • Check if the catalog node needs to be rolled forward. If it does, submit the ROLLFORWARD command again and include the catalog node.
  • Use the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option to determine which log files are missing. When you find the log files, put them in the log path and resume forward recovery.
  • If you cannot find the missing log files, restore the database on all nodes, then do point-in-time recovery using a timestamp that is earlier than that of the earliest missing log file.

SQL6063N Roll-forward recovery on database name has stopped on node(s) node-list due to a change in log file size.


The Rollforward Database utility has stopped rolling forward because the log files have changed in size. It must be restarted to establish the new log file size.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

Roll-forward recovery has stopped.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User response

Reissue the ROLLFORWARD command to continue.

SQL6064N SQL error sqlcode occurred during data redistribution.


An error occurred during data redistribution.

The utility stops processing.

User response

Look at the SQLCODE (message number) in the message for more information. Make any required changes and try the request again.

SQL6065N An error occurred while writing to file file.


One of the following conditions was encountered:
  • The file could not be opened.
  • An I/O error occurred while writing to the file.
  • An I/O error occurred while closing the file.

The command or the utility cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the file exists and that the file permissions allow write access. Try the command or the utility again.

SQL6067W ROLLFORWARD DATABASE QUERY STATUS command encountered sqlcode sqlcode.


The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE QUERY STATUS command encountered an error with the sqlcode sqlcode. The query might not be successful on some nodes for various reasons. The most severe error is indicated by sqlcode. The roll-forward status is only returned for the successful nodes.

User response

Look up the sqlcode sqlcode in the DB2 Messages Reference, or online to determine the problems on the failed nodes. Take the required corrective actions, then continue the forward recovery on these nodes.

SQL6068W Rollforward operation was cancelled successfully. The database has to be restored on node(s) node-list.


A Rollforward operation was cancelled before it successfully completed, and the database is left in an inconsistent state. The restore pending flag is on for the listed nodes.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User response

Restore the database on the listed nodes.

SQL6069N The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command cannot be submitted on a non-catalog node.


The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command is only accepted on the catalog node.

User response

Submit the command on the catalog node.

SQL6071N The requested operation cannot be processed because a new node has been added to the system. The system must be stopped and started again before the operation can be done.


One of the following:
  • The request was issued from the new node, and this node cannot communicate with other nodes.
  • A CREATE or DROP DATABASE operation was requested before all nodes were stopped and started again to include the new node.

User response

Issue db2stop to stop all the nodes. When all nodes are successfully stopped, issue db2start to start all the nodes, including the new node, then try the request again.

sqlcode: -6071

sqlstate: 57019

SQL6072N DB2START with the RESTART option cannot proceed because the specified node is already active.


The node specified for restart is already active on the system.

User response

If necessary, issue a DB2STOP specifying the node to stop and issue the DB2START command again to restart the node.

SQL6073N An add or drop operation of a database partition or DB2 member failed. SQLCODE = sqlcode. Database name = database_name.


The operation failed with the specified SQLCODE.

User response

Take any required corrective action, then try the request again.

SQL6074N The database partition server, DB2 member or CF cannot be added or dropped because one or more commands, statements, or operations that are not compatible with the online add or drop operation are in progress.


In a DB2 pureScale environment, one or more commands, statements, or operations are in progress that are not compatible with the add or drop member or CF operation. For restrictions, see the Topology changes related link.

In a database partition environment, one or more commands, statements, or operations are in progress that are not compatible with the add or drop database partition server operation. The following instance-level commands are not compatible with the add or drop database partition server operation:

  • START DATABASE MANAGER with restart options

The following database-level commands or operations are not compatible with the add or drop database partition server operation:

  • A Z lock on a database object
  • A single-system view backup of all database partitions
  • Restoring a database

The following table-space-level statements and operations are not compatible with the add or drop database partition server operation:

  • Altering a temporary table space
  • Dropping a temporary table space
  • Updating automatic storage paths

The following storage-group-level statements and operations are not compatible with the add or drop database partition server operation:


User response

To respond to this error, perform the following steps:

  1. Identify which commands, statements, or operations that are in progress and that are not compatible with the add or drop database partition server operation using the db2pd command with the -addnode parameter.
  2. End the identified tasks or wait until they complete.
  3. Resubmit the add or drop database partition server request.

sqlcode: -6074

sqlstate: 55072

SQL6075W The Start Database Manager operation successfully added the database partition server. The database partition server is not active until all database partition servers are stopped and started again.


The db2nodes.cfg file is not updated to include the new database partition server until all database partition servers are simultaneously stopped by the STOP DATABASE MANAGER (db2stop) command. Until the file is updated, the existing database partition servers cannot communicate with the new one.

User response

Issue db2stop to stop all the database partition servers. When all database partitions are successfully stopped, issue db2start to start all the database partition servers, including the new one.

SQL6076W If you continue, this command will remove all database files for the specified database partition from the current instance. Before continuing, ensure that the specified database partition is not in use.


In a partitioned database environment, you can drop a database partition from the current database manager instance by using the STOP DATABASE MANAGER command with the DROP DBPARTITIONNUM parameter.

Alternatively, you can drop a database partition from the current database manager instance by using the db2InstanceStop API and specifying SQLE_DROP with the iStopOption parameter of the db2StopOptionsStruct data structure. When SQLE_DROP is specified, you can configure whether the db2InstanceAPI should continue or terminate after this message is returned by using the iCallerac parameter.

When the STOP DATABASE MANAGER command is executed, this message is printed, and you are prompted to confirm whether to continue the drop database partition operation.

User response

Before dropping a database partition, perform the following steps:

  1. Determine whether the database partition is in use by using the DROP DBPARTITIONNUM VERIFY command.
  2. If the database partition is in use, take the following actions:
    • Redistribute the data that is on the database partition to other database partitions.
    • Drop any event monitors that are defined on the database partition.
  3. Verify whether the database partition can be dropped by using the DROP DBPARTITIONNUM VERIFY command again.

When calling the db2InstanceStop API, use the iCallerac parameter in the db2StopOptionsStruct data structure to cause the application to continue or terminate after this message.

SQL6077W The db2stop DROP DBPARTITIONNUM procedure ended successfully, but could not remove all the files. See the file file for details.


The db2stop DROP DBPARTITIONNUM procedure ended successfully, but some user data files are still on the node.

User response

Information in file file will indicate the directory structure from which files could not be deleted.

SQL6078N The db2stop DROP DBPARTITIONNUM procedure could not update the database information for database dbname.


The db2stop DROP DBPARTITIONNUM procedure could not access the catalog node for database dbname.

User response

Try the request again. If the problem persists, contact your service representative.

SQL6079W The db2stop DROP DBPARTITIONNUM command was cancelled successfully.


The db2stop DROP DBPARTITIONNUM command was stopped before it began processing.

User response


SQL6080W The Start Database Manager operation successfully added the database partition server, but no database partitions have been created on the database partition server. The database partition server is not active until all database partition servers are stopped and started again.


The db2nodes.cfg file is not updated to include the new database partition server until all database partition servers are simultaneously stopped by the STOP DATABASE MANAGER (DB2STOP) command. Until the file is updated, the existing database partition server cannot communicate with the new database partition server.

User response

Issue DB2STOP to stop all the database partition servers. When all database partition servers are successfully stopped, issue DB2START to start them all, including the new database partition server. When all database partition servers are successfully started, the database system can be used.

SQL6081N A communication error caused a DB2STOP FORCE command to time out on this node.


A communication error occurred on one or more of the database nodes, causing the DB2STOP FORCE command to time out on the current node, or, DB2STOP FORCE terminated because a severe error occurred during FORCE on one or more nodes. Any node where the communication error occurred will receive the SQL6048N message.

User response

Do the following:
  1. Correct the communication error on the node (or nodes) that received the SQL6048N message.
  2. Issue a DB2START command and ensure that all nodes that received the SQL6048N message started successfully.
  3. Issue the DB2STOP FORCE command again from any node.

SQL6100N The partitioning map in the data file and the partitioning map for the database are not the same.


The data to be loaded has either not been partitioned, or was partitioned with a partitioning map other than the current one for the database partition group to which the table belongs. The data cannot be loaded.

User response

If the data was not partitioned, use the db2split program to partition the data, then load the partitioned data.

If the data was partitioned, do one of the following:

  • Use the partitioning map from the header of the data file to redistribute the database partition group to which the table belongs. Then try the request again.
  • Repartition the data with the current partitioning map for the database partition group. Then try the request again to load the newly partitioned data.

SQL6101N This data file contains data for node node-1 but the Load utility is connected to node node-2.


The data to be loaded is associated with a node number that differs from the node number of the node to which the application is connected. The data cannot be loaded.

User response

Either find the data file associated with this node and try the request again with that data file, or connect to the node associated with this data file and issue the request at that node.

SQL6102W The parameter name is reserved for future use. Its value should be set to default-value.


A parameter reserved for future capabilities has been set to a value that is not its default value. It should be set to the default value to ensure future compatibility.

User response

Ensure that the parameter name is set to the value, default-value, then try the request again.

SQL6103C An unexpected utility error occurred. Reason code = reason-code.


An unexpected utility error occurred.

User response

Record the message number (SQLCODE) and reason code in the message.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. See the Administration Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then contact your technical service representative with the following information:
  • Problem description
  • SQLCODE and embedded reason code
  • SQLCA contents if possible
  • Trace file if possible

SQL6104N The load utility does not support the creation of indexes.


The load utility does not support the creation of indexes, but the table to be loaded has at least one index defined on it. The index may have been explicitly created with the CREATE INDEX statement or implicitly created when a primary key was defined for the table.

User response

Drop all indexes defined on the table with the DROP INDEX statement. Drop the primary key with the ALTER TABLE statement. Resubmit the command.

Use CREATE INDEX and ALTER TABLE as required to recreate indexes and primary key after the load completes successfully.

SQL6105W The Load utility has completed processing. A Rollforward done to a point in time after the load will not succeed. Take a database backup now if database recoverability is required.


No logging is done by the Load utility. If you try to roll forward with a backup made before the load, the operation will fail when it encounters references to the data that was loaded.

User response

To ensure database recoverability after the load, do a backup before the data is modified.

SQL6106N The filetype modifier "NOHEADER" was specified, but the database partition group on which the table is defined is not a single-node database partition group.


The data to be loaded was specified as having no header information. However the target table specified is not a single-node table. The data cannot be loaded.

User response

The data must be split using db2split, then loaded without the "NOHEADER" option.

SQL6107N The partitioning key information in the data file is not correct.


Either the data was not split with db2split or the db2split operation was not successful.

User response

Use the db2split program to partition the data and then try the request again with the partitioned data. If the insert-column option is being used, ensure that all of the partitioning columns are specified in the column list.

If the problem persists, contact your technical service representative with the following information:
  • Problem description
  • SQLCODE and embedded reason code
  • SQLCA contents if possible
  • Trace file if possible

SQL6108N The number of partitioning keys defined in the data file header(number-1) does not match the number of partitioning keys defined for the table (number-2).


The partitioning columns specified in the db2split configuration file were not correct. The data was not correctly split.

User response

Do the following:
  1. Ensure that the correct partitioning columns are specified in the db2split configuration file.
  2. Split the data.
  3. Issue the Load operation with the newly partitioned data.

SQL6109N Utility expected partitioning column column-name-1, but found partitioning column column-name-2.


In the db2split configuration file:
  • One of the partitioning columns defined for the table was not specified.
  • The order of the partitioning columns was incorrect
  • A column was specified that is not a partitioning column for the table.

User response

Do the following:
  1. Ensure that the db2split configuration file is correct.
  2. Split the data.
  3. Issue the Load operation with the newly partitioned data.

SQL6110N Utility expected partitioning column type column-type-1 for column column-name-1, but the data file lists it as type column-type-2.


The db2split configuration file is not correct.

User response

Do the following:
  1. Ensure that the db2split configuration file is correct.
  2. Split the data.
  3. Issue the Load operation with the newly partitioned data.

SQL6111N Cannot create a subdirectory under the path specified by newlogpath.


When the newlogpath parameter is updated, the system attempts to create a subdirectory under the specified path using the node name as the name of the subdirectory. One of the following operating system errors prevented the creation of the subdirectory:
  • The file system or path does not have the appropriate permissions for file creation.
  • The file system does not have enough disk space.
  • The file system does not have enough file blocks or inodes.

The requested change is not made.

User response

Do one of the following, then try the request again:
  • Ensure that the specified path exists and that the filesystem and path have read/write permissions.
  • Specify a different newlogpath.

If the problem persists, see your system administrator.

SQL6112N The configuration parameter was not updated because the resulting configuration parameter settings would not be valid. Reason code reason-code.


You can configure database manager functionality and database functionality by using configuration parameters. There are requirements and restrictions for what values are valid for every configuration parameter. This message is returned when an update to a configuration parameter fails because the specified value would result in a conflict with one of those requirements or restrictions for the specified configuration parameter.

The value of the runtime token reason-code indicates the problem with the requested update:


An attempt was made to update MAX_COORDAGENTS or MAX_CONNECTIONS to a value that would have caused these two configuration parameters to be incompatible with each other.


An attempt was made to set SSL_SVCENAME equal to the current value of SVCENAME, or to set SVCENAME equal to the current value of SSL_SVCENAME.


A value that is not a fully qualified path was specified for one of the following database manager configuration parameters:


An invalid value was specified for the database manager configuration parameter SSL_VERSIONS.


An invalid value was specified for the database manager configuration parameter SSL_CIPHERSPECS.


The procedure that was specified for the database configuration parameter CONNECT_PROC is not a valid connect procedure.


The string value that was specified for the database configuration parameter CONNECT_PROC is invalid for one of the following reasons:

  • The string contains an invalid character
  • The string does not include both the schema name and the procedure name like this: [schema-name].[procedure-name]

The requested update to the database configuration parameter CONNECT_PROC requires a connection to the database, but no database connection exists.


An attempt to update the CONNECT_PROC database configuration parameter failed because the DEFERRED parameter was specified with the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command.


An attempt was made to update AUTHENTICATION or ALTERNATE_AUTH_ENC to a value that would have cause these two configuration parameters to be incompatible with each other.


An attempt was made to update the database configuration parameter ENCRLIB or ENCROPTS when not connected to the target database.


An attempt was made to update the database configuration parameter ENCRLIB or ENCROPTS by a user that does not have SECADM authority on the target database.


An attempt was made to update KEYSTORE_TYPE or KEYSTORE_LOCATION to a value that results in an incompatibility between these two configuration parameters.


An attempt was made to update AUTHENTICATION to an authentication type that requires encryption, but the encryption facility is not available.


An attempt to update the HADR_SSL_LABEL database configuration parameter failed because this feature is not supported in a DB2 pureScale environment.

User response

Respond to this message according to the reason code:


Set MAX_COORDAGENTS and MAX_CONNECTIONS to compatible values.


Configure SSL_SVCENAME and SVCENAME so that these two configuration parameters are not equal to one another.


Specify a fully qualified path for the configuration parameters SSL_SVR_KEYDB, SSL_SVR_STASH, SSL_CLNT_KEYDB, and SSL_CLNT_STASH.


Specify a valid value for the configuration parameter SSL_VERSIONS, such as 'NULL' or 'TLSv1'.


Specify a valid value for the configuration parameter SSL_CIPHERSPECS.

9, 10

Specify a valid connect procedure, including the schema name and the procedure name, for the CONNECT_PROC configuration parameter.


Connect to the database and then set the CONNECT_PROC configuration parameter by using the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command.


Call the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command again, specifying the IMMEDIATE parameter instead of the DEFERRED parameter.


Set AUTHENTICATION and ALTERNATE_AUTH_ENC to compatible values.


Connect to the target database, then update the database configuration parameter ENCRLIB or ENCROPTS.


Connect to the target database with a user that has SECADM authority, then update the database configuration parameter ENCRLIB or ENCROPTS.


Set the KEYSTORE_LOCATION configuration parameter first, and then set the KEYSTORE_TYPE configuration parameter to a compatible value.


Set AUTHENTICATION to an authentication type that does not require encryption.


No user response is required. HADR_SSL_LABEL is not supported in a DB2 pureScale environment.

SQL6500W RESTARTCOUNT in the load command may cause some problems.


Since multiple loading processes for the same table are completely independent, it is almost impossible to have an identical restartcount for those multiple loading processes.

User response

Please make sure you have the correct load command.

SQL6501N Database name was not given in the load command.


Database name has to be specified in the load command.

User response

Please specify the database name and rerun the command.

SQL6502N The path name (parameter: data_path) for data file was not specified.


If the input data file is remote, the file will be transferred locally. The path to the file on the remote machine must be supplied.

User response

Please specify the path name to the remote data file and rerun the command.

SQL6504N There are errors in the output node list specification (parameter: outputnodes) in the configuration file.


The output node list specification is not valid.

User response

Check the sample configuration file, correct your output node list specification, and rerun the command.

SQL6505N There are errors in the partitioning database partition list specification (parameter: PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS) in the load command.


The partitioning database partition list specification is not valid.

User response

Correct your partitioning database partition list specification, and rerun the command.

SQL6506N The program failed to extract partitioning key information for table table-name from the system catalog table.


Either the table is not defined, or it is not defined in an MPP environment.

User response

Make sure you have the table properly defined.

SQL6507N Checking level (parameter: check_level) in the configuration file is not valid.


Checking level (parameter: check_level) can be either CHECK or NOCHECK. The default is CHECK.

User response

Correct the parameter in the configuration file, and rerun the command.

SQL6508N The program failed to create the output pipe for the ftp process.


If input data files are remote, they will be transferred to a local pipe. If this local pipe already exists, the process will fail.

User response

Please ensure your working space is clean.

SQL6509N The program failed to create input pipes for the partitioning agents.


The program can not create temporary input pipes for the splitter processes.

User response

Please ensure your working space is clean.

SQL6510N The program failed to create the temporary directory at local non-NFS space of partition partition-num.


The program needs a temporary working directory at local non-NFS space of all partitioning and loading partitions.

User response

Please ensure your working space is clean.

SQL6511N Load failed to create output for the partitioning agent at partition partition-num.


The program can not create temporary output pipes for the partitioning agent at partition partition-num.

User response

Please ensure your working space is clean.

SQL6512N Load failed to create input pipes for the merging agent at partition partition-num.


The program can not create temporary input pipes for the merging agent at partition partition-num.

User response

Please ensure your working space is clean.

SQL6513N Load failed to create the input pipe for the loading agent at partition partition-num.


The program can not create temporary input pipe for the loading agent at partition partition-num.

User response

Please ensure your working space is clean.

SQL6514N The program can not read the node configuration file: node-cfg-file.


Either the file does not exist, or it is not readable.

User response

Please check the existence and permissions of the node configuration file.

SQL6515N The program failed to find a load command in the configuration file.


A CLP load command must be supplied in the configuration file.

User response

Please specify a CLP load command in the configuration file.

SQL6516N The program failed to connect to database db-name.


Either the database manager has not been started yet, or it encountered problems.

User response

Check your database manager status.

SQL6517N Load failed to extract the partition list, where the table tbl-name is defined, from the system catalog table.


Either the table is not defined, or it is not defined in an MPP environment.

User response

Check how the table was defined in the database.

SQL6518N The record length (reclen in the load command) is not valid.


Valid record is between 1 to 32768.

User response

Please correct the record length, and rerun the command.

SQL6519N The mode (parameter: mode) mode in the configuration file is not valid.


The running mode of this program can be: SPLIT_ONLY, LOAD_ONLY, SPLIT_AND_LOAD (default), or ANALYZE.

User response

Please correct the mode in the configuration file.

SQL6520N The program failed to create output pipes for the process, which generates the header information for split file.


The program can not create output pipes for the process, which generates the header information for split file.

User response

Please ensure your working space is clean.

SQL6521N The configuration file cfg-file for this program doesn't exist.


The program needs a configuration file.

User response

Please create a configuration file.

SQL6522N The program found a path name for the input data files in the load command.


Path name for input data files in the load command is not allowed. There is a separate parameter (data_path) for this purpose.

User response

Please correct the configuration file.

SQL6523N The element partition-num in the partitioning database partition list (parameter: PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS) is not defined in the node configuration (db2nodes.cfg) file.


All partitions in the partitioning database partition list must have an entry in the node configuration file.

User response

Please correct your partitioning database partition list.

SQL6524N The element partition-num in the output partition list (parameter: OUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS) is not a member of the partition list where the table is defined.


All partition in the output partition list must be members of the partition list where the table is defined.

User response

Please correct your output partition list.

SQL6525N The program can not read the input data file file-name.


Either the input data file was not found, or it is not readable.

User response

Please check the existence and permissions of the input data file.

SQL6526N The program can not write in current working directory cwd.


The current working directory is not writable.

User response

Please check the permission of current working directory.

SQL6527N The partition where statistic data will be collected, (parameter: RUN_STAT_DBPARTNUM), is not a member of the output partition list.


The partition where statistic data will be collected must be a member of the output partition list.

User response

Please correct the RUN_STAT_DBPARTNUM parameter.

SQL6528N Record length was not specified in the load command.


If the BINARYNUMERICS or PACKEDDECIMAL modifier is specified in the load command, record length (reclen) must be specified in the load command as well.

User response

Please correct the load command.

SQL6529N The No Header option (noheader) was not specified in the load command.


If a table is defined in a single node database partition group, the NOHEADER modifier must be specified in the load command.

User response

Please correct the load command.

SQL6530N The data type of one partitioning key is float or double.


If the input file is a non-binary data file, float or double columns can not be defined as partitioning key.

User response

Supply a binary data file, or change the definition of your table.

SQL6531N The program failed to reset tablespace quiesce.


There are probably on-going loading processes. Make sure all previous loading processes are completed before another AutoLoader session can be started.

User response

Check the processes status on your machine.

SQL6532N A savecount in the load command can not be set to non-zero.


The savecount in the load command can not be set to non-zero if there are multiple partitioning nodes, the mode is PARTITION_AND_LOAD, and the command is either a REPLACE INTO or INSERT INTO load command.

User response

Please correct the load command.

SQL6533N A restartcount in the load command can not be set to non-zero.


Because multiple partitioning nodes produce random order of records for loading process(es), using RESTART INTO with a restartcount can not guarantee a successful recovery.

User response

Please correct the load command.

SQL6534N There is an error in the netrc file netrc-file.


Either the .netrc file could not be found, or there is no entry for remote host machine, or the permissions of the file are not correct.

User response

Please check the existence and permission of the .netrc file.

SQL6535N The mode PARTITION_ONLY or ANALYZE is not valid.


If a table is defined in a single node database partition group, either partitioning or analyzing is not necessary.

User response

Please change the mode to LOAD_ONLY or PARTITION_AND_LOAD.

SQL6536N The program progname failed to open file filename for reading.


An AutoLoader process can not successfully open a file or pipe for reading.

User response

Please ensure everything is correct in the configuration file.

SQL6537N The program progname failed to open file filename for writing.


An AutoLoader process can not successfully open a file or pipe for writing.

User response

Please ensure everything is correct in the configuration file.

SQL6538N Load failed to read the partitioned file partitioned-file.


When Load is invoked in LOAD_ONLY mode, the input data file must have already been partitioned, and all partitioned files must be readable by the Load.

User response

Check whether or not the input data file has been partitioned, and the access permissions of the resulting partitioned files.

SQL6539N There is at least one command in cmd-list not found in the working environment.


The execution of this program depends on a number of common Unix commands. The process fails if any one of them is not available in the working environment.

User response

Make sure you have all necessary commands properly installed on your system.

SQL6540N File type file-type specified in the load command is not valid.


Valid file types are ASC (positional ASCII) or DEL (delimited ASCII).

User response

Correct the load command in the configuration file.

SQL6550N The partitioning map file map-file-name could not be opened for writing.


The file name and path for the partitioning map could not be opened. An error occurred.

User response

Confirm that the partitioning map file name and file path were specified correctly and that the file can be opened for writing.

SQL6551N An error occurred while attempting to write to the partition map file.


A filesystem error occurred when writing to the partitioning map file.

User response

Check that the file path is correct, and that the target device has sufficient space to hold the partitioning map output.

SQL6552N An error occurred while attempting to open a temporary configuration file filename for writing.


The file name and path for a temporary file could not be opened. An error occurred.

User response

Confirm that the utility temporary file storage path was specified correctly and that the path allows for files to be opened for writing.

SQL6553N An error occurred while attempting to write to a temporary configuration file filename.


A filesystem error occurred when writing to a temporary file.

User response

Check that the file path is correct, and that the target device has sufficient space for the file data.

SQL6554N An error occurred when attempting to remotely execute a process.


The utility attempted to start a child process on a different database partition, but an error occurred.

User response

  • If no user ID or password was provided to the utility for remote access, ensure that the user ID invoking the utility is authorized to execute programs on the target nodes.
  • If a user ID and password were supplied to the utility, confirm that they were supplied correctly.
  • If running on a Windows operating system, make sure the database product installation has correctly defined a Windows Service for the splitter operation on all nodes.
  • If you are unable to resolve this problem, contact DB2 service.

SQL6555N The load utility encountered an unexpected communications error.


The utility encountered an error attempting one of the following operations:
  • Attempting to connect to a TCP/IP socket.
  • Attempting to read or write a TCP/IP msg.
  • Attempting to initialize TCP/IP communications
  • Attempting to retrieve a complete host name.
  • Attempting to select an active TCP/IP socket.
  • Attempting to close an active socket.
  • Attempting to retrieve a port number.

User response

  • If service name setup was required for the version of the load utility you are using, ensure that the service names have been defined correctly.
  • If you are running concurrent load utility jobs, ensure that you have followed the documented setup requirements to avoid service name conflicts between the concurrent utility jobs.
  • If the problem persists, contact your DB2 Service representative.

SQL6556W An incomplete record was detected at the end of file filename.


An incomplete data record was found at the end of a data file provided to the utility by the user.

User response

Examine the source data for syntactical correctness.

SQL6557N Failed to retrieve the default node number.


The utility attempted to determine a default node number, but was unable to.

User response

State source and target node numbers explicitly in the utility configuration file, or contact DB2 Service for assistance.

SQL6558N The utility failed to determine the current working directory and/or drive.


The utility attempted to determine the current working directory and/or drive but encountered an error.

User response

Contact DB2 Service for assistance.

SQL6559N An invalid command line option was provided to the AutoLoader utility.


The user specified a command line option for the AutoLoader utility which is either not supported, or obsolete.

User response

Refer to the AutoLoader documentation, or online help, for the supported options and features.

SQL6560N Node node-number which is an execution node for partitioning does not appear in the db2nodes.cfg file.


A node specified as an execution node for partitioning does not appear to be a member in the db2nodes.cfg file. The work intended to complete on this node can not be started.

User response

Add the node to the node list definition in the db2nodes.cfg file, or specify an alternate node for the partition operation which is a member of the node configuration.

SQL6561N Target node node-number for load does not appear in the database partition group.


A node was specified as a target node for loading, but this node is apparently not a member of the node group being loaded.

User response

Check the database partition group definition and confirm that the target node specified for loading is part of this database partition group. If the node is not part of the database partition group correct the utility target node specification to include the correct list of nodes. If the node is part of the database partition group, please contact DB2 Service for assistance.

SQL6562N The utility is unable to retrieve the instance name.


The utility attempted to retrieve the instance name but encountered an error.

User response

Confirm that the utility is running on a node with database product installed, and a valid instance is running. For additional help, please contact DB2 Service.

SQL6563N Failed to retrieve the current user ID.


The utility attempted to retrieve the current user ID for the ID, but an error was encountered.

User response

Contact DB2 Service.

SQL6564N The password supplied is not valid.


The user supplied an explicit password to the utility, but the password is not valid.

User response

Supply a valid password.

SQL6565I Usage: db2xxld [-config config-file] [-restart] [-terminate] [-help]


  • The '-config' option will run this program using a user specified configuration file; the default is autoload.cfg.
  • The '-restart' option will run this program in restart mode; the configuration file should not be modified since the last incomplete AutoLoader job.
  • The '-terminate' option will run this program in terminate mode; the configuration file should not be modified since the last incomplete AutoLoader job.
  • The '-help' option will generate this help message.

The AutoLoader configuration file is a user supplied file which contains the LOAD command to be executed, the target database, and several optional parameters that the user may specify. The sample configuration file, 'AutoLoader.cfg', supplied in the samples directory contains inline comments which describe the available options and their defaults. When running this program with '-restart' and '-terminate' option, user should not modify the configuration file from their last incomplete job.

User response

Refer to the documentation for further details about the AutoLoader utility.

SQL6566N The LOAD command is missing from the AutoLoader configuration file.


The LOAD command is missing from the AutoLoader configuration file. The parameter must be specified.

User response

Ensure that you have specified the correct configuration file for the AutoLoader, and that the LOAD command is specified inside.

SQL6567N The option-name option appears multiple times in the AutoLoader configuration file.


An option parameter was specified multiple times inside the AutoLoader configuration file.

User response

Correct the configuration file so that each option appears at most only once.

SQL6568I The Load utility is now dispatching all request-type requests.


The Load utility is now dispatching the request-type operation on each of the partitions.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6569I The AutoLoader is now issuing all split requests.


The AutoLoader is now issuing the split operation on each of the target split partitions.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6570I The AutoLoader is waiting for all splitters to complete.


The AutoLoader is waiting for all splitters to complete.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6571I The Load utility is waiting for all operations to complete.


The Load utility is waiting for operations to complete.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6572I The LOAD operation has begun on partition node-number.


The LOAD operation has begun on the specified partition.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6573I The remote execution of the splitter utility on partition node-number finished with remote execution code code.


The remote execution of the splitter utility on the specified partition has completed.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6574I The utility has read MB-count megabytes from the source data.


This information is generated periodically to provide status to the user on the progress of large Load jobs.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6575I The utility has completed reading MB-count megabytes from the user data.


This message is written at the completion of the Load to indicate the total volume of user data that has been processed.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6576N The AutoLoader utility encountered a threading error. Reason code reason-code, return code ret-code.


The following is an explanation of the reason code reason-code:
  • 1 - The AutoLoader utility tried to create a thread but failed with return code ret-code.
  • 2 - The AutoLoader utility tried to wait for a thread to finish, but failed with return code ret-code.

User response

Ensure that you are running on an operating system which supports threaded applications, and that your thread limit per process is sufficient. The thread requirements are as follows:
  • One thread for every load process which must be started,
  • One thread for every splitter process,
  • One thread for data feeding to the splitter processes.

SQL6577N The AutoLoader utility does not support the ROWCOUNT option in the load command.


The ROWCOUNT option in the load command is not supported in the AutoLoader utility.

User response

Correct your load command in the AutoLoader configuration file, and resubmit your command.

SQL6578N Invalid AutoLoader option. RESTART/TERMINATE option can only be specified with SPLIT_AND_LOAD or LOAD_ONLY mode.


RESTART/TERMINATE option in AutoLoader can only work with SPLIT_AND_LOAD or LOAD_ONLY mode.

User response

Please check the AutoLoader configuration file or the autloader option flags.

SQL6579N Invalid LOAD command in the AutoLoader configuration file. RESTART and TERMINATE options of the AutoLoader are used to perform LOAD RESTART and LOAD TERMINATE operation respectively.


Users should not specify RESTART nor TERMINATE in the LOAD command. Instead, the RESTART and TERMINATE options of the AutoLoader should be used.

User response

Without modifying the AutoLoader configuration file, users should launch db2xxld with option RESTART or TERMINATE.

SQL6580I LOAD is restarting on node node-num in phase restarting-phase.


AutoLoader has acknowledged that LOAD is restarting in either LOAD/BUILD/DELETE phase.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6581I Load cannot restart on node node-num.


AutoLoader has acknowledged that LOAD cannot be restarted on a given node.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6582I Restarting LOAD on node node-num is not required.


AutoLoader has acknowledged that LOAD does not need to be restarted on a given node.

User response

This is an informational message.

SQL6583N The partitioning key definition is incompatible with partitioned database load mode load-mode.


An identity column was specified as part of the partitioning key definition, but the load mode specified was not PARTITION_AND_LOAD and the identityoverride modifier was not specified.

User response

Either change the load mode to PARTITION_AND_LOAD, specify the identityoverride modifier, or remove the identity column from the partitioning key definition.