Sterling B2B Integrator V5.2.0 - 5.2.5.x System Requirements

System requirements for IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator V5.2.0 - 5.2.5.x vary with your business needs and system environment. Contact your Sterling B2B Integrator sales representative to help you evaluate performance and system usage requirements.

Contributing factors include (but are not limited to) the following:
  • Number of transactions processed.
  • Amount of data being transferred.
  • Whether you run Sterling B2B Integrator with or without perimeter servers.
  • Whether your environment is clustered (multiple node) or non-clustered (single node).
The following sections list the platforms and databases that are supported by Sterling B2B Integrator:
  • Platforms
  • Databases
The following sections list minimum system requirements, and other information, needed to install and run Sterling B2B Integrator on particular platforms:
  • IPv6 Capabilities
  • UNIX/Linux Requirements
  • Windows Requirements
  • iSeries Requirements
The following sections list additional information that is needed to install and run Sterling B2B Integrator:
  • JCE Requirements (All Platforms)
  • JDBC Driver Requirements (All Databases)
  • Perimeter Server Requirements (UNIX/Linux and Windows)
  • Internet Browser and Plugin Requirements (All Platforms)
  • Map Editor and Graphical Process Modeler System Requirements
  • Supported Third Party Software
Note: Sterling B2B Integrator supports ActiveMQ version 5.0 and ActiveMQ version 5.2 for JMS (Java Message Service).

Minimum and Supported Versions

Where supported version information is supplied, the initial version shown is the minimum version required. It is the version used for product testing. However, all higher versions within the parameters shown are supported.

For example, the statement "IBM JDK 1.6.0 SR8 FP1 or higher within version 1.6.0 SRxx FPxx" means version 1.6.0 SR8 FP1 is the minimum IBM JDK version supported, and is the tested version. Version 1.6.0 SR10 FP1 would also be supported. However, version 1.7.0 SR4 FP1 would not be supported because it is not within version 1.6.0 SRxx FPxx.