Installing application support files on Linux or UNIX

About this task

Installing application support on a Linux® or UNIX system is a procedure with three iterations:
  • Installing application support on the browser client component of the portal server.
  • Installing application support on the portal server.
  • Installing application support on the monitoring server (if a monitoring server is installed on the local Linux or UNIX system).
Application support can be installed on only one component at a time.

This procedure uses the command-line interface. For instructions on using the GUI interface or silent mode, see IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Installation and Setup Guide.

To install the application support files on Linux or UNIX, follow this procedure.


  1. On a system where either a portal server or a remote monitoring server is configured to communicate with the hub monitoring server on z/OS®, run the following command from the application support installation media:
    The installation media can be either the agent product CD or DVD for a distributed monitoring agent, or a data files CD or DVD for a monitoring agent that run on z/OS or z/VM®. See Prerequisites.
  2. When prompted for the IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring home directory, press Enter to accept the default (/opt/IBM/ITM) or type the full path to the installation directory you used.
    The installer presents a list of installation options:
    Select one of the following: 
    1) Install products to the local host.  
    2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
    3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
    4) Exit install.
    Please enter a valid number:
  3. Enter 1 to start the installation.

    The software license agreement is displayed.

  4. Review the license agreement, and then enter 1 to accept it.
  5. Select the components on which you want to install application support.
    A list of available product packages is displayed:
    Product packages are available for this operating system and component support categories:
     1) IBM Tivoli Monitoring components for this operating system
     2) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client support
     3) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support
     4) Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support
     5) Other operating systems
    Tip: Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client support is the component of Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server that supports presentation of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal for browser clients. You must install the browser client support on the computer where you installed the portal server.
  6. If you have not already installed the Tivoli Management Services components on the current operating system, enter 1. Otherwise, select one of the components for installation of application support.
    Only one item can be selected at a time.
  7. At the prompt for products to install, select and confirm either an individual monitoring agent or all of the above.
    (Although the prompts seem to indicate that the monitoring agents themselves are being installed, only the application support files for the monitoring agents are actually being installed.)
    The following products are available for installation:
     1) monitoring_agent_1  Vnn.nn.nn.nn
     2) monitoring_agent_2  Vnn.nn.nn.nn
     3) all of the above
    Type your selections here:  3
    The following products will be installed:
      monitoring_agent_1  Vnn.nn.nn.nn
      monitoring_agent_2  Vnn.nn.nn.nn
    Are your selections correct [ y or n; "y" is default ]?
     ... installing "monitoring_agent_1  Vnn.nn.nn.nn for Linux S390 R2.6 (32 bit)"; 
    please wait.
    ... installing "monitoring_agent_2  Vnn.nn.nn.nn for Linux S390 R2.6 (32 bit)"; 
    please wait.
  8. Enter y at the next prompt:
    Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ y or n; "n" is default ]? 
  9. Repeat the procedure to install browser client, portal server, and monitoring server (if a monitoring server is installed on the local system) support.

    Only one item can be installed at a time. For each item, select the same monitoring agent (product) to install.

  10. After you have selected and installed application support for all installed components, enter n at the following prompt:
    Do you want to install additional products or product support packages [ y or n; "n" is default ]? 
    You are prompted to add application support to all locally installed components. For example, if there is a local monitoring server, you see a prompt similar to this one:
    Following Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server product support were installed:
    Note: This operation causes the monitoring server to restart.
    Do you want to seed product support on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server?
    [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] 
  11. Enter 1 to add application support to the local monitoring server.
    The installer starts the monitoring server, adds application support, and stops the monitoring server; and repeats the procedure for each of the other components installed on the local system. This message indicates successful completion:
    All supports successfully seeded.
  12. Exit the installation program.
  13. Stop the portal server and the portal client:
    ./itmcmd agent stop cq
    ./itmcmd agent stop cj
  14. Reconfigure the portal server with the new agent information:
    ./itmcmd config -A cq
    Tip: If you already configured the portal server after installing it, you can press Enter at each prompt to accept the previously entered parameters.
  15. Reconfigure the portal client with the new agent information:
    ./itmcmd config -A cj
  16. Restart the portal server and the portal client:
    ./itmcmd agent start cq
    ./itmcmd agent start cj
  17. Use Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services to copy catalog and attribute files and to add SQL files to the monitoring server on z/OS. Follow the instructions in Transferring the catalog and attribute files from Linux or UNIX and Adding application support SQL files from Manage Tivoli Services on Linux or UNIX.