Installing the IBM Multicloud Manager Klusterlet Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes

Follow the procedure to install IBM Multicloud Manager Klusterlet in an Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes, or Amazon EKS, environment. For more information about Amazon EKS, see Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes Opens in a new tab.

Optional: View the license file for IBM Multicloud Manager with the following command:

docker run -e LICENSE=view ibmcom/mcm-inception-amd64:3.1.2-ce
  1. Extract the cluster directory from the inception container with the following command:

     docker run -v $(pwd):/data -e LICENSE=accept \
     ibmcom/mcm-inception-amd64:3.1.2-ce \
     cp -r /installer/cluster.eks /data/cluster
  2. Change to the cluster folder in your installation directory with the following command:

     cd cluster
  3. Obtain your cluster access information. To learn how to create and find AWS credentials, see Access Key ID and Secret Access Key Opens in a new tab.

  4. Configure the Kubernetes service provider information in your config.yaml file. Configure the following AWS parameters in the config.yaml file:

    • aws_access_key_id: The Access ID for authenticating AWS service APIs; used to access the cluster kubeconfig
    • aws_secret_access_key: The secret access key for accessing AWS service APIs; used to retrieve the cluster kubeconfig
    • aws_region: The AWS region of the Amazon EKS cluster
    • eks-cluster: The name of the Amazon EKS target cluster
  5. Configure the Klusterlet parameters in the config.yaml file in the cluster directory.

    • cluster-name: The name of the target cluster resource on the hub-cluster
    • cluster-namespace: The namespace where the target cluster is contained on the hub-cluster
    • cluster-tags: Tags that are used to describe the target cluster
    • hub-k8s-endpoint: the Kubernetes API endpoint of the IBM Multicloud Manager hub-cluster
    • hub-k8s-token: The authentication token for the Kubernetes API endpoint of the IBM Multicloud Manager hub-cluster
  6. Run the inception container with the following command:

     docker run --net=host -t -e LICENSE=accept \
     -v "$(pwd)":/installer/cluster \
     ibmcom/mcm-inception-amd64:3.1.2-ce \
     install-mcm-klusterlet -v

See IBM Multicloud Manager installation overview for more installation topics.