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Configuring call transfer

Call transfer behavior is defined though the API and the Voice Gateway configuration or Advanced JSON configuration properties.

Initiating call transfers

In Version and later, call transfer is initiated in the Watson Assistant service by defining the vgwActTransfer action tag in the JSON node definition.

  "output": {
    "vgwAction": {
      "command": "vgwActTransfer",
      "parameters": {
        "transferHeader": "User-to-User",
        "transferHeaderVal": "12a345b6c7d8901234e5;encoding=hex;purpose=foo;content=bar",
        "transferTarget": "tel:+18883334444"

If you define a SIP URI as the transfer target, be sure to escape the @ character in the URI so that the value isn't processed by Watson Assistant.

    "transferHeader": "User-to-User",
    "transferHeaderVal": "12a345b6c7d8901234e5;encoding=hex;purpose=foo;content=bar",
    "transferTarget": "sip:12345556789\\"

Previous Voice Gateway versions used the vgwTransfer state variable initiate the call transfer. Although this state variable continues to function, its use is now deprecated in favor of the vgwActTransfer action tag. For more information, see Deprecated state variables.

Determining if a transfer succeeds or fails

When a transfer process succeeds, Watson Assistant receives a text update with the word "vgwCallTransferred" and the vgwCallTransferred state variable set to Yes.

When a transfer fails and the vgwDisconnectCallOnTransferFailure state variable is set to No, Watson Assistant receives a text update from Voice Gateway with the string "vgwCallTransferFailed". This string indicate that a transfer failed. See Transferring upon failure to configure your Watson Assistant service instance and Voice Gateway deployment to respond to transfer failures.

Transferring upon hang up

By default, Voice Gateway performs a transfers calls by using a SIP REFER request. Depending on the IVR service provider, you might need to configure call transfer to use a SIP BYE method instead. See Integrating Voice Gateway with IVRs and contact centers to find more information about IVR service providers.

In the vgwActTransfer action, use the transferMethod attribute to specify how to transfer the call, either REFER or HANGUP. When set to HANGUP, the behavior of the transfer action changes. Instead of sending a SIP REFER request, Voice Gateway plays back any associated text, and then hangs up the call by sending a SIP BYE request.

After the hang up, Voice Gateway passes the transfer destination that is specified in the transferTarget attribute to the call anchor in the BYE message. The header field that contains the transfer target is determined by the transferTargetHeader attribute. If the transferTargetHeader attribute isn't specified, Voice Gateway uses Transfer-Target. If you don't include the transferMethod attribute when you configure your call transfer action, vgwActTransfer uses the REFER method by default.

  "output": {
     "vgwAction": {
      "command": "vgwActTransfer",
      "parameters": {
        "transferTarget": "tel:18883334444",
        "transferTargetHeader": "Transfer-Target",
        "transferMethod": "HANGUP"

Transferring upon failure

You can configure the voice gateway to automatically transfer a call to a static endpoint if a failure occurs. Failures can occur, for example, if the voice gateway loses connectivity to one of the configured Watson services.

The following state variables can be set on the first turn of the conversation and are used if a failure occurs during the call. See Defining actions and states.

Table 1. State variables for transferring upon failure
State variable name Expected value Default value Description
vgwTransferFailedMessage Text string
If vgwDisconnectCallOnTransferFailure is set to Yes, the message streamed to the caller if the call transfer fails. Should be set by Watson Assistant on the first turn.
vgwConversationFailedMessage Text string
Message streamed to the caller if Watson Assistant fails. Should be set by Watson Assistant on the first turn.

For example, the following state variable tells Voice Gateway that starting from this node response, if a call transfer fails, the vgwTransferFailedMessage is streamed to the caller before ending the call.

  "context": {
    "vgwDisconnectCallOnTransferFailure": "Yes",
    "vgwTransferFailedMessage": "Call transfer to an agent failed. Please try again later. Good bye."

If the voice gateway can't reach Watson Assistant, the following configuration environment variables can be used to force a transfer to a static phone number.

Table 2. Environment variables for transferring to a static phone number
Environment variables Default value Description
CONVERSATION_FAILED_REPLY_MESSAGE Call being transferred to an agent due to a technical problem. Good bye. Message streamed to the caller if Watson Assistant fails
TRANSFER_DEFAULT_TARGET none Identifies the target transfer to endpoint. Must be valid SIP or tel URI (e.g. sip: This is a default transfer target. Used only when a failure occurs and the call transfer target can't be obtained from the Watson Assistant API
TRANSFER_FAILED_REPLY_MESSAGE Call transfer to an agent failed. Please try again later. Good bye. If DISCONNECT_CALL_ON_TRANSFER_FAILURE is set to True, the message streamed to the caller if the call transfer fails.

Configuring Voice Gateway to process error codes as successful responses

When Voice Gateway processes a SIP NOTIFY request during a call transfer, the transfer process fails if the response code that is specified in a NOTIFY request isn't in [200-299] range. Some IVR systems might send an error code in a NOTIFY request even though the transfer was successful. You can configure a list of error codes that Voice Gateway handles as successful responses with the ACCEPT_TRANSFER_REJECT_CODES configuration attribute or with the vgwActTransfer attribute, acceptTransferRejectCodes.

In the following configuration attribute example, if a NOTIFY request contains 410 or 500 error codes, Voice Gateway processes the NOTIFY request as a successful request, and proceeds with the transfer process.


You can use the acceptTransferRejectCodes attribute in the vgwActTransfer action to specify the list of the error codes that are treated as successful responses when processing NOTIFY requests. The following example shows how to use the vgwActTransfer action to configure Voice Gateway to process a NOTIFY request that contains 410 or 500 error codes as a successful request.

"command": "vgwActTransfer",
"parameters": {
"transferTarget": "tel:999",
"acceptTransferRejectCodes": "410,500"

Sending User-to-User Information (UUI) data in call transfers

Voice Gateway can send User-to-User Information (UUI) data in a SIP REFER message, a SIP BYE request, or a SIP INFO request.

When Voice Gateway transfers a call, it can send UUI data in the SIP REFER message. In Version and later, Voice Gateway supports the following header fields for sending UUI data in a REFER request:

  • User-to-User
  • Contact
  • Refer-To

If you transfer a call using a SIP BYE request, UUI data is sent in a User-to-User header field in Version and later.

Sending UUI data in a SIP BYE or SIP REFER request

You can customize the header that Voice Gateway uses to send the UUI data by using the uuiData and uuiSendMethod attributes on the vgwActTransfer action for SIP BYE or SIP REFER requests. To configure the header field, set the uuiSendMethod attribute to uuiHeader, contactHeader, or referToURL. If you don't provide a value for the uuiSendMethod attribute, the data is sent in the User-to-User header field by default. See Action tags.

  "output": {
    "vgwAction": {
      "command": "vgwActTransfer",
      "parameters": {
        "transferTarget": "",
        "uuiData": "59a390f3d2b7310023a2;encoding=hex;purpose=abc;content=123",
        "uuiSendMethod": "contactHeader"

Sending UUI data in a SIP INFO request

When transferring a call, Voice Gateway can send UUI data in SIP REFER or BYE requests. Some Session Border Controllers don't support these options, and expect UUI data to be provided in a SIP INFO request. You can use vgwActSendSIPInfo to send a SIP INFO request with UUI data and custom content before transferring or disconnecting a call. Versions and later.

Configure the sipHeaders attribute with pairs of SIP header names and values to add to the SIP INFO request. Do not include the system header fields in the list, such as From, To, Contact, etc. Provide well-known header fields in the correct format to avoid parsing issues. Malformed headers are not added to the message.

You can optionally configure the messageBody attribute to include any additional information. The messageBody is a body attached to the SIP INFO request. To include a messageBody, include the mandatory header, Content-Type, in the sipHeaders list. If you don't add Content-Type, a default value of application/text is inserted.

  "output": {
    "command": "vgwActSendSIPInfo",
    "parameters": {
            "sipHeaders": {
              "Content-Type": "multipart/mixed;boundary=unique-boundary-1"
            "messageBody": "--unique-boundary-1\r\nContent-Type: application/dtmf-relay\r\nSignal=999#\r\nDuration=250\r\n--unique-boundary-1--"

After sending the SIP INFO request, Voice Gateway waits for the remote party to respond on the SIP INFO request before it proceeds with the remaining actions in the list. If a failure occurs when Voice Gateway sends the SIP INFO request, Voice Gateway immediately initiates a turn to the SOE with vgwSIPInfoFailed text. The vgwSIPFailureReason state variable contains the reason of the failure.

The following example shows the format of the vgwSIPFailureReason state variable after the remote party didn't respond to a SIP INFO request, including the reason the request failed.

  "vgwSIPFailureReason": {
    "sipMessage": "INFO",
    "failureReason": "A 400 Bad Request error response message was received"

Sending User-to-User Information data with state variables

You can also set the following state variables within your Watson Assistant dialog. If you define these state variables and then define different values on the transfer action attributes, the values in the action take precedence.

Table 3. State variables for sending UUI data in outgoing REFER messages
State variable name Expected value Default value Description
vgwUUIData User defined
Defines User-to-User Information (UUI) data to send in an outgoing SIP REFER message during a transfer. Version and later.
vgwUUISendMethod uuiHeader / contactHeader / referToURL
The method by which the User-to-User Information (UUI) data is sent. By default, the UUI data is sent in the User-to-User header field. Version and later.

Voice Gateway encodes the UUI data according to the value and method of sending. If you send the UUI data in the Contact or Refer-To header fields, the data is encoded as a URI header. If the Refer-To header is a tel URL, the UUI data is sent as a URL parameter. For example, the UUI data in the previous example is sent on the Contact header and encoded as shown:

Contact: <>

Known issue: UUI data can't be encoded in a tel URL. As a workaround, provide the already-encoded value for the UUI data.

In versions prior to, you can set the following state variables within the Watson Assistant dialog to inform the voice gateway of the custom header to set in the outgoing REFER message. Note that when you use these variables, the UUI data that you specify on the vgwTransferHeaderVal property isn't encoded.

Table 4. State variables for custom headers in outgoing REFER messages
State variable name Expected value Default value Description
vgwTransferHeader User defined
Defines a custom header field in an outgoing SIP REFER message during a transfer. The custom header value is defined by the vgwSIPTransferHeaderVal state variable.
vgwTransferHeaderVal User defined
Defines the value of a custom header in an outgoing SIP REFER message during a transfer. The custom header field is defined by the vgwTransferHeader state variable.

Tracking calls by passing GUIDs

Enterprise telephony systems can be configured to add a globally unique ID (GUID) as a User-to-User header to incoming SIP calls. The GUID is used to track a call throughout its lifetime within the enterprise network. The voice gateway can be configured to extract the GUID from the initial SIP invite and pass the same GUID as a header in a subsequent REFER message. Passing the GUID ensures a call can be properly tracked as it propagates to a contact center agent.

The CUSTOM_SIP_INVITE_HEADER configuration environment variable identifies the custom header that is pulled out of the initial SIP INVITE message that establishes the call. When you specify this environment variable, the specified SIP header is passed to Watson Assistant in the vgwSIPCustomInviteHeader state variable.

To set the custom header in the outgoing REFER message, you can use the action tags and state variables for UUI data or the custom transfer header state variables as described in the previous section.