Monitoring license usage

IBM® Cognos Controller generates IBM Software License Metric Tag (SLMT) files. Versions of IBM License Metric Tool that support SLMT files can generate License Consumption Reports that provide information about license usage for Cognos Controller. This information applies only to local installations of Cognos Controller.

For information about installing and using IBM License Metric Tool, see IBM License Metric Tool on IBM Knowledge Center.

The initial generation of SLMT files is determined by the settings in the Web.config file at C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\ccr_64\ControllerProxyServer. The following table describes the configuration parameters:
Parameter Default value Description
SLMTag_Enable True Generate the SLMT file. The logger runs on the master server in a master-slave configuration.
SLMTag_Exception False Exception logging. If set to True, the exceptions are stored in the error_log.txt file.
SLMTag_OutputDirPath "..\SLMTagData" Specify the path relative to the ControllerProxyServer folder that is loaded by IIS
SLMTag_PeriodMinuteLength 1440 Frequency of logging SLMT information (StartTime, EndTime interval). Defaults to 24 hours (1440 minutes).
SLMTag_MetricCountPerFile 2880 Maximum number of metric tags generated in the same file
SLMTag_FileKeepNumber 100 Keep the last 100 files generated. Older files are deleted.
To change the default value of a parameter, you must add the parameter to the appSettings section in the Web.config file. Use the following format:
<add key="parameter_name" value="parameter_value" />
Note: If a parameter is not specified in the Web.config file, then its default value as described in the previous table is used.


The AUTHORIZED_USER metric has the following subtypes:
IBM Cognos Controller administrator
User that has the administrator role in Cognos Controller.
IBM Cognos Controller standard user
User that is not an administrator in Cognos Controller

For each of these subtypes, the AUTHORIZED_USER metric records the number of active administrator and standard users.

You can see a list of administrator and standard users by generating the License Management Report. For more information, see Generate User Rights Reports.

Location of Software License Metric Tag files

On all operating systems, the SLMT files are created in the slmtag directory at the same level as the ccr_64 directory in the Cognos Controller install location. For example, C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\ccr_64\SLMTagData. All SLMT files use the .slmtag file extension. You can change the location of the SLMT files by changing the SLMTag_OutputDirPath parameter in the Web.config file.

By default, the SLMT information is logged every 24 hours.