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Using System Management Services (SMS)

Provides information for using the System Management Services.

Use the system management services menus to view information about your system or partition, and to perform tasks such as setting a password, changing the boot list, and setting the network parameters.

  1. If the firmware console is a graphics terminal, you will be asked to enter the password for the service processor's admin user that was set using the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI).
  2. On some of the system management services (or service processor) screens, you will see the term LPAR. LPAR is equivalent to the term logically partitioned server or partitioned server.
  3. In a partitioned server, only those devices that are assigned to the partition that is being booted display in the SMS menus. In a partition that uses all the resources in a server, all devices in the system display in the SMS menus.
  4. In some of the following example screens, Un is used in place of Ufeature_code.model.serial number for legibility.
To start the system management services, do the following:
  1. For a server that is connected to an HMC, use the HMC to restart the server or partition.

    If the server is not connected to an HMC, stop the system, and then restart the server by pressing the power button on the control panel.

  2. For a partitioned server, watch the virtual terminal window on the HMC.

    For a full server partition, watch the firmware console.

  3. Look for the POST indicators memory, keyboard, network, scsi, speaker, which appear across the bottom of the screen. Press the numeric 1 key after the word keyboard appears, and before the word speaker appears.
After the system management services starts, the following screen displays:
Main Menu

 1   Select Language
 2   Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load)
 3   Change SCSI Settings
 4   Select Console
 5   Select Boot Options

Navigation keys:

                                             X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _  
Note: The system management services can also be started using the Service Processor Boot Mode Menu.

On all menus except the Main Menu, there are several navigation keys:

Return to the main menu.
Return to the previous menu.
Exit the system management services and start the operating system.

If X is entered, you are asked to confirm your choice to exit the SMS menus and start the operating system.

When there is more than one page of information to display, there are two additional navigation keys:

Display the next page of the list.
Display the previous page of the list.
Note: The lowercase navigation key has the same effect as the uppercase key that is shown on the screen. For example, m or M returns you to the main menu.

On each menu screen, you are given the option of choosing a menu item and pressing Enter (if applicable), or selecting a navigation key.

Select language

Note: Your TTY must support the ISO-8859 character set to properly display languages other than English.

This option allows you to change the language used by the text-based System Management Services menus.


  1.  English
  2.  Francais
  3.  Deutsch
  4.  Italiano
  5.  Espanol

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

Setup remote IPL (Initial Program Load)

This option allows you to enable and set up the remote startup capability of your server or partition. A list of NIC (network interface card) adapters in the server displays first. An example of this screen follows:

Attention: In a partitioned server, only those network adapters that have been assigned to the partition being booted display in the IP Parameters menu. In a full system partition, all network adapters in the system are listed in the adapter parameters menu.
NIC Adapters
		       Device                       Slot                  Hardware Address
1.    Port 1 - 2 PORT Gigabit Et       Un-P1-T9                  00096bff616b
2.    Port 2 - 2 PORT Gigabit Et       Un-P1-T10                 00096bff616a
3.    10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X        Un-CB1-C03-T1             000295e3814f

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

When an adapter is selected, the Network Parameters menu displays:

Network Parameters
Port 1 - 2 PORT Gigabit Et    Un-P1-T9     00096bff616b
 1. IP Parameters
 2. Adapter Parameters
 3. Ping Test

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

Selecting the IP (Internet Protocol) parameters option displays the following menu:

IP Parameters
Port 1 - 2 PORT Gigabit Et    Un-P1-T9     00096bff616b
 1. Client IP Address    []
 2. Server IP Address    []
 3. Gateway IP Address   []
 4. Subnet Mask          []

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

To change IP parameters, type the number of the parameters for which you want to change the value. Entering IP parameters on this screen will automatically update the parameters on the ping test screen.

Attention: If the client system and the server are on the same subnet, set the gateway IP address to [].

Selecting Adapter Configuration allows the setting of the network speed, enabling or disabling spanning tree, and setting the protocol as shown in the following example menu:

Adapter Configuration
Port 1 - 2 PORT Gigabit Et    Un-P1-T9     00096bff616b
1.  Speed, Duplex
2.  Spanning Tree Enabled
3.  Protocol

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

Selecting the Speed, Duplex option allows you to set the interface speed at which the card will run and half versus full duplex. The current setting is indicated by "<===".

Adapter Configuration
Port 1 - 2 PORT Gigabit Et    Un-P1-T9     00096bff616b

1.  auto, auto
2.  10,half
3.  10,full
4.  100,half
5.  100,full

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

Selecting the Spanning Tree Enabled menu allows you to enable or disable the spanning tree flag. If this flag is enabled (because the network the system is being attached to supports spanning trees), the firmware will impose a waiting period of 60 seconds before the adapter is allowed to communicate with the network. If this flag is disabled, the network adapter will be able to access the network immediately after the system is connected.

The Protocol option allows you to set the appropriate protocol for your network as shown below.

Port 1 - 2 PORT Gigabit Et    Un-P1-T9     00096bff616b

 1. Standard  <===
 2. IEEE802.3

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

Select the ping test option from the network parameters menu to test an adapter's network connection to a remote system. After the ping test option is selected, the same series of screens will take you through setting up the IP parameters and the adapter configuration before attempting the ping test.

  1. Once the ping test is initiated, it may take 60 seconds or longer to return a result.
  2. If the ping test passes or fails, the firmware will stop and wait for a key to be pressed before continuing.

Change SCSI settings

This option allows you to view and change the addresses of the SCSI controllers attached to your system.

SCSI Utilities

  1. Hardware Spin Up Delay
  2. Change SCSI Id

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

Select console

The Select Console utility allows the user to select which console to use to display the SMS menus. This selection is only for the SMS menus and does not affect the display used by the operating system.

Follow the instructions that display on the screen. The firmware automatically returns to the SMS main menu.

Select boot options

Use this menu to view and set various options regarding the installation devices and boot devices.

  1. Select Install or Boot a Device
  2. Select Boot Devices
  3. Multiboot Startup

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   
Select Install or Boot Device
Allows you to select a device from which to boot or install the operating system. This option is for the current boot only.
Select Boot Devices
Allows you to set the boot list.
Multiboot Startup
Toggles the multiboot startup flag, which controls whether the multiboot menu is invoked automatically on startup.

If Select Install or Boot Device is selected, the following menu displays:

  Select Device Type
 1.  Diskette
 2.  Tape
 3.  CD/DVD
 4.  IDE
 5.  Hard Drive
 6.  Network
 7.  None
 8.  List All Devices

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

If a device is selected that is not in the system, a menu with the following message displays:

         | Press any key to continue.                              |

If Hard Drive is selected, a menu similar to the following displays:

  Select Hard Drive Type
 1.  SCSI
 2.  SSA
 3.  SAN
 4.  None
 5.  List All Devices

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

If SCSI is selected, for example, all of the SCSI adapters that are in the system, or assigned to the partition, are shown on the next screen. Depending on the devices that are installed in your system, a menu similar to the following displays:

Version SF220_014
SMS 1.5 (c)  Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 All rights reserved.

Select Media Adapter
1.  Un-P1-T14 /pci@80000002000000d/pci@2/pci1069,b166@1/scsi@0
2.  Un-P1-T12 /pci@80000002000000f/pci@2,2/pci1069,b166@1/scsi@0
3.  Un-P1-T13 /pci@80000002000000f/pci@2,2/pci1069,b166@1/scsi@1
4.  List all devices

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

When an adapter is selected, the next screen displays the devices of the requested type that are attached to that adapter. In the following example, all of the SCSI hardfiles that are attached to the first adapter are listed:

Version SF220_014
SMS 1.5 (c)  Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 All rights reserved.
Select    Device
Device    Current    Device 
Number    Position   Name

1           1       SCSI 73407 MB Harddisk Un-P1-T14 /pci@80000002000000d/pci@2/

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

The appropriate device can then be selected for this installation or boot.

When a device is selected for installing the operating system, or to boot from, the Select Task menu allows you to get more information about the device, or to boot from that device in normal mode or service mode. The following is an example of this menu.

Select Task
SCSI 73407 MB Harddisk Un-P1-T14 /pci@80000002000000d/pci@2/pci1069,b166@1/scsi@0

1.  Information
2.  Normal Mode Boot
3.  Service Mode Boot

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen           X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _    

If either Normal Mode Boot or Service Mode Boot is selected, the next screen will ask, Are you sure? If you answer yes, the device will be booted in the appropriate mode. If you answer no, the firmware will return to the Select Task menu.

Select boot devices

Attention: In a partitioned system, only those devices from which an operating system can be booted that are assigned to the partition that is being booted display on the select boot devices menu. In a full system partition, devices from which an operating system can be booted display on the Select Boot Devices menu.
Note: To keep the search time for bootable devices down, these menus follow a hierarchy of:
device type -> bus type -> adapter -> devices attached to the adapter

To view all of the potentially bootable devices at one time rather than traversing down the hierarchy with the submenus, go to the "Select Device Type" menu or the "Select Media Type" menu and select the last option, "List All Devices".

The "List All Devices" function may take a long time on a large system with many I/O adapters and devices, such as large disk arrays.

Select this option to view and change the customized boot list, which is the sequence of devices read at startup.

 Configure Boot Device Order
 1.  Select 1st Boot Device
 2.  Select 2nd Boot Device
 3.  Select 3rd Boot Device
 4.  Select 4th Boot Device
 5.  Select 5th Boot Device
 6.  Display Current Setting
 7.  Restore Default Setting

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

When any of the options 1-5 is selected, the Select Device Type screen will be displayed, which is similar to the following:

 Select Device Type
 1.  Diskette
 2.  Tape
 3.  CD/DVD
 4.  IDE
 5.  Hard Drive
 6.  Network
 7.  None
 8.  List All Devices

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

When a device type is selected, such as item 5, a Select Media Type menu is displayed. The following is an example of that menu.

 Select Media Type
 1.  SCSI
 2.  SSA
 3.  SAN
 4.  IDE
 5.  ISA
 7.  None
 8.  List All Devices

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

When the media type is selected, all adapters of that type are displayed on the Select Media Adapter menu. The following is an example of that menu for a SCSI media type.

Version SF220_014
SMS 1.5 (c)  Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 All rights reserved.

Select Media Adapter
1.  Un-P1-T14 /pci@80000002000000d/pci@2/pci1069,b166@1/scsi@0
2.  Un-P1-T12 /pci@80000002000000f/pci@2,2/pci1069,b166@1/scsi@0
3.  Un-P1-T13 /pci@80000002000000f/pci@2,2/pci1069,b166@1/scsi@1
4.  List all devices

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

Each adapter must then be selected individually to see the devices that are attached to it. An example of this menu for the first adapter in the previous example is as follows:

Version SF220_014
SMS 1.5 (c)  Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 All rights reserved.
Select    Device
Device    Current    Device 
Number    Position   Name

1           1       SCSI 73407 MB Harddisk Un-P1-T14 /pci@80000002000000d/pci@2/

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen          X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _   

If there are no devices of the type chosen earlier (on the Select Device Type menu) attached to the adapter that is specified, a message similar to the following displays:

|   Press any key to continue.                                                 |

When a device type is selected, the Select Task menu allows you to see detailed information about the device or set the device's location in the boot list as shown below in the example menu. The following is an example of the menu for a hard disk.

 Select Task

SCSI 73407 MB Harddisk Un-P1-T14 /pci@80000002000000d/pci@2/pci1069,b166@1/scsi@0
 1.  Information
 2.  Set Boot Sequence: Configure as 1st Boot Device

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen           X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _    

Selecting Information displays a menu similar to the following for a hard disk.

 Device Information
                   :  (Bootable)
DEVICE             : SCSI 73407 MB Harddisk Un-P1-T14 /pci@80000002000000d/pci@2/
NAME               : sd
DEVICE-TYPE        : block

Parent Information
NAME               : scsi
DEVICE-TYPE        : scsi-2

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen           X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _    

The Set Boot Sequence option allows you to set the location of the device in the boot list.

Display current settings

This option displays the current setting of the customized boot list. An example of this menu, with one device in the boot list, follows.

 Current Boot Sequence
1. SCSI 73407 MB Harddisk Un-P1-T14 /pci@80000002000000d/pci@2/pci1069,b166@1/scsi@0
2. None
3. None
4. None
5. None

Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen              X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _       

Restore default settings

This option restores the boot list to the default boot list. The default boot list will vary depending on the devices that are installed in the system.

The default boot list is as follows:
  1. Primary diskette drive (if installed)
  2. Optical drive (if installed)
  3. Tape drive (if installed)
  4. Hard disk drive (if installed)
  5. Network adapter

Multiboot startup

Multiboot Startup toggles the multiboot startup flag, which controls whether the multiboot menu is invoked automatically on startup.

Exiting system management services

After you have finished using the system management services, type x (for exit) to boot your system or partition.

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Last updated: Fri, Oct 30, 2009