HMC Manual Reference Pages  - CHCODPOOL (1)


chcodpool - change a CoD Power enterprise pool


Exit Status
See Also


To update a Power enterprise pool:
chcodpool -o update {-p pool-name | --id pool-ID}
[-f file] [-a "attributes"] [-v] [--help]

To add or remove Mobile CoD resources to or from a system in a Power enterprise pool:
chcodpool -o {add | remove} {-p pool-name | --id pool-ID}
-m managed-system -r {mem | proc} -q quantity
[--force] [--help]

To add, remove, or reauthenticate a managing Hardware Management Console (HMC):
chcodpool -o {add | remove | auth} {-p pool-name | --id pool-ID}
--mc IP-address [-u user-ID [--passwd password]]
[--force] [--forcenoconn] [--help]

To change the master HMC for a Power enterprise pool:
chcodpool -o setmaster {-p pool-name | --id pool-ID}
--mc {this | IP-address} [--force] [--help]
To recover a Power enterprise pool after a clean install of the master HMC:
chcodpool -o recover -p pool-name -f file [-a "attributes"]
[-v] [--help]

To synchronize Power enterprise pool information:
chcodpool -o sync {-p pool-name | --id pool-ID} [--help]


chcodpool performs Capacity on Demand (CoD) Power enterprise pool operations.


-o The operation to perform. Valid values are update to update a Power enterprise pool, add to add Mobile CoD resources to a system in a pool or to add a managing HMC to a pool, remove to remove Mobile CoD resources from a system in a pool or to remove a managing HMC from a pool, auth to reauthenticate a managing HMC in a pool, setmaster to change the master HMC for a pool, recover to recover a pool after a clean install of the master HMC for the pool, and sync to synchronize the pool information between the master HMC for a pool, the managing HMCs in the pool, and the systems in the pool.
-p The name of the Power enterprise pool for which to perform the operation.

Except when recovering a pool, you can either use this option to specify the name of the pool, or use the --id option to specify the pool’s ID. The --id option must be used if there are multiple Power enterprise pools with the same name. The -p and the --id options are mutually exclusive.

When recovering a pool, you must use this option to specify a name for the pool being recovered.

--id The ID of the Power enterprise pool for which to perform the operation.

You can either use this option to specify the ID of the pool, or use the -p option to specify the pool’s name. The --id option must be used if there are multiple Power enterprise pools with the same name. The --id and the -p options are mutually exclusive.

-m The name of the managed system to which to add or remove Mobile CoD resources. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*sssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and sssssss is the serial number of the managed system. The tttt-mmm*sssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the same user-defined name.
-r The type of Mobile CoD resources to add or remove. Valid values are mem for Mobile CoD memory, and proc for Mobile CoD processors.
-q The number of Mobile CoD processors or the amount of Mobile CoD memory to add or remove. The number of processors must be a whole number. The amount of memory must be specified in megabytes and must be a multiple of gigabytes.
-f The name of the XML file that contains the Power enterprise pool configuration data. If file is not fully qualified, file must exist in the user’s home directory on the HMC.

If file exists on removable media, the media must be present in the removable media device and the device must be mounted with the mount command before this command is issued. The lsmediadev command can be used to display all of the removable media devices on the HMC.

This option must be specified when updating which systems are members of a Power enterprise pool, or when updating the amount of Mobile CoD resources in a pool. This option must also be specified when recovering a pool following the clean install of the master HMC for the pool.

-a The Power enterprise pool attributes to update or recover. The attribute data consists of attribute name/value pairs, which are in comma separated value (CSV) format.

The format of the attribute data is as follows:


Note that certain attributes accept a comma separated list of values, as follows:

"attribute-name=value,value,..." ,...

When a list of values is specified, the attribute name/value pair must be enclosed in double quotes. Depending on the shell being used, nested double quote characters may need to be preceded by an escape character, which is usually a ’#146; character.

Valid attribute names for updating a pool:

Valid attribute names for recovering a pool:
Comma separated list of managing HMCs for the pool,
with each managing HMC having the following format:


Both ’/’ characters must be present, but password may
be omitted. If password is omitted, you will be
prompted to enter the password.

Note: do not include the HMC which is running this
command in the list.

For example:
hmc1/user1/ prompts the user for user1’s password
then uses that password and the user ID user1 to log
into the HMC with host name hmc1 to add that HMC to
the pool.

--mc Specify the HMC host name or IP address. When setting a new master HMC for the Power enterprise pool, you can specify this to set the HMC running this command as the new master.

When setting a new master HMC for the pool, if the current master HMC for the pool is running you can run this command from any managing HMC and set any managing HMC in the pool as the new master. If the current master HMC for the pool is not running or not reachable, you must run this command on the HMC that you want to set as the new master and you must specify the --force option.

-u Specify the user ID to use to log into the managing HMC being added or reauthenticated.
--passwd Specify the password for user-ID. If this option is omitted, you will be prompted to enter the password.
--force Specify this option to force a Mobile CoD add or remove operation to occur for a system that is not currently reachable from the master HMC for the pool. If Mobile CoD resources are removed from a system that is not currently reachable from the master HMC, those resources will be considered unreturned until the system can be reached from the master HMC again. A grace period compliance timer will be started for that system as soon as the resources are removed. To add Mobile CoD resources to a system that is not currently reachable from the master HMC for the pool, the system must have unreturned Mobile CoD resources, and you cannot add more Mobile CoD resources to the system than are unreturned on that system.

When setting a new master HMC for a pool, you must specify this option to force the HMC to set itself as the new master HMC for a pool when the current master HMC for the pool is not running or not reachable.

When removing a managing HMC from the pool, you must specify this option if the HMC you want to remove is the only HMC managing one or more systems in the pool.

--forcenoconn Specify this option to remove a managing HMC from a pool when the master HMC for the pool is not able to reach the managing HMC. After the HMC is removed from the pool, the pool data will remain on the managing HMC but will no longer be updated. To remove the pool data from the managing HMC, you must perform a clean install of the HMC.
-v Specify this option to enable verbose mode. When verbose mode is enabled, warning messages and informational messages are displayed for successful update pool and recover pool operations. Warning messages and informational messages are displayed for update pool and recover pool operations that partially succeed or fail, regardless of whether this option is specified.
--help Display the help text for this command and exit.


This command has the following return codes:
0 Success
100 Partial success

This value is returned when at least one portion of an update pool or recover pool operation succeeded, and at least one failed.

Any other value means the command failed.


Update the pool configuration for Power enterprise pool myPool and change the pool’s name to pool1 (the configuration file pool1032.xml is in the user’s home directory on the HMC):

chcodpool -o update -p myPool -f pool1032.xml -a "new_name=pool1" -v

Add 2 Mobile CoD processors to sys4 in Power enterprise pool myPool:

chcodpool -o add -m sys4 -p myPool -r proc -q 2

Remove 4 GB of Mobile CoD memory from sys4 in Power enterprise pool myPool:

chcodpool -o remove -m sys4 -p myPool -r mem -q 4096

Add the HMC with host name hmc1 to the Power enterprise pool myPool (you will be prompted for the password):

chcodpool -o add --mc hmc1 -u user1 -p myPool

Remove the HMC with IP address from the Power enterprise pool with ID 0235:

chcodpool -o remove --mc --id 0235

Set the HMC with host name as the new master HMC for Power enterprise pool pool3:

chcodpool -o setmaster --mc -p pool3

Set this HMC as the new master HMC for the Power enterprise pool with ID 1234 when the current master HMC is not reachable:

chcodpool -o setmaster --mc this --id 1234 --force

Recover the Power enterprise pool pool1 using the configuration file pool0195.xml file on a USB flash memory device (the USB flash memory device must already be connected to the HMC). The managing HMCs for the pool are hmc1 and hmc2 (you will be prompted to enter the password for each HMC):

lsmediadev (to obtain mount points)

mount /media/sdb1

chcodpool -o recover -p pool1 -f /media/sdb1/pool0195.xml -v
-a ""mcs=hmc1/myuserID/,hmc2/myuserID/""

Synchronize the Power enterprise pool information for the pool myPool:

chcodpool -o sync -p myPool






IBM Austin


lscodpool, mkcodpool, lsmediadev

Linux CHCODPOOL (1) "May 2016"
Generated by manServer 1.07 from chcodpool.1 using man macros.