New features and changes in version 10.1

IBM® Campaign 10.1 includes a number of new features and changes.

For a list of newly supported and discontinued platforms, see the document Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements, which is posted under Detailed System Requirements on the IBM Support Portal (

Upgrade paths

You can upgrade to Campaign version 10.1 directly from version 10.0.

If you are using Campaign version 8.6.x, 9.0.x, or 9.1.x, you must first upgrade to version 10.0 and then upgrade to version 10.1. For more information, see the IBM Campaign 10.1 Upgrade Guide.

Sync fields for audience information in IBM Engage

When you complete a test run or a production run, audience information is exported by IBM Campaign to IBM Engage. Now, for the Email and Push processes, you can specify the fields that must be used as sync fields for the audience information.

For the Email and Push processes, the campaignaudienceId is used as the sync field by default. For the SMS process, the phone number is used as the sync field.

To set the sync fields, go to the Field mappings tab of the Email or Push process. Select the Fields to export to Engage and complete the mapping. Click the check mark in the Sync column for the field or fields that are to be used as the sync fields.

New configuration property: allowableFailurePercentage

A new configuration property, allowableFailurePercentage, is added to the Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Engage properties.

When a campaign contact list is processed in Engage, an error is returned to Campaign if a contact fails for any reason. You can now use the allowableFailurePercentage property to specify the percentage of failed records that are allowed before the campaign process fails. If the percentage of failed records is greater than the configured allowableFailurePercentage, the process fails.

If the percentage of failed records is less than or equal to the configured allowableFailurePercentage, the process does not fail. Duplicate records are considered as valid records and so they do not affect the allowableFailurePercentage for a process box. All valid records are imported into Engage.

Any warnings and errors for the process are logged in the ImportErrors log file. You can delete this file at regular intervals. The ImportErrors log file is located in the <Campaign_home>/logs folder.

CampaignAudienceID is uploaded to Engage for SMS and Push processes

The CampaignAudienceID is now uploaded to Engage for SMS and Push processes. The CampaignAudienceID was previously uploaded to Engage for the Email process. It is used for tracking purposes.

Refresh button added to Field mappings tab

A Refresh button Refresh is added to the Field mappings tab of the Email, SMS, and Push processes. Use this option if any new fields are added to the Engage database or if any existing fields are modified.

Note: You must validate all the field mappings after refresh completes.

Campaign name field size increased to 256 characters

The size of the campaign name field on the Content Customization tab of the Email, SMS, and Push processes is increased to 256 characters. This includes the timestamp that is appended and the campaign code that is added as a prefix. If the number of characters for the campaign name exceeds 256, the name that is entered by the user is truncated.

Engage properties tab changes

For the Email, SMS, and Push processes, on the Engage properties tab, the default option for Use single contact list is changed to Update matching contacts; add contacts that are not found.

Send to all contacts immediately option is disabled until a template is selected

For the Email, SMS, and Push processes, n the Content Customization tab, the Send to all contacts immediately option is available only after you select the template.

Campaign and Engage integration logs

When Campaign and Engage are integrated, integration logs can be set in file available in the <Campaign_home>/conf/ folder.

The name of the class is

Logs are captured in INFO, WARN, and DEBUG modes.

The log file can be found in the <Campaign_home>/logs folder.

WSReference parameter added to createCampaign API

A new WSReference parameter is added to the createCampaign API. Use this parameter to specify the folder in which the new campaign is to be created.

Performance improvement for copy-pasting a flowchart in a campaign

Performance is improved for the copy-pasting of large flowcharts that have a large number of output Cells.

Campaign - Engage integration error file download

In previous versions, if the err file from Engage was not downloaded in the first attempt, the process failed. Now, if the file is not downloaded in the first attempt, a maximum of 5 attempts are made to download the file before the process fails. The debug level log file contains the information about the multiple attempts.

Filtering for mapped user tables

You can filter the mapped user tables that appear in the Table mappings window. The mapped user tables can be filtered by table name.

In the Select process box, you can filter the mapped user tables that appear in the Available Fields section in the Select process configuration window. For more information, see the IBM Campaign Administrator's Guide and the IBM Campaign User Guide.

New link for product support

A new link is added under Help > Support for this product. Use this link to access documentation for the product on IBM Knowledge Center.