Creating a Cell Security Control Cube

Follow these steps to create a cell security control cube.


  1. In TM1® Architect or TM1 Perspectives , right-click on the cube for which you want to define cell-level security and then select Security, Create Cell Security Cube.

    TM1 automatically creates a security control cube using the naming format }CellSecurity_CubeName where CubeName is the name of the cube that you selected. For example, if you selected the cube SalesCube, then TM1 creates the security control cube }CellSecurity_SalesCube.

    TM1 adds the dimensions of the original cube required to set security to the newly created security control cube, plus the }Groups dimension is added as the last dimension in the new cube.

  2. Click View, Display Control Objects if the control cubes are not already visible.

    TM1 displays the new security control cube along with the original cube.

    Listing of sdata showing cell security control cube and original SalesCube.

    To apply security to cells in the security control cube, by TM1 security group:

  3. Open the security control cube you just created by double-clicking the security control cube, for example,
  4. Click Recalculate Recalculate button to display the security control groups, or click Options, Automatic Recalculate.
  5. Expand the rows to display the cells to which you want to assign security rights.
    Note: Remember, cell-level security applies to leaf elements.
  6. Enter the security level in the cube cells to assign security rights by user group.

    For details, see Assigning Security Rights to Groups.

    For example, the months in the second quarter for the Inspectors group have security assigned as None.

  7. Close the security control cube.
  8. Save the view.
  9. Test the security levels by logging in as a user who is a member of the affected security group and viewing the cube for which you have set security.