HourGlass, Version 6.1

Customization options

The SYSIN control statements can be customized using these parameters:

Edit the DDPREF=HG control statement, if desired, replacing 'HG' with a two-character DDname prefix to be used for the date and time DD statements. Enter DDPREF=NOPREF to disallow Start of changethe specification of HourGlass-altered date and time values via DD statements, and also via the programmer name field of the JOB statementEnd of change.
It is recommended that you use the JOBPREF control statement during the HourGlass evaluation period. Thereafter, use JOBPREF to limit access to HourGlass. You can create a maximum of 100 JOBPREF=xxx control statements to identify jobs, started tasks, and TSO job names eligible for HourGlass. Only job names that begin with one of the JOBPREF prefixes are eligible to have their internal dates and times altered.

An asterisk (*) denotes a wildcard meaning "zero or more characters" and may be specified anywhere in the prefix. A question mark (?) denotes a wildcard meaning "exactly one character" and may be specified anywhere in the name. For example, specifying JOBPREF=TEST denotes that a job named TEST is eligible to receive altered dates, whereas specifying JOBPREF=TEST* denotes that all jobs whose names start with TEST are eligible.

The internal dates are modified only when a JOBPREF match occurs AND the jobstep requests an altered date and time. Jobnames specified in the HourGlass Control Facility must conform to the JOBPREF specifications in order to receive altered dates. To allow all jobs to be eligible to HourGlass, use JOBPREF=*.

Note: It is important to include IMS™ message region names when designing your JOBPREF criteria.
Use the JOBCLASS control statement if you wish to limit by job class the jobs eligible to use HourGlass. Only jobs running in one of the specified job classes are allowed to have their internal dates and times altered.

You can specify a maximum of 36 job classes on the JOBCLASS=xxx control statement. For example, JOBCLASS=ADI4 makes classes A, D, I, and 4 eligible for HourGlass. The internal dates are modified only when a JOBCLASS match occurs AND the jobstep requests an altered date and time. To allow all jobs to be eligible to HourGlass, code JOBCLASS=*.

Note: It is important to include IMS message region classes if these tasks are not Started Tasks.
For an additional level of security, you may include one or more USERID=xxxxxxx control statements that is validated against the userid that submitted the batch job, or is associated with a started task or TSO user. If any of these control statements are present, HourGlass allows altered dates and times only for jobs that meet all other criteria and have been submitted by one of the userids listed. Userid prefixes may contain an asterisk as the last character of the prefix.
AREA (CSA,MLPA,LPA) are by default excluded from being intercepted by HourGlass. This prevents system modules such as the tape management system from receiving altered dates. If you desire a particular module in COMMON to receive an altered date and time, add an INCLUDE PGM=xxxxxxxx control statement, where xxxxxxxx is the program name. You may add a maximum of 20 control statements.
Some programs are excluded automatically by HourGlass. These include IMS logging modules, IMS DBRC modules, and SyncSort SMF record cutting modules. If you want to prevent other modules from receiving altered dates and times, you may specify up to 300 EXCLUDE PGM=xxxxxxxx control statements.
Note: This operand is not supported under MVS/XA.
If you would like to prevent TSO users from receiving altered dates, specify a TSO=NO control statement. The default is TSO=YES.
To set a hard-coded date that is passed to all eligible jobs, add a DATE=yyyy-mm-dd control statement. (This method does not require the use of a Date DD statement.)
Note: Use this feature only when all eligible jobs are to automatically receive the same date. An example is for a QA system test. Use the JOBPRE2= parameter to specify prefixes for jobs that automatically receive the altered date.

To run a job step in which the date always remains the same, even if the time passes midnight, specify a hard-coded time using the TIME= parameter and a JCL date override.

To set a hard-coded time offset that is passed to all eligible jobs, add a TIME=dhhmm control statement. (This method does not require the use of the Time DD statement.)
Note: Use this feature only when all eligible jobs are to automatically receive the same time offset. An example would be for all jobs run on a remote site in a different time zone. Use the JOBPRE2= parameter to specify the prefixes for jobs that receive the altered time.
You can optionally create up to ten JOBPRE2=xxx control statements to identify jobs eligible for hard-coded dates and times. Only jobnames that begin with a JOBPRE2 prefix have their internal date and time revised automatically to hard-coded values without the need for a Date or Time DD statement. The coding rules for this keyword are the same as those for JOBPREF=. To allow all jobs to receive the hard-coded date and time, code JOBPRE2=*.
An Audit Trail Facility is provided with HourGlass. Use of the facility is optional; by default, no statistics are collected. If activated, the facility collects statistics on job steps using altered dates or times and optionally, all job steps that request the system dates and times. To activate the facility, enter STATS=x where valid values for x are:
Collect statistics for all jobs. STATS=A is required for WTO=Y and CUTSMF=Y.
Collect statistics only for jobs receiving HourGlass altered dates and times. STATS=H is required for WTO=Y and CUTSMF=Y.
Do not collect statistics.

It is recommended that you activate statistics gathering using option A for initial application analysis. Afterwards, use option H for internal reporting on all uses of altered dates via the WTO or CUTSMF feature.

If you activated the Audit Trail Facility by specifying STATS=A or STATS=H, an internal table is kept in extended CSA to temporarily store the statistics. The default size of this table is 12K. Each entry is 92 bytes and holds information for one active job step. If HourGlass runs out of available entries, stats are not collected for that job step and therefore, no WTO or SMF record is produced. To alter the size of this table, code STATSTABLE=nnn where nnn is the number of K-bytes to allocate for the table in the range of 0 to 999.
Note: Increase this parameter accordingly if you have more than 125 batch initiators. For example, 200 initiators * 92 bytes per entry = 18K.
If you activated the Audit Trail Facility by specifying STATS=A or STATS=H, and the provided SMF exit Start of changeAGGACTRTEnd of change is implemented, HourGlass can write a message to the job log for each batch step that receives an altered date and time. If this feature is desired, code WTO=Y. Otherwise, code WTO=N.
Note: Changes to this option alter the contents of module Start of changeAGGACTRTEnd of change. If you have copied this module into LPALIB, re-copy it after AGGCUSTM is run.
HourGlass writes the statistics records to SMF using the SMF record type specified using the SMFTYPE parameter. If a permanent audit trail is desired, specify CUTSMF=Y; otherwise specify CUTSMF=N.
Note: Changes to this option alter the contents of module Start of changeAGGACTRTEnd of change. If you have copied this module into LPALIB, re-copy it after AGGCUSTM is run.
If STATS=A or STATS=H is specified, CUTSMF=Y is specified, and the provided SMF exit Start of changeAGGACTRTEnd of change is implemented, HourGlass writes statistic records to SMF. Specify SMFTYPE=nnn where nnn is the three-digit user SMF record type between 128 and 255.
Note: Changes to this option alter the contents of module Start of changeAGGACTRTEnd of change. If you have copied this module into LPALIB, re-copy it after AGGCUSTM is run.
To prevent HourGlass from altering the date and time for started tasks (even if the required DD statements are included), specify STC=NO. This provides an extra level of protection from accidental use of altered dates. Note that many IMS message regions are started tasks.
This customization setting is obsolete. HourGlass date and time settings for IMS message regions are now specified using either HourGlass DD statements or the HourGlass Control Center (AGGCX) facility.
If you are using the HourGlass CICS® Global Control component (HGCC), you may choose a different algorithm for the CICS eligibility test. Specify CICSTEST=1 or 2 or 3 to select one of these algorithms:
"First Test"

This is the default algorithm shipped with HourGlass. CICS User IDs, Transaction IDs, and Terminal IDs are tested in that order but only if valid selection criteria have been specified for any one category. Only one category is tested—the first one containing valid criteria. The result determines eligibility of the current transaction to receive the HourGlass-altered date and time.

"AND Test"

Multiple categories of selection criteria (that is, User IDs, Transaction IDs, Terminal IDs) may be specified. The CICS transaction must pass the test for all specified categories to be eligible to receive the HourGlass-altered date and time.

"OR Test"

Same as for the "AND Test" except if any specified category test is passed, the CICS transaction is eligible to receive the HourGlass-altered date and time.

Start of changeLEGACYDB2QUALIFICATIONEnd of change
Start of changeBeginning with IBM® HourGlass Version 6, Release 1.0, DB2® time requests are qualified by different criteria than they were in previous releases of HourGlass. In earlier product releases, time requests were qualified by MVS™ JOBNAME, USERID, or both for batch jobs and started tasks, and by USERID for ISPF/TSO SPUFI. In IBM HourGlass Version 6, Release 1.0, DB2 time requests for all environments are qualified by any combination of the following:
  • DB2 Sub-System ID
  • DB2 Plan Name
For those HourGlass users who prefer to continue using the older qualification scheme, the LEGACYDB2QUALIFICATION customization option is provided.

This customization option allows HourGlass users to select either the old-style DB2 qualification scheme, called "Legacy DB2 Qualification" or the new-style DB2 qualification scheme, for use in their HourGlass installation. To use the Legacy DB2 Qualification scheme, specify LEGACYDB2QUALIFICATION=YES.

The default specification is LEGACYDB2QUALIFICATION=NO.

End of change
A started task is activated in order to automatically support TIME LINKAGE=SYSTEM time requests. The default name of this started task is AGGLINK. To alter this name, specify STCLINK=name where name is the 1 to 8 character started task name. If you do not wish to activate this support, specify STCLINK=N.
Note: This option requires MVS/ESA 4.2.2 or later, and is required for DB2, Start of changeLE/370End of change, and CICS SVC 11 support.

HourGlass starts and stops this task automatically as it is activated and disabled. It is not recommended that you cancel this task. If you wish to stop LINKAGE=SYSTEM support without shutting down SVC11 support, you may issue the MVS stop command (P taskname). To restart it again later, issue the MVS start command (S taskname).

The PASSWORD customization statement is obsolete and should be removed from your customization statements.
If you plan to use the CICS transaction HGDR, specify a maximum of sixteen characters to identify the DB2 remote location name to which the AGGDR program connects. The DB2 Special Registers are retrieved from this location. This value is inserted into the AGGDR program by the AGGCUSTM process.
