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Lesson 2.1: Running the UNLOAD utility from DB2I

DB2® Interactive (DB2I) is a quick way to run a utility without knowing job control language (JCL). You can run most online utilities from the DB2 Utilities panel in DB2I.

For this lesson, suppose that you want to copy your data from the MY_EMP table into another table so that you can use that copy for testing purposes. In this lesson, you will use the UNLOAD utility to copy the data in the MY_EMP table into an output data set. Then, in the next lesson, you will load that data into another table.

The UNLOAD utility copies the data in a format that can be used by the LOAD utility. UNLOAD does not delete the data from the source object, so the original table remains unchanged. You can also request that UNLOAD generate a LOAD statement based on the data, which can save you the time of having to create the statement yourself.

Before you begin

Before you begin

Complete the prerequisites that are described in Module 2: Running DB2 utilities.



  1. Open DB2I Primary Option Menu, and set the subsystem ID as described in steps 1 - 3 of Lesson 1.1: Querying data interactively.
  2. Determine the database name and table space name of the MY_EMP table.

    For example, if you have SELECT privilege for the DB2 catalog tables, you might issue the following query to return the database name and table space name of your table:

        WHERE NAME='MY_EMP';

    The result contains the database name in the DBNAME column and the table space name in the TSNAME column. If more than one MY_EMP table exists, use the CREATOR column to identify the row for the table that you created.

    If you do not have SELECT privilege for the DB2 catalog, ask a colleague who does have SELECT privilege for the DB2 catalog tables to get this information for you by querying the catalog.

  3. Create another member in the USER.SRCLIB.TUTORIAL data set.
    1. From the ISPF/PDF Primary Option Menu, select option 2 EDIT.
    2. In the Edit Entry panel, type the data set name and the new member name in the Name field, and press Enter.
         Menu  RefList  RefMode  Utilities  Workstation  Help                         
                                      Edit Entry Panel                                
       Command ===>                                                                   
                                                                          More:     + 
       ISPF Library:                                                                  
          Project . . .                                                               
          Group . . . .          . . .          . . .          . . .                  
          Type  . . . .                                                               
          Member  . . .                 (Blank or pattern for member selection list)  
       Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:             
          Name . . . . . 'USER.SRCLIB.TUTORIAL(MYUTIL)'                             + 
          Volume Serial . .           (If not cataloged)                              
       Workstation File:                                                              
          File Name  . .                                                              
       Initial Macro  . . . .                     Confirm Cancel/Move/Replace         
       Profile Name . . . . .                     Mixed Mode                          
       Format Name  . . . . .                     Edit on Workstation                 
        F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap      
       F10=Actions  F12=Cancel                                                       
      The Edit panel is displayed for the new member.
  4. Type an UNLOAD utility control statement to unload the MY_EMP table. Then, press PF3 to save and exit.

    You can use the following example UNLOAD utility statement. Change the qualified table space name (DSN00006.MYREMP) to the values that you noted in step 2 and the table qualifier (ADMF002) to your user ID.

      File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
     EDIT       USER.SRCLIB.TUTORIAL(MYUTIL) - 01.13            Columns 00001 00072 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
     000100  UNLOAD TABLESPACE DSN00006.MYREMP                                      
     000200  FROM TABLE ADMF002.MY_EMP                                              
     ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************
    Tip: If you need help with the UNLOAD utility syntax, see Syntax and options of the UNLOAD control statement
  5. Navigate to the DB2I Primary Option Menu. If you need help navigating to this panel, see Lesson 1.1: Querying data interactively.
  6. From the DB2I Primary Option Menu, select option 8 to display the DB2 Utilities panel.
  7. Specify some basic information about the utility that you want to run, and press Enter:
    The name of the utility that you want to run. In this case, you want to run UNLOAD.
    The name of the data set or member in which your utility control statement is stored. If you are using the same data set names as the tutorial, this value is 'USER.SRCLIB.TUTORIAL(MYUTIL)'. In this case, the value is enclosed in single quotation marks so that your user name is not appended to the front.
    Use these fields to indicate whether you want to use lists (defined by the LISTDEF utility) and templates (defined by the TEMPLATE utility). These fields are blank by default, and you must specify a value for them. In this case, you do not want to use lists or templates, so type NO in these fields.
    Tip: You can use the Tab key to navigate between fields.
                                 DB2 UTILITIES                    SSID: DB2A       
     Select from the following:                                                     
      2 JOB ID   ===> TEMP               (A unique job identifier string)           
      3 UTILITY  ===> UNLOAD             (CHECK DATA, CHECK INDEX, CHECK LOB,       
                                          COPY, DIAGNOSE, LOAD, MERGE, MODIFY,      
                                          QUIESCE, REBUILD, RECOVER, REORG INDEX,   
                                          REORG LOB, REORG TABLESPACE, REPORT,      
                                          REPAIR, RUNSTATS, STOSPACE, UNLOAD)       
      4 STATEMENT DATA SET ===> 'USER.SRCLIB.TUTORIAL(MYUTIL)'                      
      5 RESTART  ===> NO                 (NO, CURRENT, PHASE or PREVIEW)            
      6 LISTDEF? (YES|NO) ===> NO        TEMPLATE? (YES|NO) ===> NO                 
      7 LIB ==>                                 (BLANK or DB2 Library name).        
      * The data set names panel will be displayed when required by a utility.      
      F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN    F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE   
      F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP     F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE  
  8. In the Data Set Names panel, specify the data sets to be used by the utility, and press Enter.
    1 RECDSN
    The name of the data set where you want to store the data that is unloaded from the table. DB2 allocates this data set for you.
    The name of the data set where you want to store the generated LOAD statement. DB2 allocates this data set for you.
                     DATA SET NAMES                      SSID:                    
    Enter data set name for LOAD, REORG TABLESPACE, or UNLOAD:                    
     1 RECDSN   ===> UNLOAD.MYEMP                                                 
    Enter data set name for LOAD or REORG TABLESPACE:                             
     2 DISCDSN  ===>                                                              
    Enter output data sets for local/current site for COPY, MERGECOPY,            
      LOAD, or REORG TABLESPACE:                                                  
     3 COPYDSN  ===>                                                              
     4 COPYDSN2 ===>                                                              
    Enter output data sets for recovery site for COPY, LOAD, or REORG             
     5 RCPYDSN1 ===>                                                              
     6 RCPYDSN2 ===>                                                              
    Enter output data sets for REORG or UNLOAD                                    
     7 PUNCHDSN ===> SYSPUNCH.MYEMP                                               
     F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN    F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE  
     F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP     F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE 
    The following output is displayed to confirm your request to run the utility:
     >>DSNU EXEC:                                                                   
     >>  UNLOAD UTILITY REQUESTED WITH                                              
     >>    CONTROL=NONE, EDIT=SPF, RESTART=NO,                                      
     >>    DISCDSN="OMITTED",LISTDSN="OMITTED", TEMPDSN="OMITTED",                  
     >>    COPYDSN=**NOT REQUIRED**, COPYDSN2=**NOT REQUIRED**,                     
     >>    RCPYDSN1=**NOT REQUIRED**, RCPYDSN2=**NOT REQUIRED**,                    
     >>    SYSTEM=DB2A, SUBMIT=NO, UID=TEMP,                                        
     >>    UNIT=SYSDA, VOLUME="OMITTED", DB2I=YES,                                  
     >>    LIB="NULL".                                       /*@041*/               
     >>  THE RESULTING JCL WILL BE WRITTEN TO DSNUUNL.CNTL                          
     >>SPF EDITING FACILITY INVOKED TO EDIT DSNUUNL.CNTL                            
     >>  WHEN *** APPEAR, PLEASE PRESS ENTER                                        
     >>  TO TERMINATE SPF:                                                          
     >>     PRESS PF3    - RETURN TO CLIST WITH CHANGES                             
     >>     PRESS PF4    - RETURN TO CLIST WITH CHANGES THEN                        
     >>                    RETURN TO MAIN MENU                                      
     >>     ENTER CANCEL - RETURN TO CLIST WITH NO CHANGES                          

    If any error messages are issued, press Enter to return to the DB2 Utilities panel and correct the mistakes.

    Otherwise, press Enter again to generate the utility job. The job is displayed in an EDIT panel.

  9. In the EDIT panel, press PF8 to scroll down. The generated JCL job contains the UNLOAD utility control statement that you created.
       File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
     EDIT       TUTOR01.DSNUUNL.CNTL                            Columns 00001 00072 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     000016 //     SPACE=(16384,(20,20),,,ROUND),                                   
     000017 //     UNIT=SYSDA                                                       
     000018 //DSNUPROC.SYSPUNCH DD DSN=TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP,                      
     000019 //     DISP=(MOD,CATLG),                                                
     000020 //     SPACE=(16384,(20,20),,,ROUND),                                   
     000021 //     UNIT=SYSDA                                                       
     000022 //DSNUPROC.SYSIN    DD  *                                               
     000023  UNLOAD TABLESPACE DSN00006.MYREMP                                      
     000024  FROM TABLE TUTOR01.MY_EMP                                              
     000025 //                                                                      
     ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************
  10. To run the JCL utility job, type SUB in the Command field and press Enter. SUB is the TSO SUBMIT command, which submits the data set or member to be processed as a batch job.
       File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
     EDIT       TUTOR01.DSNUUNL.CNTL                            Columns 00001 00072 
     Command ===>  SUB                                             Scroll ===> PAGE 
     ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
     000001 //TUTOR01A JOB (ACCOUNT),'NAME'                                         
     000002 //*                                                                     
     000003 //*                                                                     
     000004 //*                                                                     
     000005 //UTIL EXEC DSNUPROC,SYSTEM=DB2A,UID='TEMP',UTPROC=''                   
     000006 //*                                                                     
     000007 //**********************************************                        
     000008 //*                                                                     
     000009 //*  GENERATING JCL FOR THE UNLOAD UTILITY                              
     000010 //*  DATE:  04/28/14          TIME:  14:43:14                           
     000011 //*                                                                     
     000012 //**********************************************                        
     000013 //*                                                                     
     000014 //DSNUPROC.SYSREC DD DSN=TUTOR01.UNLOAD.MYEMP,                          
     000015 //     DISP=(MOD,CATLG),                                                
     000016 //     SPACE=(16384,(20,20),,,ROUND),                                   
     000017 //     UNIT=SYSDA                                                       
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange   F7=Up        
      F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel       

    If you receive the message ENTER JOBNAME CHARACTER(S) -, type any character and press Enter.

    A message indicates that the job was submitted and provides the job number. Note the job number for future use, and press Enter.
  11. To review the output, type TSO SDSF H in the Command field.
    EDIT       TUTOR01.DSNUUNL.CNTL                            Columns 00001 00072 
    Command ===>  TSO SDSF H                                      Scroll ===> PAGE 
    ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
    000001 //TUTOR01A JOB (ACCOUNT),'NAME'                                         
    000002 //*     
    The SDSF HELD OUTPUT DISPLAY opens, which contains a list of held jobs in z/OS System Display and Search Facility (SDSF).
    Tip: If you need help navigating between SDSF panels, see What is SDSF? (z/OS basic skills).
  12. Display the results of the job. In the NP column, type S in the row for your job number, and press Enter.
     SDSF HELD OUTPUT DISPLAY ALL CLASSES LINES 2,049       LINE 1-5 (5)            
     COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> PAGE 
     NP   JOBNAME  JobID    Owner    Prty C ODisp Dest                 Tot-Rec  Tot-
          TUTOR01  TSU00057 ADMF002   144 Z HOLD  LOCAL                    498      
          TUTOR01  TSU00059 ADMF002   144 Z HOLD  LOCAL                    419      
          TUTOR01  TSU00060 ADMF002   144 Z HOLD  LOCAL                    431      
          TUTOR01  TSU00061 ADMF002   144 Z HOLD  LOCAL                    425      
     S    TUTOR01A JOB00064 ADMF002   144 Z HOLD  LOCAL                    276      
    The utility output is displayed. In the output, the utility return code DSNUTILB 0000 indicates that the utility completed with no warnings or errors.
     SDSF OUTPUT DISPLAY ADMF002A JOB00064  DSID     2 LINE 0       COLUMNS 02- 81  
     COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> PAGE 
    ********************************* TOP OF DATA **********************************
                         J E S 2  J O B  L O G  --  S Y S T E M  S T L 0  --  N O D 
    14.55.06 JOB00064 ---- MONDAY,    28 APR 2014 ----                              
    14.55.06 JOB00064  IRR010I  USERID ADMF002  IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB.            
    14.55.06 JOB00064  ICH70001I TUTOR01  LAST ACCESS AT 14:13:49 ON MONDAY, APRIL 2
    14.55.06 JOB00064  $HASP373 TUTOR01A STARTED - INIT 8    - CLASS A - SYS STL0   
    14.55.08 JOB00064  SMF000I  TUTOR01A    DSNUPROC    DSNUTILB    0000            
    14.55.08 JOB00064  $HASP395 TUTOR01A ENDED                                      
    ------ JES2 JOB STATISTICS ------                                               
      28 APR 2014 JOB EXECUTION DATE                                                
               24 CARDS READ                                                        
              276 SYSOUT PRINT RECORDS                                              
                0 SYSOUT PUNCH RECORDS                                              
               18 SYSOUT SPOOL KBYTES                                               
             0.03 MINUTES EXECUTION TIME                                            
            1 //TUTOR01A JOB (ACCOUNT),'NAME'                                       
            2 //UTIL EXEC DSNUPROC,SYSTEM=DB2A,UID='TEMP',UTPROC=''                 
            3 XXDSNUPROC PROC LIB='DB2A.DSNLOAD',                                   

    You can type BOTTOM in the COMMAND INPUT line to jump to the bottom of the data and see the utility messages. You can also use PF11 to scroll right and PF10 to scroll left.

     SDSF OUTPUT DISPLAY ADMF002A JOB00064  DSID   102 LINE 1       COLUMNS 02- 81  
     COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> PAGE 
    DSNU1044I   118 14:55:07.90 DSNUGTIS - PROCESSING SYSIN AS EBCDIC               
    DSNU050I    118 14:55:08.03 DSNUGUTC -  UNLOAD TABLESPACE DSN00006.MYREMP       
    DSNU650I  -DB2A 118 14:55:08.20 DSNUUGMS -   FROM TABLE TUTOR01.MY_EMP          
    ******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************
  13. Press PF3 until you return to the z/OS Primary Option Menu.
  14. Confirm that unload data set was created.
    1. From ISPF/PDF Primary Option Menu, type 3.4 and press Enter to display the Data Set List Utility panel.
    2. In the Dsname Level field, type your authorization ID, ensure that the Include Additional Qualifiers field is selected, and press Enter.
         Menu  RefList  RefMode  Utilities  Help                                      
                                   Data Set List Utility                              
       Option ===>                                                                    
                                                                          More:     + 
          blank Display data set list               P Print data set list             
              V Display VTOC information           PV Print VTOC information          
       Enter one or both of the parameters below:                                     
          Dsname Level . . . TUTOR01                                                  
          Volume serial  . .                                                          
       Data set list options                                                          
          Initial View                 Enter "/" to select option                     
          1  1. Volume                 /  Confirm Data Set Delete                     
             2. Space                  /  Confirm Member Delete                       
             3. Attrib                 /  Include Additional Qualifiers               
             4. Total                  /  Display Catalog Name                        
                                          Display Total Tracks                        
                                          Prefix Dsname Level                         
       When the data set list is displayed, enter either:                             
        F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap      
       F10=Actions  F12=Cancel                                                
      A list of your data sets is displayed. The list includes the data set that your UNLOAD utility job created to contain the unloaded data. In this example, the unload data set is TUTOR01.UNLOAD.MYEMP.
      DSLIST - Data Sets Matching ADMF002                                 Row 1 of 5 
      Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
      Command - Enter "/" to select action                  Message           Volume 
               TUTOR01.DSNUUNL.CNTL                                           SCR03  
               TUTOR01.MYOUT                                                  SCR03  
               TUTOR01.SPFLOG1.LIST                                           SCR03  
               TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP                                         SCR03  
               TUTOR01.UNLOAD.MYEMP                                           SCR03  
      ***************************** End of Data Set list ****************************

      You can look at this data set to confirm that it contains the expected data. If you do so, you might notice some unreadable characters. Such characters are expected. They represent items such as null-indicator bytes and numeric fields in internal formats.

  15. Open the SYSPUNCH data set for editing. This data set contains the generated LOAD statement. In the Command column, type E in the row for the TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP data set, and press Enter twice.
    DSLIST - Data Sets Matching ADMF002                                 Row 1 of 5 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
    Command - Enter "/" to select action                  Message           Volume 
             TUTOR01.DSNUUNL.CNTL                                           SCR03  
             TUTOR01.MYOUT                                                  SCR03  
             TUTOR01.SPFLOG1.LIST                                           SCR03  
       E     TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP                                         SCR03  
             TUTOR01.UNLOAD.MYEMP                                           SCR03  
    ***************************** End of Data Set list ****************************
    An EDIT panel displays the contents of the SYSPUNCH data set.
       File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
     EDIT       TUTOR01.SYSPUNCH.MYEMP                          Columns 00001 00072 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
     000001 LOAD DATA INDDN SYSREC   LOG NO  RESUME YES                             
     000002  EBCDIC  CCSID(00037,00000,00000)                                       
     000003  INTO TABLE                                                             
     000004  "TUTOR01".                                                             
     000005  "MY_EMP"                                                               
     000006  WHEN(00001:00002) = X'0003'                                            
     000007  NUMRECS                   43                                           
     000008  ( "EMPNO"                                                              
     000009   POSITION(  00003:00008) CHAR(00006)                                   
     000010  , "FIRSTNME"                                                           
     000011   POSITION(  00009:00022) VARCHAR                                       
     000012  , "MIDINIT"                                                            
     000013   POSITION(  00023:00023) CHAR(00001)                                   
     000014  , "LASTNAME"                                                           
     000015   POSITION(  00024:00040) VARCHAR                                       
     000016  , "WORKDEPT"                                                           
     000017   POSITION(  00042:00044) CHAR(00003)                                   
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F5=Rfind     F6=Rchange   F7=Up        
      F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel                

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you learned how to complete the following tasks:

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