
Users are assigned to organizational units called namespaces.

Namespaces are also known as tenants or accounts. In IBM® Cloud Private, users are assigned to teams. You can assign multiple namespaces to a team. Users of a team are members of the team's namespaces.

An IBM Cloud Private namespace corresponds to a single namespace in Kubernetes. All deployments, pods, and volumes that are created in a single namespace, belongs to the same Kubernetes namespace.

The following namespaces are reserved by IBM Cloud Private:

Table 1. IBM Cloud Private namespaces
Namespace Description Permission to access and deploy resources
cert-manager Reserved for the IBM Cloud Private certificate manager component. Cluster administrator
default Available when you install IBM Cloud Private and used as the default namespace for objects that do not specify a namespace. This namespace must not be used for any production workloads and must not be deleted. Cluster administrator
istio-system Reserved for Istio platform services. Cluster administrator
kube-public Reserved by Kubernetes and IIBM Cloud Private to store reference information that is available to any authenticated user. This namespace must not be used for production workloads. Open access
Only the cluster administrator can deploy resources
kube-system Reserved for Kubernetes, IBM Cloud Private, and other trusted workloads. This namespace must not be used for production workloads. Cluster administrator
platform Reserved for IBM Cloud Private. This namespace must not be used for production workloads. Cluster administrator
services Reserved for the IBM Cloud Automation Manager product. Cluster administrator