Data type aliases

The DATETIME, INT2, INT4, INT8, FLOAT4, FLOAT8, and BPCHAR built-in data types correspond to the identically named Netezza data types.

  • DATETIME is an alias for the TIMESTAMP data type.
  • INT2 is an alias for the SMALLINT data type.
  • INT4 is an alias for the INTEGER data type.
  • INT8 is an alias for the BIGINT data type.
  • FLOAT4 is an alias for the REAL data type.
  • FLOAT8 is an alias for the DOUBLE data type.
  • NUMERIC is an alias for the DECIMAL data type.
  • BPCHAR is an alias for VARCHAR data type.

If you have a user-defined data type that uses any of these names, you must use a fully-qualified reference to ensure that the user-defined data type is not overridden by the built-in data type alias.