Certificate expiration dates and error messages

Learn how to check the expiration dates of Remote Key Management (RKM) server certificates and key client certificates. Also, learn to recognize the error messages that report that an RKM server certificate or a key client certificate expired.

Checking the expiration dates of RKM server and key client certificates

  • If you are using the simplified setup method in IBM Spectrum Scale 5.0.3 or later, follow these steps for the RKM server certificate and the key client certificate:
    RKM server certificate
    Issue the following command:
    mmkeyserv server show ServerName
    where ServerName is the host name or IP address that you specified for the server in the mmkeyserv server add command. In the following example, the server name is hs21n62. The expiration date of the server is displayed in the line that begins KMIP Certificate Expiration:
    # mmkeyserv server show hs21n62
    Type:                         ISKLM
    User ID:                      SKLMAdmin
    REST port:                    9443
    Label:                        2_hs21n62
    NIST:                         on
    FIPS1402:                     on
    Backup Key Servers:
    Distribute:                   yes
    Retrieval Timeout:            60
    Retrieval Retry:              3
    Retrieval Interval:           10000
    REST Certificate Expiration:  2035-02-01 21:35:02 (-0500)
    KMIP Certificate Expiration:  2028-04-24 22:51:31 (-0400)
    Key client certificate
    Issue the following command:
    mmkeyserv client show ClientName
    where ClientName is the name that you specified for the client in the mmkeyserv client create command. In the following example, the client name is sklm4Client. The expiration date of the client is displayed in the line that begins Certificate Expiration:
    # mmkeyserv client show sklm4Client
    Label:                   sklm4Client
    Key Server:              hs21n62.gpfs.net
    Tenants:                 Newsklm4Tenant,sklm4Tenant
    Certificate Expiration:  2023-03-27 10:45:10 (-0400)
  • If you are using the regular setup method, follow these steps for the RKM server certificate and the key client certificate:

    RKM server certificate
    If the RKM server is running with a self-signed certificate, follow these steps:
    1. Issue the mmsklmconfig restcert command to retrieve the server certificate. For more information, see Renewing expired client certificates.
    2. Issue the mmgskkm print command to display the contents of the server certificate. For more information, see Renewing expired client certificates.
    3. In the mmgskkm print command output, find the expiration date for the server certificate. In the following example, the expiration date is on the final line, which begins "Valid until":
      # mmsklmconfig restcert --host hs21n62 --port 5696 --prefix sklmCert --keystore sklm4Client.p12 --keypass keystorePass
      # ls -ltr sklmCert0.cert
      -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1017 Jul 27 00:55 sklmCert0.cert
      # mmgskkm print --cert  sklmCert0.cert
      Serial number:          2f2409efce9447
      SHA-256 digest:         0c9fabf65ab3bea6259af4829cf4027db1395d46a71d49631af7c2a3454ff20d
      Signature algorithm:    SHA256WithRSASignature
      Key size:               2048
      Issuer:                 CN=crypt
      Subject:                CN=crypt
      Valid from:             Feb 06 21:51:31 2020 EST (-0500)
      Valid until:            Apr 24 22:51:31 2028 EDT (-0400)
    If the RKM server is running with a certificate chain from a CA, follow these steps:
    1. Manually copy the files of the certificate chain from the server to a location that is accessible to the key client.
      Note: If you have not already done so, save the files of the certificate chain to a secure location. Include the root certificate file, any intermediate certificate files, and the endpoint certificate file. Now, when a client certificate expires, you will not need to download the certificate chain from the server again. You can add your local copy of the files in the server certificate chain to the new client keystore. For more information, see Renewing expired client certificates.
    2. For each certificate in the chain, do the following actions:
      1. Issue the mmgskkm print command to display the contents of the certificate. The following example displays the first certificate of a chain:
        mmgskkm print --cert sklmChain0.cert
      2. In the mmgskkm print command output, find the expiration date for the server certificate. In the following example, the expiration date is on the final line, which begins "Valid until":
        # mmsklmconfig restcert --host hs21n62 --port 5696 --prefix sklmCert --keystore sklm4Client.p12 --keypass keystorePass
        # ls -ltr sklmCert0.cert
        -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1017 Jul 27 00:55 sklmCert0.cert
        # mmgskkm print --cert  sklmCert0.cert
        Serial number:          2f2409efce9447
        SHA-256 digest:         0c9fabf65ab3bea6259af4829cf4027db1395d46a71d49631af7c2a3454ff20d
        Signature algorithm:    SHA256WithRSASignature
        Key size:               2048
        Issuer:                 CN=crypt
        Subject:                CN=crypt
        Valid from:             Feb 06 21:51:31 2020 EST (-0500)
        Valid until:            Apr 24 22:51:31 2028 EDT (-0400)
    Key client certificate
    If the client certificate file is available, issue the mmgskkm print command to display the contents of the client certificate. In the following example, the expiration date is on the final line, which begins "Valid until":
    # mmgskkm print --cert dsm64Client.cert
    Serial number:          3c4e5eae7b9785ec
    SHA-256 digest:         2f97b01a1ac82b05cbdc1ac9dfe925cdb03afbdd196d8e312068923c08ceaa36
    Signature algorithm:    SHA256WithRSASignature
    Key size:               2048
    Issuer:                 CN=dsm64Client
    Subject:                CN=dsm64Client
    Valid from:             Mar 08 18:08:15 2020 EDT (-0400)
    Valid until:            Mar 09 17:08:15 2021 EST (-0500)
    If the client certificate file is not available, issue the openssl command to extract the client certificate from the client keystore and show the expiration date. In the following example, the client keystore file is SKLM.p12:
    # openssl pkcs12 -in SKLM.p12 -nodes | openssl x509 -noout -enddate
    Enter Import Password:
    MAC verified OK
    notAfter=Jun 12 04:10:16 2028 GMT
    For more information, see OpenSSL.

Error message for an expired RKM server certificate

When the certificate of an RKM server expires, IBM Spectrum Scale can no longer retrieve master encryption keys (MEKs) from the server. The result is that attempts to create, open, read, or write encrypted files fail with an "Operation not permitted" error. Each time that an error occurs, IBM Spectrum Scale writes error messages like the following ones to the /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest log file:
[W] The key server sklm1 (port 5696) had a failure and will be 
    quarantined for 1 minute(s).
[E] Unable to create encrypted file testfile.enc (inode 21260, 
    fileset 0, file system gpfs1).
[E] Key 'KEY-uuid:sklm1' could not be fetched. Bad certificate.

Error message for an expired key client certificate

IBM Spectrum Scale checks the status of a key client certificate each time it loads a keystore. It loads a keystore whenever a file system is mounted, or a new policy is applied, or an RKM.conf configuration file is explicitly loaded with the tsloadikm run command.

When IBM Spectrum Scale detects an expired client certificate, it writes one or more of the following error messages. The messages are written to the /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest log file or to the console or to both, depending on the action that you took just before the problem occurred.
[E] Error while validating policy 'policy.enc': rc=778: 
While parsing file '/var/mmfs/etc/RKM.conf':
[E] Certificate with label 'GPFSlabel' for backend 'sklm2' has expired.