Enabling data collection

Server resource utilization monitoring starts after you enable data collection and continues until you disable it. Server utilization data is stored on the Hardware Management Console (HMC).

The number of servers that can be monitored is determined by the HMC. You can view the number of managed servers that can be monitored by accessing the Performance and Capacity Monitor preferences REST API at the following uniform resource identifier: https://your_hmc_ip_address:12443/rest/api/pcm/preferences.

Follow these steps to enable data collection for one or more servers.

  1. Choose one of the following navigation options depending on the interface type of the Hardware Management Console (HMC):
    • If you are using an HMC Classic interface, complete the following steps:
      1. In the navigation pane, click HMC Management. The HMC Management page is displayed.
      2. In the Operations area, click Change Performance Monitor Settings. The Settings for Performance Monitoring window is displayed.
        Note: Alternatively, if you try to launch the Performance and Capacity Monitor function for a server on which data collection is disabled, a message is displayed in the Current Resource Utilization area of the Settings for Performance Monitoring page. To enable data collection for the server, set Collection to On.

      The HMC Classic interface is not supported in Hardware Management Console (HMC) Version 8.7.0, or later. The functions that were previously available in the HMC Classic interface are now available in the HMC Enhanced+ interface.

    • If you are using an HMC Enhanced+ interface, or if the HMC is at version 8.7.0, or later, complete the following steps:
      1. In the navigation pane, click the HMC Management icon .
      2. Click Console Settings. The Console Settings page is displayed.
      3. In the Performance Settings area, click Change Performance Monitor Settings.
        Note: Alternatively, if you try to launch the Performance and Capacity Monitor function for a server on which data collection is disabled, a message is displayed in the Current Resource Utilization area of the Settings for Performance Monitoring page. To enable data collection for the server, set Collection to On.
  2. Specify the number of days for which you want to store performance data by typing in a number in the range 1 - 366. Otherwise, click the up or down arrows next to Number of days to store performance data under Performance Data Storage.
    Note: By default, the HMC is set to store data for 180 days. The maximum number of days for which it can store data is 366.
  3. Click the toggle switch in the Collection column, next to the name of the server, for which you want to collect data. Otherwise, click All On to enable data collection for all of the servers that the HMC manages.
    Note: If you request to monitor a number of managed servers that exceed the maximum number of managed servers that can be monitored by the HMC, the HMC displays an error.
  4. Click OK to apply the changes and close the window. The HMC Management topic pane is displayed in the main window. You can now review the collected data by accessing the Performance and Capacity Monitor home page.

Last updated: Wed, February 21, 2018