IBM Security Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On, Version 8.2

Configuring HLLAPI support

You can enable automatic logon for mainframe/terminal applications that are HLLAPI-compatible using AccessStudio. Automatic logon is supported for terminal emulators using Enhanced Emulator HLLAPI.


  1. Configure the short name or long name of the host session.

    Determine and configure the short name and long name of the host session on the legacy application.

    A short name is a unique identifier for the host session. The long name is an alternate identifier for the host session. See the documentation of the legacy application for details on configuring the short and long names.

  2. Determine the .DLL file of host application that provides HLLAPI support.

    Determine the .DLL file that is provided by the application for 32-bit EHLLAPI-Enhanced support. See the documentation of the legacy application for details.

  3. Specify the application type and .DLL file information in AccessStudio.
    1. In the General Properties tab, click to expand the Extra Support Information twistie.
    2. Select the Enable HLLAPI support for mainframe applications check box.
    3. Select the application type in the Application type drop-down list. Three application types are provided: Default, WRQ Reflection, and Attachmate EXTRA. Selecting Default indicates an application type of IBM® iSeries®.
    4. Enter the relative path of the .DLL file in the DLL relative path field.
  4. Configure session start information.
    1. Right-click on the state and select Add Trigger > Advanced > When a session starts.
      Note: You can also use the Text is displayed (HLLAPI) trigger for HLLAPI applications to see when a text is printed on the screen.
    2. Capture identification information for the application window:
      1. In the Properties pane > Form Editor tab, capture the signature information of the HLLAPI-enabled application window by clicking the Finder tool below the Signature of the HLLAPI-enabled application window field.
      2. Drag the Finder tool and drop it on the field or window of the application you are configuring the AccessProfile.

        The signature is automatically generated and displayed in the Generated Signature text box.

    3. Click the Advanced Options twistie to expand.
      1. Select queue actions from the Queue actions drop-down list.
      2. Specify the short name and long name information using the corresponding fields provided. It is mandatory to specify the short name information.
  5. Proceed to create states, triggers, and actions for auto-filling, auto-capturing, and saving credentials.
