ARM data collection process

The ARM data collected is determined by the profiles described in the Application Management Configuration Editor.

These profiles are stored on the computer where the Application Management Console agent is running, and are transferred to the Transaction Collectors periodically. The ARM configuration is transferred to the local disk in the $CANDLE_HOME/tmaitm6/camconfig/TU/ directory. The ARM library can then read the configuration files and update itself periodically, and turn the ARM data collected into Transaction Tracking API events according to the configuration files. The ARM libraries then send the Transaction Tracking API events to the Transaction Collector defined in the armconfig.xml file.

ARM configuration information is logged in the following files:

  • computer name_tu_number.log - standard (RAS1) Transaction Collector log, default location $CANDLE_HOME/logs.

Review the logs at C:\IBM\ITM\logs to determine when a profile was loaded and where it was loaded from.

A component called configdepotmanager handles profile transfer. Use the term configdepotmanager in the computer name_tu_number.log to filter log information so you see only those entries relevant to profile transfer.


Filtering on configdepotmanager in the Transaction Collector RAS1 log results in the following types of log messages:

1. (4868A78E.0000-788:configdepotmanager.cpp,304,"ConfigDepotManager") 
2. (4868A78E.0001-788:configdepotmanager.cpp,291,"init") OriginNode=WINXP-IHS-ITM:
TU ServerRelativeDepot=camconfig/ LocalMasterFile=C:\ibm\ITM/tmaitm6//camconfig/TU/
TU_master.xml ServerMasterFile=camconfig/TU_master.xml 
3. (4868A7CA.0000-788:configdepotmanager.cpp,338,"ConfigDepotManager") Found T3 
4.(4868ADE9.0000-788:configdepotmanager.cpp,403," ConfigDepotManager") Getting new 
version of file:MyListener2.xml
5. (4868ADE9.0001-788:configdepotmanager.cpp,403,"ConfigDepotManager") Getting new 
version of file:Tracking_Defaults.xml 

In the previous messages, message:

  • 2 shows where the Transaction Collector puts the configuration file for use in the ARM library.
  • 3 shows from where the T3 agent has retrieved the configuration files.
  • 4 and 5 show when a new set of configuration files are retrieved by the Transaction Collector.
Note: The above sample shows the raw log. When viewed using the RAS1 log viewer, the number before the first colon (:) is a timestamp.