Hardware and Software Requirements

IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® for UNIX and its related software require the following hardware and software: It supports systems running in 32- or 64-bit mode.

Component or Functionality Hardware Software RAM (min.) Disk Space (min.)
Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX with TCP/IP, Sterling File Accelerator, or (V4.2.0, Fix Pack 3 and higher) FASP connectivity HP PA-RISC HP-UX version 11iv3 or higher
Note: Not supported with FASP.
2 GB 50 MB
  HP Integrity system with Intel Itanium processor HP-UX version 11iv3 or higher
Note: Not supported with FASP.
2 GB 50 MB
  IBM® System pSeries, POWER7 or greater processor required AIX versions 6.1, 7.1, and 7.2 (V4.2.0.4, iFix17 and later). 2 GB 50 MB
  Sun SPARC system Solaris version 10, update to level 11 (Jan 2013) or higher, and Solaris 11.
Note: Not supported with FASP.
2 GB 50 MB
  Intel and AMD x86/x86-64 Solaris version 10, update to level 10 (Aug 2011) or higher, and Solaris 11.
Note: Not supported with FASP.
2 GB 50 MB
  • Prior to v4.2.0.4, iFix022 any point release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (). Not supported after V4.2.0.4, iFix022
  • Prior to V4.2.0.4, iFix022 any point release of RHEL 6
  • RHEL 6.4 or greater for V4.2.0.4, iFix022 and later
  • Any point release of RHEL 7 for V4.2.0.3 or later
  • Beginning from any point release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8.x
2 GB 50 MB
  • SuSE SLES version 11. Sterling Connect:Direct® for UNIX V, iFix022 and later requires service pack 2 or greater
  • SuSE SLES version 12 (Sterling Connect:Direct® for UNIX V4.2.0.2 or later)
  • Beginning with, SuSE SLES version 15
2 GB 50 MB
  Linux® zSeries
  • Any point release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (Prior to v4.2.0.4, iFix022). Not supported after V4.2.0.4, iFix022
  • Any point release of RHEL 6 (Prior to V4.2.0.4, iFix022)
  • RHEL 6.4 or greater (for V4.2.0.4, iFix022 and later)
  • Any point release of RHEL 7 (for V4.2.0.3 or later)
  • Beginning from any point release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8.x
Note: Not supported with FASP.
2 GB 50 MB
  • SuSE SLES version 11. V, iFix022 and later requires service pack 2 or greater
  • SuSE SLES version 12 (Sterling Connect:Direct® for UNIX V4.2.0.2 and higher)
  • Beginning with, SuSE SLES version 15
Note: Not supported with FASP.
2 GB 50 MB
Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent Same as requirements for Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX Same as requirements for Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX

Java™ Standard Edition 6, installed with Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent

Note: On Linux zSeries, the JRE is not bundled with Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent. You must obtain and install Java Standard Edition 7 before you install Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent.
2 GB 275 MB
Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus Same as requirements for Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX. Same as requirements for Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus.

Java Standard Edition 7, installed with Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus.

2 GB 70 MB
High-Availability support HP PA-RISC HP MC/Service Guard    
IBM System pSeries, POWER7 or greater processor required IBM HACMP    
Sun SPARC system SunCluster 2.2, 3.0 or 3.2    
SNA connectivity IBM System pSeries, POWER7 or greater processor required Install and configure Communications Server for AIX® V6.    
  HP PA-RISC For HP-UX 11i, you must install and configure both of the following
  • SNAplus2 Link version R7
  • SNAplus2API version R7
  Sun SPARC systems Install and configure SNAP-IX Gateware software DATA Connection Limited    

Virtualization support

IBM cannot maintain all possible combinations of virtualized platforms. However, IBM generally supports all enterprise class virtualization mechanisms, such as VMware ESX, VMware ESXi, VMware vSphere, Citrix Xen Hypervisor, KVM (Kernel-based virtual machine), and Microsoft Hyper-V Server.

IBM investigates and troubleshoots a problem until it is determined that the problem is due to virtualization. The following guidelines apply:
  • If a specific issue is happening because the system is virtualized and the problem cannot be reproduced on the non-virtualized environment, you can demonstrate the issue in a live meeting session. IBM can also require that further troubleshooting is done jointly on your test environment, as there is not all types and versions of VM software installed in-house.
  • If the issue is not able to be reproduced in-house on a non-virtualized environment, and troubleshooting together on your environment indicates that the issue is with the VM software itself, you can open a support ticket with the VM software provider. IBM is happy to meet with the provider and you to share any information, which would help the provider further troubleshoot the issue on your behalf.
  • If you chose to use virtualization, you must balance the virtualization benefits against its performance impacts. IBM does not provide advice that regards configuring, administering, or tuning virtualization platforms.