Configuring the monitoring service

You can customize the monitoring service during IBM® Cloud Private installation.

Add the following lines of code to the config.yaml file that is located in the /<installation_directory>/cluster folder. Customize the parameters as required. See Customize the parameters. Then, save and exit the file.

    scrapeInterval: 1m
    evaluationInterval: 1m
    retention: 24h
      enabled: false
      storageClass: "-"
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 2048Mi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 128Mi
      enabled: false
      storageClass: "-"
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 256Mi
        cpu: 10m
        memory: 64Mi
      enabled: false
      storageClass: "-"
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 512Mi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 128Mi

Customize the parameters

You can customize the values of the parameters, as required.

For all the available parameters, see Parameters.

Storage class parameter

The storageClass parameter value is the name of the storage class that the monitoring service uses.

You can specify any valid Kubernetes storage class. See Storage Classes Opens in a new tab in the Kubernetes documentation. Important: For high availability installations of IBM Cloud Private, configure shared storage. See High availability IBM® Cloud Private clusters. If you do not configure shared storage, the monitoring service might become inaccessible if the leading master fails.

NOTE: To enable persistent volumes for monitoring service during IBM Cloud Private installation, you must use a storage provider, such as GlusterFS, that supports dynamic storage provisioning. If you choose a provider, such as NFS, that does not support dynamic storage provisioning, you must install your monitoring service after you install IBM Cloud Private installation. For more information, see Installing monitoring service in IBM Cloud Private .


The following table lists the Prometheus parameters and their default values. You can configure these parameters, as required.

Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Description Default value
environment Target environment of deployment. Valid options are openshift and non-openshift. non-openshift
mode Deployment mode. Valid options are managed and standard. standard
tls.enabled Enable security for the Chart false
tls.issuer Name of the certificate issuer icp-ca-issuer
tls.issuerKind Type of certificate issuer. Valid options are Issuer and ClusterIssuer. ClusterIssuer Secret of the CA certificate cluster-ca-cert Name of the CA certificate that is used in the secret tls.crt
tls.server.existingSecretName Existing secret of the server certificate ""
tls.server.certFieldName Name of the server certificate that is used in the secret tls.crt
tls.server.keyFieldName Name of the server key in secret tls.key
tls.exporter.existingSecretName Existing secret of the exporter certificate ""
tls.exporter.certFieldName Name of the exporter certificate that is used in the secret tls.crt
tls.exporter.keyFieldName Name of the exporter key that is used in the secret tls.key
tls.client.existingSecretName Existing secret of the client certificate ""
tls.client.certFieldName Name of the client certificate that is used in the secret tls.crt
tls.client.keyFieldName Name of the client key that is used in the secret tls.key
imagePullPolicy Policy to pull the deployed images IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets Image secret that is used to pull images from a private repository ""
clusterAddress IP address or DNS name that is used to access the cluster
clusterPort Port that is used to access the cluster 8443
clusterDomain Domain name of the cluster cluster.local
clusterName Name of the target cluster mycluster
prometheus.image.repository Image name of the Prometheus server container ibmcom/prometheus
prometheus.image.tag Image tag of the Prometheus server container v2.0.0
prometheus.port Port number of the Prometheus server service 80
prometheus.scrapeInterval Interval to scrape metrics 1m
prometheus.evaluationInterval Evaluation interval for alert rules 1m
prometheus.retention Prometheus storage retention time 24h
prometheus.args Arguments for the prometheus container {}
prometheus.persistentVolume.enabled Set to true if you want to create a volume to store data false
prometheus.persistentVolume.useDynamicProvisioning Set to true if you want to dynamically provision persistent volume true
prometheus.persistentVolume.size Capacity of the persistent volume claim 10Gi
prometheus.persistentVolume.storageClass Storage class for the Prometheus persistent volume ""
prometheus.persistentVolume.existingClaimName Specify the name if you want to use an existing persistent volume claim ""
prometheus.persistentVolume.selector.label If you want to use a particular volume, specify the name of the label ""
prometheus.persistentVolume.selector.value If you want to use a particular volume, specify the value of the label ""
prometheus.probe.enabled Set to true if you want to enable health probe for Prometheus true
prometheus.probe.readiness.args Arguments for readiness probe {}
prometheus.probe.liveness.args Arguments for liveness probe {}
prometheus.resources.limits.cpu Prometheus CPU limits 500m
prometheus.resources.limits.memory Prometheus memory limits 512Mi
prometheus.resources.requests.cpu Prometheus CPU requests 100m
prometheus.resources.requests.memory Prometheus memory requests 128Mi
prometheus.alertRuleFiles Prometheus alert rules template alertRules
prometheus.configFiles Prometheus configurations template prometheusConfig
prometheus.rbacRoleCreation Set to true if you want to create role-based access control (RBAC) role and role binding true
prometheus.ingress.enabled Set to true if you want to create Prometheus ingress false
prometheus.ingress.annotations Annotation for Prometheus ingress {}
prometheus.service.type Type of Prometheus service NodePort
prometheus.etcdTarget.enabled Add etcd scrape target in the Prometheus configuration, if set to true false
prometheus.etcdTarget.etcdAddress etcd server list [""]
prometheus.etcdTarget.etcdPort etcd server's port 4001
prometheus.etcdTarget.secret Secret that is used to access the etcd metrics endpoint etcd-secret
prometheus.etcdTarget.tlsConfig TLS configuration for etcd scrape configuration {}
alertmanager.image.repository Alertmanager container image name ibmcom/alertmanager
alertmanager.image.tag Alertmanager container image tag v0.13.0
alertmanager.port Alertmanager service port 80
alertmanager.persistentVolume.enabled Creates a volume to store data, if set to true false
alertmanager.persistentVolume.useDynamicProvisioning Dynamically provisions a persistent volume, if set to true true
alertmanager.persistentVolume.size Size of the persistent volume claim 1Gi
alertmanager.persistentVolume.storageClass Storage class for Alertmanager persistent volume ""
alertmanager.persistentVolume.existingClaimName Specify the name if you want to use an existing persistent volume claim ""
alertmanager.persistentVolume.selector.label If you want to use a particular volume, specify the name of the label ""
alertmanager.persistentVolume.selector.value If you want to use a particular volume, specify the value of the label ""
alertmanager.probe.enabled Enables health probe for Alertmanager, if set to true true
alertmanager.probe.readiness.args Arguments for readiness probe {}
alertmanager.probe.liveness.args Arguments for liveness probe {}
alertmanager.resources.limits.cpu Alertmanager CPU limits 200m
alertmanager.resources.limits.memory Alertmanager memory limits 256Mi
alertmanager.resources.requests.cpu Alertmanager CPU requests 10m
alertmanager.resources.requests.memory Alertmanager memory requests 64Mi
alertmanager.configFiles Alertmanager configurations file name alermanagerConfig
alertmanager.ingress.enabled Creates Alertmanager ingress, if set to true false
alertmanager.ingress.annotations Annotation for Alertmanager ingress {}
alertmanager.service.type Type of Alertmanager service NodePort
kubeStateMetrics.enabled Installs Kubernetes metrics exporter, if set to true false
kubeStateMetrics.image.repository kube-state-metrics container image name ibmcom/kube-state-metrics
kubeStateMetrics.image.tag kube-state-metrics container image tag v1.2.0
kubeStateMetrics.port kube-state-metrics service port 80
kubeStateMetrics.probe.enabled Enables health probe for kubeStateMetrics, if set to true true
kubeStateMetrics.probe.readiness.args Arguments for readiness probe {}
kubeStateMetrics.probe.liveness.args Arguments for liveness probe {}
nodeExporter.enabled Installs node exporter, if set to true false
nodeExporter.image.repository node-exporter container image name ibmcom/node-exporter
nodeExporter.image.tag node-exporter container image tag v0.15.2
nodeExporter.port node-exporter service port 9100
nodeExporter.probe.enabled Enables health probe for nodeExporter, if set to true true
nodeExporter.probe.readiness.args Arguments for readiness probe {}
nodeExporter.probe.liveness.args Arguments for liveness probe {}
grafana.image.repository Grafana Docker image name ibmcom/grafana
grafana.image.tag Grafana Docker image tag 4.6.3
grafana.port Grafana container exposed port 3000
grafana.user Grafana user's name "admin"
grafana.password Grafana user's password ""
grafana.persistentVolume.enabled Creates a volume to store data, if set to true false
grafana.persistentVolume.useDynamicProvisioning Dynamically provisions a persistent volume, if set to true true
grafana.persistentVolume.size Size of the persistent volume claim 1Gi
grafana.persistentVolume.storageClass Storage class for persistent volume ""
grafana.persistentVolume.existingClaimName Specify the name if you want to use an existing persistent volume claim ""
grafana.persistentVolume.selector.label If you want to use a particular volume, specify the name of the label ""
grafana.persistentVolume.selector.value If you want to use a particular volume, specify the value of the label ""
grafana.probe.enabled Enables health probe for Grafana, if set to true true
grafana.probe.readiness.args Arguments for readiness probe {}
grafana.probe.liveness.args Arguments for liveness probe {}
grafana.resources.limits.cpu Grafana CPU limits 500m
grafana.resources.limits.memory Grafana memory limits 512Mi
grafana.resources.requests.cpu Grafana CPU requests 100m
grafana.resources.requests.memory Grafana memory requests 128Mi
grafana.configFiles Grafana configurations file grafanaConfig
grafana.ingress.enabled Creates Grafana ingress, if set to true false
grafana.ingress.annotations Annotation for Grafana ingress {}
grafana.service.type Type of Grafana service NodePort
grafana.elasticsearchDash.enabled Adds Elasticsearch dashboard, if set to true false
collectdExporter.enabled Installs collectd exporter, if set to true false
collectdExporter.image.repository Collectd exporter image name ibmcom/collectd-exporter
collectdExporter.image.tag Collectd exporter image tag 0.3.1
collectdExporter.service.serviceMetricsPort Metrics service exposed port 9103
collectdExporter.service.serviceCollectorPort Collector service exposed port 25826
collectdExporter.probe.enabled Enables health probe for collectd exporter, if set to true true
collectdExporter.probe.readiness.args Arguments for readiness probe {}
collectdExporter.probe.liveness.args Arguments for liveness probe {}
configmapReload.image.repository configmapReload Docker image name ibmcom/configmap-reload
configmapReload.image.tag configmapReload Docker image tag v0.1
router.image.repository Router Docker image name ibmcom/icp-router
router.image.tag Router Docker image tag 2.2.0
router.subjectAlt Subject alternate DNC or IP address for the SSL key
elasticsearchExporter.enabled Installs Elasticsearch exporter, if set to true false
elasticsearchExporter.image.repository Elasticsearch exporter Docker image name ibmcom/elasticsearch_exporter
elasticsearchExporter.image.tag Elasticsearch exporter Docker image tag 1.0.2
elasticsearchExporter.esUri Elasticsearch URL https://elasticsearch:9200
elasticsearchExporter.tls.enabled Enables TLS for exporter to request Elasticsearch endpoint true Secret for CS certificate cluster-ca-cert Field name for CA certificate in secret tls.crt
elasticsearchExporter.tls.client.existingSecretName Existing secret for client certificate ""
elasticsearchExporter.tls.client.certFieldName Field name for client certificate in secret tls.crt
elasticsearchExporter.tls.client.keyFieldName Field name for client key in secret tls.key
elasticsearchExporter.port Elasticsearch exporter exposed port 9108
elasticsearchExporter.probe.enabled Enables health probe for Elasticsearch exporter, if set to true true
elasticsearchExporter.probe.readiness.args Arguments for readiness probe {}
elasticsearchExporter.probe.liveness.args Arguments for liveness probe {}
curl.image.repository curl Docker image name ibmcom/curl
curl.image.tag curl Docker image tag 4.0.0
certGen.image.repository Docker image name to generate certificate ibmcom/icp-cert-gen
certGen.image.tag Docker image tag to generate certificate 1.0.0
init.image.repository init Docker image name ibmcom/icp-cert-gen
init.image.tag init Docker image tag 1.0.0