Upgrading Db2 Text Search for administrator or root installation

To obtain the latest functionality upgrade your Db2® Text Search instance. You must upgrade the Db2 server, instance, and all databases when you are upgrading the text search instance.

Before you begin

Before you being to upgrade Db2 Text Search as administrator or root, complete the following steps:
  1. Log in as the instance owner or a user with SYSADM authority.
  2. Stop the Db2 database instance and the Db2 Text Search instance service.
  3. Back up the Db2 Text Search configuration directory:
    • For Linux® and UNIX operating systems, it is located under:
      where INSTHOME represents the instance home path.
    • For Windows systems, it is located under:
      where <INSTPROF> represents the instance profile directory and <INSTNAME> indicates the name of the instance to be upgraded.
  4. If you enabled Db2 Text Search for rich text document support, disable rich text document support. For more information about how to disable rich text document support, see the topic about disabling Db2 Text Search for rich text document support.

About this task

The following steps describe the process to upgrade Db2 Text Search Version 9.7 or Version 10.1 root installations on Linux or UNIX operating system, or for administrators on the Windows platform.


  1. Log on to the Db2 server as root on Linux and UNIX operating systems or user with Local Administrator authority on Windows operating systems. If you are upgrading a multipartitioned instance, you must perform instance upgrade from the instance-owning partition.
  2. Install a new copy of 11.5 with a custom installation and make sure that Db2 Text Search is selected. Db2 Text Search is an optional component that is available only when you select a custom installation.
    You also can choose to install a new 11.5 copy over an earlier Db2 version by selecting Work-With-Existing mode and selecting Db2 Text Search as the component to be upgraded. You do not have to upgrade the Db2 instances after the installation with this approach.
  3. Upgrade the Db2 Text Search server for your Db2 instances by issuing the configTool upgradeConfigFolder command. This command must be run as instance owner, and not root.
    • For Linux and UNIX operating systems:
      $DB2DIR/db2tss/bin/configTool upgradeConfigFolder 
      -sourceConfigFolder $DB2DIR/cfg/db2tss/config
      -targetConfigFolder $INSTHOME/sqllib/db2tss/config
      where, INSTHOME is the instance home directory and DB2DIR is the location of the newly installed 11.5 copy.
    • For Windows operating systems:
      <DB2PATH>\db2tss\bin\configTool upgradeConfigFolder 
      -sourceConfigFolder "<DB2PATH>\CFG\DB2TSS\CONFIG"
      where, <DB2PATH> is the location of the newly installed 11.5 copy and <INSTPROFDIR> is the instance profile directory.
      Note: For Windows systems, if the Db2 instance was not configured previously for Db2 Text Search, you can skip this step.
    The configTool upgradeConfigFolder command replaces, modifies, and merges text search configuration and data files and directories.
    The config directory
    The command copies the following files into the <ECMTS_HOME>\config directory if the files do not already exist in this directory:
    • constructors.xml
    • ecmts_logging.properties
    • ecmts_config_logging.properties
    The following files are copied and any existing files are overwritten:
    • build_info.properties
    • constructors.xsd
    • ecmts_config_logging.properties
    • mimetypes.xml
    • monitoredEventsConfig.xml
    The configuration settings from the following files are merged to the configuration.xml file. Values are added for new settings, and values are maintained for existing settings.
    • config.xml
    • jetty.xml
    The following files are not modified:
    • authentication.xml
    • key.txt
    • All files in the collections subdirectory
    The log directory
    The command does not change the contents of the existing log directory. However, when new log files are generated, those new files might replace existing log files.

    The configTool upgradeConfigFolder command does not upgrade text search filters for an integrated text search server.

  4. Upgrade the current Db2 instance by issuing the db2iupgrade command.
    • For Linux and UNIX operating systems, the command is located under the $DB2DIR/instance directory, where DB2DIR is the location of the newly installed Db2 database server 11.5 copy.
      db2iupgrade  -j  "TEXT_SEARCH [[,service-name]|[,port-number]]" DB2INST 
    • For Windows operating systems, the property file is located in <DB2PATH>\bin directory, where <DB2PATH> is the location of the newly installed Db2 11.5 copy.
      db2iupgrade DB2INST  /j  "TEXT_SEARCH [[,service-name]|[,port-number]]"
    For more information, see the topic about db2iupgrade command.
    Note: If you installed a new 11.5 copy with the upgrade option, and selected Db2 Text Search as a feature to be upgraded, then you can skip this step.
  5. Back up the values for all configurable properties of Db2 Text Search that were used in the previous release by running the following script:
    • For Linux and UNIX operating systems:
      $DB2DIR/db2tss/bin/bkuptscfg.sh  $INSTNAME
      where, DB2DIR represents the location of the newly installed 11.5 copy, and INSTNAME represents the name of the instance to be upgraded.
    • For Windows operating systems:
      <DB2PATH>\db2tss\bin\bkuptscfg.bat <INSTANCENAME> <DB2PATH>
      where, <DB2PATH> represents the location of the newly installed 11.5 copy, <INSTANCENAME> represents the name of the instance to be upgraded.
    The backed-up configurable properties are redirected into one property file:
    • For Linux and UNIX operating systems, the property file is located in the $INSTHOME/sqllib/db2tss/config/db2tssrvupg.cfg directory, where INSTHOME represents the instance home directory.
    • For Windows operating systems, the property file is located in the <INSTPROFDIR>\<INSTANCENAME>\db2tss\config\db2tssrvupg.cfg directory, where <INSTPROFDIR> represents the instance profile directory and <INSTANCENAME> represents the name of the instance to be upgraded. You can find the name of the instance profile directory by issuing the db2set DB2INSTPROF command.
    Requirement: You must complete a backup for the values of all configurable properties of Db2 Text Search that are used in previous releases. Failure to create a backup results in a database upgrade failure.
  6. Set the DB2INSTANCE environment variable to the current upgraded instance.
  7. Upgrade the databases by issuing the DB2 UPGRADE DATABASE command.
    If the DB2 UPGRADE DATABASE command returns the ADM4003E error message, upgrade the Db2 Text Search catalog and indexes manually by using the SYSTS_UPGRADE_CATALOG and SYSTS_UPGRADE_INDEX stored procedures.
  8. For each upgraded database, verify whether the text search server properties information in the text search SYSIBMTS.TSSERVERS catalog table is correct by comparing the property values backed up in step 7. If the value of the token or port number in the catalog table is empty or incorrect, you must update the text server information manually.
    For details about how to update, see the topic about updating Db2 Text Search server information.
  9. Review the values for all Db2 Text Search configurable properties. Compare with the values that you backed up to ensure that they have correct values.
    Issue the following command to check the configuration values:
    configTool printAll -configPath <configuration-directory>
  10. If you disabled Db2 Text Search for rich text document support, you have to install Db2 V10.5 Accessories Suite
    For more information, see the topic about installing Db2 Accessories Suite.
  11. Then enable rich text document support.
    For more information, see the topic about enabling Db2 Text Search for rich text and proprietary format support
  12. Verify that the upgrade was successful by starting the Db2 Text Search instance service. If you disabled rich text document support, verify that rich text document support is enabled by issuing text search queries and compare with pre-upgrade results.