Preparing the operator and log file storage

 V20.x:  All instances of an operator need a place to store its log files and find database drivers. If you plan to run the deployment script to generate a custom resource (CR), the script creates a persistent volume claim (PVC) and copies the JDBC drivers for you. However, if you manually compile the CR then you must review all of the steps.

About this task

You must prepare the storage of the operator before you create an instance of the operator. You can use the deployment script to create the operator instance or create it manually. If you choose to manually compile your CR file from a descriptor template, then you also need to install the operator and create the necessary storage for it.

Tip: The cluster setup script identifies the available storage classes on your cluster, but you can create a new PV for the operator. The name of the PV must be set in the PVC, so make sure that the storageClassName has the correct value. Make sure that you also grant group write permission to the hostPath.path on the host or your shared volume on your NFS server.
Important: If you plan to run the installation scripts and want to use the default storage, all you need to do in this task is to decide whether to create a new namespace here or use the setup cluster script to do it. If you do not intend to run the scripts, then complete all of the steps that apply to your configuration.


  1. Log in to your OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster.
    oc login https://<cluster-ip>:port -u cluster_admin -p password
  2. Create a project (cp4a-project) for the operator by running the following command.
    oc new-project project_name --description="<description>" --display-name="<display_name>"
  3. Optional: Create the YAML resources for the operator and component logs.
    1. If you want to use static storage instead of dynamic storage, create a PV YAML file, for example operator-shared-pv.yaml. The following example YAML defines two PVs, one for the operator and one shared volume for the component logs. PVs depend on your cluster configuration, so adapt the YAML to your configuration.


      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolume
          type: local
        name: cp4a-shared-log-pv
          storage: 100Gi
          - ReadWriteMany
          path: "/root/logs"
        persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete


      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolume
          type: local
        name: operator-shared-pv
          storage: 1Gi
          - ReadWriteMany
          path: "/root/operator"
        persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
    2. If you did the previous step, deploy the PVs.
      oc create -f operator-shared-pv.yaml
    3. If you did the previous steps, provide group write permission to the persistent volumes. According to the PV hostPath.path definitions, run the following commands:
      chmod -R g=u hostPath
      chmod g+rw hostPath

      Where hostPath is the value in your PVs (/root/operator and /root/logs).

      Remove the .OPERATOR_TYPE file in case it exists from a previous deployment.

      rm -f hostPath.OPERATOR_TYPE

      Where hostPath is the value in your operator PV (/root/operator).

    4. Create a claim for the static PVs or your dynamic storage.

      To create a claim bound to the previously created PVs, create a file <path>/operator-shared-pvc.yaml anywhere on your disk, with the following content.


      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
        name: cp4a-shared-log-pvc
        namespace: project_name
          - ReadWriteMany
        storageClassName: ""
            storage: 100Gi
        volumeName: cp4a-shared-log-pv
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
        name: operator-shared-pvc
        namespace: project_name
          - ReadWriteMany
        storageClassName: ""
            storage: 1Gi
        volumeName: operator-shared-pv

      Replace the project_name placeholders with the name of your OpenShift project to use for the operator in your OCP cluster.

      If you prefer to use dynamic provisioning for this claim, edit the corresponding YAML file: Replace the StorageClassName and Fast_StorageClassName placeholders by storage classes of your choice.
    5. Deploy the PVCs. If you created your own operator-shared-pvc.yaml file, run the following command with your own path.
      oc create -f <path>/operator-shared-pvc.yaml
      Otherwise, if you edited descriptors/operator-shared-pvc.yaml run the command with the file from the descriptors folder.
      oc create -f descriptors/operator-shared-pvc.yaml
  4. Optional: Add the JDBC drivers to the operator PV hostPath.

    Copy all of the JDBC drivers that are needed by the components you intend to install to the persistent volume. Depending on your storage configuration, you might not need these drivers.

    Note: File names for JDBC drivers cannot include version information.
    • Db2
      • db2jcc4.jar
      • db2jcc_license_cu.jar
    • Oracle
      • ojdbc8.jar
    •  V20.0.0.2  SQL Server
      • mssql-jdbc-?.jar
    •  V20.0.0.2  PostgreSQL
      • postgresql-?.jar

    The following structure shows an example remote file system.

       └── jdbc
            ├── db2
                ├── db2jcc4.jar
                └── db2jcc_license_cu.jar
            ├── oracle
                └── ojdbc8.jar
            ├── sqlserver
                └── mssql-jdbc-?.jar
            ├── postgresql
                └── postgresql-?.jar
  5. Optional:  V20.0.0.2  If you intend to install Content Collector for SAP as an optional component of the Content Manager pattern, then you must download the necessary libraries and put them in a directory under cert-kubernetes/scripts.
    1. Make a saplibs directory in cert-kubernetes/scripts.
      Give read and write permissions to the directory by running the chmod command.
    2. Download the SAP Netweaver SDK 7.50 library from the SAP Service Marketplace.
    3. Download the SAP JCo Release 3.0.x from the SAP Service Marketplace.
    4. Extract all of the content of the packages to the saplibs directory.
    5. Check you have all of the following libraries.
      └── sapjco3.jar


Wait for the confirmation message that the PVC is bound before you move to the next step.
Note: For Oracle, if the ojdbc8.jar from 12.2 fails, apply the ojdbc8.jar from 19c.

What to do next

You can now set up your cluster manually or use the setup cluster script. For more information, see Setting up the cluster.