Defining an OAuth service provider
The OAuth service provider is defined with a provider configuration file. You can define an OAuth service provider by editing the OAuthConfigSample.xml file.
The OAuthConfigSample.xml is in the properties directory under your WebSphere® Application Server installation. You can copy and edit this file to define an OAuth service provider.
or cc
is used internally and can be ignored when updating parameters.Parameter name | Value | Description | Customizable |
oauth20.client.provider.classname |
Client provider implementation class | For the in-memory client store, use the value . |
False |
oauth20.token.cache.classname |
Token cache implementation class | For the in-memory token store, use the value . |
False |
oauth20.token.cache.jndi.tokens |
Java™ Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name of the dynamic cache object for tokens indexed by ID | Default value is Services/cache/OAuth20MemTokenCache . See the
dynamic caching configuration section for usage details. |
False |
oauth20.token.cache.jndi.users |
JNDI name of the dynamic cache object for tokens indexed by user | Default value is Services/cache/OAuth20MemTokenOwnerCache .
See the dynamic caching configuration section for usage details. |
False |
Parameter name | Value | Description | Customizable |
Number of seconds the client exists in the cache. | The number of seconds that a client can be in the cache after it is loaded from the database. Setting this property to zero (0) disables the cache. | |
oauth20.client.provider.classname |
Client provider implementation class name | For the JDBC-based client store, use the value . See the DB Table
section for details on database configuration. |
False |
oauth20.token.cache.classname |
Token cache implementation class name | For the JDBC-based token store, use the value . See the DB Table section
for details on database configuration. |
False |
oauthjdbc.JDBCProvider |
JDBC provider name | Set this value to match your JDBC provider, for example
jdbc/oauthProvider . |
False |
oauthjdbc.client.table |
Table name used for the OAuth clients | Set this value to match your database table name, for example
False |
oauthjdbc.token.table |
Table name used for the OAuth tokens | Set this value to match your database table name, for example
OAuthDBSchema.OAUTH20CACHE . |
False |
oauthjdbc.CleanupInterval |
Expired token cleanup interval in seconds | Delay time in seconds between cleanup of expired tokens in the database token table. | True |
oauthjdbc.LimitRefreshToken |
unused | unused | True |
If the OAuth trust association interceptor (TAI) emits a
oauth20.db.token.cache.jndi.tokens |
JNDI name of the dynamic cache object for tokens | The datastore is backed by a dynamic cache of the specified name, for example
services/cache/OAuth20DBTokenCache . See the dynamic caching configuration section
for usage details. |
False |
oauth20.db.token.cache.jndi.client |
JNDI name of the dynamic cache object for clients | The datastore is backed by a dynamic cache of the specified name, for example
services/cache/OAuth20DBClientCache . See the dynamic caching configuration section
for usage details. |
False |
true or false |
The default is false. Set this value to true if the OAuth trust
association interceptor (TAI) emits a
Parameter name | Value | Description | Customizable |
oauth20.max.authorization.grant.lifetime.seconds |
Authorization grant lifetime, in seconds | Duration in seconds that an authorization grant is valid, for example 604800. | True |
oauth20.code.lifetime.seconds |
Authorization code lifetime, in seconds | Duration in seconds that the authorization code is valid during the OAuth dance, for example 60. | True |
oauth20.code.length |
integer | Length of the generated OAuth authorization codes | True |
oauth20.token.lifetime.seconds |
integer | Time in seconds that the OAuth access token is valid, a commonly customized value | True |
oauth20.access.token.length |
integer | Length of the generated OAuth access tokens | True |
oauth20.issue.refresh.token |
true or false | A value of false disables use and generation of refresh tokens in the OAuth provider | True |
oauth20.refresh.token.length |
Value can range from 50 | Default value is 50. | True |
oauth20.access.tokentypehandler.classname |
Any OAuth20 Token handler can be specified. | Default value is . Type is
cc . |
False |
oauth20.mediator.classnames |
Optional class name of the OAuth mediator | See the OAuth mediator section for details. | False |
oauth20.allow.public.clients |
true or false | A value of false disables access of public clients as detailed in the OAuth specification. | True |
oauth20.grant.types.allowed |
Possible values are: authorization_code ,
password , refresh_tokens , client_credentials , or
implicit |
List of enabled OAuth flows, as detailed in the OAuth specification. | False |
oauth20.authorization.form.template |
Optional URL to the customized authorization template | If using a customized authorization form, specify the template location. | True |
oauth20.authorization.error.template |
Optional URL to the customized authorization error page template | If using a customized authorization form error page, specify the template location. | True |
oauth20.authorization.loginURL |
Optional URL to the customized login page | If using a customized login page, specify the login URL. | True |
oauth20.audithandler.classname |
Class name of the OAuth audit handler | Optional implementation for advanced logging and auditing. Default value is . |
True |
oauth20.template.lifetime.seconds |
Template lifetime, in seconds. The default is 600. | The time that a template should remain in the template
oauth20.template.waitTime |
Template wait time, in seconds. The default is 120. | The time to wait to load a template from a remote server. | |
oauth20.template.connectTime |
Template connect time, in seconds. The default is 120. | The time to wait for a server connection for loading a template. | |
oauth20.template.readTime |
Template read time, in seconds. The default is 120. | The time allowed for reading a template document from a remote server to complete. | |
oauth20.template.count |
Template count. The default is 3. | The number of templates to obtain simultaneously. | |
oauth20.grant.type.password.skip.validation |
true or false, the default is false | A value of true disables the resource owner validation for the password grant type. | |
xmlFileAuditHandler.filename |
File name | Name of the file that corresponds with the default audit handler. | True |
Parameter name | Value | Description | Customizable |
Filter |
Any filter condition can be used | See TAI configuration parameters and syntax for details | True |
oauthOnly |
true or false | An example TAI configuration property, used to restrict authentication to only OAuth (true) or use other enabled authentication (false). See the TAI configuration parameters for details. | True |
Parameter name | Value | Description | Customizable |
oauth20.autoauthorize.param |
Any string | To use autoauthorization, the autoauthorize parameter must be appended to
requests as a URL parameter with a value of true . |
False |
oauth20.autoauthorize.clients |
List of registered client IDs | Clients in this list are able to participate in autoauthorization. | True |
Parameter name | Value | Description | Customizable |
oauth20.client.uri.substitutions |
unused | unused | False |
Parameter name | Value | Description | Customizable |
oauth20.scope.preAuthorized |
any string | A list of scopes given to all clients | True |